IS IT TRUE March 19, 2014


Mole #??
Mole #??

IS IT TRUE that the debriefing sessions for both the 2012 audits of the City of Evansville’s books and the Water and Sewer Utilities books have been completed?…we hear that there were not many smiles in the room when any of the findings were being discussed?…City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr. now has less than a week to respond to the wording of the audit and to try to explain away any of the plethora of conditional statements associated with audits of the recent past?…in all fairness the Weinzapfel Administrations bumbling and fumbling of the software integration project that should have been routine and parallel to the phasing out of the old system deal Controller Lloyd one of the worse starting points in the history of local government?…what is baffling is why the Winnecke Administration has not taken full advantage of the many opportunities to pin the tail on the DONKEY?…most of the problems they have been dealing with were made in Evansville and many were made in the period from 2004 – 2012?

IS IT TRUE we have learned through Mole #21 that the law firm associated with City Attorney Ted Ziemer billed the City of Evansville $1,325,977 in 2012 (the first year of the Winnecke Administration), and $1,455,071 in 2013?…it seems as though Ziemer’s firm got a 10% raise in business in a single year?…there are billing records for each month of both years in 48 separate categories will all of the usual expectations being serviced such as police, fire, water, sewer, hotel, greyhound, old post office, TIF, Zoo, etc?…there is no category period for Earthcare Energy LLC?…we wonder just where all of the contract work and the phone calls to “stay in touch” are categorized?…the Earthcare Energy LLC legal work may be buried somewhere in the hefty legal spending of the Department of Metropolitan Development?

IS IT TRUE that former USI basketball coach Bruce Pearl who has never had a losing season but has been found to be in violation of NCAA rules on a couple of occasions is returning to coaching?…the Auburn Tigers have hired Coach Pearl who scored a national championship at USI to a multi-year contract that we are sure is worth millions of dollars?…as basketball coaches go, Coach Pearl is among the best in the land and we are sure that we will see some serious improvement in the Auburn program starting next year?

IS IT TRUE we are getting concerned that nothing will ever happen down at the McCurdy Hotel?…it has been over 2,000 days since a smiling Mayor Weinzapfel mugged for the cameras and announced that some of his future political supporters would be refurbishing the historic hotel into luxury apartments?…the McCurdy is just another one of the legacy failures that the Weinzapfel Administration hoisted onto Mayor Winnecke?…another day, another mess is becoming the mantra for downtown development?

IS IT TRUE in a nearly magical turnaround the poll on the Courier & Press regarding the grades that Mayor Winnecke has earned so far took a turn for the worse?…Mayor Winnecke was sitting on a report card with all As after the poll was up two days and just over 200 people had registered their votes?…in a single day the poll attracted enough votes to turn every one of those A grades into an F?…this was as if one side was corrupting the poll during the first two days and the other side did the same during the final day?…if you think about it there may have only been two people voting in that poll over and over simply by clearing their cookies time and time again so they could skew the poll?


  1. McCurdy before dog poo parks. Also the decay of Mesker Amphitheater is an unmitigated disgrace.

    • There where two cars and three people in the back parking lot of the McCurdy Hotel Tuesday looking it over..maybe just maybe there it bit of hope..

    • “For the past 15 years, Movies at Mesker at the Mesker Amphitheater featured family-oriented films at next-to-nothing admission costs. Recently the facility, which opened in 1951, faced potential code violations causing it to close. According to estimations by the Evansville-Vanderburgh Building Authority, renovations could run as much as $100,000.”—ev_movies/

      Why not spend $100,000 and renovate Mesker Amphitheater? That is 1/6 of what the City paid for the parking lot next to the McCurdy to secure parking for the owners of the McCurdy luxury condos. Why not sell Mesker Amphitheater and let it reopen under private management? Why let if rot into oblivion like the McCurdy?

      • City paid $600,000 not much after the seller had bought it for $128,000. And “who” was that person that made that kind of money in those short several months?

  2. ‘…legacy failures that the Weinzapfel Administration hoisted onto Mayor Winnecke?’

    I think foisted. But if hoisted it would explain the mayor’s rapidly sloping shoulders. Perhaps heisted would be more appropriate.

    I’m afraid the McCurdy is a goner. It’s a dirty shame.

    • I love the observation on “foist vs. hoist”, but I fear you’re right about the McCurdy. I think Mesker Amphitheatre will likely become extinct, too. I hate to lose two of the places that I enjoyed like those two.

  3. Off Topic: Ira B. could get eight years…does anyone but me hope he gets off with only a few months?

    • A man whose family was endangered, he was beaten and threatened at gunpoint I think he was in the right!!!!!!!!!


