Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE July 11, 2012

IS IT TRUE July 11, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE July 11, 2012

IS IT TRUE the James Bethel Gresham home in Garvin Park should be having bids made starting today to do the necessary repairs to bring it back to the condition of honor that it deserves to be kept in?…that the City County Observer would like to thank Jordan Baer for alerting us to the situation with this WWI shrine and for providing the pictures that inspired this call to action on the part of the Winnecke Administration that has been quite informative and cooperative in this matter?…the Parks Department in its obliviousness allowed this home to fall into disrepair and that we hope something is being done to correct the system in place that produces failure after failure?…we don’t even know when the ceiling in this home fell in?…it could have happened during the Weinzapfel Administration under different Parks Department leadership?…if this home were Roberts Stadium that it would be on the list for the wrecking ball over the leaking roof?…the restoration that is scheduled to begin today is a bright spot in this week and we once again thank Mr. Baer and congratulate the Winnecke Administration for taking the appropriate action rather than making a pile of excuses?

IS IT TRUE a number of friends and Moles have alerted us to a loss of bandwidth that seems to have occurred recently at Innovation Pointe?…the system installed back in 2007 was set up to deliver a top speed of 20 Mbs and consistently delivered speeds to individual computers that were over 10 Mbs with multiple users online?…of all the things that modern businesses and especially technology businesses need to be able to count on that high bandwidth is the most important?…it has been published often that a business park without sufficient bandwidth is not a business park at all?…since the CCO has never heard of such a problem at Innovation Pointe before that something must have happened to cause such a drop in bandwidth?…that one Speedtestâ„¢ run yesterday barely made it to 2Mbs which is well below what most residential home services deliver?…we encourage the powers that be to do whatever they need to do to get the bandwidth back to at least where it was securely set to in 2007 as without it the whole mission of this project pretty much goes out the window?

IS IT TRUE that if one is to delve into why so many people seem to be confused about things nowadays we should look no further than the changes in the definition of what is a tax being put forth by the Obama Administration?…that the latest foray into redefinition of the word tax is being asserted by our Attorney General Eric Holder who was recently voted to be in contempt of Congress and awaits trial?…that Attorney General holder has now put forth the argument that requiring people to show a identification card to vote is a “POLL TAX”?…that in order to do most anything in the United States of America including starting a job, cashing a check, boarding an airplane, driving a car, enrolling in school, entering the country from abroad, applying for a GOVERNMENT CLEARANCE, and a host of other things that one must show identification?…that the IRS even requires that an infant have a Social Security number in order to be claimed as a dependent on a tax return?…there is plenty of federal precedent that an ID be required for activities that are much less important and sacred than voting?…that Attorney General Holder even had the audacity to call a Voter ID a “POLL TAX” after the US Supreme Court has upheld the use of Voter ID’s in a case brought by the State of Indiana?

IS IT TRUE that the Wall Street Journal called AG Holder out the hardest when it published the following:

“Mr. Holder’s wallowing in a Jim Crow metaphor to score political points is a discredit to his department, to the rule of law, and to the nonracist country that 45 years after the Voting Rights Act made him its chief law enforcement officer.”?…that our government that refuses to call a tax a tax, obstructs congressional investigations, and now fans the fires of racism at an NAACP meeting needs a serious course in the language of reality?…it is all about TRUTH and TRUST and thus far this administration has mastered neither?


  1. Our City cannot take care of what it has and we want to add more to their plate. What can we expect for our new greenspace that use to be moneymaker!!!!! The gang of cronies and clowns continue to lead thru backroom deals and deception! These long serving leeches need to go ASAP!!!!!!!

  2. Vote NO to consolidation it is just not been proven to save money the way it as been written!!!!!!1

  3. I also think the CCO should give credit to the newly appointed Evansville Parks Director for her quick response in correcting this problem. Also this problem with the Gresham Home was left by the past Mayor for Mr. Winnenke to solve. We can expect many more similar problems to araise in the near future. When all said and done the taxpayers of this community will once and for all finally realize that the past Mayor had very little management skills.

