IS IT TRUE, July 26, 2013
IS IT TRUE the City County Observer would like to start today’s IS IT TRUE with a retraction?…we stated yesterday that Evansville City Council members Missy Mosby and Jonathan Weaver voted against going forward with the McGladrey study that recently exposed many weaknesses and much delusion in the City of Evansville’s IT department?…that particular study did not have a vote associated with it but did have much discussion associated with it before Councilman John Friend convinced the Council and the Office of the Mayor to appropriate some funds to pay McGladrey to do the study?…the rest as they say has set the stage for whether or not the City of Evansville will remain in the IT dark ages with no hope of coming out or whether the ship will be righted and people who McGladrey would consider as qualified will be hired to provide strategic thinking to replace the reaction based mode of operation?…what Council members Weaver and Mosby openly opposed was doing an audit of the Ford Center construction project and hiring Financial Consultant David Garrett to investigate the problems associated with reconciliation of the City of Evansville accounts?…all three of these actions were designed to bring third party analysis to play in critical areas of the City’s operations?…we apologize to Mosby and Weaver for our error in yesterday’s IIT crediting them for opposing all three accountability efforts?…they only opposed two?
IS IT TRUE that our reader’s polls of late have been rather illuminating with respect to what our readership prefers in the future of Evansville?…after a number of challengers potential candidates for the democrat nomination for Mayor in 2015 the only potential candidates to get significant support were County Commissioner Steve Melcher and Councilman John Friend?…of those two Commissioner Melcher seems to have more support at this date to oppose Mayor Winnecke in 2015?…there were many comments and emails that wanted us to present Rick Davis or someone who has never held office before as an opportunity?…as we have stated before we will continue to honor Mr. Davis’s new career and keep his name out of the polls?
IS IT TRUE that our most recent polls asking our readers to prioritize what projects under consideration (or federal mandate) have the most support?…thus far biting the bullet and getting on with the business of doing what it takes to get the combined sewer situation into EPA compliance is the overwhelming choice as the top priority of the City?…coming in a solid second is reorganizing the IT and Controller’s office so we never again have to deal with a situation where city government can’t balance its books and is behind the eight ball on even having a clue about IT technology?…we put in a silly choice of a downtown ski slope for dogs named Blue and it got more votes than either Roberts Park or the $37.5 Million downtown Convention Hotel giveaway?…towns like Evansville, Detroit, etc. that are in decline have to have priorities and basic services that cities have to provide to even be viable should always be at the top of the list?…temples to sport, dog parks, skateboard ramps, and elysian fields will never be above basic things like sewers, water, police, fire, and other basic services?…local government once again is carrying on the age old tradition of doing the opposite of what they should be doing?…at least this time it seems as though the people of this town are finally getting it?
IS IT TRUE that Evansville is in the national news for yet another scandalous bit of silliness?…CNN is reporting that Sydney Leathers who actually lives in Princeton is from Evansville?…that is incorrect that she is from Evansville but the herd watching the evening news will not remember that?…Ms. Leathers’ claim to fame is that she is the online romance partner of Anthony Weiner who was trying to rise from the political grave that he sexted and trolled his way into in a previous life as a Democrat congressman from New York City?…it has actually been reported that this moron (Weiner) actually consulted with his 23 year old online romance partner about whether or not he should run for Mayor of New York?…as long as alpha narcissists are the only people willing or capable to win elected office the coast to coast circus will continue?
Is Weiner the best NY has to offer?
Classy retraction to Weaver and Mosby.
Its good to see a media source man up to a mis-statement.
The big thing is how long before we can vote both these clowns out of office!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rk812 –You must not be an unhappy person. You are always negative. Weaver aqnd Mosby are trying to help Evansville. What are you doing to make Evansville better?
As a constituent of the 2nd ward what I will do to make Evansville better is vote against Mosby and Weaver every time they run. They may think they are trying to help but in truth they are both too stupid to know how. They also set a terrible example for the citizens of this town with their constant boozing at bars and getting into scrapes with others. Did you really vote for these two dopes?
I must not be an unhappy person that would make me happy? I am against the type of leadership we have had in Evansville over the past ten years and want to see change and hope my comments might get some of the clowns out of office. As a second ward voter it is my right to voice my thoughts about our elected joke!!!!!!!!!!!!! Weaver is fair game as he is the at large council person which I have never voted for but have against him!!!
Good that you are voicing your opinion. That is more than most voters do. I do not think Mosby and Weaver are stupid.
To really help to make things better, you need to get involved more with the Party of your choice. Be an active precinct committeeman, run for office, help support candidates various ways including donating money to their campaign, attend meetings and express your opinion, etc.
Okay Wayne, so you do not think Mosby and Weaver are stupid. Do you think they are qualified to be on the board of directors of a $300M business? That is what a city the size of Evansville is. How many other boards have they served on that require financial oversight? From my perspective these two are not qualified to be on council. Mosby doesn’t even have the mental horsepower to learn. Weaver on the other hand can be quite bright when he is not blinded by his own ego.
