IS IT TRUE January 6, 2015


IS IT TRUE last night the Evansville City Council moved forward with one of the most important of the appointments to a commission that it has ever made?…it did so in a spirit of cooperation and excellence that the City County Observer believes will yield positive dividends for many years to come?…Cheryl Musgrave was appointed to the Evansville Redevelopment Commission by a vote of 7 – 2 with only Council members Mosby and Weaver opposing her appointment?…Musgrave having previously served as the Indiana Commissioner of Local Government Finance, as Vanderburgh County Commissioner, and as the Vanderburgh County Assessor is imminently capable of bringing the keen eye of scrutiny to a commission that has been seen by many as a rubber stamp for Mayoral pet projects under both the Weinzapfel and Winnecke Administrations?…it was the ERC, the most powerful capital spending commission in the City of Evansville that sat expressionless when the term VETTING was introduced to the Evansville vocabulary during the first convention hotel failure?

IS IT TRUE Mayor Winnecke’s Chief of Staff Steve Schaefer stood before a verbal firing squad at last night’s City Council meeting?…City Council Attorney Scott Danks on behalf of the Council asked “How could you not know if the Ford Center naming rights was $4 Million that the Centre was not worth $14 Million.?…when asked what triggered the valuation analysis of the naming rights Mr. Schaefer was mute?…he never answered the point blank question of how much money ONB was going to invest?…Mr. Schaefer should try out for “The Big Show” with that act?…this deal was derailed 15 months after the deal was announced because of negligence and a willful refusal to ask important questions and analyze them?…if this is how business is conducted in Evansville by its own government, there will soon be little business done at all because this has been a 78 month demonstration of abject incompetence?

IS IT TRUE Councilwoman Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley piqued much interest in moving to rescind the $20 Million bond issue that was passed 15 months ago under what turned out to be false pretenses?…it seemed like some other council members were inclined to rescind as well but in the name of keeping the peace the motion was withdrawn?…the clear meaning sent by the Council to the Winnecke Administration is that they had better not move forward with a deal that is substantially different than what was presented or there will be consequences?…Schaefer finally admitted that the apartments may be eliminated and the hotel is being downsized to the dual five story Riverhouse 2 scenario that we wrote about previously?…given those ideas the public handout for a new deal may exceed 40% while the original hand out was pegged at 25%?…the City Council may rue the day they did not take this opportunity to put handcuffs on handouts if Mayor Winnecke does a closed door deal to give that $20 Million out for a project that is substantially less valuable?

IS IT TRUE we did learn last night when a member of the ERC took the podium for his 3 minutes of fame, that between the City of Evansville, ERC and HCW, a whopping $2 Million dollars of taxpayers money has already been spent on the empty lot where a hotel should be?…it was even asserted by this gentleman that we gotta keep pushing on so we don’t lose that $2Million?…we assume that fellow never got that elementary school lesson about throwing good money after bad?…this is exactly 10 times what the Winnecke Administration snuck to the Earthcare Energy guys without the city council’s knowledge?…the members of the City Council who placed their trust in Mayor Winnecke not to spend that $20 Million without asking them must have amnesia or a shortage of courage?

IS IT TRUE the other fireworks of the evening came when the City Council voted 6 – 3 to over ride a Mayoral VETO on the home rule resolution passed last year?…Mayor Winnecke VETOED it based on his opinion that it violated the Indiana Constitution but Attorney Scott Danks expressed an opposite opinion?…this is the first time in a long time that a Mayoral VETO has been negated by the Evansville City Council?…the reality of what happened is that the City Council VETOED the Mayor’s VETO…get your popcorn folks because 2015 is going to be a wild and exciting ride in Evansville politics?

IS IT TRUE the crime in Evansville didn’t miss a beat with the ringing in of the New Year?…this time copper thieves were apprehended after breaking into the company known as Tri-State Environmental Products for the purpose of stealing some copper which now sells for roughly $3 per pound?…copper has risen to a level that makes old pennies that once really were made of copper worth 3 cents each just based on the raw material content?…of course it is illegal to sell United States currency for melting so gathering up old pennies to melt for a profit may get one into trouble?…some Moles tell us that this law is not very well enforced though?…with respect to aluminum, another metal that has risen in value to the point that aluminum siding has been replaced with vinyl for cladding houses?…that does not mean that aluminum siding is not also the target of thieves?…there are literally hundreds of houses in the dilapidated areas of Evansville that were once clad with aluminum siding?…the thieves in this case steal the aluminum siding as high as they can reach and then go sell it by the pound just like a diligent recycling person can sell beer and soda cans?…when you see a house that has the bottom half of the aluminum siding gone, you can chalk that up to thieves?

IS IT TRUE that old curmudgeon Morton Marcus hit the nail firmly on the head with his column on the false claims of the Indiana State officials regarding our state’s economy?…it seems as though these folks are touting the economic accomplishments of Indiana as outstanding and taking credit for them while at the same time talking down the nation’s economy?…Marcus rightly called out the nonsensical hypocrisy associated with these statements as the nation as a whole seems to be growing faster than Indiana, and in most well paying industries doing better than Indiana?…it is a basic personality trait of the politician to take credit for all that is good whether they had anything to do with it or not, and assign blame for or completely ignore the bad things?…the problem here is that elected officials these days from the Mayor of Evansville, to the Governor of Indiana, and all the way to that rat’s nest in Washington DC are living for the moment instead of engaging in competent long term planning and conducting periodic analysis to stay on course?