  4. Agree with the comments of tea anyone.

    Thanks to Mayor Wiinnenke and his Parks Director for quickly correcting the problem at the Gresham home.

    As a vet I hope the Mayor will find a way to see that this this situation shall never be repeated. Glad your gone.

    Mayor Winezapfel you should be ashamed of letting the James Gresham home get in this kind of state.

  5. Is it true that Atty. Gen. Holder’s remarks targetted the Texas voter ID law? That Mr. Holder pointed out in the same remarks that the Texas law allows for a gun permit to serve as valid voter ID, while a UT or TAM student ID does not?

    Is it true that there may be folks in the U.S. who do not operate motor vehicles, do not have passports, or who do not have another form of government issued ID that includes a photograph, yet are born citizens with inherent voter rights? That just maybe such a citizen is elderly, infirmed, disabled, financially strapped, or otherwise not able or inclined to acquire a new government issued photo ID, and so will be disinfranchised for lack of one?

    Is it true that a state which requires a citizen who has an unchallenged voting record to now purchase a govt. issued photo ID in order to continue voting indeed is imposing a poll tax?

    • I see where you are coming from, but in order to vote you should have to prove who you are and that you are a US Citizen. If someone can’t make it to the license branch and get an ID or cannot in any other way obtain acceptable identification it is their problem no matter how unfortunate their situation is.

      • Is it true that regardless of how you phrase it or rationalize it, to require a citizen to purchase an ID document solely for the purpose of exercizing their inherent right to vote is to impose a poll tax? And that the editor has simply taken Atty. Gen. Holder to task for calling a spade a spade?

        • Strictly my personal opinion…..but, most working, law abiding citizens already have a form of government ID either in the form of a state issued ID card or a state issued drivers license, so what does that leave to tax? It would seem the people being disenfranchised by the so called poll tax would be the folks who don’t carry a ID for obvious reasons, the elderly, and the people who can’t legally obtain a state/government ID because they are here illegally!…of the three groups I listed above which constitutes the biggest potential voting block that has no legal right to vote in any election?

          Personally….all of my life I have had to show a form of ID to buy tobacco products, buy beer, use a credit card, pay with a check, enter some establishments, the list goes on and on…really it’s no big deal and if you can’t prove you are a legal citizen you should not be allowed to vote, we have far too many ways for the dead to vote…heck even dogs can get a voter registration card if their owner fills out the form….

          In a perfect world everything is rainbows and bunnys….unfortunately we do not live in anything that remotely resembles a perfect world, fraud in voting is rampant and a small inconvenience of having to be responsible enough to actually have a valid ID to vote is much needed…again this is just MHO


          • Is it true that Atty. Gen. Holder, in his address to the NAACP, also said that “nationally, only 8 percent of white voting-age citizens, while 25 percent of African-American voting-age citizens, lack a government-issued photo ID?” That it would be hard for Blanger to substantiate a claim that 25% of African Americans and 8% of Caucasian Americans are without voter-valid ID due to their not being “law abiding citizens?”

            Is it true, once again, that to require a citizen to PURCHASE an ID specifically to vote constitutes a poll tax? That this is exactly the point Atty. Gen. Holder made by characterizing a reqirement to PURCHASE an ID to vote as a poll tax? That no matter how you characterize folks who do not carry a govt. issued photo ID, no matter how you portray yourself as somehow more legit, no matter what argument you use, you cannot deny that a requirement to PURCHASE a document in order to be allowed to cast a vote constitutes a poll tax?

          • Izzy…..

            No dispute in what your saying…it is a poll tax.

            The debate is…..is it correct to require people who choose to vote to prove they are who they say they are? if it’s by a valid ID that would seem to be the simplest method since most folks already have one…..but we could opt for RFID chips implanted at birth that too would work.

