IS IT TRUE? January 22, 2012
IS IT TRUE that it was revealed yesterday that the City Council of Rancho Mirage, California will be seriously considering making a LOAN of $20 Million to a company known as Rancho California LLC to complete the development of a luxury hotel?…that the name of this hotel that will be built entirely with private money but with a LOAN from the City of Rancho Mirage is the RITZ-CARLTON?…that the plan calls for a ground breaking to occur in June of 2012 with a Grand Opening on New Year’s Eve only 6 months after the groundbreaking?…that perhaps Evansville officials should look into what it takes to get a RITZ CARLTON for only a $20 Million loan and more importantly how to build a hotel in 6 months?…that the total budget for the project is an eye popping $90 Million excluding land?…that the difficulty that the developer has had over the last couple of years to secure financing is very reminiscent of the travails of Evansville’s Downtown Convention Hotel project?
IS IT TRUE that despite some of the recent congratulations on the jobs created in this region that job contractions continues to be going on too?…that Mole #29 tells us that downsizing in the manufacturing sector is continuing all over SW Indiana and that just last week the former Keller Crescent laid some people off?…that Springleaf technologies, formerly American General that was owned by AIG (yes that AIG of federal too big to fail bailout fame) is continuing to “rightsize†the Evansville facility?…that rightsizing is corporate lingo for cutting back?…that between the former American General, Ameriqual, and Whirlpool’s cutbacks and tax abatements it should be time for the Evansville City Council and the Vanderburgh County Commissioners to have a little review of those tax abatements to see just how much of those abatements are being earned and possibly how much money the citizens of this region could recapture due to these and other businesses not delivering on the promises that got them the tax breaks in the first place?
IS IT TRUE that we also wonder if it is widely known that SS&C now has the entire third floor of the Innovation Pointe building being provided to them rent free and that public money was used to customize the floor for them?…that the 3rd floor of the Innovation Pointe Building was designed to accommodate up to 30 start up companies all of which were admitted because of their growth plans and potential?…that these days it seems as though the Innovation Pointe Building is being managed with all of the eggs in one basket and public entities dominating two full floors leaving only half of the second floor to incubate new businesses?…that is a stark departure from the goals and objectives on which the entity GAGE was founded and upon which the Innovation Pointe Building was refurbished using TIF Funds and State of Indiana grant money?
IS IT TRUE that some of the Democrat contingency in the Indiana State House of Representatives is once again being led around by the nose by the Pied Piper of South Bend and the Lord of the Obvious Toupee, old Pat Bauer himself?…that the picture of him showboating in yesterday’s Courier was simply a priceless reminder of a cross between the Wizard of Oz and P. T. Barnum?…that if Representative Bauer has any respect whatsoever for the office that he was elected to carry out the duties of and has any hope of coming out of the 2012 with any Democrat power at all left in the State of Indiana that he needs to do a reality check and stop encouraging our fairly elected Democrats to forsake their duties and get into the chamber and vote?…that how they vote is not as important as the act of voting itself?…that not one of the Democrats of the Indiana House were elected on a platform of refusing to do their job?…that they should fight the good fight for what they believe but at the end of the each day they should at least be able to say that they SHOWED UP FOR WORK?…that if the don’t show up for work they should be sent home and banned from running again?
Again, for the record. Right to Work has nothing to do with creating jobs. The reason the rebublicans are pushing this so hard is simple. The pubs know that alot of the money raised by Dems comes from unions. The pubs believe if they can limit the ammount of money going into unions, then it will reduce the monies going to dems, and pubs should then easily defeat dems come election time. This is a political move to hurt dems. I am neither pub or dem anymore,I vote for the person, but, I hate this type of underhanded political manuevering. It is alot like the last city election here in E’ville. I for one believe the dems should do anything they can to prevent such underhanded legislation from moving forward. The pubs care only about their re-election, not at all for the people they are supposed to represent. If this legislation is passed, it will only take away from the working people across this great state. I certainly hope the dems looking out for the working people on this issue are re-elected, and the pubs, looking out for theirselves are run out of this great state.
The representatives are working, even though they refuse to vote on this one bill. They are drafting other bills, caucusing, meeting with constituents and other related duties. They are working. They will propose an amendment Monday that puts this issue into the hands of the voters and away from special interests-whether corporate or labor.
VERY well stated! If Creeper Bosma is so sure that Hoosiers support him and this farce of legislation, let him put his fat cash where his big mouth is and let HOOSIERS vote on this issue!! Then again, we weren’t even allowed to vote on whether Evansville got a new arena or not.
There is no need for Bauer’s silly face saving referendum. If the majority of Indiana voters do not want RTW to pass, they will elect enough democrats to pass it in the next legislature.
Since he does not feel comfortable with letting the voters decide, he just dances for his Union Puppet masters.
Dance Pat bo jangles… Dance.
Are you serious? Are you this behind the 8 ball? Leader Bauer and the Dem caucus are fighting to PUT this to a Hoosier vote!! The Rethugs are the ones who don’t want to allow a vote. Now, what were you saying?
Pat Bauer and self respect have never met.
If there is a referendum on this bill the tiny minority of union leadership will lose, and every worker in Indiana will be far better off than they are today. Union bosses inflate wages and the cost of living. in doing so they depress the buying power of every household, while unjustly enriching themselves. This country is a democratic republic, not the Thugocracy that Obama intends this country to be, and the huge majority of workers who do not work under the hobnailed boots of the union bosses in their $1,000 suits.
As a 15 year resident in California and now a Californian again I assure you that the “referendum for everything” way of doing things is not a way to get good government. It is a very rapid way to assure that Alexisde Touqueville’s predictions of the future of America when the masses figure out how to vote themselves other peoples money. Most of the lunacy that you see from the California State Government has its roots in referendums. The people who are elected to the statehouse whether in Indiana or California need to do their jobs and vote. If we are to call a referendum on every little thing we don’t need a state legislature.
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