Please take time and vote in todays “Readers Poll”.

Copyright 2014 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. Schaefer stood in front of the council in awe as Danks took chuck after chuck out of his backside. Schaefer kept contradicting himself and at times was just speechless. He had that deer in the headlights look during most of the interrogation. He made it obvious this administration was in chaos and crisis mode over the hotel. Winnie’s future as Mayor may well hinge upon the success of this project. All the while, Mosby and Weaver defended the Mayor. It is now apparent they are switching parties and will be running as Republicans . They consistently support the Mayor and oppose their fellow council members. They have not learned they are members of the loyal opposition party. Instead they play lapdogs to the Mayor over and over. Watch for their change to the GOP. It is now inevitable, expected and the appropriate thing to do.

    • I don’t believe Missy will run as a Republican until after Steve Davis beats her in the primary. The 2nd ward votes very strongly Democratic and she could easily be beaten by the straight party voters, especially if there is a large Winneke backlash

      • and doesn’t Winnie already have his at large slate named? This would seem to eliminate Weaver’s chance of jumping ship.

      • When Steve Davis walked up to the microphone I was expecting Missy Mosby to run her mouth and stop him from talking by interrupting him like she does everyone else that questions Mayor Winnecke. Once Steve Davis started to speak and calling Mayor Winnecke and Steve Schaefer out it was obvious she had better just sit quietly. I wish the camera would have been on her so I could see her expression. I seriously think she was worried that Steve Davis was going to put her on the spot and ask her a question that would require her to use intelligence and honesty to answer. If anyone was at this meeting can you please tell me what Missy Mosby was doing while Steve Davis spoke? Was she hiding under her seat?

        • Steve should have asked her a direct question, and reminded her that as a Second Ward resident he is part of the constituency she brags so loudly about listening to.

    • It’s hard to tell the GOP from the Dem on city council these days down at City Hall. Old RED is rolling over in his grave about now. Is Missy working for Carol still? Is that why should votes to support the Mayor all the time now? Is here lively hood dependent on keeping Carol and thus the Mayor Happy? Is that a conflict of interest indirectly?

      • She is solely dependent on the Mayors wife. Without them paying for her home and hummer she will be back as a broke waitress. She isn’t even a good waitress. Ironically she treats waiters and waitresses horrible, especially when she is drunk. I heard Mayor Winnecke is going to claim Missy Mosby as a dependent on his taxes this year.

    • Mosby and Weaver have their day gigs to worry about. Perhaps the First Lady has more influence in these matters than the public perceives.

    • As a ticket splitting R, I don’t want either Missy or Weaver. The 38r42s can keep them. I would throw in McGinn to boot.

      At this point political party should not matter; all that matters are Evansville and Vanderburgh County.

    • Oh yes mistakes were made…but do we wish to have the mistake continue in the likes of Winnie…Wait up and start smiling the coffee…

  2. Re: last paragraph. I thought RTW was going to create this utopian society with gum drop forests and sugarplum smiles? Where are the jobs, republicans?

    • Are non RTW states leading the job growth? Are private sector unions leading job growth? Is indiana not increasing in jobs? Do Tuesdays cause rain?

    • Better yet. Where are the High Paying Careers? We don’t need anymore stinking low paying part time jobs where people have to work three jobs just to make ends meet. And that’s with them eating baloney for lunch and dinner every day.

      • Everything was fine with all the history, literature, and philosophy degrees we cranked out until the literature factory closed. I hear the philosophy factory is about to fold also, then the history factory will be history itself.

        • I was not aware that the GOP was out creating History jobs or Literature Jobs. The last I heard the Evansville Courier and Press fired a lot of their real Journalist and now uses part time GOP political cronies from the Mayor’s office to write their stories, while ignoring the real news of the day.

          • Really? The fastest growing industry is educational institutions cranking out meaningless degrees. This education bubble will soon bust.

            Our city’s problems are neither GOP or DNC, union or commerce. It’s the good old boy network and neither you nor I are of interest to it.

          • Indianaenoch: I ran out of replay cues so I’m posting this one here. You are right about the good old boys network not caring about either of us. They don’t care about anyone but themselves it appears.

            They toss away MILLIONS of dollar at the drop of a hat and don’t even blink an eye.

        • You seem to have confused the terms “education” and “learning a trade.’ The people with liberal arts degrees sought an education in order to learn things they wanted to know, and most people value intellectual curiosity. I think you’ll find many of those people go on to earn higher degrees, and wind up doing okay for themselves.
          I think a lot of the folks who were snookered by the “trade schools” to learn skills that do not pay very well, or have little demand are the ones in long-term trouble.

          • I got a BA that never paid anything. The welding degree I got gave me a job that paid the bills for forty years and gave me a comfortable retirement

          • Bingo, and that’s an honorable profession that’s in dire need of “QUALIFIED” workers that will make way more money than you or I did.

