IS IT TRUE that Safety Board member Steve Bagbey accused Police Chief Billy Bolin of attempting to fix a speeding ticket in Wednesday’s safety board meeting? …that in response, Chief Bolin posted the following message on his Facebook page: During the March 25th Safety Board Meeting, I was accused of “fixing” tickets in Newburgh, IN. I did not “fix” a ticket. I did contact a Newburgh Police Officer, whom I had met on prior occasions, about a car stop. I asked if the violation could be handled with a warning. The officer explained why the violation warranted a ticket instead of a warning and I agreed with his reasoning. The ticket was submitted to the courts for the driver to address.

IS IT TRUE that Mr. Bagbey criticism may have been warranted? …Chief Bolin has now acknowledged that attempting to intervene on behalf of a “friend” to have a ticket reduced from a citation to a warning was a decision “that I regret” and that he “completely understand where it would look inappropriate”?

IS IT TRUE that it would look even more inappropriate if the Chief’s friend is a person who describes himself as “a local Republican leader” who has close ties to Chief Bolin’s boss?

IS IT TRUE that IIT has previously reported that some people have felt that the Riecken for Mayor campaign was underperforming and was having trouble getting organized? …that we have learned that the campaign has recently hired an experienced and battle proven campaign director? …that in addition, the campaign has hired a seasoned Media Relations Director and a knowledgeable Policy Director? …that the Mayor’s campaign has been up and running for the last four years? …that from all indications, the 2015 race for Mayor is going to be one hell of a political dog fight? …that neither candidate can afford to take any votes for granted?

IS IT TRUE that as we reported on March 18th, that the Evansville Police Department has not adopted the use of Narcan to address Opiate Overdoses? …that Congregations Acting for Justice and Empowerment (CAJE) attempted to meet with Chief Bolin to discuss their vision that every squad car in Evansville be equipped with a Narcan Rescue kit? …that despite the Warrick and Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Departments use of the kits, Chief Bolin indicated that he had no intention of utilizing the kits prior to having the eleven member delegation from CAJE escorted out of his office?

IS IT TRUE that Chief Bolin has indicated that it would cost approximately $6000 every two years to equip every Evansville Police vehicle with Narcan? …that $6000 pales in comparison to the cost of losing one’s life or the life of a loved one? …that we have no doubt that donations solicited from groups or individuals would more than cover the costs?

IS IT TRUE that we reported in the March 24th IIT that Chief Bolin had 11 representatives from CAJE escorted from his office after refusing their requests to discuss their Narcan proposal? …that we mentioned how disappointed we were that Chief Bolin had insulted the members of CAJE and we predicted that this cavalier approach would cost Mayor Winnecke votes in his upcoming election? …that we urged the Mayor to force Chief Bolin to sit down with the members of CAJE to discuss this potentially lifesaving project? …that last night it was reported that both sides will sit down tomorrow to discuss the proposal?

IS IT TRUE that a Sheriff’s deputy in Warrick County has already saved a life using Narcan? …that we predict that every Evansville Police car will be equipped with a Narcan Rescue kit by the time that the mayoral election comes around this fall?


  1. The regurgitated Narcan Rescue Kit issue reminds me of those political leaning AM radio talk show stations.
    Having read the posts a few day’s back on this subject, I had changed my thought on this. Sheriff’s with their outlying areas where there is some time lost for paramedics to be dispatched to these area’s would benefit with this kit. The area covered by the city police is also covered by paramedics with a very narrow response time which would make these kits redundant for the law enforcement side. I think the police chief is right about refusing the kits, but his refusal presentation was not professional!

    As far as the ticket fix, everyone above us peasants look out for each other so their kind do not appear fallow
    in the public eye. We do the time, while those others are patted on the back for the same crime!

    • Maybe the Chief was blindsided by the crew that requested the meeting and they pulled a bait and switch on him. What Bagbey did at the meeting was pure politics and the CCO knows it. Bagbey was unable to produce for the towing company of his choice and Chief Bolin being in a position to know which towing company provided the best service won. Was the deal that Bagbey received on a 2006 Ford truck for $100.00 mentioned? Bagbey is doing what he does best muddying the water before an election.