            I’m not disagreeing with you at all, just pointing out the simple fact that to stop fraud in our elections some form of IDing voters to ID’s is necessary…


        • Hispanic looking man walks in to vote.
          Name please: Jose… ehhh… Bob Smith
          Your name is Bob Smith? Si Sen… I mean Yes.
          Do you have any ID? No
          OK Mr. Smith, you seem legit to me. Here’s your ballot.

          Does that work for you Izzy?

          • Is it true that I am not trying to force some sort of comical or farsical response from you, Blanger, or the editor? That my point simply is as stated several times already that requiring a citizen to PURCHASE an ID, in order to exercize the right to vote, constitutes a poll tax? That neither you, nor Blanger, nor the editor have addressed that issue? That there are solutions to providing valid voter ID to registered voters without charging them money?

            Is it true that with all the constitutional lawyers in state legislatures and legislative services, and patriotic armchair pundits lurking about the blogs, one would think that someone could conceive of a plan to provide legitimately registered and qualified voters with a photo ID without charging them a poll tax?

            • Not really. Charging a fee to cast the vote or to register is a poll tax. Requiring an ID is no more of a tax than requiring that voters travel to a polling place and wear clothes to vote both of which cost money.

          • Sorry, things costs money. An ID is certainly a thing. People work to provide other people with IDs. The government pays the people that provide other people with IDs for their work. I don’t want another goverment hand out so that everyone can get a free ID.

          • Is it true that Hoosiers do not have to pay to receive a voter registration card when registering to vote? That absentee voter application forms are free, and that the clerks at the voter registration office process and provide voting documents at no charge to the voter? That Big Pappa’s fee-for-services governmental argument doesn’t apply to voter registration documents and ID cards?

            Is it true that requiring a citizen to possess a state issued photo ID, aka driver’s license or state ID card issued by BMV, in addition to constituting a poll tax, also is applying an unnecessary and burdensome layer of government and government regulation to the voting process? That any freedom loving, constitution supporting American would be condemning excessive, unneccessary, and burdensome layers of regulation on top of an inherent right of an American citizen, especially such a sacred right as voting? That it appears some self-described conservative Americans sure abandon their beliefs in a hurry when it’s a freedom being taken away from folks above whom such fair weather conservatives hold themselves to be superior?

    • Nice try Izzy, but the basic voter picture ID is FREE from the Indiana license branch. FREE.


      Now you Obama/Eric Holder types will have to find another way to assist undocumented and unregistered voters to commit vote fraud.

  6. Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles

    Renewing an ID Card

    ID cards are valid for a period of six years, expiring on your birthday. The renewal fee is $13; for disabled ID or for ID cards holders older than 65, the fee is $10.

    You can renew in person at your local BMV office, or online.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    IzzyTru’s concern about the cost does not hold water. The cost is $2.16 per year for the $13.00 photo ID, and $1.66 per year for the $10.00 photo ID.

    I am sure that anyone who legitimately could not afford that price could appeal to the BMV for a free one and get it. After all, if dead people in Chicago can purchase photo IDs and vote, surly living breathing human beings can expect to do no less.



    • Is it true that Pressanykey just confirmed that the poll tax in Indiana is $15 for a six year pass? That anyway you cut it a Hoosier has to pay a poll tax to vote?

      • No Izzy, the picture voter ID card is FREE from the BMV. Zero dollars and zero pesos:


        Sorry to rain on the ridiculous Obama/Eric Holder arguments that only allowing legally registered voters to vote once, is somehow racist.

      • Your math is like your logic: it doesn’t add up. I must admit that you are one of the more persistent program posters. Head of your class at the Wellstone Academy?


    • Well no…err I mean yes…..I’m really not sure at this point…..LOL!