          • @stonedreamer: I was referring to the people that some “schools” recruit for jobs that don’t exist in order to get grant and loan money from the government. You’re an example of somebody with an education AND a real, useful trade. I doubt that you regret having a BA, do you?

          • Not confused at all. Degrees are being sold and young people are signing up for debt they can not pay or discharge for degrees they will never use while universities are expanding.

      • The jobs are in the federal government. These are the new high paying jobs. The national average for private sector jobs is $60,000 per year, the federal government average is a $120,000 a year. There are not that many federal jobs in Indiana. The new area of population growth is the east coast, close to DC, where they print their own money. One federal job here in Evansville pays over $100,000 a year, the most a better qualified person would make in the private sector would be $50,000 and that’s on the high end. RTW will win, it was designed by democrats to win. What you see is NAFTA in action, it was designed to even things out, as the wages in mexico and further south come up, USA wages go down. You know, sort of balance things out. Why should anyone work for $15 an hour when you can make almost as much on welfare? That’s why the 2nd generation of Hispanics quit working and retire on welfare. $15 an hour is what the new workers at whirlpool in Cleveland TN make. The bottomline is Greedy Old Democrats(GOD) need their maids, nannies and yard boys and in the process damaged the future of the hard working families. It makes no difference if a state is RTW or not, RTW is decided by the business. We had our utopia and it was squandered. Actually the only thing RTW accomplished was to allow a high performing, skilled. competent worker to opt out of paying union dues to protect low performing, semi skilled, whiners to make the same wage.

        • If Welfare paid 15 per hour for a 40 hour work week then everyone would be on welfare. Welfare does not pay anywhere near that. It pays less than the min wage.

          • Shh don’t bother her with facts. She believes what fox news tells her. Ignorance is bliss.

          • Need to really take a look at welfare benefits, might surprise you. Some people get as much as $1500 per month in food stamps/ebt. With Medicaid, section 8, tanf and other benefits it pretty well can equal minimum wage. Almost all welfare recipients have some sort of hustle going so they do well in the disposable income area. I would stop all benefits and give them a guaranteed annual wage, now that’s a money saver, almost like a tax cut. It would put a lot of democrats out of work.

          • POV to get 1500 a month in food stamps you would probably have 10 or more kids. Maybe you should rethink your party’s cockamamie religious opposition to abortion and birth control.

          • Isn’t welfare just for those that need help?Its temporary assistance, not a full time job or even a part time job.

            I don’t understand why people think that welfare and other tax payer funded programs are in place to helps those live the lifestyles of the working. These programs should be used to help you get back on your feet, not keep tou there

  3. It’s refreshing to finally see this house of lies beginning to collapse, and the fact the Winneke, Mosby and Weaver are living in the top floor and will suffer the most makes it that much more enjoyable to watch.

    What Evansville needs are people to fill these positions that are not professional campaigners that are more concerned with satisfying the wants of the few while completely ignoring the rest.

    • Bad part is: we have already hit the brick wall-we’re here, folks! This is the slow motion shock you get AFTER the impact. Lloyd Winnecke is the poor doofless bag man, trying desperately to gamble JUST A LITTLE MORE to win it back. Typically, it is too late and he’s herding cats trying to make it look as though he ever had a clue. Everyone who took his loot is miles away, money spent-laughing at how easy it was.
      (And may I say, never have Jonathan Weaver and Missy Mosby looked more obviously bought and paid for than now) Your constituents are watching-and we’re repulsed.
      That Gail Riecken would want ANY part of this mess mystifies me. There’s no money, it’s laughable to imply that she’s stepping in this steaming pile for cha-ching? We are in hock for decades. We’re cheating our essential services employees of overtime pay. There are even mentions of pilfering retirement funds….that is so disgusting, I can’t even think about it.
      Congratulate Winky-he couldn’t have succeeded in messing us up worse if he had done it on purpose.

  4. So Winnecke sent Schaefer to take his whipping for him.
    How can anyone Respect either one of these Creeps?

    • Easy. For most morons around here the “R” on the ballot is enough.

      • Steve Schaefer was a Trip last night! He did take a verbal beating and just stood there dumb founded.

        Lets just face it the Mayor and the City Council have wasted another 2 million dollars of tax payers money now with nothing to show for it other than a back hole parked on the vacant lot for a few days.

    • If a democrat was in the mayors office and Rose was still the Chief of Staff, Dank’s would have phrased the question different. Something like this, Rose if the naming rights to the Centre were worth 14 million, why did you accept only 4 million for the John? The thing that I find most interesting, is how are the unions going make out in this deal? I hope they learned a lesson about the democrats or I should say another lesson, the lesson is democrats will stab you in the back.

  5. Schaefer was asked when the City Administration first knew that there might be issues with the naming rights valuation. Schaefer said December 18th. That completely contradicts the story in the C&P by John Martin, in which he reported that valuation questions started immediately following the announcement that ONB was in for “up to $ 14 Million”. Schaefer tells a bunch of lies !

