IS IT TRUE January 30, 2015


IS IT TRUE that Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke is moving forward to use taxpayer dollars to legally challenge the interpretation of the Indiana law regarding the residence of appointed members of boards and commissions?…what this really means in full context is that Mayor Winnecke would like to appoint people to boards and commissions governed by the City of Evansville who do not live in the City of Evansville?…while it may be true that the interpretation of the law may come down either way, it is also clear that the will of the Evansville City Council is that these political appointees should be required to be residents of the City of Evansville?…when this issue first surfaced Mayor Winnecke committed to do whatever the City Council voted to do?…he then did an about face and vetoed the resolution that the City Council passed only to see his veto overridden by the City Council?…while limiting the pool of eligible appointees to the residents of the City of Evansville does reduce the pool of qualified candidates, it is pretty arrogant to assume that there are insufficient candidates in a population of over 120,000 to fill a couple of hundred vacancies?…quite frankly the shortage is only 60 or so appointees?…what this looks like is that Mayor Winnecke is working like the dickens to defy the will of the City Council and thus the will of the people?…it narrows the gene pool to exclude people from other counties, states, and even countries too, so our suggestion is that Mayor Winnecke should keep his word and find candidates among the residents of Evansville and only in extreme cases where none are available should someone who does not reside here be appointed?

IS IT TRUE yesterday’s economic development announcement by Mayor Winnecke regarding the claim that Evansville is “in the running” for a 400 job UNNAMED manufacturing facility against an UNIDENTIFIED town in Tennessee seemed a bit desperate?…it is bad enough to call a sand flipping press conference for the vapor hotel knowing full well that the financing was not in order, but making an announcement about a competition with an outcome that is still is doubt is simply pathetic?…this was nothing more than a manufactured press release with the intent to distract the public from the departure of GAGE president Debbie Dewey and the CVB ballfields manager on the same day?

IS IT TRUE that there was no press release coming from Mayor Winnecke to announce the departure of Shamrock Engineering from Evansville for the open arms of Oakland City?…while attracting a new shiny business from afar may grab more headlines it is providing support and exemplary service to the existing business base that is the foundation for sustainable growth?…this administration and the one before it do not seem to understand the value of keeping the natives content?

IS IT TRUE the U.S. Attorney’s Office announced that a judge sentenced former Evansville Redevelopment Commissioner John ‘Jay’ Carter to four years in federal prison?… the former Commissioner must serve three years of supervised release after his sentence, as well as a $1,100 fine?…last October, a federal jury convicted Carter on all 11 counts in a money laundering case?…Carter was accused of laundering cash from marijuana dealers to purchase two businesses and the charges also included structuring money into a bank and two counts of providing false testimony or false documents to federal agents and a grand jury?…in two short years he may be eligible for release and ready to seek another political apointment?

IS IT TRUE that Governor Pence has come to his senses and decided to shelve his plans to have an official state news agency?…while we applaud this decision as much as we applauded Mayor Winnecke’s epiphany that Earthcare Energy was not a good deal, we recommend that our readers do not forget that the Governor wanted to do this?…this move more than any reflected the mind of Governor Pence?…the reversal was a reaction to public response to starting a state sponsored dispenser of propaganda?

IS IT TRUE the United States Senate on Thursday voted 62-36 to build the Keystone XL pipeline, delivering Republicans the first legislative victory of their new majority?…nine Democrats joined with Republicans in voting to approve the $8 billion project, five votes short of the two-thirds majority that would be needed to override a promised veto from President Obama?…the nine Democrats who voted to approve Keystone were Sens. Michael Bennet (Colo.), Tom Carper (Del.), Bob Casey (Pa.), Joe Donnelly (Ind.), Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.), Joe Manchin (W.Va.), Claire McCaskill (Mo.), Jon Tester and Mark Warner (Va.)?…Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who is traveling, missed the vote, as did Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who is recovering from eye surgery?…it will be interesting to see what happens when the President uses his mighty pen to Veto this bill?…the spin following the imminent Veto will be even more enlightening?