    • Perhaps what the chief is most guilty of is ignorance, particularly when it comes to having an open Facebook page in his position.
      Secondly, perhaps for trying to fix a ticket thru a department ran by the son of a former detective buddy of Mr. Bagbeys!

      • I think the Chief will become more political savvy in the future. He needs to determine if a person is a D or R and take appropriate actions. A person needs to be extremely guarded when in the presence of a liberal. I think the chief handled himself well with Bagbey. It appears the rest of the board members were somewhat shocked and dismayed at Bagbeys uncalled for emotional outburst. They had a look of, where did that come from. Probably easily explained by low sugar or missed medication. Bagbey needs to man up and apologize to the Chief.

        • Pov, Why does Bagby or anyone serve on that board if they work, or used to work for a company bidding ? There are a lot of people who could serve on that board.

        • See, bootlicking comment. You are a world class hypocrite. You KNOW that if a Democrat chief weaseled a democrat crony out of a ticket you’d be the first person in line to bitch about it.

    • Arm, Agree with you on the Narcan. someone needs to explain to the Editor an others on here the differences in area covered by the City police and Sheriff’s Dept. Yours was good but it might take 50 or 60 people saying the same thing.

      • A number of folks in the know attempted to explain such things a few days ago when the first “OMG!!!! EPD WON’T CARRY NARCAN!!!!!! DOOOOOOOOMZZZ BEFALLS ALL OF US!!” Is It True came out. Mostly to no avail. Facts are inconvenient things for those pushing an agenda. Nobody with an agenda against EPD wants to hear that LEO’s carrying Narcan is an expensive redundancy within the city limits, and places an inordinate training and liability burden on EPD for essentially no benefit as far as public safety.

        Opiate OD’s kill people due to respiratory arrest which leads to cardiac arrest. In the rare instance that LE shows up on a medical scene before dedicated EMS responders, rescue breathing (which all EPD officers are trained in) will suffice as a lifesaving measure until EFD/AMR get there to utilize supplemental O2, advanced airways, and introduction of NARCAN into the equation.

        BTW, anybody who is on the “RAWWRRRRRWRRRRR! NARCAN!!!!!!!!” bandwagon ever actually seen it administered? I have. There is a reason it is done so in a controlled environment…

  2. Yes …Bolin tried unsuccessfully to fix a ticket. Yes the chief is at the center of much, much more …questionable and downright embarrassing Police policy. His refusal to consider the Narcan rescue kit is indicative of a backward thinking, …ignorant hillbilly, …whose attitude concerning drug laws and harm prevention are out of touch with the times. If Winnecke is to make a realistic run at another term as Mayor
    …he will demand a resignation from Billy and appoint someone with broadly accepted credibility and more progressive ideals. …

    WFIE is reporting that Gail Reicken was the only representative to vote against the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, …which in my opinion sets her above the rest. Love her/hate her, she has the courage to act on her convictions. (I believe she voted correctly)

    • No police Chief has ever been as scrutinized and picked about like Chief Bolin, may well be the best EPD Chief ever. As for Gail, who knows her motives, but local Christians need to take a long hard look at her. She is part of the liberal movement that believes it’s ok to bully Christians because they are so good hearted and not prone to revenge. A vote for Winnecke is a vote against bullies.

      • POV you twist things around way too much. I would say that you are wrong and I’d be right. No one is persecuting Christians except the ISIS people. But your GOP Governor is wanting to allow businesses to pursecute and discriminate against minorities and gays. Even the guy from Star Wars is calling on a boycott of Indiana due to these new law. BTW the GOP has a habit of using false and misleading labels (names) to hide the true facts about their legislation. And to claim that the church folks are being discriminated again is about as low as one can go. That Is so far from the truth that it’s pathetic. Gail is more Christan acting that you and that’s easy to see from what you just said. You practice hate and lies. No one is bullying Christians. That’s the biggest “FLOP” I’ve seen in a long time. And I’m watching the NCAA tournament where there are plenty of flops and great acting on the court. A vote for Gail is a vote for truth and Justice. I’d voted for Gail and I’d do it again if she ran for a State Office where I could vote.