    • Oh yes mistakes were made…but do we wish to have the mistake continue in the likes of Winnie…Wait up and start smiling the coffee…

  6. It is clear that The Moronics on 3rd Floor @ 1 N.W. MLKing Blvd. are, indeed, going for Round 5 on the Hotel.

    Get rid of the Apartments, and go with two 5-story towers. Maybe use gravel walkways instead of concrete. I am convinced that The Moronics will go to any length, and I mean ANY, to build SOMETHING before the Election this November. It won’t be complete by the Election, but they will have something to show, damn the torpedoes. If that approach alone is not enough to make one vote for ANYONE BUT WINNECKE, I don’t know what will.

    • I’m beginning to think that this is how the TV news works and is that where Winny got his training? I mean look how the TV news media treated SBR. They went all out to try to discredit her in their news casts and to protect the Mayor and the city audits. Maybe he thinks if he says it enough that people will actually believe what ever he says. Is that not how TV Propaganda works.

  7. 2nd paragraph, Danks taking Schaefer to the woodshed. Let’s say the Administration DID KNOW that the value of the naming rights from ONB would never equate to the amount of the needed cash injection ($ 14 Million). If that’s the case, why in the hell just sit on it ? What did these geniuses think was going to happen ? That the money tree would start shedding its leaves ? Also: why would ONB engage in this crap ? If I owned ONB Stock, I would be calling for Jones’ ass–he has embarrassed the Bank, big time !

    • It bought them time to try to put another deal together, but that did not materialize because the financials of this project, as proposed, just do not pass muster.

    • That’s what the US Congress looks like at times. Next thing we know someone will be throwing their shoe a the Mayor.

  8. Editor is correct in highlighting the improving economy in the new 2015 year This bears repeating, because I have to admit, it is extraordinary: THIS is the 2015’s first paragraph (January 2, 2015) of the top article in the WALL STREET JOURNAL:

    “The strengthening U.S. economy enters 2015
    as the fittest of all industrialized nations, but
    the question is whether that muscle can help
    yank the rest of the world out of its doldrums.”

    When you’re President, you get blamed for the economy, or you get credit. Six years in Obama’s United States is the top performing economy in the world.

      • Exactly. Any good news? It’s in spite of him. Any bad news? It’s directly his fault. Republicans love having it both ways.

        • Ever heard of QE 1,2,3,4………The interest rate is so low people don’t bother putting their money in the bank. Obama has effectively damaged all of those high quality Americans who thought for themselves and saved for their retirement. If I was receiving a union retirement I’d start to worry. Particularly uaw and umwa. Both of these unions depend on the present workers to pay for past workers. How does the teamsters union retirement fund looking?

          • “How does the teamsters union retirement fund looking?”

            Probably in much better shape then it was around 2008. Most pension funds invest a large portion of their monies into stocks and securities. The stock market has wildly increased in the past 7 years. Accordingly, these funds have increased.

          • Also, I don’t know anybody who ‘puts their money in the bank’ for retirement savings purposes, unless ‘the bank’ is your euphemism for investing in banking stocks. The vast majority of people haven’t saved for retirement using CD’s or some other bank vehicle for decades. They invest in stocks and securities.

          • Or could let Wieneke keep it in the general fund like the police and firefighters pension.

      • only deadbeat liberals that screw the hard working taxpayers would say the economy is improving……………………America is with out a doubt over 18,000000000000 in debt………………….have with out a doubt over 92,000000 not in the work force………the commie obama gruber goobers continue to be nothing more nothing less than ignorant fools…….

        • Oh man. I’m sorry I missed this. AL…you are w/out a doubt the biggest uninformed, militia-hayseed Tea Party crazy in America. Eternally pissed. You are wonderful and hilarious.

          • Shem, I gotta agree 100% with Laura. Your description of Al is a clear home-run in description.

            You win

        • You look at the National stage but you turn your head at the local arena….Winnie is spending our reserves as though he is planning to move to Tucson once his second term is up (God help us if a second term is in the bag)….

      • Precisely. And if his luck holds, like Weinzapfel, he will find some clueless individual ready to have the whole mess dropped into their lap just in time to see it all fall apart.

        Of course the glaring difference in the two is that Obama can, and does, print money from thin air. Whereas locally, property tax and local option income tax payers have to come up with enough of those inflated dollars to service the ever growing municipal debt.

        • When he can’t produce the taxes, the police/ fireman pension fund should fill in the hole a bit. I can’t see ANY way the FOP and Fireman’s union have not strung him up on this. I thought this was federal law.

      • …I-E and P-A-Key, you guys are trying to change the subject of the WSJ article. 1.It is feckless of you of course. 2. You are pretending this is the first time the Fed has used monetary policy to manage US economic interests. That is a lie. 3. And while you are being feckless, it is highly transparent you would criticize the Fed if they did not use QE to manage US economic interest.

        4. All of that means…”I-E and Pressanykey…You are trying to change the subject that six years into his Presidency, the WSJ acknowledges — MIND YOU — Not exactly the bastion of American liberalism (it is owned by Rupert Murdoch for God’s sake)…..the WSJ is acknowledging in 2015 the US economy is the fittest of all industrialized nations.

        You can’t have it both ways guys. You look like you totally lack any depth of character. The President gets blamed when the economy is bad, and he gets credit when the economy is good. It is six years in…Obama gets credit if this economy is handed off with this kind of strength to the next President.

