IS IT TRUE that the Evansville sewer and water department has advised us that the water is safe to drink and that the poison plume has passed over our fair city?…many cities along the path to the sea that this toxic mess has taken have been fortunate to be well warned and take ample precautions to the immediate problem?…if the truth is told there is much potential for long term issues with the part of the poison plume that reacted with other substances in the Ohio and other rivers and settled into the mud and on the banks?…this case of pollution is a case for aggressive enforcement of regulations that we have and also a case for not having so many regulations that the regulators can’t do their jobs for lack of staff and funds?…we were lucky this time but let us not forget the fear of not being able to drink our own water?
IS IT TRUE that Mr. Freeze Part 2 is upon us and the chaos from the last freeze is sure to visit our shores again?…the decrepit water pipes that Evansville is now famous for are sitting there ready to fail again with the second big freeze of the year?…the CCO calls upon the Evansville City Council to commission a plan to do the replacements that need to be made to our dilapidated infrastructure over a manageable amount of time so we can stop DUCT TAPING vital infrastructure together every time mother nature smacks us up side of our head?…one would think after this year Evansville would learn?…these kind of winters have come along before (78’ and 79’) with no results and we hope the people in charge this time will force action?
IS IT TRUE the tax revenue to the State of Indiana from the state’s casinos has fallen by 15% in the last 6 months?…we do not yet have the numbers for Tropicana but if it goes the way of the other casinos the City of Evansville can count on a smaller and smaller check from Tropicana to pay for the bonds issued to build temples to sport and fun and games projects?…future bonding underwriters would be well advised to examine the trend of the source of the funds being pledged to pay off any bonds?…the powers that be should also get a clear understanding on the ramifications of a shrinking paycheck and growing debt?…City Council President John Friend, CPA should take the lead and advise the citizenry of the state of the city when it comes to realistic revenue streams and debt obligations?
IS IT TRUE the question has been raised about County Commissioner Marsha Abell’s speech on Saturday where she was reluctant to invest in infrastructure for the IU Medical School but is “all in†for investing in infrastructure for a downtown convention hotel owned by outsiders?…these two thoughts sitting next to one another in the same head just don’t make any sense?…Marsha does have a point though with regard to providing incentives for taking tax-paying properties off of the tax rolls?…this is a point that needs to be debated at length by both Marsha and her primary opponent Bruce Ungenthiem?…it then needs to carry into the general election as government is nearly broke and paying more to get less is just not sustainable?
Recently, as everyone will recall, Evansville lost many places on the Milliken Institute’s ‘Best Performing Cities’ list. At the bottom of that list were cities whose economies depend on gambling, tourism, and conventions, places like Las Vegas, Biloxi, Atlantic City, etc.
This is more than a passing trend. This is a signal of a generational shift triggered by high unemployment and stagnating wages. Evansville would do well to heed these warning signs before we go funding any more projects based on projected revenue from gambling or tourism.
Link: https://city-countyobserver.com/2013/12/07/evansville-is-13th-biggest-loser-in-milken-institute-study-on-best-performing-cities/
Absolutely! It’s turning out that the “solid gold” casinos are really just vermeil.
In a RTW chinese wage economy there’s not much in the average budget for gambling. Oh, and no article on the Freedom, Inc bankruptcy?
Good points, Ghost!
Ghost, if you ever went to the boat you would find most of the gamblers are seniors on fixed income. Before Obama and the democrat take over of congress they had a little deposable income to enjoy at the boat. The last 4 years of inflation ate up that deposable income. I don’t understand the unions love affair with the democrat party. It’s sort of like a dysfunctional abusive relationship. One partner continues to beat up on the other, they split up and ones fools the other to come back for more abuse. I think the democrats hate the unions but need them during elections. The democrats did not fight that hard to stop NAFTA. I know that democrats are not that happy about unions in the local government because it protects local employees against democrat cronyism. If Indiana, in my opinion, had RTW 20 years ago whirlpool would still be our largest employer.
How is the Ft Smith plant down in the RTW state of Arkansas doing? You know, the plant where Whirlpool bully the Evansville plant workers by sending the lines/& or threat of doing so to get concessions.
Whirlpool wanted “Med e co” to build their units, not us U.S. residents. When this all went down, GE over in Louisville was adding/investing into their workforce. From what I seen, both Evansville & Louisville had similar wage package.
Once bought “only” Whirlpool products, never again!
It appears the epa is like eating goat meat, the more you chew the bigger it gets. The epa is typical of liberal agencies, they make the problem bigger than they can handle and nothing gets done. Where was the epa? Probably out harassing some small business that they could intimidate while the dangerous big ones do the real damage. The epa does a good job of administrating but poorly at the nuts and bolts. You could double their manpower and it would gradually end up in administration.
No amount of regulation will stop human error or make people strive for excellence. I would like to know exactly what happened before I called for more regulation, it rarely solves the problem.
From 14s site. “Right now, we’re probably producing some of the most pure water, clean water, if you will. We’ve always met and exceeded standards, but this is going to far exceed water quality standards for a period of time here. It’s expensive, but it’s worth the investment,” says Allen Mounts, the Evansville Water and Sewer Utility Director.”
I am glad we did this. But this is what is wrong with this town. Rather then produce the best water quality we can we are willing to save some money. Industry standards are the bare minimum. I would be willing to bet if you did a poll about weather we should save some money or up the quality most people would vote to get the best. I am able to afford a home filtration system. Most people can not. But city water is good enough for the masses. Like I said this is the attitude that has held us back for fifty years. It is just to expensive for our town, unless it is a park.
Dreamer; Stoned ’em with that one, I observed over the last few days the attention given to the chemical plume by the other local news sites,as well.
