IS IT TRUE January 26, 2015


IS IT TRUE it is of some significance that one of the largest contributors to the Winnecke Campaign during 2014 when their was no election was the appointed City Attorney Ted Ziemer?…billing Ted, as some of our readers call him added over $10,000 to the coffers of his contractual employer?…that is a pretty darn good return on investment for Mr. Ziemer, as it is typical for the City of Evansville to run a legal tab of over a million bucks a year?…in all fairness this happens everywhere, but it is an absolutely disgusting fact of American politics that contributions grease the skids for contracts?…every dollar that is rebated to a politician by a contractor that has benefited or expects to benefit from their guy winning is a dollar “SNEGALLY Taken” from the funds to repair the roads, fix the sewers, make the sidewalks ADA compliant, or cleaning the teeth of the indigent?…the whole time honored process stink and both parties promote it?…there needs to be a better way to fund campaigns than doing so by political patronage kick backs on public contracts that really rob the taxpayer to pay cronies?

IS IT TRUE we are surprised to hear that the Mayors and his Chief of Staff had a telephone conference last week with HCW concerning the proposed Downtown Hotel plans? …We are stunned to hear that the President of the Evansville City Council wasn’t invited to participate in this extremely important telephone conference since the Mayors Chief of Staff pledged to do so at the last City Council meeting?

IS IT TRUE we have all been put on notice that Mayor Winnecke is once again going to update us on the status of the downgrading of the hotel in an attempt to get the project going with the money that is available?…considering the accuracy of previous updates if the Mayor says the sky is blue we had better verify it ourselves before we believe a word?…we await the next photo op and newsworthy blurbs more jaded than before?  …we hope the Mayor will bring a copy of the officially signed “Hotel Franchise Agreement” between HCW and Hilton Corporation at todays City Council meeting since the taxpayers have so far paid $77,000 towards acquiring this agreement?

IS IT TRUE the new year has brought with it some unwelcome and unexpected negative economic news with layoffs accelerating in the oil business, financial institutions, and closer to home in the agricultural equipment business?…the layoff announcements that are close to home are the 1,410 layoffs that were just announced at the John Deere company in Illinois?…as has been typical in the last several years the outcomes are getting difficult to predict using official economical metrics?…the most recent new unemployment claims were higher than expected in a country that has been treated to falling official unemployment rates?

IS IT TRUE Friday’s annual report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that union membership fell to 11.1% of US workers from 11.3% in the previous year?…nearly half of all American union workers now work for government which has 35.7% of its employees in a union?…private businesses now only have 6.6% of their workers represented by unions and with the expiration of some contracts in the newly right to work Michigan that number is poised to fall even further?…the story behind the numbers seems to be that given a choice, many union members prefer not to pay for the privilege of union membership?…Indiana, which recently became a right to work state bucked the trend gaining some 50,000 union members which translated into a growth from 9.3% to 10.7% over the same period?

IS IT TRUE some Evansville thieves sunk to a new low recently in robbing and vandalizing a house of worship?…the church robbed was the Harvest House Church that was broken into, had some expensive musical instruments taken, and some vandalizing done?…we recognize this is an incident that does not reflect on the entire community but it really does speak to the degradation of respect for personal property that Evansville and the entire country seem to have drifted into?…the fact that it was a church that was robbed is a bit more insulting but at the end of the day it is knowing that we are living among people who would rob a church that makes life feel just a little bit less secure?…this particular crime is reminiscent of an old movie where some kids stole from the poor box in a church to bet on the races?

Please take time and vote in todays “Readers Poll”.

Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. A check of the donor list for the Mayor reveals some interesting dates of contracts followed by donations. Is this a matter for the US Attorney to review?

  2. Seriously EDITOR, are you going to provide some context for this statement….AT ALL?

    “IS IT TRUE the new year has brought with it some unwelcome and unexpected negative economic news with layoffs accelerating in the oil business, financial institutions, and closer to home in the agricultural equipment business?”

    1. Why would there be layoffs in these specific categories in a growing economy with growing employment?

    • John Deere from the Iowa/Illinois Quad city area are laying off employees ahead of time.

      First off, the company had exceeded “Wall Street” expectations for the year, so there is no reason for”union bashing” as the reason for job lost!