        • You claim that the GOP labels things to hide their agenda. Tell why this bill was ok when the Federal Government passed same bill and qas signed by Bill Clinton.

          • Mike. I’m not sure what bill you are referring too. Could you get the facts and come back and tell us what you are talking about? Seriously. And I stand by my claim about the GOP. I’ve seen them doing this repeatedly. The “Right to Work” law is a prime example of this. People already had a right to work. All Right to work legislation did was make it harder for Unions to stay in business. And anyone in their right mind knows that without the past unions we would all be slaved to big business just like in the South Pre Civil War. We can thank the work of the Labor Unions in the past for the 40 hour work week, weekends off and over time pay. Plus vacation pay and sick day pay. Most all the regular folks would be working 7 days a week and 18 hours a day for peanuts if it were not for the unions.

        • Move, If this law is basically the same as the federal law that has been on the books over 20 years what is the carping about ? Is it because Repub’s passed it ?

          • It’s not the same. That’s why it’s a discussion issue. And which congress/administration passed the current Federal Laws regarding this subject? The GOP or the Dems or was it a bipartisan piece of legislation. Do you know?

            A good lawyer said never ask a witness a question that you don’t already know the answer to. Are you a lawyer Cowboy. Oh, I’m sorry, your are still working a the lame newspaper and going around asking people to buy a subscription to the newspaper before it fails and you lose your job.

          • Move, I believe the Fed. law was passed in 93. Why the carping or what is the difference in the laws ? Ready to answer yet ? If you can’t please have one of your handlers respond.

          • Hey Cowboy. I don’t need nor have handlers like YOU. Sorry to bust your bubble. Better luck next time around. 🙂
            When you are ready to cite proper reference then you might hear back from me again. Until then don’t hold your breath.

          • Move, i don’t know what you are asking for. If you will tell me i will try to get it. Also i will go real slow. What is the difference in the fed law about religious discrimination and the one just passed in Indiana ?

      • You have to be kidding, just look at 3 yrs of mistakes on the part of Chief Bolin. Lawsuits for mistakes cost the taxpayers money. He is best as a promoter and a future wanna. Be elected something ( me thinks maybe sheriff), doesn’t follow the standards of procedures that are part of accrediation.

        Sorry u are wrong.

    • Bubba. I disagree. When Rieken stated the law would allow individuals to ignore any law they choose just because it conflicts with their religious beliefs, she lost all credibility.
      If she feels that strongly, she should have formed another boycott just as she she did for the unions.

      • actually Gail gained credibility with all the non homophobes. Only the homophobes think she lost any credibility. So are you a homophobe? commonsense

    • “His refusal to consider the Narcan rescue kit is indicative of a backward thinking, …ignorant hillbilly, …whose attitude concerning drug laws and harm prevention are out of touch with the times. ”

      Chief Bolin, along with others (including professional medical first responders), DID consider the use of the rescue kit, and decided (at least as of the time I type this) that is was not value-added within the City limits.

      You may disagree (based on your expertise in emergency medical response?) with the decision he made, but to say he refused to consider it is inaccurate.

      • DB
        If the chief had considered the Narcan Rescue Kit at a previous time, …and made a considered decision, …that does indeed change the context of the reported dismissal of CAJE representatives.
        No mention of previous considerations was storied and led this reader to a different point of view. Further: …how did it come to pass that the ill-fated meeting (destined for failure) came to pass?
        After much consideration, …I better understand both sides of this dilemma.
        May the best ideas prevail. …

        • I fear there was no mention of previous consideration because it would not have fit with with the agenda of the IIT in question – – namely, to paint Chief Bolin in a bad light. The headline “EPD and EFD Chiefs decide, after consulting with EMS professionals, that Narcan would not be an appropriate addition to the supplies routinely carried by both departments…” is not NEARLY as sensational as the story which was offered, which went something like “Nazi EPD Chief tells CAJE to go to hell, laughs while saying he wants OD victims to die horribly!!!!”

          EPD might still bow to political pressure and start carrying the med, but it won’t necessarily be because it’s in the best interest of responders or victims.

