IS IT TRUE? March 28, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? March 28, 2011

IS IT TRUE that we have been notified by a supporter of B. J. Watts and Missy Mosby that they have also had signs go missing?…that this person who notified us seemed a bit perturbed that the City County Observer had not expressed disappointment that this had happened?…that some of the language in the notification was not all that nice and implied that we are biased?…that we rely on reports from outsiders to alert us to such mischief to be able to report it?…that we abhor the practice of stealing and destroying campaign signs that have been bought and paid for by contributions from campaign supporters?…that the City County Observer is opposed to the stealing of campaign signs with the name of any and all candidates on them that have been purchased with the contributions of working people?…that it is our belief that any sign seen in Evansville with the name of Missy Mosby or B. J. Watts was bought with contributions of everyday working people and should never be stolen or destroyed?…that we do not think that any candidate having their car or truck egged is appropriate either?…that the City County Observer advocates for free and honest elections that are without malicious distractions?

IS IT TRUE that thus far there is no big agenda driven money like money from George Soros or the Koch Brothers that we know of to have found its way into the coffers of any current local candidate?…that targeted contributions from agenda pushing billionaires corrupt the political process?…that it is refreshing to be small enough to be off of the radar screens of agenda pushers who try to buy elections with signs, billboards, and TV advertising?…that local races are best when they are funded by local dollars?…that if one of the big agenda pushers made a massive contribution to a local campaign that gave a certain candidate a decided advantage we may have to rethink our position on sign snatching?

IS IT TRUE that the FINAL FOUR is now set and that there are two big surprises playing each other for the right to play for the NCAA Championship?…that Indiana’s own Butler Bulldogs are back to the FINAL FOUR for the second year in a row?…that Butler is a private liberal arts college with an undergraduate enrollment of just over 4,000 students and an incoming freshman class that has a GPA of 3.69 on a scale of 4.0?…that Butler’s opponent in the national semifinal will be Virginia Commonwealth University that is located in Richmond, VA (population 204,212)?…that VCU is a large public university but does not have any tradition in basketball and was one of the “bubble teams” as the last group chosen by the tournament selection committee?…that these two teams by all talent metrics should not be in the FINAL FOUR?…that by the metrics of planning, teamwork, and execution that these teams have both taken out much more talented but much less disciplined teams?…that one to these schools will be playing either Kentucky or UCONN for the national championship next Monday night?…that the City County Observer is rooting for a Butler vs. Kentucky final?…that will rev up the Tri-state with pride and interest to see an Indiana vs. Kentucky NCAA Final?

IS IT TRUE that on November 27, 2010 the Evansville Purple Aces went to Hinkle Fieldhouse and defeated the FINAL FOUR Butler Bulldogs by a score of 71 – 68?…that the Aces turned the tables on Butler with planning, teamwork, and execution?…that teams like Butler and VCU should give the Aces and their fans hope that someday a FINAL FOUR could be in our future?…that UE most certainly has the same attributes to use in the recruiting game that Butler does?…that UE has a much deeper basketball tradition than VCU has?…that back in the 60’s when Coach McCutcheon was winning Division II National Championships that there was that one magic year in 1965 when the Aces went undefeated and won their fourth championship?…that the Division I Champs that year were John Wooden’s UCLA Bruins?…that UCLA lost in the regular season to Iowa that lost to the Aces?…that if the Aces would have been in Division I in 1965 there is a high probability that one of those banners hanging in Roberts Stadium would have been a Division I NCAA Championship?…that deep in the archives of Sports Illustrated is a great story about how much of a positive effect the 1965 Aces had on the pride of the people of the City of Evansville?…that it can happen again?…that for those of you who would like to feel a bit of that pride we have included this link to the SI story about the 1965 Aces?…that this story is as much about the City of Evansville at a time when things were going well as it is about the Aces?


  1. “IS IT TRUE that thus far there is no big agenda driven money like money from George Soros or the Koch Brothers that we know of to have found its way into the coffers of any current local candidate?” (Mole #??)

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Money? Perhaps not. Influence? That is a different story which concerns elections right down to the local level.

    Background here:

    Now factor in the recent federal census data showing that virtually ALL of Indiana’s population growth for the last ten (10) years came from Hispanics, who tend to vote for those candidates who promise the most entitlements, and one is suddenly not so smug about the amount of actual funds finding their way into local liberal candidates pockets.

    The groundwork has been laid. The voter-base has been recruited to the State, and an assault has been mounted on the Secretary of State position in Indiana, the outcome of which is still uncertain.

    Time to wake up and discover the people you are dealing with.


  2. I was the one who made the comment about the Watts and Mosby signs missing and no one mentioned it. I really wasn’t talking about you not reporting it but some of the Lindsey and McBride supporters act like theirs are the only ones being messed with. I still think it is mostly done by vandals. My only concern with you is it took most of the day before you removed a vulger post from RailOverAuto. You did remove it and I thanked you for that.

  3. Probably just more kids on bikes stealing those signs, if they look around they’ll probably find them a few yards away along with the Lindsey signs that have disappeared….Ms Mosby must have lost quite a few signs, driving through the 2nd ward the McBride signs out number the Mosby signs about 20-1 but I’m sure that’s because of kids stealing them…has nothing to do with supporting a candidate.(sarcasm intended)

    • We do not advocate theft and no it is not okay to steal from the powerful. Sorry if you got that impression. We meant to convey that some legal tactic would be needed to counter someone who is willing to use the brute force of massive sums of money to manipulate the public. It is not okay to steal.

  4. Thanks CCO for that last ‘Is it true’ regarding basketball. I did not know about the 1965 Aces beating Iowa, and Iowa in turn beating UCLA that year. I smiled large over the notion that UE could have been a Div. 1 champion in 1965. That’s a great thought to ponder.

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