      Commodity prices have came down over the past year or two. (for every $1 spent on food, farmers receive less then 12 cents for the raw products. [source, Farm Policy Facts])

      When commodity prices were rising a few years back, “seed/chemical/fertilizer raised their prices to get theirs.
      This group has yet lower their prices back to respectable levels (diesel the exception)! As a side note, few years back. Potash which comes from Canada could be mined, process, and loaded on a rail car for less then $70 a ton. Farmers were being charged over 10 times that here!

      With tight ROI for the farmers, there is a lower demand for farm machinery now/in the future! This will likely stay this way unless the input cost comes down to reasonable input/output ratio!

  3. Robotics, third world wages, and greed brought down the US middle class, not unions.

    • Aging outdated transportation logistics and poor infrastructure values are constant hurtles as well.
      Wouldn’t want to think building better infrastructure doesn’t lead into enterprise, would we.
      Darn those better more affordable infrastructures.
      Vanderbilt, Carnegie, J.P Morgan, John Davison Rockefeller. Industrialists and why huge labor forces and union wages could ever be paid for. Just like back then todays innovation is tomorrows enterprise.

      Labor and innovation are evolving around the globe at a rapid pace in the industrial world. We’re thinking this century’s opportunities are just beginning. Building to adapt and balance for climate migration will be the factored balance to sustain the jobs that must depend on those sustainable foundations. Watch what happens along the national I-95 corridors transportation logistics today and tomorrow. Just, what we’re saying the infrastructure needed to cope with climate migration is a basic need right now, needless to say, as climate change continues to move forward ahead what’s offered to cope with it.

      The convention business is toast this centuries communication science owns that now. There in Evansville for sure, you need a viable 10 year plan, lower the cost of living, improve the throughput logistics for active commerce. Clean up the environment so as to present the image of a destination with some accountability to its citizens well being and invested valuation.

      Ædificate, Climatico

        • Just look at the news, old planet earth has more atmospheric water vapor . Like we’ve said and observe daily, water vapor is a state of transferred elemental balance. Ice to water, water to vapor that condensing back to precipitation energy.
          The oceans expand with the warming molecular inputs, more water in more warmth means more expansion. Sea level rise, climate migration. The vapor energy does migrate back to the polar regions also, but it does off cycle and further pushes melting, adding more ancient trapped carbons and methane gasses that are then released into the atmospheric balance as entropic chaos causing runaway global warming.
          Universal thermodynamics are always at work, always have been, always will be, however humans really don’t need to further create detrimental elemental imbalance wherever, and whenever possible.

          Along the eastern seaboard the energy drives the inputs on land and water as that increases over the gulfstream currents it rolls into them as a steady near hurricane force wind driven high tide nor’easter. They get pumped from all sides relentlessly. That’s not going to improve with climate change migration going forward. So. Resilience needs to be actively sought in that infrastructure provisional.

          The commerce from that region has direct affects on everyone on planet earth.

          The transportation industries on deliverables and travel are going to take the stuff right on the nose. Airlines are really put to the test technologically to adapt. Costly stuff and what the United States should be innovating, crafting jobs and developing adaptive infrastructures for right now.
          The regions that do this first will lead in growth and sustainable balancing for those who’ve chosen the pathway. Climate migration then goes straight balanced to regional population growth and sustainable jobs, with municipal revenues through private investment that has considerably more than a ice cubes chance in hell of maintaining the progress.

  4. From James Carville’s Column, The Hill January 13, 2015

    NAPLES, FLORIDA In October 2012. Karl Rove and I were giving a joint speech in front of the Truck Stop Tobacco Wholesalers conference. We’ve given dozens of speeches together.

    Rove begins his portion of the talk lecturing me about the upcoming election and the downfalls of the liberal Democrat Party (it’s actually the Democratic Party).

    “Let me tell you, Jim Carville, about why these truck stop tobacco wholesalers should vote for Mitt Romney. I’m voting for Mitt Romney because if I vote for him, I know the following will happen …

    “By casting a vote for Mitt Romney you vote for a capitalist, not a socialist like Barack Obama. He will create, not kill, jobs. If Romney is elected, the Dow will reach well over 17,000 (note: it was hovering around 13,000 in late October 2012).