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Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. So, Mr. Editor, are you saying that you represent the City County Observer as opposing the right of 60,000 residents and taxpayers in the unincorporated county having a representative appointed from their district to serve on a parks board that collects countywide taxes and spends those taxes on parks land and parks projects both inside and outside the city limits?

    Are you saying that you represent the City County Observer’s point of view that the Mayor should not be able to appoint representatives from the unincorporated county to represent the rights and opinions of residents and rate payers who pay a 35% surcharge for their sewer service?

    Or that you represent the opinion that a politician can never change his mind after listening, studying, and considering the extenuating elements of an action that will deprive certain citizens of a community of their rights of representation on boards that exact taxes and service rates from their household pocketbooks?

    • The ordinance prohibits appointment of non-residents of the City by the Mayor and City Council. The County Commissioners also have appointments to most of the boards in question and they can, and should, appoint residents that reside outside the city limits to board seats. They will likely continue appointing people who live outside Vanderburgh County, as well.

      • The county commissioners and county council have no appointments to the city parks board, yet the city parks board operates with taxes collected countywide. The parks district has been a countywide parks district since the 1970s, and yet the parks board is appointed solely by the mayor and the city council. Do you get it now, Laura? The city council doesn’t get it.

        • Who said That has a good point if true.

          But to have representation, someone elected by county residents would have to make the appointment. The county residents do not vote for the city officials and would not be represented by their appointees.

          • “Currently a number of city bodies have the authority to tax, spend, and make decisions for the entire county, yet only those residents within the city elect the public officials making these decisions,” states the website of Yes! for Unification. “For example, the city established a Parks & Recreation taxing district that is countywide, but only city officials decide its goals and tax rates.”
            This quote was taken from a statement made on the Yes! website during the consolidation campaign. I will try to find the city’s description of their countywide taxing district for the parks system administered and maintained solely by city officials and their appointees.

          • Here is a link to a map of the parks facilities and lands in Evansville and Vanderburgh County. Yes, Burdette and other parks facilities are shown outside the city limits. Some are maintained by the city parks department and others are maintained by the county board of commissioners.

            But you will notice that Goebel Soccer park is on this map. Who maintains Goebel? Also see that Price Park is on the map, and it’s maintained with countywide tax money collected and administered by the city only. Same with Moutoux Park and the two boat ramp locations, one at Angel Mounds and the other at Dogtown.


          • That “Yes! for Unification” web site went down overnight right after
            their merger attempt did. CORE 2012 was still up last time I checked last fall.

          • That chart shows only two members on the parks board, Gary Shetler and Kenneth Overton. That is incomplete information. The parks board consists of 5 members.

            After researching the composition of the parks board, I discovered that I am in error because the county commissioners indeed appear to have 2 appointments to the city parks board, so I am sorry for the argument I posed based on misinformation on my part, and withdraw my comments in that regard.

            “The Board of Park Commissioners oversees the Evansville Department of Parks & Recreation and Mesker Park Zoo & Botanical Gardens. The Board consists of five members who serve four-year terms. The Board is an independent policy-making body with a bi-partisan appointment process. Because the taxing district includes all of Vanderburgh County, three members are appointed by the Mayor of Evansville and two are appointed by the Vanderburgh County Commissioners.”

    • 35% surcharge for the county residents to use city sewer? If it is a concern, your community should organize, appoint a board, and develop their own sewer system or campaign to be annexed to the city.

      • 35% surcharge is a small price to pay to stay away from the tentacles of the cities
        “inept” government. I have ask this question for years. Does business outside city
        limits pay the 35% surcharge, or is it just residents? Were not the original sewer
        trunk lines going out of the city for commercial development? And were these lines
        not “sewer only”, and no combination sewer/rain water? Does the CSO ever operate
        on non-related rain situation? Why should county only residents be progressively billed
        for the CSO mess when their lines only induce sewage, and not storm water for which cause the problem?