      Beumer is pleading to “criminal recklessness”, the trial is over. I don’t think he will probably serve any time, but he will get his butt sued off.

      • I hope your correct about not serving any time, but I think they’ll have to give him a little something. Public outcry and all that.

        • He was on “house arrest” and I think that will be the excuse for a “time served” out on the doing time. Don’t misunderstand, I’m no fan of the man. I think he’s getting the obligatory slap on the wrist.

        • I think not serving any time was a part of the deal. After paying legal fees and judgements, IB won’t have a lot left to finance his business partner, Kirk Byrum’s, campaign for Sheriff. He’s the “night-club” owning Sunday School teacher.

    • I tend to believe no jury in Evansville is going to convict Ira of anything because most of us would have done the same thing. It’s clear to me he did the right thing in chasing them down and in a fit of rage (temporary insanity?) rammed their at full speed. When one has been attacked like this there’s no telling what is the “right” reaction.
      I do know I can see myself doing the exact same thing.

      • You would try to kill a car full of people, even if you thought your daughter was in the car?

        • No. His actions make it clear that portion of his statement was a lie. But if my daughter were in the car they would have only found dead bodies because I wouldn’t have crashed into them-I would have blocked their escape & then killed every one of them on the spot after what they pulled. Then I would never have taken a plea deal (if charged) because I doubt any jury would convict me. Those 4 deserved everything they got & then some after what they pulled & NOT because of their race.

  4. Wayne Parke can you tell me how you can continue to blame someone else if the books do not balance this time?

  5. Lloyd indeed did have a bad starting point, but he also had had the Harding Shymanski group that the City has paid a ton of money to (heard approaching a million $ but don’t really know), helping. Seems with all that “brain power” they’ve had a lot of time to get it corrected.

  6. It is a small wonder why so many people believe in privatization in government.

    There are basically 3 types of failure:

    1. Failure to anticipate

    2. Failure to perceive

    3. Failure to carry out a task

    All of these would be fatal to private enterprise. Local government however is quite a different story.

    As we are about to see, there will be little or no consequences for those directly linked to the failure, and those paying the bills will just have to absorb the extra costs associated with the incompetence.

    Whereas, in business, the incompetent people would be replaced or the business would fail and cease to exist.


      • Reminds me of another CCO IIT post a few days or so ago where they (CCO) mentioned privatization. I didn’t post anything in that thread because I’m sort of the fence about the whole thing.

        When privatization works, it usually works well enough that it was worth it for the taxpayer, yes I use the phrase “worth it” in a Eisenstein relative kind of way. Now I don’t know the success rate of privatization in Indiana or collectively across all the States, but my sense is they end up leaving the taxpayer with the bill and nothing near what was promised and more often than not if honesty was applied, a failure.

        The other thing that bothers me about privatization is what it says about the ineptness, hidden ties of capital cronyism, just plain graft and things we would not want public officials doing of those we elect to public office.

        As you well point out elkaybee, the FSSA was in my view a complete failure and that failure rests solely with the public officials involved and a clear case of crony capitalism.

        But I digress. The real point is privatization in my view demonstrates just how unwilling, inept, uninformed, ignorant, uncaring to many of the people we put in public office really are. While I am all for a minimalistic government at any level, it remains in my mind most in office don’t even want to do what they signed on to do and privatization gives them an out to shirk more of their duties. Heaven forbid their real job gets in the way of “politicin”.

        • No that just shows me at all levels of our government there are many areas they should have no involvement. I do agree with the abolishment of the commission.

      • It would have worked, but Mitch fail to recognize the extend of passive aggressive behavior by fssa employees. All supervisors in fssa should have been replaced at the start. Fssa and all such programs can be done away with a guaranteed annual wage. Just like social security give them their check and forget about them.

  7. Ira Bummer plea bargain from “no plea bargains” Hermann. I guess that’s no plea bargains unless you’re a white man with cop friends that’s accused of snuffing out some blacks.

    • Yes GoTJ, he was just driving down the street killing people for no reason. Lock him up and throw away the key!

      • This ain’t the wild west as much as you guys want it to be. Vigilante justice is still illegal, or at least it was.

        • Being way out in the county (Ira B.’s house) do you really think any law enforcement could have shown up before the invaders got away? I know a lot of them live out that way, but the ones on duty aren’t plentiful in that area.

          • He was right behind them. Dial 911, tell them the location and keep on them if you feel you’re responsible for catching them and have no faith in the law (he knew his cop buddies would handle it and he knew who the perps were.) This is assuming he had a phone with him but I’d bet a guy with money had one built into his truck.