    Consumer confidence will be restored to pre-recession levels. And in two years he’ll grow private sector jobs in every month of his first term, so much so that unemployment will get down below 6 percent.”

    There were claps from the audience. Rove continued.

    “And Carville, as opposed to your state-loving, collectivist, socialist and anti-free-enterprise Democrat Party, Republicans actually know how to manage the budget. In just two years Romney will get the deficit in control. Under Mitt Romney the U.S. will pursue smart energy policies and gas will get so low that you’ll be able to get gas for under $2 a gallon in New Orleans. The dollar will gain strength against literally every currency; unlike members of the Democrat Party, the Republican Party likes dollars.”

    “And because Mitt Romney actually understands how to get the public and private sectors together on healthcare,” continued Rove, “the cost curve will flatten and uninsured rates will plummet to their lowest ever. And he’ll do it all with low interest rates and low inflation.”

    • Just think how much more Obama could’ve fulfilled Rove’s Mittological dream if Rove had convinced his capitalist, job creating Republicans in Congress to support rather than obstruct Obama’s economic turnaround policies.

    • I thought it was the Liberal Democratic party. there has’nt been any type of conservative in that party for 20 years.

      • Hey John….those economic results…..exactly WHAT do you want “conservatives” to do differently? Money doesn’t recognize political party….

        (You just gripe with Obama-hating spew, and it leads most to conclude you just don’t like the guy for some strange reason.)

  5. Completely off topic: I thought (and thoroughly agreed) that cause of death listed in the death records was a HIPAA violation-and yet I see in the Sunday Courier and Press that they have started the practice again?

    One has a right to health record privacy, even after one is dead.

    • I believe that there was a law suit that resulted in the judge ruling in favor of the Press’s right to get that information and publish it. When you die people have a reason to know why you died and what caused the death. It’s a matter of public health in the long run. And public health protection always trumps privacy. It’s now a matter of public records.

      I was watching the obits to see when the paper was going to start to public the cause of death again. It’s interesting to see how many people die of cancer in this area every year. Or how many die from heart disease. Its a lot if you keep track of things like that.

      • “It’s interesting to see how many people die of cancer in this area every year. Or how many die from heart disease. Its a lot if you keep track of things like that.”

        Death from heart disease and cancer are the #1 and #2 cause of death (respectively) in the country as a whole, not just in this area. Been that way for decades. There may be percentage differences as a whole for this area, but the area rankings likely will be the same as the national rankings.

      • So if you’re dead, HIPAA rights go out the window? It’s a nasty practice. The Health Dept. already has the statistics, the C@P is giving people’s names, and personal heath records-it should be illegal.

        • My understanding is that HIPAA rules basically apply only to people who are directly or indirectly involved with the care of the person. A nurse would get into trouble if they started blabbing about the treatment and conditions of Patient X, because they are directly involved with their care, a person working for their insurance company who was in charge of reviewing medical records would also get into trouble if they started doing the same. A friend, on the other hand, can blab all they want about their buddy’s medical problems and treatment, because they are not involved in the care of the patient.

          The C & P is not directly involved with the care of the patient, they are simply reporting on the causes of death reported to the Health Dept. Maybe in poor taste, but certainly not a HIPAA violation.

        • It went to trial. the judge said the public has a right to know how you died. I noticed a lot of the sixty years olds die of respiratory disease. Smokers I would guess. It does surprize me how many suicides there are. Sorry Bootsie morbid curiosity I guess.

        • I don’t know what you think the laws are going to do for you. About 5 years ago there was a mandate to consolidate and use the internet for your records. Now just about anyone who works in a hospital or Doctors office can get your records if they really want. That can be passed on to anyone. When the Care Act came about some of the people writing it had a commercial interest in peoples info. They were embedded in the system and could pull out any info they wanted. I read where they recently got about 40% of the companies out. Maybe that will help.

          • You MAY be able to get access to patient information, but there are safeguards built in. Electronic medical records are of course provided the same level of computer security that any other sensitive records are, firewalls, anti-hacking measures, password protection and encryption, etc. You have to have adminstrator permission to get into certain care records, and if you’re caught just nosing around for the sake of nosing around, you will almost certainly get fired. If you ‘leak’ information and are caught you WILL get fired, and probably sued. Hospitals and clinics take that stuff VERY seriously. People and businesses who don’t follow the rules can lose their liceses, lose accreditations, and lose their access to reimbursement through goverment health care programs (VA, medicare, medicaid, etc.).