        • The surface water problem should be separated from the sewage utility. A ditch fund should be set up. Tax the areas causing the problem. Dig open ditches for a quick fix. If downtown business don’t want open ditches they could raise fund to put in underground infrastructure. Lots of agency’s to contribute like the chamber of commerce. Maybe naming rights for the manhole covers. Maybe a TIF or sell the rights of collecting city bad debt to a collection agency.

          • Although open ditches are grossly impractical for the heavily urbanized areas to which you assign the theoretic solution, there already exists a methodology for forming and funding drainage districts under current Indiana state law.

          • Finally nice to see someone who understands this CSO issue. We, out in the county pay a property tax ditch assessment to maintain the legal ditches that carry our storm water run off. It is based off of acreage that its draining.

            The city has twist this same concept into a “tap water” usage fee. This is total bogus. Take two city blocks side by side. Both receives the same amount of rain water. One block has 10 homes paying $100 a month water/sewer bill for a total of $1000 a month. The other block is a gravel/paved parking lot with no water consumption. Guess what that owner pays per month for the same storm water run off, $0

          • Who Said That, not so impractical,
            for some of the problem areas. If it is practical for the city to take out 30 homes for Dpat they could take out a few and make a nice green-way that serves as a watershed.

            Where grossly impractical, let those property owners pay the cost of improving those properties.

          • Fred, I said it would be grossly impractical to install big, open drainage ditches in densely urbanized neighborhoods. And I stick by that assessment. Just think of a ditch sufficiently wide and deep to carry the run-off that now flows underground through downtown Evansville, the Historic District, or Goose Town thence into the River. You think the residents would stand for such an open canal? Think of the objections raised over the years to Bee Slough.

        • Someone on this forum was proposing an open ditch downtown as a tourist attraction. They were calling it a canal. The open ditches could be host to the fishing conventions to help fill the Hotel. Ya just gotta think. They call it thinking outside of the box. I’m good at it.

          • Not one, not a single one actually knows the solution, our group does, we’ve been testing and engineering it for several years. Solutions work that way, nothing is an overnight draw card. It takes science, and dedication to projected forms balance.

            Soon to be introduced in other regions, and as usual Evansville will be behind the trending about 10-15 years. Why? Just lousy politics, that’s all.

            About the time the money levels the profits for anyone. as usual you’ll be in the dirge left behind. In someone’s driveway, what’s in yours? What a menagerie of clowns.

            a collection of animals kept in “captivity for exhibition”.
            a “strange” or diverse collection of people or “things.”
            “some other “specimens” in the local televisions projected propaganda “menagerie”

          • That is the way of the benjo ditch , obviously “who’s been assigned too sport that” is an ass flapping idiot that’s really never been , or, served in the far eastern areas of planet earth.


            “If you’re going to try to jump the benjo ditch… don’t miss.”

            Knew a fella that tried that once , when he crawled up the bank he smelt just like downtown Evansville. The dispensary gave him three gallons of Betadine Antiseptic Solution to shower with , actually he still stunk at altitude for at least two weeks. Damn, a blue blood east coaster as well.
            Heck I told him about the old Indiana farmers solution for being skunked, or a accidental fall in the ferring house.
            Thank goodness we as a crew all had personal equipment O2 masks and separated regulators.

            You build a benjo in downtown Evansville like the present stink that’ll just have to wear off.

          • Load “O” wuzzies . We have your balances ,best in realization—-> just stop it right now.

    • Actually someone should challenge this in court. By This I mean the combined city/county parks dept. We voted down vandigov at least four times and yet these fools keep combining city county government anyway. I feel that this should be illegal. Why should people who don’t live in the city help to pay for city parks. I know of only one park that’s outside the city and that’s Burdette Park and it’s county run and funded hopefully.

      • I believe the other year that the cities Mesker Zoo bonds payments were bundle and spread county wide, while maintaining 100% control of it.