Even the presentation of some camera ops “Mud Canary’s” to assure the “masses of the quality per/the extremes of the extra cost” as your comment put it. You know,the question you ask,and your statement are in fact why I’m observing,and working towards developing real solutions for the nations Clean water infrastructure. I’ll use the ole boxing analogy,there.
This kinda reminds me of a really promising young boxer tossed into the fray by a crumby trainer. Incrementally,the naysayers who continue shrugging off Climate Change actions and the 2012 Clean water initiative keep watching their best fighters taking the left jabs square on the kiss’re . Geez, thats getting ugly,and all the while with the hopes that the next round might turn their direction. Chuck,the towel,go back to the gym. It’s better solution when applied incrementally with a working evolving plan
Ie: Planet delivered,Cuts,black eyes,contusions, and a “complex,vortex” of B-slaps,basically while incrementally the gyms star contestant is losing the contest badly.
Their loss always seems to become ours as the focus “shifts” the gears to the economic engine providing the torque to the shows costing required to keep”em in training,so to speak.
This is getting worst than ugly,face it,TKO,or KO is eminent.
Why put the contestant[infrastructure] back in the ring again unless you take’em back to basics and schedule some medicine balls,and extensive gym work,for agility and defense,so an offense is remotely even possible, the new training,and thus,the winning fight plan. [Incrementally,applied solutions]
Clean water has always been a given there in your town,to most, Guess what? Clean water infrastructures are a not given anymore,could be,its an asset that drives a massive social economic engine,and provides some needed torque to jerk the overloaded economy outta the damned roadside binjo ditch[basically the Ohio river drainage basin] we are creating,all the while the the planet is doing what it does…which is draining it,or changing its atmospheric geophysical state.
Including the best source North America will “ever” have.
Planet keeps evolving,look out west,severe drought no rain,look at our planet huge gift hidden under the center mass of the nation,shrinking. Look at projected coastal seawater incursions to freshwater systems,saturating forward.
Those “assets” are whose now? How can we sequester that?how can we crank up that economic engine? Que,Balance Sustainability*
Stonedreamer; and 1Counryboy;you both have some valid points,I do agree,now if my methodology,geomorphology,and Isochrone mapping comes together as I suspect ‘my plan” might get some further focus,as well.
Historically my old Evansville Grandpa, when I remember some of the stories at the family gatherings there,did have an extremely viable solution for balanced sustainability blending, back in his day. He worked that out right square in the middle of your beat-up infrastructure in downtowns Riverside historical district,and applied the same solution to his families business along Main street and its geographic self.
That worked astoundingly well for the timing when he met the defined requirements to Balance and Sustain business forward per the timing,”back in that day” the method he used was deemed to be a bit costly under normal provisionals,or those,said conditions. However what he perceived,observed,and applied that solution to,worked as outstanding in its easily applied solution for the short term periods basic economic drivers,per some basic human needs infrastructures.
Holy Molely! Those assets are still right there too,they didn’t go anywhere yet. That beforementioned period that demanded the “extra efforts” in “costing” happened to be,in Late December 1936 and January 1937 AD .. Get this,in,downtown Evansville Indiana.
Dang,worked too. Grandpa –>Businessman.<— Sometimes temporary conditional specifications drive the conceptual evolution,That in itself again puts the "spotlight on location,locations,and that always isn't the whole picture if observed with an "abstract of needs".
[conclusion] "Work on the utilities infrastructures for sustainable balances*."
Sorry for the essay.. 🙁
"men sibi conscia recti"
"a mind conscious of its rectitude"
Looking at the ads to the right . . . is John Friend now selling fur bees ?
Am I missing something? Where is the Zach Evans article?
Evansville reminds me of a once Great Warrior, who reigned proudy for many years, then suffered a few minor wounds, then many many more and now lays sprawled in the mud, dying the death of a thousand cuts.
Just a little more blood for Jiffy Pop Arena, the sewers, convention hotel, water meters, emergency water treatment, overtime pay and so-on.
Now the naysayer predicted waning Casino revenues will likely result in another pound of flesh by King Winnecke’s dispicable tax collectors; (COIT?) not to mention exponential rate increases to boot.
Mercy be done. Run Evansville through with a 100 million dollar Medical School Gift.
Who cares about Marsha???
What I want to know i :
Why is 1/4 of an inch of snow crippling the city?
Are they pre-treating?
Are they salting the roads in a timely manner?
Are they avoiding calling crews in on holidays to avoid holiday pay?
Is our public safety being jeopardized because of budget restraints?
Do we have salt or beet juice left? Did they overuse and we are out due to misapplication orate we sitting in tons of materials that are being hoarded or did we just under buy?
We still have TWO more months of winter left – and then we have the possibility of more snow in October, November and December of this year. Are we in good shape or not? I want to know answers to these questions. Our kids will be going to year-round school this year due to make- up days. Something needs to change – either stop “built-in snow days” in September or buy and spread more salt – holidays be damned.
LewisRules hit the nail on the head. It appears the McCurdy and Mesker Amphitheater “maintenance departments” took charge of the roads. Just awful.
Elkaybee, had a few issues we had to address concerning data. Should have it in the CCO by Thursday. Thanks for the inquiry. I think you will enjoy reading his article.
Wonderful! I am looking forward to it!
I want to know the crime stats for last year.
Did we just experience the worst most violent year in the city of Evansville’s history? Please let us know.
I think the official stats won’t be out from the FBI until summer but we will certainly publish when available. I believe that murder has been lower than the recent years but am not certain about other crimes. Thanks, we will keep an eye out for the stats.
Those who embraced property tax caps, and now support business personal property tax exemptions, will be sorry when they wake up one morning and find themselves introduced to the acronyms COIT, LOIT, CAGIT, and CEDIT.
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