        (And THAT is worrying the GOP Presidential consultants who may be facing this mantra, “Do you REALLY want to hand the economic reins to the Republicans who created this mess?” That WSJ article keeps GOP consultants up at night…)

        • Shem, “Feckless?” someone got a dictionary for Christmas.
          What is feckless is that you could not name or explain what Obama policy turned the economy around and saved us from doom.
          No one has used QE like this president, and it will come at a great cost. .

          • I-E, I knew you would seize on feckless. Life is short, we’re gonna have some fun along the way.

            The answer is: that is a subject for meaningless talk show radio.

            Does it matter? Wouldn’t “leadership” be the standard? Isn’t that exactly what Reagan was known for, not tactics, but leadership? Money has no color. Business doesn’t care about politics. That’s why the GOP is finally remembering that the business of the Republican Party IS business. The Chamber of Commerce is right in pushing the GOP to do exactly that. (And T-P people led by Rush Limbaugh want to declare the Chamber of Commerce liberals now? My God, who isn’t a liberal then?)

            I-E, eatin’ speaks louder’n words anyway, you don’t agree? Talk is cheap on the economy. The strength of the economy’s credit goes to the President six years in, otherwise, when we finally get the guy we want in the White House, and he manages the economy to success, we won’t be able to give him credit.

        • I am not sure where all this so called prosperity is taking place, but it sure as hell is not here in Evansville. It was an eight year democrat spending spree that brought Evansville to its current status. Give your man in Washington a little more time. I suspect that ACA will have a big-time negative impact on the economy in the next couple of years.

          With a presidential election on the horizon and this administration in control of much of the data and the major media, you will forgive me if I decide to drill down into some of these media claims before jumping on the band wagon.

          • Pressanykey,

            The river is the Nile, not denial. It’s the WSJ! Jeez, you are reinforcing you believe green is yellow, in fact yellow isn’t a color, with BS talk like that.

            And you are making LKB look brilliant in categorizing exactly who and what you are.

          • Hey CountryBoy…….which is it, strong economy, or deficit reduction? I mean, I can empathize, you need SOMETHING to be upset about. So…you’ve moved on to a new thing to gripe about while you sit on that losers bench.

            (Dick Cheney was the guy who said budget deficits were of no harm…you know.)

          • ….C-BOY, you deserve that losers bench too. I mean Tea Party heroes are Michelle Bachman, Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin…no wonder you helped elect Obama to 2 terms. You enjoy that griping bench.

          • No one controls the main stream media but Winney. He’s got pretty good control of WFIE and the Courier and Press at times.

    • WSJ is a left leaning paper that is prone to wild exaggerated statements for political consideration. If the president said poop on crackers was good and nutritious, the WSJ would agree and suggest using graham crackers as an alternate for the sake of variety.

      • Here it is. POV has no common sense, and is high on drugs. Rupert Murdoch owns both Fox News and the Wall Street Journal. Both are highly conservative news outlets. Reading POV’s comments is always entertaining though…..

      • WSJ left wing? You’re no longer just bitterly partisan, you’ve no crossed into lunatic category. Idiot.

      • I think I have to agree. POV is talking like an idiot. Logic and accuracy does not apply with POV.

        But then it’s a VERY bad day for the Tea Party types.

        Go to RUSH LIMBAUGH’s web site today….it is one of the best reads I have had in a long time. He is apoplectic about the GOP not giving a crap about the Tea Party and the POV/Sarah-Palin/CountryBoy types so common here.

        That ship sailed. POV has forgotten what it means to be a Republican…He and the Tea Party has become anti-business and are a bunch of militia-hayseed crazies.

      • I have to agree wholeheartedly with Riverfront Shem and The Ghost of Tom Joad on you pov. Any assertion that the WSJ is even remotely on the same hemisphere as “left leaning” is ludicrous to a level beyond silly.

        pov is not committed, they need to BE committed…to the funny farm

  9. What’s an accidental Mayor to do? He only has two true Republicans to count on, Missy and Weaver. That nasty Dan McGinn actually voted for the best candidate for ERC, instead of doing the bidding of the Poop. Of course, Winnie can count on Schaefer,,,Oh, wait…the former Mrs. Schaefer thought that too.

  10. “IS IT TRUE Councilwoman Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley piqued much interest in moving to rescind the $20 Million bond issue that was passed 15 months ago under what turned out to be false pretenses?…”

    By not running for reelection, the Councilwoman is free to be the “big gun” for the taxpayers, and last night was just the first time she demonstrated that fact. I think she’s going to stand up for regular people even more than she has in the past. She sent the signal that she’s ready for whatever is thrown at her.

    • Why did Connie second the motion to pull the 20 million?

      This was one of the first times I’ve seen the city council really working and not having all their ducks in a row before the meeting started. Normally this stuff is pretty well decided before hand and everyone pretty much knows where everyone else stands before they meet. But last night was a good look at true democracy in front of the people and it was sort of refreshing and entertaining at the same time. To see the black deer in the headlight looks on Schaefer’s face was priceless.

      • It’s ashame they didn’t stick to their guns and pull the 20 mill back
        Winky and numbskull shafer are liars by omission and they know it ….
        Or did the council members lose their balls?

        • It was only “tabled” until the next meeting, wasn’t it? If that’s the case, it gives the voters time to speak on the subject. Everybody needs to call and email the City Councilmen and ring the Mayor’s Office phones off the wall.