        • Found it! In the June 13, 2012 C&P issue.

          “City to refinance $15.3 million in past bonds”.

          These previous bonds were held by city government.

          Quote: To repay the bond, the city established a “parks bonds” taxing district,
          which like the Parks and recreation taxing district, is county wide.

          • Add the almost 6% city tax that is on our spring/fall tax assessment
            out in the “county only” sector! It is a small price to pay to keep the
            city limits 10 miles south of me!

            One would think so about the taxation. Should at least be enough to
            allow county only residents on all those appointed boards as it had been.

      • The city and county parks departments are not combined. The county “parks dept.” consists solely of Burdette Park, and is run by the county commissioners. The city parks department is run by the mayor and the parks board on a countywide parks district taxing authority, appropriated from solely by the city council, who now has limited representation on that countywide taxing authority solely to city residents. There are major parks in the county run by the city parks board and the mayor’s appointment to the parks superintendent position, yet the city council, who manipulates the countywide parks district spending of tax dollars, has denied membership on that board to anyone living outside the city limits. Get it yet?

      • Price Park is outside the city limits. It was part of a deal made with Aztar to give them the RIverfront Park in exchange for a park to be built outside the city limits. It’s on outer Covert Ave. between Green River Road and Fuquay Road.

        Also, the parks department agreed way back when they went countywide with their taxing district, under the Vandeveer administration, that they would develop “satellite parks” out in the county to serve the taxpayers from whom they began collecting the countywide parks district taxes.

        What is the status of the Goebel Soccer Park, Moutoux Park, and the new baseball facility being built on Heckel Road, all of which are outside the city limits. Who will manage those three parks? The city parks department? With funding partially collected from 60,000 residents living outside the city limits?

        • This comment is addressed to Moveon who says Burdette Park is the only park outside the city limits.

          • I think moveon was on right track on this. He said the Burdette Park is the only park that is strictly county government ran which should be correct. What he did not mention were the new city parks that have been placed outside city limits in the past few years. Moutoux Park (old dump) should be outside the city limits as well unless that area had been annexed these past 15 years which I think it hasn’t.

        • Where in the recent ordinance does it exempt the parks board from the council’s intent to limit city appointments to city-only residents? Cite the section.

          • Who, I believe state rules cover that. If you want to find out for sure contact the Mayor or Parks office.

          • Cowboy, can the mayor now appoint a resident from outside the city to sit on the parks board under the rule set by the city council’s ordinance? I asked if the city council inserted an exemption for the parks board into the ordinance. You did not answer that question, and it remains unanswered.

          • Who, A state ruling would over rule the local i believe. That is the basis for the Mayor asking the judges to rule on it. I suggested you call to find out for sure. As for your question, i don’t have to give you an answer nor do i have to read your post. It sounds like you either need some meds or to cut the usuage of some.

  2. They moved to get away from the peasants but they should still be allowed to decide what is best for the peasants? Good grief. I guess they still want the common folk to pay for their Opus One.

    The keystone China pipeline is a terrible idea and just a Republican political football. A pipeline, made with Chinese steel, that creates about 30 permanent jobs. The temp jobs will go to foreigners that pay zero taxes. The oil will do zero to lower gas prices while we take all the risks. The Chinese are the only ones to benefit. The bill also grants eminent domain powers to foreign corporations. Where are all you howling private property rights patriots? Is that only a concern when the Kochs haven’t told you otherwise? The Republicans have told more lies than Pinocchio on the keystone China pipeline. The Canadians did not even want this piece of crap on their soil.

    • One important consideration that has been overlooked is the current epidemic we have in the US of pipeline breaks and explosions in January of 2015. There are two leaks of “drilling brine”, one of crude oil and two horrific gas pipeline explosions. The Yellowstone River is pretty much devastated by a brine leak and a crude oil leak. I expect that the President’s veto will stand on this.

