IS IT TRUE? January 7, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? January 7, 2012

IS IT TRUE that sometimes in a trip driving across the United States that there are special and unexpected treats that happen if you listen to local radio and stop to participate?…that yesterday this writer had one of those things happen?…that yesterday was the 100th anniversary of statehood for the State of New Mexico and celebrations were going on at nearly every public place and bar in the state?…that for the most part the celebrations were all about being glad to be included in the union and the attitude was patriotic?…that the particular sports bar that this guy decided to watch the Cotton Bowl in had a very large faction of people who were not exactly expressing their pleasure with the centennial celebration?…that unknowingly the Avalon stopped for dinner and a ball game at a sports bar in which this writer was the only person in the place that was not a member of the Navajo Nation?…that the celebration if one might call it that was about Navajo culture with maps of their nation prior to 1912 and that some were even speaking in Navajo?…that this was a very good experience and that I met a new friend named Sammie C who is the owner of Sammie C’s in Gallup, New Mexico?

IS IT TRUE the Vanderburgh County Commissioners, County Council and the Evansville City Council shall begin the New Year with new members and officers to lead us through challenging financial times? …that the CCO staff and the citizens of this fine community not only wish but pray that our elected officials shall make honest, well inform decisions for the betterment of the community they serve? …we sincerely wish soon to be elected President of County Commission, Marsha Abell and President of the Evansville City Council, Connie Robinson only the best this coming year?

IS IT TRUE that New Mexico is a smokefree state and that includes a sports bar frequented by the Navajo?…that Indiana made the national news yesterday for the introduction of a statewide smoking ban bill and that the wording of the article made us seem like the captain and crew of the Titanic?…that Indiana also is making national news for the advancement of the Right to Work bill through the state senate?…that the eyes of the nation are upon Indiana this year for the same reasons that they were last year?

IS IT TRUE that cleanliness matters to the image of a community and the economic prosperity as well?…that thus far the states of Oklahoma and New Mexico and much of Texas have been for the most part LITTER FREE which is noticeably different than the streets of Evansville?…that the real exception for yesterday was the City of Amarillo, Texas which made me feel at home yet a bit dirty since litter was blowing in the streets like snow?…that I had planned to stop for lunch in Amarillo but changed my plans because of the unkempt look of the place?…that I opted instead to drive another hour to Tucumcari, NM where it was not only clean but there was a FREE classic car museum that I was treated to?…that image matters, that Evansville needs some improvement in that area, and that Mayor Winnecke is leading his first official weekend of cleaning this morning so get out and do your part people?


  1. As always, this morning, I policed-up in front of my home and the homes on either side. Report one red soda straw and a single shoe. (which troubles me)

    Chapter 1:
    Encountered friendly natives, vintage autos, clean air and a litter blizzard.
    Stay safe, stay in touch. …

  2. Memo to “this writer”:

    You must have satellite radio, otherwise West of Albuquerque you can hit the ‘seek’ button on FM and watch it spin without ever getting a station. An occasional Spanish-speaking station, ‘ole !

    A real shame re: Amarillo. With 250 miles of signs to “Eat at the Big Texan Steak Ranch, Free 72 oz. steak” . . .how could you not stop ? Litter trumps free steak ?

    • I polished of a 6 ounce steak the night before so I would not have a chance at the 72 ounce one that you have to pay for if you don’t finish it. I have a college friend who did that once. The dearth of stations is what a CD collection is for.

      • A Certificate of Deposit which picks up FM stations along rural I-40 in New Mexico ? Kodak will beg you for this one !

    • Looks like a bunch of antennas on Tucumcari Mountain. The signal should be pretty strong.

      The Native Americans must have been holding a convention, as only 1.2% of Tucumcari’s 5K+ current population are registered as Native American.

      How many shots of “red eye” did it take to settle the dust in your throat, pilgrim?


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