IS IT TRUE June 13, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE June 13, 2012

IS IT TRUE sometime during the next week depending on a couple of outside factors the City County Observer will pass another internet traffic barrier?…that it is inevitable that the CCO will enter the realm of the top 300,000 trafficked websites in the world?…that the number of websites out there worldwide recently topped 400 Million?…that places the CCO in the top 0.08% of websites worldwide with respect to traffic?

IS IT TRUE that the whole Johnson Controls line of questioning has us wondering just what can be done when an outgoing administration signs a legal contract during its final hours that turns out to be enough different than it was represented to be at the time of signing that the best solution is to tear up the contract and start over?…we are not saying that is the case with the Johnson Controls deal?…what we are encouraging is for a complete VETTING job including a rigorous financial analysis to be done to see if the numbers in the contract stand up to scrutiny and practical assumptions?…if they do then Mayor Weinzapfel did a good job (in a vacuum) and we can all look forward to having our water meters read through the internet?…the real question becomes what happens if this turns out to be a dud that the Winnecke Administration really prefers not to go forward with?…we think there should be some kind of mechanism to automatically require VETTING of everything that is passed above a certain price threshold in the lame duck days of any administration?…that this $50 Million plus deal would certainly exceed that threshold?…if it really is not a contract that solidly pays for itself with tangible and measurable savings that it should be subject to cancellation?…that what has been shown thus far certainly look like there is a high potential for exactly that outcome?

IS IT TRUE that lame duck elected officials have often pulled plenty of stunts that are less financially impactful than the Johnson Controls deal may be to Evansville?…there was a real concerted effort by the Weinzapfel Administration to jam through yet another deal for the McCurdy in a last minute special meeting of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission?…that the ERC which took 4 years to learn their lesson blocked this effort and sent former DMD Director Tom Barnett stomping out of the room mad as a hornet?…we wonder what would happen if an outgoing President of the United States pardoned Charles Manson and others like him?…we hope that such an executive action could be overturned by saner minds?…that alas we do not think executive privilege has changed much since the words “give us Barabbas” were uttered in Jerusalem?…that does not say much for the advancement of governance?

IS IT TRUE that economist Milton Friedman predicted the fall of the Euro within 10 years at the time it was launched?…that while Friedman may have missed his timing it appears that the probability of Greece and other European countries with excessive debt is getting pretty high?…that when Greece runs out of Euros which they most certainly will that they may return to the Drachma to avoid a devolution into a barter system?…Cypress just requested a banking bailout similar to Greece for the same reasons and that Spain is on the same path?…we should take a lesson from these countries that are several years ahead of us on the debt to GDP curve and right the American ship now?…that counter to what pundits and extremist party hacks say, the escalation of debt started in 2007 under President Bush and has continued unabated under President Obama?…that while these two presidents have different ideologies they pretty much look the same to a financial analyst?


  1. I would be interested in knowing the annual hit count of this website…

    • All from Google Analytics Pageviews:

      2010: 75,754
      2011: 889,333
      2012 (year to date): 466,556 (projection for full year is between 1 Million and 1.2 Million depending on politics in the fall)

      Total visits are roughly 35% of pageviews

      Total unique visitors since launch 118,157

      Total unique visitors 2012 ytd: 42,123

      79% of traffic comes from SW Indiana

      We expect that the balance are former residents or Evansville people on travel.

  2. I would favor a review of all contracts by the new elected official if the contract has a cost over 1 million or a term longer than 5 years. If these are good deals for the public there is no reason to doubt they will be upheld, if not they won’t stand up to proper vetting. I stand by my belief that the present admin. is NO different than the last, and won’t look into any deals no matter how bad they are.

  3. wow-Impressive stats.

    You come a long way baby!

    No wonder why the boys at the Courier are worried about the CCO.

    • The courier could easily put the CCO out of business, just by telling the truth and doing some basiic investigative reporting.

      But that will never happen.

      • The CCO does not seem to be in it for the money and runs pretty lean. They also seem to have a good mole network in place that allows them to scoop the CP on anything they want to scoop them on.

        A couple of years ago what you say may have been true but today the CCO is running circles around the CP and has a fairly large cult following. The horse has left the barn. The only way for the CP to silence the CCO now is to buy them out.

        • Damn right. The CCO is also not afraid to out the beautiful people and the elite when they sneak. Look at Earthcare. The CCO was more than a month ahead of the CP on the whole exposure of that rotten deal.

          I still ain’t sure why the CP kept quiet about that one but they are staying out of the Johnson Controls deal too. Are they dumb, lazy, or both?

        • A cult following is hitting the nail on the head…and I don’t mean it in a good way.

          Its a blog with a following just like a traffic accident with rubberneckers driving by…I admit that is the only reason I visit.

          The writing is irritating to read – and the grains of truth are beginning to get rather few & far between. As long as they keep the mudslinging as entertaining as it has been – I’ll continue to visit to see what type of rumors are currently swirling around.

          • OH PUH-lease…have you read the Courier lately? Mouthpiece for the establishment. I don’t always agree with the editors of the CCO, but I respect their ability to report things in their perspective. Although I will say the grammatical errors, typos, and misspellings are quite atrocious and annoying for either publication.

          • The cult is growing hoseofder. You may read the CCO for rubbernecking purposes but most read it to learn about government malfeasance and poor oversight. The CP does not have the nerve to publish what the CCO routinely publishes.

            The CCO has probably saved the taxpayers over $50 Million by pointing out government sneaking and ineptness. Homestead alone is $5M a year and Earthcare was $5M last month. Now the CCO is asking for some oversight on Johnson Controls. Does $80 Million get your attention.

            I guess you must like living in a place with no accountability that wastes millions of dollars and runs off 20% of the population. Enjoy the sewers. As bubbageek once said “if the CCO goes away the jackals will play”.

          • I meant cult following in a good way. The cult that follows the CCO are the highly educated and interested part of the population. They also want to see things exposed in the spirit of improvement. What is a shame is that the number of educated and engaged people in Evansville seems to be to few to elect decent intelligent people to public office.

            We need the cult to grow by about 10,000 more.

  4. Job well done Joe, Tim and other members of the CCO team.

    Suggestion, why don’t you all change your format layout? Maybe use a on-line templet use by other on-line national papers so you will look more like and read like them?

    In other words–it’s time to take the CCO to the next level!

  5. I agree that a new format similar to ones that National newspaper chains are presently are using on their web publications would take the CCO to the next level.

    I would like to purchase stock in CCO so they could afford to quickly go to the next level.

    Better yet, why don’t the CCO and its friend have a massive fund raiser dinner in order for them to generate the money needed to take them to the next level!

    It’s time the Evansville Courier have head to head competition!

    Anybody out there agrees with me and would like to help with a fund raiser to generate monies needed to take CCO to next level! Please post if your interested in such a project.

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