          • Bento, I don’t believe there is a right or left wing when building railroads. Get out of the house and you will see not everything is a conspiracy.

        • From Bent’s article, “So crude-by-rail has emerged as just another dangerous aspect of the ongoing North American oil boom, rather than as a response to increasing public scrutiny of pipeline projects” ” Pipeline spills have increased recently as have crude-by-rail accidents.”

          Cowboy, wasn’t your point that transporting oil via rail was more of a hazardous risk than a pipe-line? It appears that Bent’s article must agree with you.

          The oil is going to flow. A pipeline makes more sense than a rail line.

    • ” Where are all you howling private property rights patriots?”

      Great question, Ghost. There should never be any exercise of Imminent Domain for any pipeline project. What would be done to the tribal peoples of North America by this abomination is sickening.

      • They are a conquered people. To the victor goes the spoils! Did’t’ Dear Leader have words to that effect when he was awarded the Presidency, snicker, snicker…

    • Several thoughts on the Keystone eXport Limited.

      We import 7.5 million barrels a day, while keystone facilitates .75 million out the back door to China. This consist of China owned sand tar in Canada, and the crude oil of the Montana area. (a down fall of globalization)

      Phase 1 converted a 30′” natural gas line to oil in Canada. And from there, new terrain into Nebraska, thus creating a dog leg if viewing on a map. Would it had made sense to had lay a 4 foot pipe (do the math) on the that new terrain, and added a 36″ along side of the old 30″ natural gas line in Canada and been done?

      Was there agreements that relaxed regulations that left the US taxpayer holding the bag?

      • Joni Ernst, the budding republican hyocrite, voted against keeping the oil here. She also voted against using domestic materials to build the pipeline.

    • Ummmm actually the Koch Bros stand to make billions if the pipeline is built.

      In six plus years the Rethuglicans couldn’t pass a jobs bill that wasn’t a blatent giveaway to the ultrarich and McConnell and company blocked every last infrastructure bill proposed by the Dems.
      (Even after large chunks of the Brent Spence bridge fell from the upper deck onto the lower deck. a minor miracle that no one was killed)

      Now one of the first things out of the gate (in the new congress) the Rethuglicans do is pass this disaster that is nothing but a payoff to the Koch’s and big Oil, in exchange for politcal campaign contributions, plain and simple. Legal bribery, period.

      It’s analagous to the Hotel vs the Sewers here. The Winnecke administration treats the sewers as an extremely low priority vs the absolute obsession with the Hotel because of his campaign account!

          • Not sure what you are shooting at with your link. Fact is that currently we are committed to oil and therefore we need to transport it in the most economical and least hazardous methods. That is a pipeline. The greater threat is utilities trying to regulate alternate energy sources out of existence.

      • That’s redistribution isn’t it. The Koch Bros. get it, and then they pass it out to the people who need it. Just like Liberals and taxes….

        Heck i thought all the infrastructure was good to go. i mean we spent a lot of money on all those shovel ready jobs!
        Ridiculous to blame the man fixing the sewers for a problem caused by a lack of Democrat leadership in the last how many years…. the Democrats own all the failures of Evansville. They have been the majority in Evansville all of my life.

    • Ghost, are you saying those foreigners are in this county illegally taking our jobs? That’s not just crazy talk it’s racist.

  3. and again the Democrats are against jobs. Nothing unusual about that as they are always against the success of America.

    IS IT TRUE the U.S. Attorney’s Office announced that a judge sentenced former Evansville Redevelopment Commissioner John ‘Jay’ Carter to four years in federal prison? Thats it? Why did we even bother to prosecute him then? Why not put a billboard up that says “Welcome to Evansville – City of drugs and thugs”!

    • Winnie’s or the made up Keystone jobs? Winnie’s are probaby more 8/hr jobs with no bennies.

      • If you recall, the ACA lowered the standard for a full time job to 30 hours per week and benefits must be provided. Consequently millions are people are now limited to working 29 hours per week, but with no benefits. Of course, they can get as many part-time jobs as they can handle or they simply go on the dole and get a free phone to boot!