In contrast to Wayne, I suggest donating money and working to elect a candidate you believe in. It’s time to eliminate the D,R,L’s and vote for the candidate. The”party” is on your dime, and you don’t get to order or enjoy the fruits of your labor. Letting the “party” choose who gets in office is what led this city to get in such a terrible situation. I’d like to see more people run, some are not qualified, but at least we;d have a choice instead of the lesser of 2 evils.
I thought it was pretty lame…especially the last sentence.
Lame is voting against the exposure of ineptitude, refusing to protect “your constituency” from exploitation-all to save your own butt because the transient officeholder has your soul in a grimy bag? Those jobs they offered you will dry up and blow away as soon as you are of no use? The time is coming, and some shall dance to the fiddler? You won’t like the tune.
It’s called “Golden Days” and it’s all about something that has passed you by, long ago.
Bootsie….your statement makes no sense whatsoever.
INDYSTAR July 21, 2013
It was a welcome, and overdue, move when Gov. Mike Pence and the General Assembly approved legislation this spring to require the Indiana Economic Development Commission to be more transparent in its operations.
The latest example of why transparency is so critical is the frustrating case of Elevate Ventures, a private nonprofit hired by the state to stimulate business investment. It took an Indianapolis Star investigation, published July 14, to alert taxpayers to troubling conflicts of interest. The news story prompted a federal audit of Elevate Ventures.
Pence also has ordered an independent review of the state’s work with Elevate.
For their part, Elevate Ventures’ leadership team and the IDEC insist that no rules were broken when $800,000 in public funds were steered to companies run by Elevate’s founder, Howard Bates, and his son.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
At least some Indiana cities still have a facsimile of a newspaper that asks questions. Would that Evansville could have the same.
Coming soon to a theater near you:
Hanoi Jane Fonda starring as NANCY REAGAN!
I’d like to see Bart Gadau run for mayor as a Libertarian. Indiana needs o make changes and lead the nation out of this chaotic political environment.
That’s a good idea. Bart is a very smart guy, and has great values he would bring to the office. Lets face it…what we have done in the past is not working, lets make a real change in local government !
Wow-are you serious? Bart Gadau would make an outstanding Mayor.
Right now my support goes with Steve Melcher unless Bart runs for Mayor.
We got to get rid of the jerk we have in the Mayors office right now. He just an empty suit.
Was Melcher against the destruction of Roberts?
Bart would make a very solid Mayoral candidate who might just pull out an upset if the voters are particularly in the mood to say “pox on both your houses”. If the Democrats can’t come up with someone who isn’t a banker or lawyer “good ol’ boy” with some common sense credentials, it could be an interesting race. The Libertarian brand has come a long way in the past several years. That won’t hurt his cause if he runs.
You guys seem to feed on each other. A Libertarian has as much chance being elected Mayor of Evansville as me wining the next big lottery. None!!!
Want to split a lottery ticket with me because I feel like you have a win coming!
In past elections I’d say you’d be right, but Winnecke has proven to be VERY problematic with a track record more in alignment with the liberal, spendthrift Mayors of Detroit than a representative of common sense fiscal conservatives.
His positions on key issues like Roberts Stadium and Johnson Controls would be extremely difficult to defend against in a debate that included the libertarian perspective. His lack of transparency, his willingness to bypass the Council whenever possible, his utter FAILURE to rectify the books in his first 18 months, his seeming deafness to common sense voices will all conspire to weaken his moral high ground on conservative issues.
Likewise, the field of prospective Democrats thus far has not deviated from the usual suspects who will also have questionable voting records to answer for.
On the other hand, Bart Gadau has a Congressional run under his belt, which should raise his name recognition, and he will be able to draw upon a list of Ron Paul Republicans and libertarian volunteers who have been active the last few years. The question will be how effectively he can recruit and utilize these volunteer lists to canvass and how much money can he raise from people sick of the same old BS.
To run effectively, Gadau would need to be a tireless self-promoter and have a focused team around him. It will be an uphill battle, but could get interesting if for no other reason than he could be a death knell for Winnecke.
I like Bart, then I asked myself if he has the experience to be mayor, and I like him even more.
I’d love to see a Libertarian Party member run. I’m sick of the same old BS from both parties. I’d like to see someone who wants less government, not more.
I agree with the people who’ve thrown out Bart Gadau’s name…Do we know if he’s interested in running?
Who is Bart Gadau?
I would love for Bart Gadau to run for office. He would definitively bring a lot of different ways of looking at situations then both parties. After all I want everyone to look at the two parties and ask, ” have they let you down?” If they did why wouldn’t you vote them out. Bart is a good man who would do good for the job.
The poll suggests nobody ever votes straight ticket republican? What a joke.
We recognize that some people blindly pull both levers. We also recognize based on the statistics of past elections that no mayoral election of Evansville has ever been remotely determined by blind faith republicans. If we were a Texas publication that would be at the top of the list.
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