IS IT TRUE July 6, 2012
IS IT TRUE the people of Evansville have been officially put on notice that the conditions with local water due to the drought conditions are severe enough to merit that they are asked to conserve water?…this happens from time to time and that voluntary compliance to conserve in times that mother nature’s wrath creates unfavorable conditions is a time when people can pull together and build the character that comes from joint sacrifice?…that in such time we look to our elected leaders to set the example for the rest of us?…that this morning, the sprinklers at the Civic Center and in the public areas of downtown Evansville were all spraying water on grass, sidewalks, and streets as though we were living in Canada and water were not experiencing drought conditions?…if this is the kind of example and leadership that is coming from the City of Evansville that owns the water department then we are is one sorry situation?…the aristocratic model of you save some bread so I can have a feast has no place in a water shortage?…the City of Evansville and the Water Department employees who allowed these sprinklers to come on when everyone else is being asked to conserve ought to have some consequence?…that we suspect whomever is in charge simply did not have the presence of mind to even think to turn the sprinklers off?…that you get what you vote for?
IS IT TRUE that the “official†unemployment rate held steady at 8.2% for the month of June with the economy only adding 80,000 jobs?…the “official†underemployment rate is still hovering around 18%?…the problem with both of those numbers as pointed out in today’s Washington Post is that people who have used all of their unemployment benefits, are discouraged from searching for a job, or who have essentially gone underground and are working for cash are not counted?…the unofficial but more accurate unemployment and underemployment rate is thought by people in the know to be closer to 25% than any of the official reports dare to admit?…that a large number of people who used up the last of their benefits contributed to the flat “official†report of 8.2%?
IS IT TRUE that the Vanderburgh County Council is on a shopping spree?…they are considering purchasing the old EVSC headquarters building behind the green grass Civic Center and have approved the purchase of two new cars for the County Assessor’s office?…our County Council also approved two 10-year tax abatements for a new food-production business that MIGHT CHOOSE to come to Vanderburgh County?…we may just know soon whether or not our elected officials and their surrogates can actually buy a few jobs?
2 separate audits are needed , county and the city ,we as tax payers have been getting screwed royaly by repubs and democraps alike
I am commenting on the Reader’s Poll to the right, because it does not allow for comments there. The question is “Do you think the City of Evansville “needs” a 25 year plan?â€
The city does have a Comprehensive Development Plan. It is maintained by the Area Planning commission. It shows current and future development of the lay of the land in and around Evansville. The Comprehensive plan is updated every ten years. The problem is that very few people know about it and the people in power don’t care about what it actually says….
It is not the physical plan itself that we lack in Evansville. It is the adhering to the plan that we lack. We always get overly ambitious politicians in office who seek to do their own will and ignore the existing plan. IMHO, why have a plan when the politicians ignore it at the end of day anyway?
So on this comprehensive development plan are there projections for population and average income in the City of Evansville for 10, 15, 20, etc. years into the future? If not then it is not a plan at all.
Have you even taken the time to LOOK at the Comprehensive Plan, or are you bashing it thru your usual bias?
“The 2004-2025 Comprehensive Plan for Evansville and Vanderburgh County is the guide for land use decisions and the framework for the ongoing land use planning process. The intent is to guide growth in a manner that supports and reinforces the community qualities important to City and County residents. These qualities include employment and housing opportunities, safety and security, quality schools, neighborhoods with a strong sense of community, and a healthy environment. All these amenities create and enrich our quality of life.”
Who appointed you judge and jury over what makes up a proper development plan? Maybe you should VET your answers and snide remarks.
Please provide references to what makes up a “proper” plan. Cite the resources necessary. Personally I think you are way too full of self-importance
Lexington had a 30 year plan when they consolidated in 1971 that included population projections and migration patterns for the different demographics. At the time they were the same size as Evansville and today they are right at 300,000 where the plan predicted they would be. The difference in Lexington and Evansville was a comprehensive plan which is not to be confused with a zoning wish list. Yes, I have seen the plan that you speak of and it in no way addresses growth or quality of life as the Lexington plan did. Delude yourself if you wish.
Lexington also consolidated there city and county governments to enhance business growth.
Indeed they did. As my aunt from Lexington tells me consolidation carried at the ballot box with the city and county voting separately. If consolidation brings people together for a common cause it may be quite positive. If it is viewed as a quasi-annexation by force of numbers then obstruction will follow. The nightmare scenario for Evansville is that consolidation passes with the City overwhelmingly approving and the County overwhelmingly voting it down. If both groups approve by similar large margins it will show common cause. If not it will lead to gridlock.
I do not disagree with your comment regarding the lack of population predictions in Evansville. But do we really need that? I only ask because if I were to predict Evansville’s growth based on the historical population numbers of Evansville, I would predict us to be the same in 30 years.
With that said, what else is truly lacking from the Comprehensive Plan? My answer to this question still the same…people who actually adhere to the plan instead of blowing it off as hopeful thinking.
Finally, if you can’t get the current administration to adhere to the current plan…why would you want to expand it further?