    • Jails and prisons are full. Budgets have been cut. He will be out in 2 with good behavior. Putting criminals behind bars does not rehabilitate them. Need to get rid of the worst of the worst to make room for the longer terms. We need to utilize the global economy and contract the long term cases out to a foreign country like China or some real poor country that needs an industry. Lowest bidder gets the job.

      • May be something to look into, we basically have sold the soul of this nation anyway.
        The question would be if the upper crust of the ladder gets jail time, would it be as plush for them as it is here?

        • They will continue to get home incarceration. White collar crime isn’t really a crime anymore. Note the city audits. They usually don’t even bring charges. Unless you are SBR.

          • If you are a member of congress or the Secretary of the Treasury you don’t even need to pay your taxes AND you get to keep your job. We do go easy on white-collar crime.

      • America is better than that, or at least it should be. We have stooped to torturing our war prisoners, but I don’t think abusing citizens is Constitutional.

          • In this globalization, there are countries that receive the wealth, and one’s that
            donate the wealth. One would only need to look around us to see which group we belong to. One needs to also look at our trade deficit over the last 40 years ago as well.
            If we had a maintained at lease a “net zero” trade balance we likely would not be
            run down as we are today!

        • We buy products from countries produced buy the newest form of slave labor. We are now citizens of the world.

        • Ok one more time, terrorists are not prisoners of war. They are evil rag head murderous scum that deserve what ever we can give them.
          Unfortunately we under a Pro Muslim Democrat Terrorist regime who is promoting “Evil Muslims” against us Americans.

          • Somebody started drinking early today. You’re a hateful, ignorant bigot. Next.

          • Those on the left perceive the right as the biggest enemy they face. Being that naïve would be a blessing in a way. Ignorance is bliss.

          • ISIS and AL Quaeda ARE right wingers so I’m not seeing your point Taggart.

          • Ghost,
            It is the NOT the right wing in this country that is attempting to scrub our language of anything that might be offensive to someone. It is the left that can’t use the word “terrorists” for fear of provoking the wrath of our enemy. The only groups that are fair game in this country are conservatives and Christians, for with there is no limit to what can be said.

          • Oh, and what the hell are you babbling about? liberals like me talk about terrorists all the time, Christian or Muslim. Jewish too.

      • Federal prisoners generally do 85% of their time.

        Too much privatizing of incarceration as it is. It’s not something that should be awarded to a political donor.

  4. The only non-city board appointees should be from the county, then only on boards funded jointly by both the city and county fees/taxes.

    • I would be happy with that – appointment of a few residents from the unincorporated Vanderburgh County to city boards that collect and spend taxes or fees from property owners outside the city limits. We had that before this ordinance passed – an ordinance which obviously is a vindictive move not fully thought out, or vetted by the council’s attorney, before passed.

  5. Kudos to EVANSVILLE TRANSPARENCY for their profile of the Paducah Convention Hotel and how transparent that local government is with its citizens. Why can’t WE have that here ???

    • ET did a great job on that. If the local convention hotel was not a scam for Winnecke campaign contributions maybe we would have that kind of openness.

    • Two thoughts.

      Even though there is a mayor, there also a “CITY MANAGER”!

      From 2004 thru 2012 there was a “merger fog” hanging over Evansville city officials with “sugar plumes dancing their heads” of a “open credit card” at the expense of slashing the “state constitute” county government.

  6. “IS IT TRUE yesterday’s economic development announcement by Mayor Winnecke regarding the claim that Evansville is “in the running” for a 400 job UNNAMED manufacturing facility against an UNIDENTIFIED town in Tennessee seemed a bit desperate?…”

    I wonder if Ken Haynie is involved in this endeavor? How pathetic that the failed Mayor finds it necessary to engage in a “I Know Something You Don’t Know” news release. I hope these are good jobs and I hope they come to Evansville, but if this is as well-vetted and secure as most of the Winnie “deals”, we’re in for another wad of money going out and nothing coming in.