          • Good point. Yea I’m pretty sure that’s what Dr. Adams suggested they do. They need time to discuss and figure out how to handle this. Did they make Dan Adams part of the team dealing with the developer and the Mayor? That got confusing when Danks talked about conflicts with signing a NDA which the developer would probably want anyone entering the negotiations to sign.

    • Methinks She is gonna take care of some family and personal things, and come back and put that strong will to productive use as Mayor down the road. Although I don’t agree with all she says, and her tactics early on were too knee-jerk-wild-wild-west, SBR has more personal governing integrity than most any politician in the city.

  11. It grieves me to write it, but considering Schaefer was sent to the council to exercise his ability as a fabulist of some renown, we can safely add coward to the Poop’s already burgeoning résumé as a liar. Is he so shallow and weak that he couldn’t muster the courage to show up in person? He sent a hologram.

    The council should revisit their failure to rein Winnecke in. He insulted them with his surprise veto yesterday and they had a legitimate response begging to be voted on. They gave him a pass. Vetoes and overrides about something like the home rule resolution are only distractions useful to the administration. The mayor still has 20 million of your money in his pocket to shop around with. Ken Haney is watching, circling.

    This phrase is to my liking:
    ‘ … they did not take this opportunity to put handcuffs on handouts…’ .

    • I too was hoping that they would rescind the 20 mil until Dr Adams suggested that they regroup and think about it before hand. That’s why he will make a good President of the City Council. He has a cool head and they will trust that he will lead them in the right direction. Take some time to figure this out and let cooler heads prevail and vote with your heads not your emotions.

      I like what was said about putting the Medical Center up first and getting that done and then let the private sector build a hotel with their own money.

  12. Concerning Cheryl Musgrave heading to the Evansville Redevelopment Commission, the most valuable service she could perform there would be a sincere imitation of Governor Jerry Brown and dismantle ERC!

  13. I have been a frequent critic of City Council for approving $ 20 Million for the Hotel with no vetting other than Bob Jones’ word that the Developer was “good for it”. What came out last night is that the Mayor was not even communicating with Council re: the issue concerning valuation of naming rights ! Wow, that one surprised me.
    It had previously been reported that ECVB head Bob Warren also was “not in the loop” re: financing, and his group just assumed (as the Courier & Press reported) that construction was ready to start any day now ! What I saw last night was the face of corruption; a disregard by the Mayor & his minion Schaefer of the stakeholders in the project; and an utter lack of transparency–or even a dialogue–with the public. These two guys will break out the Secret Sauce if something bad happens on the IU project, count on it, and we’ll likely see similar results.

  14. A while back I asked a Kentuckian how Owensboro could come up with an idea, do the planning and financing then complete the project on time and under budget.

    His simple response was “They cooperate with one another in an open and honest manner.”

    • Did he tell you about the state and fed money they got for development ? Did he tell you about the various taxes and fees that were raised to pay some of it ? If E-ville had used to word tax increase the CCO site would have went down in flames from all the whiners commenting.

  15. Reader’s Poll
    True or False

    1. Bob Jones tried to rescue Winnecke’s political career by stepping in and offer to invest in the hotel, community support or pride had nothing to do with it.

    2. When ONB’s private sector REIT flopped and they couldn’t raise the needed money Jones and Abel got together and hatch the idea of the naming rights for the Centre.

    3) Bob Jones and Winnecke gave the CC and the rest of the City the impression the cash needed for the Hotel financing was in the bank the night of the CC vote on the Hotel

    4) The CC is partially to blame for this fiasco for just taking Bob Jones’ word for it that the financing was in place rather than demanding something in writing like an irrevocable letter of credit, escrow account etc.

    5) Mayor Winnecke is continuing his pig headed false choice dilemma of demanding a 250 room Hotel or nothing at all.

    Multiple Choice

    Last night Steve Schaefer was :

    A) Woefully unprepared
    B) Incompetent to begin with
    C) Backpedaling liar
    D) Incapable of doing simple grade school fraction/percentages
    E) All of the above

    Local Personality Kelly Courses us getting big dollars to:

    A) Push the up and down arrows on the Mayor’s Hotel Power Point presentation
    B) Go on vacations with Carol and the Mayor
    C) Be an obsequious lackey for the Mayor
    D) All of the above

  16. Did anyone else see the interview of Wnnecke by Brad Byrd last night?

    Winnecke flatly predicted that the approval/funding of the IU medical school would happen this legislative sessions despite negative/skeptical comments from the committee chairman and the fact that the Evansville IU medical school was put DEAD LAST on the legislative priority list.


    • They might have given it a little respect if Winnecke wouldn’t have insisted on a bad site for it. There are other much better and more logical places to plop it. USI, near Deaconess Gateway, etc. Downtown is a goner.

      You really have to start wondering about the guy. Maybe it finally dawned on him that he’s in way over his head and becoming an embarassment to the city. That sudden realization might be partially responsible for the erratic behavior. Too much messing with the agave over the holidays in his beloved Arizona might explain some of the rest of it. There is no excuse for the untruthfulness. It’s not a pretty sight, watching your city’s mayor melt down by proxy (Schaefer).