          • Delta- What keeps someone from printing some of your info when they are looking for a legit reason ? About 3 years ago i was at the eye doctor. The tech dilated my eyes and we had some wait time for it to work and the Doc. to come in. She was scrolling through my records and started asking me why i took some scripts going back awhile. Most were one timers like antibiotics. They had never asked me about that before or asked me to fill out what i take. That’s not right.

  6. WEEKLY STANDARD, January 25, 2015
    NBC News will be interviewing the President of the United States,
    Barack Obama, live from the White House just prior to the start
    of the 2015 Super Bowl on Sunday, February 1, 2015.

    • The host network broadcasting the SB has traditionally been granted an interview with the POTUS.

    • I hope they ask him some tough questions like, what kind of snacks will you have for the game, what will Michelle be wearing during the game.

    • Hopefully the law will catch them. Crime is our biggest concern in Evansville. Directly correlated with our failing schools, easy access to illegal drugs, the government’s promotion of the disgusting welfare state, a lack of jobs, resulting in our large scale poverty and which leads to crime.

      • I agree with the lack of jobs.

        Disagree with the failing schools. It is the failing parent(s) and their failing off spring! Schools are getting a bad rap because of the “slugs” that occupy those class room seats! A teacher can not teach a person that does not care, disrespects the school/teachers etc.!

        Therapist/parole officers are needed instead of a teacher for this group mention above!

        • well said. You can’t teach someone that is not ready to try to learn. And I too blame that on the parents and kids more than the teachers.

  7. HCW has an agreement in place with Hilton don’t they? Winnecke knows he can’t get that 20 million again and is stuck with the very suspect HCW. Huffman knows it too. Birds of a feather, they’ll abuse the city even worse than they did the first time. Pull Winnecke’s license to negotiate before he bargains again. Winnecke is way out of his league and we pay the price. We just simply can’t afford the guy. Ken Haney chortles and circles.

    If Winnecke does in fact show up at the council meeting today he should get to witness a vote on rescinding the $20 million authorization. He has demonstrated through his lack of transparency and truthfulness that he has no business spending public money. If the council won’t do it, fly Joni Ernst in to money-neuter him before the IU medical school people wise up to what they’re dealing with.

    Could the Poop be in hotel negotiations with Anchor Industries next ?

      • Great link, Ghost! Palin was a huge flop this weekend at the Steve King shindig, too. Even the conservative media says her speech was strange. They’re seeing the “real” Sarah Palin, without the speech writers and handlers.

        • Sort of like what we’re seeing when Obama doesn’t have a teleprompter. Overall, Sara hasn’t done bad for a young woman from a small town in Alaska. She has taken what was on the table, played the hand well and is now a millionaire. Liberals even attack the 1% when they get it the hard way, which is working hard. There’s not one liberal female who is wealthy to include Hillary who did not get their wealth the old fashion way, they inherited it. I would not vote for Sara for president, she didn’t run for president. If Sara and biden were running for president, it would be a tough choice but I’d vote for Sara. If Sara was black and a liberal I have little doubt that she is smart enough to have received an affirmative actions grant and went to Harvard with Obama and she would be perfectly acceptable to liberal females. She would be held up as a role by liberal women that there’s a place for real mothers in the democrat party. And could easily become the darling of the democrat party and beat out Hillary or hoaxahonas.

          • Did not see Palin.

            Ernst was seen on Dish Network 205 Fox news. I flipped between 200 (CNN), 205(Fox news), and 209(MSNBC). Depends if you wanted straight news, or the political slanted news. Just like a three ring circus, which of the three rings does one focus on? I much rather watch the clowns in all three and sort the truth from there!

          • Not a either/ or party supporter commit here. One would have to admit that the presentation she had remind me of the various stages we all went through during our school years. Remember back when we first had to do speeches as kids with the kids mentality in presentation of our topic. As we matured, so did our speech ability with are ever maturing topics and reasoning.

