IS IT TRUE this week 2 reporters from the Courier and Press unexpectedly showed up at the home of Pastor Steve Ary to ask him questions concerning his recent appearance at City Council? …the Courier and Press reporters wanted to know who styled the 16 questions concerning the embattled Downtown Convention Hotel project? …that Pastor Ary protected his source concerning who styled the 16 questions for him? …we expect nothing less for a Pastor to protect conversations he has with members of his “flock”?
IS IT TRUE we hear that the exit from the City of Evansville employment has begun? …that Tony Kirkland is leaving his Administrative position with METS and shall be taking a position with Governor Pence?  …we wonder which local Democrat the Mayor will appoint to this vacant political patronage position?
IS IT TRUE there is an interesting rumor is going around the Evansville Police Department that Chief Billy Bolin will be appointed as the next Police Chief if Gail Riecken is elected Mayor? … the answer to this rumor is “NO WAY”?
IS IT TRUE we are amazed that the Mayor Chief of Staff Steve Schaefer has been in almost every meeting pertaining to planning of the proposed Downtown Convention Hotel for the last several years and remembers nothing about what has been decided about this project?  … he would have been more respectable and honest to the taxpayers if only he would had just said that he wasn’t at liberty to speak on that subject at this time?  …it’s becoming  obvious  that the Mayor Chief of Staff Steve Schaefer is becoming a major political liability for Mayor Winnecke each passing day?
IS IT TRUE earlier this week Governor Pence came to town to celebrate the start of Fisher Dynamics production plant?  …we were surprised that Mayor Winnecke didn’t try to upstage the Governor by  taking credit for bringing Fisher Dynamics to Evansville in the announcement ?  …we would like to give full credit to Governor Pence for encouraging Fisher Dynamics to locate in Evansville?
IS IT TRUE we are also pleased to hear that Governor Pence will not comply with the impending Federal plan to reduce carbon emissions from power plants unless major improvement are made in the  proposed law?
IS IT TRUE that the Shriners were going to cancel the Blue Angels Air show during this Shrinerfest because a $50,000 short fall?  … that we would like to thank the Vectren Foundation for it’s $50,000 donation which made the Blue Angel’s event possible?  … the funding source from Vectren came from the shareholder’s fund and not the ratepayers?
IS IT TRUE that Vectren President Brad Ellsworth contacted the Vectren Foundation about the funding part of the Shriner’s shortfall?  …we would like to thank the Vectren Foundation,  shareholders and Senior Management of Vectren for making  this outstanding community event possible?
Please take time and vote in today’s “Readers Poll”. Also we just posted the current City County Observer TRI-STATE VOICES TV show for you’re viewing pleasure. Don’t miss reading today’s Feature article because it’s always an interesting read. Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Interesting. As a shareholder I was not aware of this fund. My family and I love the Blue Angels so I you’re welcome.
So the shareholder’s money does not come from the ratepayers? Do they have bake sales?
Indianaenoch Shareholder is just like any other company. They purchased shares of stock in the company thru wallstreet.
Very interesting that “reporters” from the C&P are now investigating the good Pastor. This may be the first attempt at investigative journalism at the C&P in decades, assuming the “reporters” were actually from the C&P.
If they were wearing fake Burberry trenchcoats and Groucho Marx facial hidery, it’s at least even money it was the intrepid investigative duo, Winnecke and Schaefer.
‘Who styled the questions’, cries the administration. Never seen them in such a tizzy.
Who knew the Courier & Pravda had 2 reporters? They must be summer interns.
As one of the bloggers said yesterday that Winnecke’s Campaign Financial Report was inaccurate because he left out the In-Kind Donation from the C&P . . .
Nice to know that the C&P now has the likings of Bernstein on board . . .now we should discover more about Metergate, Paradegate, Salarygate, and more gates to be announced later such as Questiongate . . .
Wow . . .can see Riecken behind closed doors . . .who will be the next Chief of Police . . .the choices over Bolin . . .Ronald McDonald, dumb and dumber, Salvester Stalone, (the real Rambo) . . .one thing for certain she will not be discussion option with his brain-trust and Public Relations mouthpiece Hit-Man Jason Cullum . . .
News Flash . . .Riecken will establish under her administration certain requirements to be eligible to be considered for the position of Chief of Police . . . At least,a College degree. This sentence taken down by Editor because it was to personal! . . .a/k/a Belly Bolin . .to many visits at the Donut Bank and eating high on the hog on this political patronage job . . .
You think she’ll take out the requirement that the successful candidate will be able to lob a flash bang bomb 25 yards with 60% accuracy, 3/10 times?
Wow . .just voted on the CCO readers’ poll and saw that 92% of CCO readers voted are calling Schaefer a liar . . .
Does anybody have the low-down on why the Mayor’s Chief of Staff, Steve Schaefer left the Chamber of Commerce?
I think I just got a glimpse of the Question Stylers ducking into the alley behind the old Rogers Jewelry store. I took a shot at ’em but think I missed.
—and what was the “Object” of the C&P inquiry? What answer were they “looking” for?
There is more to this than just “Inquiring Minds want to know” involved here, were they looking for skulduggery behind the honest questions put forth by Pastor Ary—- simply because of their form? Is intimidation implied toward those who dare question or speak out?–Bad Vibes here on that!