      If you talking about Izzy….in the context they are trying to get across I do believe the concept could be viewed as a poll tax, but as has been pointed out it’s just a ruse, like I was trying to say the issue here is not that some folks would have to obtain a valid ID that may or may not cost them a few dollars, it’s simply the fact that some form of voter authentication is sourly needed to cut down on fraud….to me voting is one of the most important fundamental responsibilities of being a good citizen of this great country given that importance I do believe safeguards should be in effect at least to the same level as cashing a check which requires a photo ID almost everywhere..

      Again it is JMHO


    Isn’t it strange that the high and mighty U.S Attorney General Eric Holder who is not only involved in the ‘Fast and Furious’ cover up. But this conspiracy has still not been resolved and is being shielded, so nobody knows who the real perpetrators are? Like some Warlord he has threatened the state of Arizona, because the legislators there wanted to protect their own people, against the flood of illegal aliens who are legally stealing public assistance programs. With Obama in power there has been no restrictions of food stamps, so with fraudulent ID anybody is eligible. Under his deliberate blind eye of Holder, he was determined to stamp out any insurrection by judicially attacking Alabama, Georgia, Utah, and South Carolina as they dared to enforce policing laws. It was an attempt by these sovereign states to stop the escalation of illegal aliens who are incessantly appearing looking for free handouts.

    Across wide stretches of the border, the federal government is supposed to enforce immigration laws; they have ignored building a complete border fence. Just a few strands of rotting fence, does not exhibit as a real secure border.

    Now the Justice Department led by Eric Holder doesn’t want the Lone star State of Texas, to amend an election law that would end non citizens in casting a ballot— which believe it or not is illegal and a violation of the law. But the Democrats, boosted by the Liberals are determined that everybody has a right to vote, including felons, the deceased and illegal aliens and anybody who can sign a registration. I’m surprised that the progressive zealots are no bussing in people from out of state—but perhaps they are doing that already. Of course the Imperial Administration that governs us now, does not want any change in the law. Of course Eric Holder, is back in the spotlight, demanding that nobody should have to possess some form of picture ID to vote? Now a three judge panel will be ruling on this law, sometime this week. It proves to me that as Democrats go, they really don’t care who votes? This situation has been proved time and time again and that in the majority of criminal cases, that in mainly all criminal cases the Democrats have been behind any plot?

    What Eric Holder has failed to mention to the judges is that minorities and low income people can be issued a FREE ID document. This is based on the Indiana law, that in essence states, if you can’t produce an authorized ID on Election Day, you will given a provisional ballot and have until noon 10 business days hence, that following the election to produce you’re ID. The Texas ID law also states that if you meet certain income requirements, you can get a state issued ID card free of charge. Think about it, you have to show an ID to board a plane, send money, drive a car, and use your credit card or any number of reasons? This certainly denotes to me that since the Motor Voter bill in 1965, anybody can register to vote. Although it says under the penalty of perjury, my bet hundreds of thousands, maybe millions in cramped states as California and Nevada; illegal aliens are voting and will do so to maintain Obama in the White House.


    2. When people register in person at a Department of Motor Vehicles or a Social Services agency, the government workers who handle their cases are not permitted to challenge their registrations. In other words there are no safeguards in the voting process and the Democrats prefer it this way, so the election cycle is abundantly open to fraud.

    This could be catastrophic in close races, as Democrats led by the ideology of Liberals has compromised the whole organism. Using the disingenuous ‘politically correctness’ an absurd enigma of the advocate progressives. The new in-word ‘Voter Suppression’ is being used to challenge the fact that unknown numbers of foreign nationals are voting in contradiction to the law. Voter Suppression has been added to the Marxist Lexicon as the race card, skin color and other different labels, which offensively have the machinery to turn our politicians into spineless cowards.

    To repeat that In June 2011 a Rasmussen survey those likely U.S. voters said that voters should be required to show photo identification before being allowed to cast their ballots. This included 85% of Republicans, 77% of voters not affiliated with either major party, or 63% of Democrats. Support for such a law was high across virtually all demographic groups. Just 18% of respondents opposed the requirement.