            If one would get past the partisan content, which “was” the right of her political party, I was seeing a very youthful age presentation. Almost a cheesy cheerleader style presentation that should not be coming from a elected representative in Congress. The party should had that same speech content came from someone more seasoned in this situation!

            Again, this was not a political football commit, one way or the other.
            Just a observation!

          • What a preposterous, empty comment. You’re right I-E, some people say cucumbers taste better pickled.

            Diff subject: Indiana-E, I still don’t know if there is a candidate out there who supports “the values you think all of us need”…

      • Ghost, You forgot to mention it is a party piece that just might shade the truth some. It tries to tear down Sen. Ernst while trying to build up Sen. Warren.

          • Ghost, I’m not sure why you are calling her a hypocrite other than you had to try to do a negative on her.

          • Read the link I posted. It’s concise and easy to understand. If you still can’t see hypocrisy in that, then you’re hopeless.

          • Ghost, Let me take a guess. She is a hypocrite because of her families jobs. One of them is a contractor and he received a Gov. funded job. Do you see something wrong with that without checking the details of the contract ? Other members are farmers and received cost sharing for fighting soil erosion and price supports due to the low price of grain. That has been happening since the 1930’s. I don’t farm an i don’t agree with the way the farm program has been handled in the past but most operations had to depend on the supports or they would have been bankrupt.

        • Joni does a good enough job on her own in tearing herself down.

          She’s a certified Grade A whack job, repeat, she is dangerous crazy fringe lunatic, plain and simple. Further, since you’re on her defending her I’d guess your either brainwashed or gone meshuga yourself.

  8. + 1 “Could the Poop be in hotel negotiations with Anchor Industries next ?”

    From afar that sure sounds like another “tentative” agreement. 😉

    not certain or fixed; provisional.
    “a tentative conclusion”
    synonyms: provisional, unconfirmed, penciled in, iffy, preliminary, to be confirmed, subject to confirmation;
    antonyms: definite
    done without confidence; hesitant.
    “he eventually tried a few tentative steps to find some required valuation .”
    synonyms: hesitant, uncertain, cautious, timid, hesitating, faltering, shaky, unsteady, halting;

    • ‘Tenatative’ it is, indeed. Not very exciting though . . . has me ‘awning’ !

  9. Some on the CC feel that rescinding the bond issue plays into his hands because then he can say the CC killed the deal. Leaving the bond open leaves the Whiner twisting in the wind, and the CC knows the numbers will never add up in getting financing so the bonds will never be issued.

    • Yeah, but he could still build a $20 mil hotel though, right? HCW then sells it for the $5 million it’s worth and we look like suckers all over again.

    • That is a good point, BB. I really don’t envision this hotel dream coming true, either. Sometimes you just can’t overcome basic arithmetic, and the arithmetic here isn’t going to add up. I do think City Council should have the option for a final review of plans and to take public comments on those final plans, before any bonds are issued. The revised proposal is too far different from what was originally presented to the public for it to just be “slid into” that first agreement. If someone orders a Mercedes, and a Ford is delivered in its place, that isn’t okay.

      • Ordered a Mercedes, got a Ford. Isn’t that what happened with arena in downtown Evansville?

    • I think nothing will happen this year concerning the hotel, it’s dead for 2015. ONB has basically reneged on their original donation, the 20 million is iffy and the city is basically back to square one as in 2012. In 2016 there’s a good chance we could have the same mayor or a new one, makes no difference, the powers, the real persuaders want a new downtown hotel. My projection is that regardless of who is mayor the CC will come up with between 40-50 million for the new hotel. The democrats want to do it with Gail, that’s what the current hold up is all about. Look at the historical political patterns of this city/county. In 1999 the county was working on building a 28 million dollar jail, the county commissioners were mostly republicans. In 2000 the political makeup of the Commissioners changed to democrat. The president of the county commissioners got the new jail up to 35 million and then took off with one of the main jail contractors and didn’t run for re election.

      • One would think that being ONB had/may reneged on this hotel deal, the county commissioners/council should force all free advertisement ties of ONB with the counties “Centre” to be terminated at once!

    • Benton, First sentence. How do you know that. Are you one of those Council persons ?