          • I live near Beumer. At that time of night, there are hardly any cars on the streets. If he called 911 immediately, VCSO would undoubtedly pass the perps. Plus, judging from where the skid marks were, they went north on Big Cynthiana Rd. Considering that they all lived in town and didn’t notice that they were going the wrong way to get to Evansville, they would have probably ended up getting lost in German, Center or Armstrong townships.

          • Hell looking in and thinking “trending” we really think they haven’t touched the core of the whole issue through what We’ve been offered by local reporting on that premeditated home invasion crime.
            Phyllip use the street smart you allude too here,think core reasoning and confidence levels of those “get fly boys money gang” that BTW way is how that was first reported to sound,they then changed the sound to “The get money fly boys” which one was it?
            EKB: think Lady, if they really knew the fella (Ira) they would have to have known whom and what his business partner does for a living. (VCSD)
            I’ll wager a cup of coffee that they also thought the contents of that “Big Safe” referred to in the first C&P and 14 news reports was something they could pack off with no reported repercussions.

            If I was on “any jury” involved with “any of the cases” due this crime that is the primary information I would want to know of, as to my thoughts per “any verdict” or said settlement forward.

            Think core issue,then think what would have created that core thought process to attempt such an obvious and heinous crime.

            There is still a worm turning in the rotten apple somewhere.

            From previous observations we don’t think it would be all that hard to find,as well.

            “causa faciebat quod cagitatio?”

            “from what cause was the thought executed”

        • I agree with you. If we condone vigilantism we start going down a slippery slope. I’m not saying that I wouldn’t have done the same thing and I’m not condoning the actions of the home invaders. If it would have happened to me, in the heat of the moment, I would have tried my hardest to mete street justice out on the perpetrators. Buemer’s house is less than a mile from my house. Random acts of violence do not happen out in German Township. To be honest, if you ask any law enforcemnt officer they’ll tell you that there is a connection between the robber and the victim in almost all home invasions. I believe that there has to be some connection between Beumer and the robbers.

          • I didn’t finish my thought on part of my comment. I would have done the same as Beumer, but I would have owned it and threw myself on the mercy of the court. I would have done what I felt needed to be done and I would have proudly accepted the justice system’s punishment. Chances are it would not have been much of a sentence anyway given his lack of criminal history and the extenuating circumstances.

          • My guess is that they frequented Icon. From what I have heard, it wasn’t the classiest club in town.

          • Many people frequent many nightclubs. I have never heard of an owner being robbed at his house. How would they even know where he lives? I know several people that own local bars and nightclubs and I can’t think of one who’s home address is public knowledge. I believe that there has to be a more personal connection.

          • @PD: I know one very prominent tavern owner that was followed home and robbed. I believe, like you, “there has to be some connection between Beumer and the robbers.” I’m hoping he didn’t have a closer connection with them, and I don’t think Icon was known for “class”.

    • In fairness, Hermann took pleas from the others involved in this horror, too. After all of the legal fees and judgements are paid, I doubt IB will have much to help finance business partner Byrum’s campaign for Sheriff.

    • Really Tom? You must be playing the devils’ advocate while embracing these inane positions because no reasonable person could possibly believe the venom you spew to be valid. To the “thinking” person, the world is a comedy; the the “feeling” person the world is a tragedy. I suspect you allow emotion to determine your worldview.

      • I don’t have a problem with plea agreements, but I do with hypocrisy. I remember a main campaign focus of Hermann was criticizing Levco’s use of bargains.

        • In the best tradition of citizenship, that has been handed down through this Country’s history, Mr. Beumer pursued the outlaws and brought them to ground.

          In my estimation the man deserves a certificate of appreciation, and certainly NOT a jail cell.


        • I guess the prism through which you see the world blinds you to the hypocrisy of our president. He called the debt amassed by the Bush administration irresponsible, even treasonous. He eclipsed Bush’s debt very early in his administration. No hypocrisy there, right?

          • What part of the budget does the President have 100% control? Oh yeah ZERO.

            Revenues? Very little control especially during a recession

            Expenses? Somewhat more control but during a financial crisis it is even more imperative that the government act in a countercyclical way.

            You invited your Wall St. Friends and deregulation frat boys to an 8 year party at W the lesser’s place and they trashed the place.

            Now you want to blame Obama for the clean up bill??

            Just go back under rock you crawled out from under you pathetic loser.

          • You are correct, Ellen. Emperor No-Hopey himself said in a 2006 speech in the Senate,

            “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our government’s reckless fiscal policies.”


