Home Breaking News “IS IT TRUE” JUNE 12, 2019

“IS IT TRUE” JUNE 12, 2019


We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way.

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer readers are once again encouraging us to consider publishing a printed newspaper? …when former CCO editor and celebrated innovation CEO from Palm Springs, California was asked about the CCO publishing a printed newspaper his answer was surprising?…Mr. Wallace quickly pointed out that newsrooms across the country that are mostly delivering print products are on a 20 year shrinking spree with most newsrooms having less than half of the reporters they had 10 years ago and many are down to 10% of their peak that came in the 1990s?…he also pointed out that ad revenue in print is also declining and that the Automobile and Want Ads are a shadow of what they once were? …he also added that the Legal Notices and Obituaries announcements revenue are seemly paying  most of the the bills?
IS IT TRUE that the obvious replacement of former 3rd Ward City Councilman John Hayden, CPA is biting at the bit to start serving Mr Hayden remaining term? …we are told that Mr. Melcher Campaign Chairmen is none other than County Council member Joe Kiefer?  …we are told that former 17 year City Councilman and one term Vanderburgh County Commissioner Steve Melcher handlers have their work cut out in rebranding him?  … for almost 17 years City Council member Steve Melcher characterized himself the “The Unions Representative”?  …that his Democratic opponent Zac Heronemus Campaign Chairman  is none other than the highly respected union leader Paul Green? …that so far a lot of Mr. Heronemus campaign donations are from union members and union friendly supporters?
IS IT TRUE we hope that the next time a water main breaks happens within the service area of the Evansville Water And Sewer Department their public relation gal will put some of the attached information in her news-release? …we hope that her news-release wii state; that boiling the water for five (5) minutes will likely kill the harmful bacteria, dispose of all the ice from your storage bin, turn off you ice maker during the boil advisory order, you should limit your water consumption, you should use bottled water as much as possible, that businesses, healthcare providers and schools should not use drinking fountains that rely on tap water during the boil advisory order, use paper products when eating or drinking and hot water should be safe for doing laundry?  …most importantly we hope that she will send future news-releases of the Evansville Water And Sewer Department to all area media outlets?
IS IT TRUE that last year Deaconess Hospital and Henderson Community Methodist Hospital formed a group called an “ACO?” …that “ACO” is where referrals are preferably kept within the group and only certain doctors at Deaconess and Methodist are invited to be a part of that group?  …we wonder how the “ACO” referral  agreement between Deaconess-Evansville and Henderson Community Methodist Hospital is currently doing?
IS IT TRUE that Deaconess Hospital is now advertising on local TV that they are now “A Deaconess Network Affiliate of Methodist Hospital?  …we wonder what this is all about?  …could it be an abstract way of announcing to the public that they now own a third (3rd) of Henderson Methodist Hospital?
IS IT TRUE that Henderson Methodist Hospital for many years was seen as one of the best medical facilities in Kentucky has gotten a embarrassing grade of F for hospital safety?…the LEAP FROG GROUP has been rating hospital safety for many years and recently graded Henderson Methodist Hospital (An Network Affiliate of Deaconess-Evansville) as the only F hospital in the State of Kentucky and one of only 9 with a failing grade of F in the entire United States?
IS IT TRUE that Perry Township Trustee Rick Riney has proven to be an outstanding public servant?   …we are told that many Democratic party movers and shakers are encouraging him to run for the Vanderburgh County Commission?  …that this seat is currently held by County Commissioner Cheryl Musgrave?
IS IT TRUE we are proud that local Channel 14 TV News has decided to end each broadcast day with the playing of the Star Spangled Banner? …we give five (5) cheers to the management and staff of Channel 14 TV for showing American pride?
IS IT TRUE A big part of serving traditional Neapolitan pizza is cooking that pizza in the traditional Neapolitan way?  …that means one thing — a wood-fired oven?

…Pangea, has a hand-built, Acunto wood-fired pizza oven, made by a family-owned company in Naples, Italy?  … that four generations of the Acunto family have built this oven, using the same designs and materials as generations of Neapolitans before them? …we predict you can taste the difference when a pizza is cooked in this oven at Pangea-Evansville?  … the homemade Gelato at Pangea is heavenly?  …we highly recommend that you try the infused Liquor specially drinks because they’re absolutely  well balanced and truly one of a kind?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville Living does a superb job in bringing us accurate and up-to-date local articles of substance? …they have earned the reputation of being extremely informative, detailed, aggressive and creative in providing their viewers with the current culture, politics, sports, business, lifestyle, entertainment, dining, and the big personalities unique to our region?  …we give five (5) cheers to Kristen and Todd Tucker for producing an incredible magazine for our region?

Todays “Readers Poll’ question is: What two sources do you get your local daily news from?
If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us at City-County Observer@live.com
Footnote: City-County Observer Comment Policy. Be kind to people. Personal attacks or harassment will not be tolerated and shall be removed from our site.
We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language and insults against commenters shall not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.
Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers.


  1. Regarding the ‘announcements’ that our already bad water is about to get even worse: if there’s trouble getting the information there’s probably trouble with the information. The citizenry isn’t fooled, it gets bad enough to make your eyes water.

    It wasn’t that many years ago around here that the water was good. That situation no longer obtains. They might as well be up front about it. I thought that was why the Water Department took the unusual step of hiring a spokesperson. If she’s not disseminating current factual information about the state of the water through all available media, what’s the point?

    An annual State of the Water address is indicated, written by whoever and delivered under a fake waterfall by a bikini clad Chlorine Girl.

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