    You only have to read about the highly controversial scenario in Florida. Of course as with the Sanctuary State of California, Nevada the Justice Department is trying to control Texas on this matter. Millions of illegal aliens have defied the law and settled illegally in every American state and I can guarantee to the gullible public, that they are cheating the welfare system and other public services. This is evident when they smuggle their children through borders or knowingly enter America by international flights, fully aware that the U.S. taxpayer will cover the costs of the baby delivery and its uncompensated care from cradle to grave. Prospective President Mitt Romney had best be aware, to be guided by the growing millions of CONSTITUTIONAL TEA PARTY politicians that foreigners will be slowly but surely be deported.

    The TEA PARTY is the single real chance we have that will halt illegal immigration for good. But to do this we must replace as voters every politician, Governor, Police Chief or other elected official who supports the illegal alien invasion, whether they are a Democrat, Liberal or even a Republican with a TEA PARTY leader. Join your local Constitutional Tea Party, Join the national TEA PARTY and remove Obama and endeavor to demand that Mitt Romney people enact compulsory E-Verify ‘The Legal Workforce Act’ (H.R. 2885) to reject unauthorized workers, with citizens and lawful non-citizens and then additionally an amendment the Birthright Citizenship law (H.R.140) Which will recognize for citizenship, only the babies of parents where at least one being a citizen. All this is truly achievable if we vote for the right people?


    When we cannot even care for our own citizens and legal residents properly, why is the government giving public benefits to criminals? Why for instance is the now aptly named ‘Sanctuary State’ of California hemorrhaging billions of dollars to pay for the health care, education of everybody who squats there? Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael D. Andronovich, who denies nothing of the billions of dollars, spent every year; an incredulous taxpayer burden placed upon the populace of the state. Of course there is no need to persuade prudent Americans, well aware that the Liberals intoxicated with power are firmly established in Sacramento have caused this financial crash. They passed an anti-Arizona law and by doing so have committed an even worse monetary demise that s impending.

    Hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens will converge on California, Nevada, or any state near to Arizona? They believe they will be sheltered there from policing enforcement. That goes for any state that remains unconcerned about the impact of impoverished people violating not only Arizona, but Alabama, Georgia, Utah, South Carolina and whoever else passes tough state policing enforcement laws.

    The only way to change the direction of this country is by voting into Congress as many TEA PARTY legislators as is possible. Both parties have been given every chance in the world and have failed miserably. The more TEA PARTY politicians that can unseat Democrats and Republicans, the more influence we have to change Washington. Look to your own representatives in Congress and see if they are being dictated to by the ‘K” Street special interests, the unions, churches of a whole conglomeration of radical organizations including the heartless businesses; not to forget farms and the rest of the agricultural industry. The latter agrarian entities refusing to pay a living wage, benefits and also exploiting the illegal workers in there employ. Is your local political personage against or for, illegal immigration? Did your Congressman vote an ordinance for a Sanctuary City or for Comprehensive Immigration Amnesty? Did they approve the DREAM ACT, which would also allow the sponsoring of family members and escalating ‘Chain Migration’? Are you aware that a recent study projects a wide ranging Amnesty would cost all taxpayers $2.6 Trillion dollars, when we already owe the foreign investors $16 Trillion dollars. Learn more details at NumbersUSA . Those Citizen voters who care for their families future should phone Congress at the central Washington, D.C., Switchboard at 202-224-3121 Review there standing on issues as illegal immigration, ObamaCare, adversity to drilling for oil, gas and coal and halting the relentless pressure of rules and regulations that is stifling job creation.

    • Very true and well said Mr. Francis. The liberal socialists Obama/Occupy types always “forget” the voter ID is free to legal residents. It’s those “mean spirited” conservatives and TEA party taxpayers that only want to have legal voters voting, and only once.

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