  10. “IS IT TRUE we are surprised to hear that the Mayors and his Chief of Staff had a telephone conference last week with HCW concerning the proposed Downtown Hotel plans? …We are stunned to hear that the President of the Evansville City Council wasn’t invited to participate in this extremely important telephone conference since the Mayors Chief of Staff pledged to do so at the last City Council meeting?”

    This is a prime example of “transparency a la Winnecke”. He calls meeting with vendors/potential donors on projects being “transparent.” He just doesn’t grasp how the “little people” figure into the process. There should absolutely not be any talks with HCW that do not include a representative from City Council.

    • Especially after he agreed that Adams and O’Daniel would be included in additional negotiations. Maybe they were just saying their goodbyes.

      • Winky and shafer have always done their work behind closed doors , it’s just one more of the many lies they have told

  11. IS IT TRUE we are surprised to hear that the Mayors and his Chief of Staff had a telephone conference last week with HCW concerning the proposed Downtown Hotel plans? …We are stunned to hear that the President of the Evansville City Council wasn’t invited to participate in this extremely important telephone conference since the Mayors Chief of Staff pledged to do so at the last City Council meeting?

    I chuckled big time when I heard Steve Schafer say that. Actually the council was so out of control at that time with motions on the floor, seconded and a new motion to amend the first motion and discussion going out of control. Dan was no really in control of that meeting but I did enjoy the free wheeling discussion before the public. But in the end I don’t think that anything was really nailed down and there were not hand shakes.. only more broken promises to the city council.

    OK Charlie Brown, I promise that this time I will not pull the football away as you try to kick it again. Again and again and again.

    A telephone call is all we got for two million dollars?

  12. If the low life Harvest House Church thieves are hiding in the McCurdy Hotel or at Mesker Amphitheater they should be caught in a few years when the City finally does something with those community assets.

  13. Quote: …….. the story behind the numbers seems to be that given a choice, many union members prefer not to pay for the privilege of union membership………

    Appears the editor is again comparing apples and oranges?

    If a company has a work force of 100 workers and are represented by a union local #X. Had several workers decide to stop being a union membership while still receiving the benefits of that membership, that business is still 100 union represented jobs, not 97-99!

    The decline in membership is due to companies laying off/off shoring. Example is the Kentucky union coal mine not to far from here. Say a work force of 100 there would be considered 100 jobs lost (decline of union jobs, but likely the workers will maintain their union membership)!

    • A lot of “freeloaders” enjoy the benefits of unions negotiating their wages and working conditions. They just don’t want to pay for that service.

      • Most all workers have benefited from union organizations and the changes they brought to the American Workforces. Thinks like 8 hour work days and Weekends off. Child labor laws were enacted into law due to union forces.

        If it were not for organized union forces we would all still be working day and night for peanuts. We still work for peanuts but at least we get to get some sleep at home before we have to go back to the grind.

    • Need to add that my post was more geared towards the construction/coal miner/auto worker sector.

      Individual companies that “had” union represented workers for that particular place “only” becomes a situation where membership does become a statistic!

      There is also the case where a Governor with a swipe of a pen creates loss union membership of the public jobs which those members had no say!

    • No smoking gun there. Just further goes to show a few scumbags that didn’t deserve tax exempt status didn’t get it. Next up: let’s start taxing churches, please. They can deduct whatever they legitimately dole out in charity but that’s it.

      • Joad, You don’t know what you are talking about!

        You wrote “…but that’s it…” The truth of the matter is that not for profit churches can deduct everything they pay out in furtherance of their tax exempt purpose. An example of “doling out” that is not to charity wold be vestments for the ministers, hymnals, candles, housing for the minister, utilities for the church facilities, etc. And this is just a small listing.

        When you make blanket statements like you did, you are making a FOOL of yourself. Think before you ramble on about something you know nothing about.

          • I guess if you’re really thick I should have said “under my plan to tax churches I would only allow them to deduct legitimate charitable acts and donations. ” Churches paying their false prophets huge salaries and building them mega mansions should not be a tax write off. They’re for profit corporations who influence politics and should be taxed as such.

    • PAK….Man, you need new material.

      Exactly what benefit is there in pressing the IRS/Tea Party ruse? There is no traction here. Obama’s not running for re-election. He won. Six years in, his economy is leading the world. Gas is under $2 a gallon. Do you think ANYONE other than the other guys in your bunker care about this dead story?