We agree that the best laid plans are of no value if we cannot elect people with the skills or the will to do what the plan says. If we are truly in a state where no one could muster a following of capable people with means and authority then the time and money to craft the plan would be a complete waste. Continuing to have hope or to even live in a place that one believes is incapable of planning and unwilling to follow a plan is a waste of life. I truly hope that Evansville is not beyond hope.
Land use in Evansville is governed by the golden rule: He who has the gold makes the rules.
Anyone who has attended a few city council meetings soon learns how the land use game is played. Hire the right attorney and, voila, it sails right through.
Regarding the Robert’s Stadium auction of artifacts, it is disappointing that the tax paying businesses of our city and Vanderburgh county get excluded form participating in such an event. I would be interested to know if Wilson Auction was on the list of donors to elect Lloyd Winneke? When can we find people to represent us that will just play honest and fair at all levels?
and so the story of E’ville goes on….and on….and on.
I bet that suckup Dave Rector is in charge of the sprinklers. Shouldn’t he be putting that water on the floor of something his master wants to tear down? Gotta keep them sidewalks green. Somebody needs to school that boy on what conserving water means.
Where is the sprinkler czar and Mayor Winnecke’s inner-city tank?
Sprinkler Czar is Doofus Dave Rector. The tank was traded for a box of stun grenades to use on Sig School students relaxing at home.
Is It True..…our County Council also approved two 10-year tax abatements for a new food-production business that MIGHT CHOOSE to come to Vanderburgh County?
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The newspaper today did not offer the reader any information about Delta Properties, LLC, except to inform us that they would be receiving a 10 year property tax phase-in on an $8+ million property to be built for their new client.
Delta Properties, LLC’s registered agent is Evan Beck. Evan Beck is President and Principal Broker for Woodward Commercial Reality. Steve Khare is owner of Woodward Commercial Reality.
Steve joined Woodward Commercial Realty as Vice President and Owner of Woodward Development and Construction in October 2001, with over 35 years of construction and development experience. Steve previously owned and operated a commercial construction company. Today he manages Woodward Commercial Realty’s build-to-suit/lease projects and personnel.
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I will leave it up to the reader to decide whether a commercial build/lease company should be allowed to use tax abatement/phase-in to expand the income they will be receiving in the form of lease payments by their new tenant.
It is the new tenant that will be providing the jobs and payroll and benefits over the course of THEIR 10 year personal property phase-in.
The privately owned commercial reality company constructing the building, who will also be getting a 10 year phase-in on their real property taxes, is much less deserving, in my personal opinion, of their phase-in.
So will Delta properties still be eligible for a tax break if the food company passes on the deal and another company moves in?
Need to check the details…
I have been telling you rubes for ages to get on board with me.
Last warning!
My gas-line food processing artifact thingy is the bomb!
Get with me, get on this!
Really, I mean why wait on a street corner and wonder when your sandwich is gonna be hot?
By the power of natural gas coursing through pipelines,my invention will warm your sandwich in moments!
Think of it Evansville.
I just need a little help in the financing department.
So, I mean, this town is where the money flows, right?
Who do you have to know to get a gas-line sandwich heating business
going around here?
Hey, I’m just an honest guy with an idea.
What’s wrong with that?
WOW! You are stretching big time on this sprinkling story. What is the problem sprinkling the City lawns and shrubbery? Evansville gets their water from the Ohio River–not a lake. The water taken from the river compared to the flow of the Ohio River does not mount to anything.
Need to water or there will be a big bill replacing shrubbery etc. You missed this one.
Simply because it was going on less than 8 hours after the people of the town were being begged to conserve water.
Who asked or begged as you put it for the city to conserve water. Did the CCO have a news release on conserving water, did the EC. I was out of town and knew nothing about it when I got home. Nothing in your article says who requested the city or county to conserve water.
The warning is here:
I believe the CCO editor was wondering if the Civic Center was setting a good example if we are all in this together. Everyone has grass and landscaping that they would like to keep, not just the CC.
Thanks for the information. I didn’t see anywhere in the news release that anyone was begging the people of the city to conserve water. I drove around the city today and many people were still watering there lawns. Again, thanks for the info.
Jack Waldroup
Tongue firmly in cheek here: Just checking your water usage:
What do you do if you are the Democratic Party controlled State of California facing a debt of at least $265 billion, and perhaps as much as $737 billion?
You do what Democrats are famous (or should that be infamous) for: You spend even more tax dollars that you do not have to build a high speed rail line between Los Angeles and San Francisco.
The bill authorizes the state to begin selling $4.5 billion in voter-approved bonds that includes $2.6 billion to build an initial 130-mile stretch of the high-speed rail line in the agriculturally rich Central Valley. That allows the state to draw another $3.2 billion in federal funding.
Yes readers, the man in the White house is coughing up $3.2 Billion of your money to help his fellow democrat buddy, Governor Jerry Brown, look like he is doing something destruct…. oops, make that constructive.
I don’t this country can afford Democrats anymore.
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