      • One of the insider investors on all the lawyer/real estate brokers …… Never trust any of them.

  17. Shaeffer’s life must be awful. He’s getting his ass kicked in divorce court and he’s getting it kicked at the City Council. Custody/visitation problems are keeping his divorce from being final and he is going to get fired if Winneckey is smart.

  18. THIS JUST IN FROM THE CIVIC CENTER GRAPEVINE!!! Councilman Weaver allegedly asked for a police escort out of the City Council meeting last night, for at least the third time. It seems the fitness buff and “real man” Weaver claimed he was threatened and feared for his safety.

    • Pope Francis doesn’t use ‘The Popemobile’ with the bulletproof glass as his predecessors did. Maybe the City could buy that vehicle from The Vatican, to ensure Dream Weaver safe passage to meetings ?

    • Weaver needs to take his never ending “Stage Show” on the road,
      —you know, as in, “he ought to be on the Stage,–the first one out of town”.

    • SAY WHAT ? Does Weaver’s request for a police escort mean that Weaver doesn’t feel safe when the EPD are performing their regular duties ? Isn’t this a slap in the face of EPD by their supposed ‘2nd Best Friend’ and rally organizer ?

      • Who did he think was going to beat him up? Manly Man can dish it out on some woman, but pees down his leg if somebody looks at him crosseyed?

  19. Winnecke’s FB page “Accomplishments”

    As another chapter in our city’s history is now complete, it is important to take time to reflect as we begin a new year.
    2014 was filled with positive progress for the city of Evansville.
    Here are just a few of the highlights;
    * Lowest Unemployment Rate in 5 years (5.2%)
    * Spent $5M less than the budget approved by council
    * Over 1,000 new jobs created + retained
    * New Haier America Research & Development Center Landed
    * Consecutive Clean Financial Audits
    * Positive Bond Ratings Reaffirmed by Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s
    * Retained the LST in its home port of Evansville
    * Full Cloverleaf Interchange at US 41/Lloyd Expressway is underway
    * Meth Labs have decreased by 50%
    * Secured Medical School at downtown location

    Even with progress, challenges still exist and I am committed to putting forth the time and effort to continuously improve our great city.

    Therefore, it is my intention is to seek a second term as your Mayor. I have never wavered on my passion and desire to serve the city I love.

    Happy New Year!
    Lloyd Winnecke


    What says the board??

      • Wait till Friday, and the meeting in Indy with the EPA. The mayor should have sent one of the subordinates such as that Schaefer fellow to take the thrashing. We’ve recovered plenty of data on those CSO discharges. Even the actual sourcing to service points. Whew, what a mess. And that’s a mess being expelled into the entire strategic clean water balance of the Ohio river drainage basin. Bad stuff.
        No pass on that mess you’ll have to begin budgeting the fine for that disregarded foul up now as well.
        No excuses when an government has somehow ignored the obvious and blown the cities project balances on patronage pushed fluff. Its past due on the fix, the clean water act was sported in 1972.

        And those nuts want to continue to build and add load to the archaic infrastructure using tens of millions to literally sent it down the drain and into the strategic balance of the Ohio river drainage basin. Thus mostly ruining the discharge values as applied to the whole Ohio valley, and most of the eastern united states.
        Every community upstream that as addressed their own problems is effectively trumped by the Evansville Vanderburgh combined sewers overflows for any progress made for clean water accessibility along the course of the river. The Gulf of Mexico lifeless zones, the Planets Oceans. That’s one global estimate where in fact your local logistical
        input really does count.

    • My favorite was the Meth Labs, ” Meth Labs have decreased by 50 %”.

      You look a little closer, and you find that the measurement is on meth labs SEIZED.

      So what if:

      1) The cops are busy with shots fired, don’t have time to go after Meth at the same intensity as in the past ? Is that why seizures of meth labs have declined ?
      2) What if the meth cookers are getting more cagey, not apprehended as often. What if the action has moved to Posey or Gibson County, and that’s why the seizures are down/but the problem remains?
      3) What if the data collection is not truthful ? You are relying on reports by cops who report up to the Mayor. What if the truth hurts ?; and
      4) The Mayor’s office lies all the time. Why should we believe their stats, i.e., even if the cops gave the City Admin. the real numbers ?

        • Amending my point # 2: What if the action has moved to Posey or Gibson County, or Mexico, and that’s why the seizures are down/but the problem remains ?

          • It does remain, and there are actual scientific solutions. What remains important is the identifier per the recovery. That’s the Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry involved in the track down. What Indiana needs to sport new session law on real quick is an required evidence skunk trace applied “by the law” on site when the evidence is recovered. What that insures is the recovered cannot ever be reintroduced again, because its trace skunked upon recovery.
            In your county that would be a straight value game changer.

            The Federal oversight needs to take that to heart there.
            You have a history. And overhead mass spectrometry isn’t ever wrong.