    • Evansville is “in the running” for a 400 job UNNAMED manufacturing facility against an UNIDENTIFIED town in Tennessee seemed a bit desperate?…”

      It won’t matter and is a joke. Theres no comparison.
      Tennessee – Non Union.
      Evansville – Horrible Blood sucking Unions.
      You cannot be competitive with unions here. We must run them out they do nothing but kill jobs.

      • I hate to burst you gloom and bitterness bubble, John, but both Indiana and Tennessee are Right to Work for Less states.

        • Union member increased in Indiana, and right to work states are growing three times faster. Freedom works that way.

          • I would dare to say to tap into those “penny on the dollar” people from the third world countries. Funny thing is, when that same product came back here, in general, the price never drop in relationship to the labor cost saving. It has led locally the decay of Evansville as it is now.

  7. Several questions, editor:

    1) Is it the CCO’s position that the Evansville City Council could legally pass an ordinance restricting mayoral appointments on city commissions only to people actually born in the city limits of Evansville?

    2) Is it the CCO’s position that the Evansville City Council could legally pass an ordinance restricting mayoral appointments on city commissions only to Democrats? How about only people who reside in the 700 block of N. Bell Avenue who were born between 8/17/1962 and 8/23/1962?

    3) Is it really the CCO’s position that the will of the elected Evansville City Council is the will of the people, while the will of the elected mayor of Evansville is simply his alone? [Seriously, editor, you are accomplishing the impossible here: making me feel sorry for Mayor Winneckezapfel. I understand you want politicians to drop some coin on CCO ads, but geez, you can be more subtle than this.]

    4) In regard to yesterday’s IIT, why is it “dirty politics” when the Courier actually practices some journalism for one of the few times in its miserable existence and vets a proposed candidate for mayor? You can’t bellow here day after day about the failure of the city establishment to perform due diligence on various projects and then get huffy when someone does.

  8. Shamrock is very small and released this info in November originally. They are relocating closer to their customer base and receiving one heck of a tax break to do so. I would guess that Toyota is one of their bigger contracts and only 20 minutes from Oakland City. It really is not news worthy unless you are a tax paying Oakland City resident.

      • Holding ones breath while traversing that “gilded sector downtown” is an futile pursuit in well being, the chuckholes, sinkholes and traffic light’s for no real opposing traffic will delay your combined efforts.
        Go full mask, filtered for all the series of seriously obnoxious attacks on ones four senses.
        Take’s ones breath away, literally. Needless to say isn’t to good on the ride, either.

        “What’s in your driveway”, how’s its shocks?

        adjective incapable of producing any useful result; pointless.
        “a futile attempt to keep fans from mounting the stage”
        synonyms: fruitless, vain, pointless, useless, ineffectual, ineffective, inefficacious, to no effect, of no use, in vain, to no avail, “unavailing”

  9. The self-proclaimed expert on the English language would do well to learn that the term is “Eminent Domain.”

    Before moaning about the plight of tribal peoples, the self-proclaimed expert on American history might want to acquaint herself with the history of Andy Jackson, in whose honor the Democrat Party holds dinners all across the country every year. Wasn’t the last one locally held at the Rieckens’ very own Marina Point?

    It’s always a bull market in local Democrat ignorance and hypocrisy.

    • Way to dodge the question. Do you suspend your howling mad defense of private property rights only when the Kochs stand to make billions?

    • You’re oh, so right about my misspelling of “Eminent Domain”. I’m relying too much on “spell check.” Mea Culpa, oh great Howler!
      I am well acquainted with the story of Andrew Jackson, and I am not a fan. I didn’t name the Jefferson-Jackson Day dinners, and haven’t bothered to attend one in about thirty years. I have no idea where they’re held.

