IS IT TRUE? July 29, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? July 29, 2011

IS IT TRUE that a touch of sanity has finally come from the Evansville Redevelopment Commission with respect to the downtown Convention Hotel fiasco?…that yesterday’s special meeting ended with the right result but that the commission was in no mood for any public input or even input from elected officials?…that Mr. John Kish the project manager lawyered up for the meeting bringing a legal eagle from the Indianapolis firm of Bingham McHale?…that this legal eagle spent about 10 minutes giving instructions about the law and vetting as though he was addressing a bunch of first year law students?…that the ERC was eloquently told that they did not do their job and that it is now time to do it?…that the big money gun slinger was right?

IS IT TRUE that the end result was that there will be an outside firm hired to vet the two proposals?…that this is what the City County Observer has been calling for?…that we finally will complement the ERC for unanimously voting to do the right thing and get someone who knows what they are doing to complete the vetting task?…that rumblings were even coming from the lawyer table about vetting the construction plan, the ability of the chosen proposal to run a hotel, and of course the feasibility of the financing packages?…that both Prime Lodging and the Kunkel Group have submitted addendums to their packages?…that is just part of the process when businesses are asked to submit proposals on a two week timeframe?…that we are sure that there will be more addendums?

IS IT TRUE that the president of the ERC, Mr. Bob Goldman carefully confirmed that they were free to choose “none of the above” if the proposals turn out not to vet for any reason at all?…that Mr. Goldman’s level of interest in that answer was worth noting?…that the other revelation of the day was that after 30 days that the terms of the RFP are possible to alter through one on one negotiations?…that was a new wrinkle as we are only 20 days from the time that the RFP terms can be changed?…that before this piece of knowledge that the foregone conclusion was that it was an all or nothing proposition that could end up with nothing?

IS IT TRUE that the second line item of the agenda had to do with the antenna solution for the Arena?…that there was no public discussion allowed regarding this item?…that Councilman John Friend attempted to ask a question but that a motion was made, a vote was taken, and whatever that was and whatever it cost it was passed unanimously?…that I guess that we will find out what it is now that it was passed?…that our last memory of pass it then read it does not seem to have turned out so well?…that unintended consequences have turned many well meaning projects to dirt?…that we hope that is not the case with the cellular service in the Arena?…that we also hope that it is FREE like Mr. Kish said it would be in the May 9, 2011 meeting of the Evansville City Council?


  1. An appointed board that disrespects an elected official who sits on a council that appoints part of that board is an appointed board that has elevated its self-perceived status to a level that needs to have its legs chopped off!

    Furthermore, if an appointed board thinks it can disrespect elected officials or the public in a public meeting, and ALL PUBLIC MEETINGS REQUIRE PUBLIC COMMENT, if they think they can do it by characterizing comments from elected officials or the general public as “political,” then that board needs to be taught that they are opperating in the POLITICAL ARENA to begin with, from the get go. And if they do not recognize and acknowledge that, they should get on down the road.

    Lastly, how exactly does a pawn broker outrank a certified, practicing accountant and financial advisor with regard to accurately assessing and recommending actions on either of the two issues on yesterday’s ERC agenda?

    • The pawn broker has the statutory authority as granted by City Ordinance to run the meeting as he believes is correct and he controls the mic. If he is out of line, he should be chastised or replaced by the authority by whose pleasure he serves. If he is in violation of statute, he should be called before City Council and investigated and face possible prosecution. If the Board has failed in the task assigned to it by ordinance, then it’s role should be redefined by ordinance. My opponent does not appear to understand the authority that comes with the badge he carries in his pocket. He also has a mic, only his is in front of a TV audience… it would be very easy for him to have
      the last word on this subject. Do your job, John!

  2. I’d like to see the ERC abolished,—With NO recourse for the Taxpayers,—we plainly cannot continue to give them a blank check.

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