IS IT TRUE? March 31, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? March 31, 2011

IS IT TRUE that last night’s public meeting of the Evansville City Council and the Vanderburgh County Commissioners regarding the CONSOLIDATION PLAN was absolutely illuminating in the sense that it is abundantly clear that the plan as it is will go down to defeat at the ballot box?…that of the 40+ people who spoke that less than 10 spoke in support of even taking this thing to a vote?…that two of those supporters were from the Chamber of Commerce that has had its heels dug in for a long time to support consolidation and seems poised to support any consolidation plan proposed just for the purpose of consolidation without any regard for the content of the plan?…that this plan has enough defects in it to merit a very deep bit of surgery to get it into any kind of passable form?…that just because someone supports the theory of consolidation does not mean that an incomplete and unacceptable plan of consolidation should ever merit the support of an agency like the Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana?…that if changes and efficiencies are needed that the Chamber of Commerce should be calling for these changes to be incorporated into this proposed plan instead of rubber stamping something that is obviously destined for defeat?…that sometime leadership means saying NO! to plans that are not ready for prime time?

IS IT TRUE that it been exactly 211 days since Mayor Jonathan David Weinzapfel’s Press Secretary has sent the City County Observer a press release?…that Audra Levy was always cooperative, complied with all of her job requirements, and was a pleasure to deal with?…that we at the City County Observer are not the only ones who are aware of the fact that press releases from the Office of Mayor Weinzapfel seem to be distributed in a selective manner?…that the documents that are generated by elected officials and their staffs in carrying out the duties of office are NOT THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OF THE OFFICEHOLDER but belong to the people of the jurisdiction that elected such people?…that if you are elected to be Mayor, Governor, or even President that this applies to YOU?…

IS IT TRUE that City Centre Properties is the owner of record of the McCurdy Hotel?…that the McCurdy property is located at 100 SE Riverside Drive and is delinquent with respect to the November 2010 property tax payment in the amount of $9,792.31 and has been assessed a penalty of $979.24?…that City Centre Properties is currently delinquent on the property taxes for the McCurdy Hotel in the amount of $10,771.55?…that to bring this account current that City Centre Properties will have to bring a payment of $21,040.21 in by the next tax due date of May 10, 2011?…that if taxes are not brought current by May 10, 2012 that the McCurdy may just find its way onto the tax sale the following August?

IS IT TRUE that City Centre Properties and Scott Kosene the developers of the McCurdy project are both listed as contributors to the Weinzapfel for Mayor committee for 2010?…that Mayor Weinzapfel has announced that he will not be seeking his party’s nomination for Mayor in 2011?…that this developer chose to contribute to Mayor Weinzapfel’s fictional campaign at a time that it also made the conscious decision to not pay the property taxes on the McCurdy to the Vanderburgh County Treasurer?…that one’s priorities always tell you something about someone or some business?…that choosing cigarettes over food, liquor over tuition, or political contributions over taxes come from that self serving and misdirected part of some personalities?…that City Centre Properties chose to contribute to a campaign that Mayor Weinzapfel will never run and simultaneously chose to forego paying property taxes on the McCurdy Hotel?…that we really wonder what this means to the future development prospects of the McCurdy?


  1. Is it true that, when asked by a speaker for a show of hands, 90% of those in attendance at last nights overflow meeting on consolidation were opposed?

    Is it true that the Chamber of Horrors, err, Commerce’s position is that the present structure of government is a hinderance to business growth? Is it true that when a speaker asked all the city and county officials point blank what those hinderances were, it looked like a room full of deer in the headlights and no one uttered a word?

    Is it true that the League of Women Voters got 2,700 signatures on their petition drive to start this process? Is it true that Robert Heinman was quoted by the C&P as proclaiming that she could count on two hands the number of people who refused to sign? Is it true that it still took 90 days to get the required number of signatures? Is it true that that figures out to only an average of 30 people a day out of a population of 176,000? Is it true that all those politicians trying to push this down everyone’s throats should keep that in mind as that is hardly inidicative of huge public support?

  2. If this flawed plan is the best they can do, I’m calling out the Backers of this Power Consolidation,—as just a bunch of smug YO-YOs, who have underestimated the intellegence of the population.
    We will vote to keep the Checks and Balances we have in place.
    The Majority will be Voting NO to this “Vandy-Grab” fiasco.

  3. The people on the consolidation committee truly have their own agenda’s and are doing what they are told or what is best for them. They have no interest in doing what is best for this community. One of which is so young he is still wet behind the ears and has no clue that what he is told to do is wrong.
    As a firefighters wife I know IAFF local 357 cant get news media to report important articles. We believe they have to get Mayor Johny’s permission. We thank the CCO for always printing the facts and getting this info out.

  4. “We’re all Socialists now”, we should not we be surprised by how
    quickly a group like the Chamber can become effectively a department of
    government, should we?

    Is it true that the County will be be seized in consolidation faster than the feds seized NORFED’s (An Evansville business – Von NotHaus’s) stash of gold and silver?

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