  10. Its good to see Mayor Winnecke standing up to the City Council blowhards trying to dictate who he can appoint to City boards. The Mayor and City Council can each appoint whoever they want to fill their slots on boards. The City Council should get off this waste of time political dog and pony show and start focusing on important issues like reopening Mesker Amphitheater and trying to save the McCurdy hotel from its current course of death by neglect. Get focused and knock off the political BS on board appointments. There is real work that needs to be done.

  11. Poor little Toad. He’s been filching some of those high-powered ganja Colorado kookies from his mom’s Kochie jar again.

    It’s early in the day. Probably by the end of it we will have a whole stream of DUmmies from Duh Party deny that they have ever attended a Jefferson-Jackson dinner, have ever heard of a Jefferson-Jackson dinner, or have any idea who the “Jefferson” and “Jackson” are in that term. They will register their support of “tribal peoples” by talking up that well-known indigenous person, Fauxcahontas Warren, the firebrand Democrat senator from the State of Paleface, one of the seven new states that Emperor No-Hopey has created.

  12. Winnecke’s flip flop, this time on the boards & commissions appointment criteria, has earned him the absolute right to claim wishy-washy as a proper addendum to his résumé. It currently includes failed mayor, conman’s mark, EPA defier, sneak meeting homestead tax taker (when caught ☛ ‘… a hard lesson … certainly not my proudest moment as an officeholder … ‘) and serial dishonesty with the public. He seems bound and determined to pad that document as his time in office ticks down. He is desperate to deflect attention from the very telling same day departures of Earthcare Dewey and the able Dennis Hodges as well as his record in general. He will spend public money for this very private purpose, although he said it won’t be much.

    In fairness to our accidental mayor, his latest floppery was likely the result of speaking and loosing his legal department on the City Council before being told what to say or do. Given the depth repeatedly shown by the guy it certainly wasn’t the result of ‘ … listening, studying, and considering the extenuating elements … ‘. It was the result of suspect, politically motivated advice, something he mindlessly sops up like an O-Cel-O sponge (blue 4-pak).

    He can send a whole battalion of paid spokespeople to these boards to try to put a good face on his failed term in office. It only underscores that he is running very scared. His stick hotel can’t save him, those beholden to him for their jobs can’t save him.

    Good job CCO. You’ve provided an invaluable service to the people of Evansville by exposing some of the things the Winnecke administration would rather stay behind the closed doors they like to work their magic behind. The assault on the messenger is high praise.

  13. Well we made it to 11:23am before the personal attack/ political war drums were used. I was wondering how long the calm of debating issues today turned to this. Long for the time when this place discussed topics from both sides of the fence without insults and strict political motives!

  14. Actually, it was 10:12 when Howler started on me, because of a spelling error and his false belief that I don’t know the history of Andrew Jackson. My spelling error may have made him smile, if he ever does.

    • I’ll stand corrected.
      It “had been” nice for awhile, the polite discussions compared to the new “norm” of late!

  15. So Romney has dropped out of the clown car even before the campaign started

    Now the conventional wisdom is that Jeb, Walker, and Christie are the front runners….


    • Mitt was a very good person, family man, and an exceptional business man. Sorry to see him go. He had a lot to offer this country and he would have made a much better president than the anti America, pro illegal, America hating, Jew hating, racist , musluum that we are stuck with. But then so would have McCain. You really don’t have to be too good to be better than a community organizer. Snicker, snicker… Just think if Obummer wasn’t the Prez he would have been right there alongside the protesters in Ferguson with burning torch, and a set of bolt cutters, he could have gave speeches promoting his racism right beside Rev, Al, Holder and Jesse.

  16. Just when you hoped things could not get crazier, Obama invited the Muslim Brotherhood to visit the United States and the US State Department. After the Muslim Brotherhood visited Obama’s representatives, they openly declared Jihad on the Egyptian Government:

  17. Any connection with the Gail Riekens official signing of mayors race today, and the two year old resurrection
    of a Inland Marina violations, besides ownership?

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