  3. Why don’t we have the Police carry AED machines in their trunks? What about jaws of life? Why not a flame retardant suit? I’m just listing things that are already carried by EMS or other public safety in Evansville…..

    • Why don’t the police just patrol in ambulances and then they can do it all. All these ideas sound good until you have to implement and make it work along with all your other tasks.

    • IIT that II think that POV is actually Bill O”Reilly! If not he sure acts like him. At least Brian Williams had the courage to own up to what he did in the past. Bill simply lies more to try to cover up his past lies.

  4. I just want to wish GAIL good luck in this political dog fight. And at least Chief Bolin is admitting openly on FB that he tried to get a friend’s ticket reduced to a warning. At least he’s owning up to his mistake. I have to admire him for doing that. And yes it was a mistake. But he’s working at the Pleasure of the Mayor and can be removed from his Chief of Police position at any time by the Mayor. So it’s good politics (for Billy) to keep the Mayor and his friends happy. But this has been going on for years in the past. Its’ called Political Patronage. But what do we do about political patronage? At least the police and firemen have a union and are on the merit system to a degree. We are all human and humans make mistakes. As long as they try to correct those mistakes and do a better job in the future then I’m ok with that I guess.

    • You need to get your new thinking hat on because the one you are wearing right now is broken.

      • Cowboy you will have to ask LBK about that. I’m sure if she wants you to know she will tell you. Remember I don’t have any handlers and don’t want nor need one. I would guess that LBK feels the same way.

  5. Is It True that the terms Indianastan and Iraniana should start appearing any day now to describe the theocracy that the fools in the state legislature have just sanctioned. Maybe IndianISIS also applies.

    • Snark. Only by the fools who do not have a clue as to what the bill actually contains.

    • Comrade, please cease the anti-Muslim bigotry. Although even I myself do not understand the reason why we left-wing Christian-bashing extremists and haters must not criticize that religion, President Obama has himself groveled before the King of Saudi Arabia, set free murderous Islamist terrorists, tried to turn Afghanistan and Iraq over to Islamist extremists, and is currently ensuring that Iran can complete building a nuclear weapon to attack Israel. It is quite fine to attack Christians, but we must respect the wishes of our progressive strategic thinkers and leave Muslims uncriticized.

      J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
      Maximum co-coordinator
      Organizing for Idiocy
      Evansville Cell

  6. Bolin and the groupies defending his corrupt actions are a disgrace to this town. Another thing, with how badly vectren rapes us on rates can he not afford to pay a speeding ticket? Like anything with republicans, this is another slap in the face to the common man. If Bolin is going so far as to fix tickets in other counties you KNOW for a fact there is a list of political insiders who can do ANYTHING they want in Evansville, period. Bootlickers like pov prove they don’t care what you do as long as you’re a republican by their rabid defense of dirt bag Bolin.

  7. One more thing. Whoever this new editor is, I’d be watching your ass. Be ready for full on police harassment. Remember turn signals, proper speed, etc.

    • Getting a ticket for not using turn signals or for speeding is not harassment. It’s getting a ticket for violation of local/state ordinances.

      Just sayin’.

      • Not for the politically connected apparently. I mean they should be ready to be heavily scrutinized beyond normal police work.

      • Giving priority to someone in order to catch them doing some thing wrong (singling them out) is what he was talking about. But I doubt that the Police all like their Chief anyway. and Billy not going to be out in a patrol car too often. He’s too busy smooching with the Mayor and his friends.

        Delta you must admit that the EPD is not totally on the Merit System when the Chief is a political appointee. Maybe it would be better if the chief of police were voted in by his fellow policemen or elected by the public and not appointed by the Mayor. We can judge a Mayor by who they appoint to department head positions. And everyone knows that friends appoint friends to good places if possible. Maybe we should have elections to vote for department heads like Chief of Police and Fire Chief and the other directors. Then the Mayor would not get to appoint his cronies to police positions.