            “Every dollar we pay in interest is a dollar that is not going to investment in America’s priorities. Instead, interest payments are a significant tax on all Americans — a debt tax that Washington doesn’t want to talk about. If Washington were serious about honest tax relief in this country, we would see an effort to reduce our national debt by returning to responsible fiscal policies.”


            “Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”

            The liberals’ god-emperor has made himself a hypocrite for the ages and exposed his doltish followers as dupes. If Emperor No-Hopey had a shred of integrity and patriotism, he would resign immediately, along with Vice-Plagiarizer Plugs Biden.

            Please be careful. One of our resident liberal graduates of the Acme Graduate Institute of Economics, Finance, Hair Design, and Nail Art is having a hissysissyfit today.

          • You nailed that one, BB! Apparently Ellen doesn’t get the fact that deficit spending is lower than it has been since Eisenhower. She ought to be really angry with her House of Representatives, as it is the Congress, not the President, who does the spending.

          • Yes Mr. Brains, our president is not responsible for anything that has happened during his reign. He’s like Tephlon – nothing sticks thanks to his adoring subjects in the media. The scandals…Bengazzi, IRS, NSA, the mounting debt and poverty, the decrease in hours worked across the nation. None of that has anything to do with his policies. After all, he is the annointed one.

            It’s unfortunate is that you can’t participate in debate without resorting to name calling and demonizing your opponent. Not surprising thought…it’s right out of the liberal play book. It would be better if you raised the quality of your argument instead of the level of vitriol you spew. Alas, your emotions rule you instead of reason and logic.

  8. ?…what is baffling is why the Winnecke Administration has not taken full advantage of the many opportunities to pin the tail on the DONKEY?…most of the problems they have been dealing with were made in Evansville and many were made in the period from 2004 – 2012?
    Because the DONKEY elected him. If he does what they tell him he may get another term. If not….

    • Yes, I’m having trouble deciding if our current administration is Republicrat or Demopublican.

      • I believe it’s a hybrid. Republicrat running in demo mode. Only a pirated serial away from going full Dem. I think they have one and will apply it towards the end so the disarray left will be thought by the uninitiated to be the work of actual Democrats.

      • EKB: As observed from afar,its clearly ” of the aristocratically bent afflictions” closest defined “course projections” we’ve seen so far.

        “The other night I ate at a real nice family restaurant. Every table had an argument going.” (George Carlin) 🙂

        The towns affected condition seems to be somewhat “frisbeetarian” in its project pitches.

        (Frisbeetarianism) “Is the belief that when you die,your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck.” Also..(George Carlin) 🙂

    • Maybe Evansville can become the “Rome of the US”, and have tourist come to see our ruins.

      • LOL EKB; And all the little runt short guys, Mark Anthony,and Little Caesar, don’t forget about “Calpurnia Pisonis”either,and her papa Lucius Piso the counsel.

        Nihil sub sole novum,

        nothing new under the sun

  9. Has anybody heard that City Controller Russ Lloyd, Jr. may be doing part time accounting doing for clients he had before his accepted the city position? If this is true, maybe this is why the city books aren’t balanced.

  10. “What is baffling is why the Winnecke Administration has not taken full advantage of the many opportunities to pin the tail on the DONKEY?”

    The RINOpublican auxiliary of the Vanderburgh Democrat Party has a long-established policy of doing what it is told to do by its parent organization.

  11. Off topic: As I left the Civic Center today I noticed that work had begun on Scott Danks’ building. Even better was the fact that there were multiple signs with renderings of what this is going to look like.

    It’s going to be a pretty impressive building when work is finished on it. I appreciate Scott and his crew for getting this done. Hats off on a great project already being worked on!

      • EKB: Crumbled infrastructure under an crumbling building,financing questions? I’d imagine.

        Downtown Evansville’s combined “snegal” foot shot. should have been treated well before the gangrene set in (necrosis).

        [Dry gangrene] from lack of blood supply (circulation)

        [Wet gangrene] untreated wounds infection poor environmental conditions surrounding wound,contribute to swelling and cutting off circulation and allowing more infection because cessation of infection controlling white blood cells allows the infection to spread to other primary tissues such as muscles.

        [Gas gangrene] similar to [wet gangrene] this allows poisonous toxins and gasses propagation due to the lack of oxygen to affected area.

        [Building depredation] due to poor environmental conditions,and lousy under updated or maintained supply and release infrastructures equates to increased [building gangrene syndromes],as well.

        Sounds gross,and nasty,actually because it is,and that’s why a building just goes beyond repair costing for the financing risk involved. The crumbling infrastructure depletes the rebound efforts funding through updating costs onto a practically useless infrastructure.