      And to top it off….Hillary has nothing to do with it.

      Pressanykey, you’re wasting gas you’re gonna need to support President Palin, right?

  14. Where does nearly a quarter of a million dollars of campaign dollars go on a non-election year for your current mayor?

      • But Billin Ted seems to give a lot of money for food. I saw more of the food boxed checked than the direct payment boxes. Does the City Attorney take the Mayor out to lunch and dinner and then bill the city for his services and also give back some of that money to the mayor in campaign contributions to pay for meals?

    • She’s absolutely right on the Benghazi thing. Face it, there was no cover up. The reason for the attack truly does not matter. I’d rather have Elizabeth Warren but I’ll take Hillary over Bush, Rubio, Cruz, Palin, whatever other nut they come up with.

      • They appear to be assembling the same crazed crew they put up last time.

        if Warren got in now it could embolden Biden to jump in too. It might devolve into a mess like the Republicans treat us to every 4 years now. She’d make a great president though. Right now the party of Huckabee is on its well worn glidepath to defeat again. They don’t even have to be urged to squawk Benghazi, they do it for free. They didn’t have to be paid to put Rick Perry into consideration, another freebie. Santorum is of course priceless. They have nothing. Same flawed stage full, same result.

        By the time they look to Jeb Bush for salvation they’ll be so scarred up it won’t matter. When his idiot brother pre-empted him it was pretty much the beginning of the end of the Shrub Club.

      • A real native American running their country, how unique. Old hoax- a- honas has the high cheek bone structure. If she wins we would have 2 affirmative actions presidents in a row.


      AHA! It appears YOU DO get it Pressanykey.

      Post that video of Hillary, wildly off subject, out of the blue….are you?

      You OUGHT to be scared of Hillary.

      • I believe it was you who first brought up the subject of “national politics” this morning:

        Riverfront Shem Jan 26, 2015 at 6:43 am

        Really, who wants to listen to old serpent head? He seldom gets it right:

        Arkansas Politics James Carville, as always, suggests we listen to Bill Clinton
        Posted By David Ramsey on Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 9:13 AM
        In The Hill, James Carville writes that Bill Clinton will save the day for Democrats hoping to keep the Senate. There is a very marketable sub-genre of punditry that is simply wish-fulfillment, and this falls neatly in that category. A fun read, nevertheless. Carville is always a hoot. I once saw him take the Ken Griffey Jr. T-shirt he was wearing off and give it to a campaign volunteer as an impromptu gift. Carville then paraded around the campaign office shirtless — as flubbery and snow-white as you’d imagine — yelling, “Don’t let anyone ever tell you that I won’t give you the shirt off my back.”

        * * * * * * *

        Old serpent head really called that one right didn’t he?

  15. Original downtown Evansville hotel design was 257 rooms and 10 stories. Latest b.s. from the “poop: at Monday night’s City Council meeting is that the hotel design is being revised to 240 rooms and 5 floors. HCW is still involved in the project. “The city, Old National Bank, and HCW are all working diligently to keep convention project on track.”

  16. City Council voted 6 to 3 for the approval of rezoning the hill next to Harrison High School so that they can build a grocery store/gas station on that plot of land after removing the hill’s dirt.

    Those going into or out of Fielding Court will have to take their lives into their own hands with the traffic in that area. And people who shop in the complex to the North of that intersection will have to be careful trying to turn left and going East on the Lloyd at that intersection. I hope that the state puts in a left turn light at that intersection from South Bound Traffic coming out of the Gander Mountain store area. The Hobby Lobby, Papa Johns and Five Guys & a burger customers will have a hard time getting out of that area.

    Dan McGinn’s right about the danger of the acceleration and deceleration lanes being packed into each other on that short section of the East Bound Lloyd From Green River Rd to just past fielding court.

    • I agree that it sounds like a terrible idea. Leave the church there and give it to IE to spew his crazy ramblings. POV can be his chief deacon with AL sharpie as the head alter boy.

