IS IT TRUE June 24, 2013
IS IT TRUE that most of the citizens of Evansville believe that the last time the City had its books and records audited was 2011?…that this is not the case?… In the opinion of the State Board of Accounts concerning 2011, the City’s books were in such a terrible condition that the State Board could not, emphasis on NOT, express an opinion to its accuracy?…due to the condition, the State Board did not verify the accuracy and legitimacy of any transactions?…that the State Board of Accounts has not begun the 2012 audit and the Winnecke Administration is marching forward on the Hotel project without having a clean opinion from the State Board of Accounts for two years, as it stands, including the Johnson Controls multi-million dollar hay-ride?
IS IT TRUE we have had many readers contact us who are curious about why former Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel has been burning the midnight oil churning out op-ed pieces and letters to editors to dispute the findings of the Indiana State Board of Accounts regarding the mini-audit of the Ford Center construction project and the non-reconciled books?…in his latest missive the former Mayor even goes so far as to discourage 3rd party auditing of construction projects?…given the findings of the mini-audit of the Ford Center and the nonsensical way the City of Evansville’s accounting was handed to the Winnecke Administration a more thorough audit of a forensic nature may be in order?…if the former Mayor would have spent as much time minding to the budgets when he was in office as he has spent attempting to scrub the official record recently the City may not have been a John Friend MESS when the torch was handed to Mayor Winnecke?
IS IT TRUE that 6th Ward City Councilman Al Lindsey’s grandson Hunter Lindsey hit a last inning game winning grand slam home run to defeat the Evansville East Side 9 year old all star team in the championship game to win the Golfmoor all star tournament this Sunday June 23?… that his family and grandfather are extremely proud of Hunter and the CCO predicts that this is a name you may see many times in the local sports sections as this young man matures and competes as a local athlete?
IS IT TRUE that the amount of money one can save on medications by crossing an international border is just astounding?…in the case of a fairly benign medication what is “sticker priced†at $540 in the United States but costs an insured person $135 in co-payments can be bought over the counter in Mexicali, Mexico for $24?…the difference in price in Mexico and the USA is a whopping 2,150%?…if the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) had spent more time reading and thinking instead of rushing through the process a big portion of this usury difference could have been eliminated?…it is a shame that this price differential while acknowledged by both Presidents Bush and Obama still continues to burn the budgets of Americans?…if anyone in Washington is even remotely serious about having real affordable healthcare for all they need to forgo the campaign contributions of big pharma and completely reform the way routine medication are distributed and accessed in this country?…2,150% is a ridiculous premium to pay to buy the same thing, in the same bottle, and from the same factory on this side of the fence?…when it comes to medications that fence at the border seems more about keeping Americans in that keeping foreigners out?
IS IT TRUE a great man who made big things happen is lying on what may become his death bed?…this man is Nelson Mandela who spent many years as a political prisoner on Robbin Island before becoming the elected President of South Africa?…with the liberation of Mandela came the abolishment of apartheid and the acceptance of his country that was losing outside investment for their repressive policies?…we should all think good thoughts for President Mandela today?
Prescription drugs are cheap in Canada too. Apparently those hippie liberals got something right.
Thanks to the editor!! I did not realize that the City’s books were not in shape to be audited and no verification of an transactions…and, now, the 2012 audit hasn’t started??? And, the Winnecke Administration is marching forward on multi-millions of dollars!!!! (JOHHNSON CONTROLS & THE HOTEL)…Somebody muct be drinking political kool-aid, if they support this kind spending…considering the prior reports of the CCO concerning the negative cash balances in various city funds and the dispute centering around the current balancing of those city funds, are we crazy to even to consider spending funds until the auditors give their opinion about our true financial health….???
Please check your division! It certainly does not come up to 2400%.
22.5% is closer.
Take 540 and divide by 24 to get 22.5. That is 22.5 times as much which works out to 2,150% higher. We both punched a button wrong. I will correct in IIT
After reading IS IT TRUE concerning the Weinzapfel op’ed piece regarding the State Examiner’s report on the Ford Center, it appears that maybe a third party forensic audit is necessary.
I just read todays CCO Is It True and the Weinzapfel letter posted.
Someone isn’t telling the truth. Odds are that the CCO is more correct then Weinzapfel.
Bring on the forensic audit! The truth shall set us free.
I agree with council watch-bring on the forensic audit.
If one goes back and looks at the audits performed during the Weinzapfel years:
you will readily see that some of the same audit exceptions are repeated from year to year.
There were warnings about the commingling of funds in the city general fund. Why, after repeated warnings, did Weinzapfle continue to commingle water and sewer department funds with the city general fund?
Look over the audit conclusions for every year available here and you will see the picture clearer.
Particularly disturbing is the lack of any audit or independent review of six (6) years of contracts between the city of Evansville and SM&G Inc. for the management of the city’s entertainment facilities 2006-2011.
The fact that Jenny Collins was recruited from SM&G and made Weinzapfel’s city controller during this time period does not inspire confidence in the administration’s financial reporting. Couple that with Weinzapfel creating the office of financial officer at the water department and filling that position with Jenny Collins just prior to Weinzapfel leaving office and handing the new mayor a set of financial ledgers that had not been reconciled in the past 12 months, and I think any reasonable person might be calling for an investigation.
You citizens reading this deserve better performance than this from your government. Do not continue to be cowed into silence. Speak out against the machine that is strangling the life out of this city. You, your children, and your grandchildren deserve a better city.
I got it. Why don’t we begin an online petition to ask the State Board of Accounts and the City Council to do a “Forensic Audit” not only on the Ford Center but also the 2011 city books.
What do you think about this idea?
Just do it! Have no faith in the State Board when they are planning on a non-CPA named Airhead to lead the City audit this year
As I understand it, when you add the SMG time to the City of Evansville time, Jenny Collins needed to be on the government payroll until the end of 2013 to qualify for a pension from our tax money.
That being the case, if she were to be terminated before the end of 2013, she would not qualify for that pension. How about getting rid of her before the end of the year, Mr. Mayor?
I also understand that she is earning more in her Water & Sewer position than she was making as Controller of Evansville.
“Pinocchio, the Sequel”, completely fabricated by,
“The Legend”, J. Weinzapfel,—look for it in the fiction section of bookstores around election time..
Taken down by Editor because remarks are off subject.
taken down by editor because remarks are out of line.
Jenny may be in her job because Weinzapfel put her there and he may have done that for a reason. Jenny at least knows enough to keep her mouth shut instead of spouting off about how the SBOA is wrong like her former boss did. Jenny may not be much of an accountant but I would take her over Weinzapfel any day of the week. He knows absolutely nothing about what he is spewing about right now.
At some point Wienie-Boy ought to be thrown into the penitentary for the rest of his life.
We’ve had enough of his BS.
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