        What happened to the old hotel in your town. IMHO

        “Its a terrible thing to see,and have no vision.” (Helen Keller)

    • I’m betting Mr. Dank’s building will be finished and its tavern pouring beer before Kunkle’s McCurdy plans are approved by the City.

  12. To think UE turned Bruce Pearl down for its HC vacancy multiple times. But whats worse is the other ones they turned down in favor of Merf and Simmons. Ray Harper and Mike Dunlap.

    but as a UE fan always says; “wait til next year”

    • The fact that UE did not hire a serial cheater speaks well of their integrity. Bruce Pearl represents just about everything that is wrong about college sports.

      • He had a BBQ. Served the kids the burgers instead of eating them all himself.
        Serial Cheater? Sounds like you have some newly discoverd info you need to report to the NCAA.

        What does he represent thats wrong? Long hours of hard work coaching, recruiting ,marketing his team and school?

        Why did they scoff at Ray Harper and Mike Dunlap?

  13. BTW, check out what ZSWS is billing the EVSC if you want a better picture of what is going on in Evansville.

  14. Ellen Woerter says:

    March 19, 2014 at 4:11 pm

    Yes Mr. Brains, our president is not responsible for anything that has happened during his reign. He’s like Tephlon – nothing sticks thanks to his adoring subjects in the media. The scandals…Bengazzi, IRS, NSA, the mounting debt and poverty, the decrease in hours worked across the nation. None of that has anything to do with his policies. After all, he is the annointed one.

    It’s unfortunate is that you can’t participate in debate without resorting to name calling and demonizing your opponent. Not surprising thought…it’s right out of the liberal play book. It would be better if you raised the quality of your argument instead of the level of vitriol you spew. Alas, your emotions rule you instead of reason and logic.

    You comments are those of an ignorant misinformed partisan hack throwing financial spitballs from the peanut gallery. And you expect grace and civility in return for you passive aggressive grenade? Sorry ain’t happening. Your attack about the deficits has been repeated a gazillion times and refuted a gazillion times. Attacking the president on the whole dollars of his deficit instead of percentages is either extremely dishonest, shows you complete ignorance or is just plain comtemptible propoganda that your repeating from republican authority figures a’ la Julie Boonstra. Facts and reason indeed.

    Your knowledge about the facts of Obama’s economics and budgets is that of a 3rd grader. Why should I give a calculus lecture to someone who can barely do long division let alone algebra.?

    So what would you have done Ms financial wizard? Remember there are only four levers for the President/Congress to push/pull. Increase taxes, cut taxes, increase spending, or decrease spending.

    So let’s just keep it simple Ms. Financial Wizard.

    True of False? Obama’s goverment percentage spending increases are the lowest in 60 years?

      • Agreed, but I’m just so sick of the ignorance and stupidity.

        None of them claim to watch Fox or listen to Hatewing radio but they repeat their yapping points word for word.

        5 years later and their still stuck on the deficit thingy which they didn’t give a damn about while W racked war debts up “off budget” paid for by neocon pixie dust. All them were in a coma during W’s reign and when they woke up they claimed W wasn’t one of them, they were now the “Tea Party”.

        • Need a tissue? Are you done crying over spilt milk?

          Brains Benton says:
          March 19, 2014 at 10:07 pm
          “I’m just so sick of the ignorance and stupidity.”
          — stay away from the leftist then and try getting a clue as to how the real world works.

          “they repeat their yapping points word for word.”

          –Pot meet kettle

      • Contemplation subject (female):

        “Power is like being a lady,if you have to tell people you are,you aren’t” (Margaret Thatcher)

        • Confucius say, “Virgin like balloon, one prick, all gone.”

          Later Visitor……….

        • Yes. And if you go around telling everybody how patriotic you are and how much you support the constitution, you probably aren’t and don’t.

    • Oh my Brainless is having a conniption fit because someone had the gaul to use some talking points in a comment. Oh wait isn’t that what you and your circle group do here every day on every article? (Ghost and LKB, and Wein-er and regulator). You lefties come on here and spout crap from the playbook and then start your name calling and demonizing. So typical. But you had to come out with guns blazing on that point, because it is the only one out of the list that you could find any info that supports your view. (I give you credit for having a source).

      But all you prove with your link is that Romney was wrong in what he said. Ellen put deficit instead of debt. Big deal we all get the idea of what she meant. Talk about a war on women, sheesh. It is by no means a need for your holier than though attitude. My advice is grow up a little bit sir.

  15. If City Controller Russ Lloyd, Jr is doing accounting work on the side in the private sector no wonder why the city books have not been balance for the last two years.

    If the SBOA Audit of the 2012 city books have problems the mayor should ask Russ to resign.

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