      • Unfortunately the pastor of the church wants to sell the property and move his church to the North side of town. He is more interested in gaining money in order to move his church than he is about the people that live in the area. The people with the most money are the ones that will win in the long run. And that’s the current developers who are billionaires. I’d much rather see another church in that location that anything else. At least they won’t interrupt the traffic on the Lloyd as much as the gas station will. We don’t need anymore gas station or mini marts anyway.

        • Move on without org, Would you post the financial documents of the developers where it shows them as Billionaires. I would like to work my way up to that level.

    • Moveon, this is the only post you have ever made any sense whatsoever. You must “know” somebody near the hill. I agree the removal of dirt will compromise the other hill homeowners. This has the potential for a mud slide. Bad idea, very bad.

      • You left out disaffected, Howler, Brandon M and 1countryknow nothing sitting in the pews with their “christin folklore guides” shouting “Amen” to all hatred, bigotrt and proud RW anti-intellectualism. Oh and the Conferadate flags hung out the back of their Pickup trucks

        • Here’s a cookie tossed to that crazy town Palin bunch, —-> real stuff, action speaks louder than words, thanks Mr. President been there, and have seen the pristine environment. Its awe inspiring and standing value for the soul. Flew over it and defended it way back. And sought wilderness river fishing there as well later in life, a fly rod and a large bear as a working balance ,that’s a environmental balance for sure……….Alaska and its immense size and vast beautiful expanse is something every American should see, feel and absorb before that changes forever, thanks to climate migration that is well on its way.

          The United States doesn’t need this carbon value to achieve its goals , it needs it to maintain our hearts though. Everybody should visit, its changing climate migration has already set that in. See this while you still can.

      • I’m glad that you agree with me and three of the city council members. On the other hand I’ve made many other great posts that unfortunately you didn’t see fit to agree with.

        Now I can see the other side to this issue too. But for me the safey issue over rides positives of this gas station. I’m not against the developer just the location. I drive though this area like thousands of other citizens and would be affected by the extra traffic. So for personal reasons I’m not for this. Hopefully the State Highway Guys will see the safety issue and try their best to mitigate the negative effects to traffic on the Lloyd. But I can see the future and a big semi full of gasoline trying to turn right into this business just to the East of the Fielding Court intersection. And the traffic turning onto Fielding Court backing up to the Lloyd as the cars ahead of them are stopped trying to turn left into this new business. There is not enough room to accommodate the traffic trying to flow into this business when Harrison High School is letting out. That could be a real disaster in the making around 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Those council members that don’t live in this area are not thinking about the people that do live there. All no one’s friend can see if dollar signs in extra taxable property for the city to spend. And that should not be the bottom line. I normally put safety above money most of the time.

      • BTW: The only person that I know that lives in that area is Ann Komas and another family who was a client of mine some years ago. And I didn’t see either of them at the meeting tonight. I have no interest in that area other than the fact that i have to drive though that intersection like thousands of other people. I like to shop in that area sometimes. My only concern with the business locating there is traffic related. I don’t live there and have mixed concerned with how new zoning can affect local and nearby property values. I live near a area zoned for commercial and don’t like it either. But I was never informed that the zoning was being changed when that happened. If I had know about it I would have been a remonstrator. Although the business that is located there is not really bothering me as much as it could have. The business is relatively quiet and the only problem I have with it is that they have piles of dirt laying around on the property along with construction materials that are unsightly.

  17. Mayor Whiney will “still be negotiating” the Hotel in November.

    They don’t get it.

    HCW will never ever get a 100% LTV loan
    ONB will never pay up fully for their share and even if they did regulators and and shareholders wouldn’t allow it to happen
    No private investor will step up to fill the gap in funding no matter who Bob Jones calls on or what bluff Bob spews.
    The naming rights to the Centre will never be enough.

    They don’t get it.

    And the local unions will back this man.. eye roll.

    • Winne’s campaign funds for2014

      Only see $1208 coming directly from construction trades.

      Saw some money through some pac’s. Maybe 5-10% of the total for2014.

      Looks like hedging the bet!

  18. Churches being robbed, what a shame. But what can we expect, we live under a Democrat regime that cant bring the jobs for the people. The local government here under a hundred years or more of Democrat rule has led us to the brink of failure. As long as the democrat party refuses to take charge and do something for the good of the people we will continue to see these types of crimes and worse.

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