  20. Here’s the way a City pays for hotel(s), ballparks, riverfronts, etc. , IN CASH, and takes on no debt and pays no interest. It’s called the ‘Oklahoma City Model’ ‘ (a temporary local option sales tax). Taxpayers like it because they know exactly which capital projects they’ll get, and they know when the tax ends. This tax is now being championed by Louisville’s Mayor:

      • The following is a list of 97 taxes Americans pay every year…

        #1 Air Transportation Taxes (just look at how much you were charged the last time you flew)

        #2 Biodiesel Fuel Taxes

        #3 Building Permit Taxes

        #4 Business Registration Fees

        #5 Capital Gains Taxes

        #6 Cigarette Taxes

        #7 Court Fines (indirect taxes)

        #8 Disposal Fees

        #9 Dog License Taxes

        #10 Drivers License Fees (another form of taxation)

        #11 Employer Health Insurance Mandate Tax

        #12 Employer Medicare Taxes

        #13 Employer Social Security Taxes

        #14 Environmental Fees

        #15 Estate Taxes

        #16 Excise Taxes On Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans

        #17 Federal Corporate Taxes

        #18 Federal Income Taxes

        #19 Federal Unemployment Taxes

        #20 Fishing License Taxes

        #21 Flush Taxes (yes, this actually exists in some areas)

        #22 Food And Beverage License Fees

        #23 Franchise Business Taxes

        #24 Garbage Taxes

        #25 Gasoline Taxes

        #26 Gift Taxes

        #27 Gun Ownership Permits

        #28 Hazardous Material Disposal Fees

        #29 Highway Access Fees

        #30 Hotel Taxes (these are becoming quite large in some areas)

        #31 Hunting License Taxes

        #32 Import Taxes

        #33 Individual Health Insurance Mandate Taxes

        #34 Inheritance Taxes

        #35 Insect Control Hazardous Materials Licenses

        #36 Inspection Fees

        #37 Insurance Premium Taxes

        #38 Interstate User Diesel Fuel Taxes

        #39 Inventory Taxes

        #40 IRA Early Withdrawal Taxes

        #41 IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)

        #42 IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)

        #43 Library Taxes

        #44 License Plate Fees

        #45 Liquor Taxes

        #46 Local Corporate Taxes

        #47 Local Income Taxes

        #48 Local School Taxes

        #49 Local Unemployment Taxes

        #50 Luxury Taxes

        #51 Marriage License Taxes

        #52 Medicare Taxes

        #53 Medicare Tax Surcharge On High Earning Americans Under Obamacare

        #54 Obamacare Individual Mandate Excise Tax (if you don’t buy “qualifying” health insurance under Obamacare you will have to pay an additional tax)

        #55 Obamacare Surtax On Investment Income (a new 3.8% surtax on investment income)

        #56 Parking Meters

        #57 Passport Fees

        #58 Professional Licenses And Fees (another form of taxation)

        #59 Property Taxes

        #60 Real Estate Taxes

        #61 Recreational Vehicle Taxes

        #62 Registration Fees For New Businesses

        #63 Toll Booth Taxes

        #64 Sales Taxes

        #65 Self-Employment Taxes

        #66 Sewer & Water Taxes

        #67 School Taxes

        #68 Septic Permit Taxes

        #69 Service Charge Taxes

        #70 Social Security Taxes

        #71 Special Assessments For Road Repairs Or Construction

        #72 Sports Stadium Taxes

        #73 State Corporate Taxes

        #74 State Income Taxes

        #75 State Park Entrance Fees

        #76 State Unemployment Taxes (SUTA)

        #77 Tanning Taxes (a new Obamacare tax on tanning services)

        #78 Telephone 911 Service Taxes

        #79 Telephone Federal Excise Taxes

        #80 Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Taxes

        #81 Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Taxes

        #82 Telephone State And Local Taxes

        #83 Telephone Universal Access Taxes

        #84 The Alternative Minimum Tax

        #85 Tire Recycling Fees

        #86 Tire Taxes

        #87 Tolls (another form of taxation)

        #88 Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)

        #89 Use Taxes (Out of state purchases, etc.)

        #90 Utility Taxes

        #91 Vehicle Registration Taxes

        #92 Waste Management Taxes

        #93 Water Rights Fees

        #94 Watercraft Registration & Licensing Fees

        #95 Well Permit Fees

        #96 Workers Compensation Taxes

        #97 Zoning Permit Fees


          An article from almost a year ago from the website called “The Economic Collapse – Are You Prepared For The Coming Economic Collapse And The Next Great Depression?”, a clearly rabid right-wing teabagger “gloom and doom” site of biblical proportions.

          If you are going to steal info directly from a page, at least have the decency to cite where you got your garbage from. Not that we care or agree, but that is the honest behavior.

          • Stop posting. You’ve lost all credicredibility henceforth by claiming zionist Rupert Murdoch is a liberal.

      • You need to move to Oklahoma ! The MAPS tax has ended, twice previously. And with a full-voter referendum, approved to be renewed again.

      • Kansas is doing away with a whole lot of them, but it isn’t working out like they had planned.

  21. It boggles the mind to even consider the exercise of trying to identify all the taxes involved in selling a single gallon of gasoline to a consumer. Starting with the exploration and identification of the oil, to the sale at the gasoline pump, one can think of so many steps and people and companies involved, and the government there with their hand out at every stage of the process. No wonder everything costs so damn much in this country. It takes an army of lawyers just to write the tax code, and It takes an army of government bean counters to try to keep up with the enforcement.

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