Hint— to the C&P, if your looking for the Skulduggery,– go to the the Civic Center’s third floor,—–Where the “Worm” Squirms.
Are you sure the story about the Sheriff is accurate?
Please let the chief of police thing sit for a day or two.
Kirkland was one of several bad hires by the Winnecke administration.
He had no experience in transportation and ultimately accomplished nothing.
Whenever I saw him interviewed he made no sense whatsoever.
The weather could still affect the Blues show today, your area is under a couple of watches issued by the weather service. If the show goes forward its likely you’ll get the cloud cover adaptation “low show” performance . I’ve enjoyed the Blues at several locations during airshows around the country and actually prefer the lower altitude showing as the action seems more intense due to the proximities of the formations in reference of the audience and the high speed passes by the solos.
Sunday will most likely be the best day for overall observations as the days temperature and climatic conditions should be pretty darn nice for late June in southern Indiana.
Watch out today though its could get rough out there in a hurry and a flash flood alert has been issued for your county as well. Perfect conditions for a CSO event, so, if your on the Evansville riverfront and you get a cloud burst do avoid contact with the river water as it will contain sewer discharges at the show center point and Pigeon creeks entry to the Ohio.
A simple painters mask might help with the smell a bit. Some places where stench is present and expected a painters mask with a drop of peppermint oil on it can even throw off Bee sloughs Maximus nasty for a tiny bit.
Today’s show is just a rehearsal. Real show is Saturday and Sunday.
My husband and I must be two of the very few people in Evansville that, while appreciating the skill and time required for the Blue Angels to do what they do, we really don’t think that watching them is time we would ever spend. The money is huge to bring them in and I know why it costs what it does. But think what better uses we could find for that kind of money. Plus once you have seen it you have seen it. And further the jets and the fireworks this time of year runs my animals and me up a wall. I am sorry but the folks who put this and the circus on need to grow up. With the circus’s history of bad animal treatment and the high fuel consumption and pollution from the jets, not to mention the really high cost to produce these events, could the people of Evansville not just donate money to the Shriners outright? Why do they have to “get something” for their donation to a very worthy cause? But then just because I am from Evansville, I guess I am really not “from Evansville” in many ways.
Have you sent a letter to Al Gore about flying on a private jet, having private cars running while he is on the ground somewhere, all while spewing falsehoods as fact about pollution?
I’m quite sorry that you are so inconvenienced by this once a year event. Perhaps we could get the festival shut down as to not further stress you and your animals any further. I’m sure the thousands of people visiting downtown to see such trivial entertainment wouldn’t mind.
Martha, thanks for letting us know you will not watch the Blue Angels or a circus. Many of us had been wondering about that.
Why such a Debbie Downer Martha? Are you the center of Evansville? I usually don’t attend either, but it’s good clean fun. Not every spare cent needs to go to helping the poor. Jesus said we will always have the poor with us. It was Judas who said we shouldn’t waste money that could go to helping the poor. . I don’t think he was thinking of the poor. Seems he was more interested in himself. You know you can give to the Shriners outright, or do you already? Have a little fun. Or at least don’t be so moopy faced and drag down others having fun.
Good points Martha. The ‘festival’ dies again if they don’t have some planes in the air. The Blue Angels cost more than the rest of the festival combined.
How sad it must be to be you. Never had a day of fun in your entire life.
It must be sad to be you. Never had a day of fun in your whole life.
Martha – must be sad to be you. Ever had a day of fun in your entire life?
Sorry for the repeated posts. Took hours and hours to appear.
Yea the Web site is toasted these days. Sometimes a post appears with some delay and other times it may not appear at all or hours after it was made. My guess is that all posts are being edited before being posted or the web site is hacked again or just plain problems with the software and hardware running the server.
On another topic about the Blue Angles. I’m aware of the Box and that some people living in the box have to move out of their homes when the Angles are flying over head. But these Jets fly right over my parents house at times and I’m sure they are passing over many other thousands of homes during their performance. Is the box direcly under the spot where the planes pass close to each other and there is a greater risk of crashing? Any of these planes could develop mechanical problems or electrical problems and crash anywhere they are being flown. So I question the need to move those people out of the so called little box area. That’s all.
Angels yes sorry. But it really is all about the Angles to these guys. IE PILOTS. Or should I have said VECTORS. My automatic spell checker is not perfect you know. Some times it gets confused. 🙂
Love your sarcasm and no, I don’t need your sympathy. I am so glad that Evansville is a place to express one’s opinion freely without fear of being put down in any way. A pretty close-minded community with minimal diversity from my point of view. A very sad thing. Please go ahead and keep your own little group of like-minded people together. I will be one less person to feed at the wake.
Forgot to add that I must have been, in the view of the majority, trying to kill the sacred cow. I will say that I am thrilled with the SCOTUS decisions recently. Does anyone want to jump on that?
Yes it’s good that everyone can now afford health care insurance in IN. Thank god for Obama.
Roberts is now legislating from the bench. He is not intrepreting law, he is writing it. Roerts is in Oama’s hip pocket: Oama wants a third term – Obama gets a third term. Seems that whatever Obama wants, Obama gets. America continues to devolve into the third world country Obama wants it to be. We are circling the drain.
Hey clueless!
Roberts used Scalia’s own words and majority opinions in which Scalia said context matters to support his own majority opinion. It’s called Court precedence…… genius.
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