IS IT TRUE that all organizations inside and outside of government that are successful at making good things happen have two components to them?…those components are PLANNING and EXECUTION?…that proceeding straight to execution without a well thought out an vetted plan is a formula for chaos and confusion?…that more a particular situation is in need of thoughts and plans the more destructive the practice of winging it is?…whether a local government is hoping to attract a new business, interest a quality developer in a downtown convention hotel, maintain a collection of parks, or integrate a new software package for accounting, proceeding without a plan is the kiss of death for the project?…if by some chance even if a decent plan is adopted if the team in place does not have the ability to execute those plans failure looms on the horizon?…the last 10 years in the City of Evansville have been defined by a failure to plan which has resulted in failure after failure in even the smallest projects like software integration and cleaning the parks?…the second problem has been that even in some cases where good plans are in place that execution is difficult for a myriad of reasons like having the wrong people in charge, petty politics, or lack of proper financial resource being committed?
IS IT TRUE that one area that the City of Evansville has developed a talent in is in circumventing the will of the people by SNEGAL methods?…the other area that the City seems to have a good handle on is the DEPARTMENT OF NEGLECT headed up by teh Minister of Neglect Dave Rector?…the best example of the DEPARTMENT OF NEGLECT in action is the way that Roberts Stadium was demolished by intentional neglect?…the plan to let Roberts decay and the public relations to further the execution was done flawlessly?…when it comes to destruction and deceit our local leaders are among the best this country has to offer?
IS IT TRUE that last night in New Orleans at the Sugar Bowl that the University of Louisville Cardinals put together a game plan that found weaknesses in the Florida defense that had not been identified by any of the nationally ranked teams that the Gators had dispensed with in rising to the #3 ranking in the Bowl Championship Series?…not only did the Cardinals put a winning plan together, they executed to near perfection in upsetting the heavily favored SEC opponent?…not one sports pundit gave Louisville a chance against the bigger, faster, and better tested blue bloods from the SEC?…last night’s game like the previous Louisville victories in the Fiesta Bowl against Alabama and the Orange Bowl came when there were many talking heads saying they had no chance and should not even be in the game?…the planning and execution put together by the staff and the team overcame talent and arrogance in all of these games?…that we must remind our readers that there was a time in the 1950’s that the Louisville Cardinals and the Evansville Aces played regularly in football and that the Aces have defeated the Cardinals?…at some point these programs made different decisions and different commitments and the results bear out that difference?
IS IT TRUE that Coach Charlie Strong of the Cardinals has assembled a team with hyper talent in skill positions but regular guys in the other ones?…last night the regular guys elevated their game and the stars performed as expected?…the result was one big serving of gator with sugar on top?…maybe the Office of the Mayor and the City Council of Evansville need to operate more like the Louisville Cardinals did in last night’s Sugar Bowl?…a couple of stars, some exemplary planning, and good execution could have Evansville with the prosperous economy and the 250,000 population that the Fantus Study said it could?…that woulda, coulda, and shoulda are three words that the City of Evansville and the Florida Gators have in common this morning?
Don’t forget about Mesker Amphitheatre sitting in complete disrepair with around $50,000.00 worth of seats taken from the stadium just sitting out under the canopy rotting away. When will the people who make these decisions including Dave Rector be held accountable? Nothing will change as long as the voters keep voting in politicians with the same mind set. Lloyd/Weinzapfel and now the most incompetent of the 3 Winnecke. I hope that there is an Evansville left after 3 more years of Winnecke.
What happened to the Jordan article from earlier today? Why has this been taken down? Too many toes stepped on?
CCO Truth Squad, we had problems with posting Jordan’s article. That’s why we took it down.
We are working with Jordan in correcting the problems in posting his well written and thought out article.
We could care less about any political toes we may step on.
Jordan’s article is all about good public policy and we are pleased to post it in the CCO in his behalf!
Good to hear.
Here is a suggestion: Convert his article to a PDF file rather than a Word doc or docx file. That file can be infected with a virus via the macro function. As soon as I saw the type I ran it thru my virus checker.
There are plenty of free options to convert from Word format or PDF format.
Hope that helps
Keep up the good work CCO and Jordan
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