        • Having members vote for their Fire Chief is routinely done in volunteer departments. Comes with it’s own issues, of course. Any boss often has to make decisions which are unpopular with the grunts, even if those decisions might genuinely be needed to push a department forward or are otherwise in the best interest of the municipality. If you could just vote out any Chief who pisses you off it might be a recipe for stagnation which would ultimately not be in the best long-term interest of department and/or city.

          In theory, especially considering how high profile the actions of the PD/FD generally are (and considering providing those services with full-time personnel routinely takes up to 50% of the operating budget of a municipality), it is in the Mayor’s best interest to appoint the best possible person for the job, one who won’t bring unneeded political baggage or bad press to the elected official. If for some reason that appointee is constantly bringing the Mayor bad publicity, it would at a minimum be politically wise for the Mayor to get rid of them. Seems like a sort of built in system of checks and balances as far as the current appointed system goes.

          I’m not saying I am or am not a fan of politically appointed department heads, just giving my take on it.

          As far as singling out a person for ‘undue attention’, I’m sure it happens. However, I don’t think it’s nearly as routine as some would think. EPD grunts responded to around 150,000 calls last year, and that’s just in patrol. The boys and girls in blue are pretty damn busy, probably too much so to spend a bunch of time singling people out for political harassment.

  8. Thanks to the Community Organizer-in-Chiefs brilliant negotiations (surrendering) to the demands of the radical Islamic Iranian Mullahs to keep centrifuges in a bomb proof reinforced Mountain labratory, now the Saudi’s also want nukes. Obama’s decision to back the Iranian Mullahs has turned the middle east into a nuclear arms race, and Jihadists that want to die for their 72 virgins in Allah’s paradise will use their nukes:

    “Western intelligence agencies believe that the Saudi monarchy paid for up to 60% of Pakistan’s nuclear programme in return for the ability to buy warheads for itself at short notice, the Guardian newspaper reported in 2010. ”

    “In 2012 the Saudi Arabian government threatened to acquire nuclear weapons were neighbouring regional power Iran ever to do so.

    “Politically, it would be completely unacceptable to have Iran with a nuclear capability and not the kingdom,” a senior Saudi source told The Times newspaper at the time.

    The United States and other Western allies say a deal with Iran on its nuclear programme is possible. Iran denies it is building nuclear weapons.

    The news comes days after Saudi Arabia launched a military operation in neighbouring Yemen aimed at suppression a rebel group that is attempting to form a central government.

    Saudi’s military operation against the advancing Shia Houthi group has been joined by Egyptian, Jordanian and Moroccan forces.”

    It is hard to imagine a good outcome in the Midlle East, given all Obama and John Kerry had done to back the radical Islamic Mullah’s chanting “Death to America”. The US should be supporting it’s allys Israel and Egypt rather than actively undermining them. Very strange and dangerous times we live in.

      • Moveon, these are current events. Happening today. Real time. Unlike you blaming President Bush for everything from male pattern baldness to Obama’s inability or unwillingness to protect the US national security. It would do you some good to see where WW III may be starting and why. Very scary times.

      • Moveon, look up operation Jade Helm. The Middle East spirals out of control with Islamic Jihadists that will happily go nuclear, so the Community Organizer-in-Chief decides to execute operation Jade Helm infiltrating our special forces in a potentially dangerous area, the United States:

        ‘Special forces set to swarm Southwest and operate undetected among civilians in massive military exercise

        Operation Jade Helm will see 1,200 service members including Green Berets and SEALs and special forces from the Air Force and Marines in July
        Soldiers armed with blank rounds will operate in and around towns in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado for 8 weeks”

        Plans for a 17-city Army Special Operations exercise in Texas stirred some ultra-right-wing fears of a government takeover in the Lone Star State, but local law enforcement say they’ve long been aware of the drill.

        Operation Jade Helm will bring a coalition of forces, including the Green Berets, SEALS, and special operations commands from the Air Force and Marines to Texas for two months of “realistic military training” in a simulated “hostile” territory between July and September this summer.

        How this can possibly protect the US from radical Islamic Jihadists? Or Obama parks 1,200 of of finest combat ready forces in the backwoods when they may be needed elsewhere like the Middle East to help former allies like Israel, Egypt. and Jordan. Obama, from incompetent to our greatest national security disaster.

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