IS IT TRUE that every four years the United States of America holds an inauguration ceremony where the duly elected President of the United States swears to uphold the Constitution of the United States and is sworn in as our President?…this ceremony is all about honoring the traditions associated with the Office of the Presidency and not the human being who is being sworn in?…the Presidency itself is and always has been bigger than the person who is elected to the job?…it is the hope of the City County Observer that Donald J. Trump who was fairly and duly elected by the people of the United States of America according to the rules established by our founders, will put all personal issues aside and uphold our Constitution while making the best decisions that can be made for the next for years?…it is furthermore hope to see ALL members of the legislative and judicial branches of our government honor the Office of the Presidency whether they like or dislike the person being sworn in?

IS IT TRUE a fairly substantial number of congress members have gotten onto the “Not my President” bandwagon and are vocally boycotting the inauguration?…for duly elected members of the legislative branch of government to insult the executive branch of government in such a petulant and childish way is the very definition of letting personal preferences impair their judgement?…the members of congress who are participating in this tantrum are jeopardizing their own districts prospects to work with the executive branch and could easily poison funding for projects that their constituents need?…to intentionally and vocally insult the Office of the President is about as close to an act of treason as one can get without crossing the line?…these 60 or so names should be remembered and should never hold elected office again?…the people of the districts can assure that these fit pitching babies never are sworn in again starting two years from now?…this is a great opportunity for about 60 Democrats who understand the difference in being a member of the loyal opposition and being a spoiled child who plays personal politics to primary these malcontents right out of the next election?

IS IT TRUE the actions of these 60 or so congress members ranks right up there with running away to Urbana, Illinois to prevent a vote?…we are proud that no members of congress from the State of Indiana have signed on this elementary school example of poor leadership?

IS IT TRUE the City County Observer commends former Presidents Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Carter for their attendance at this solemn event?…we furthermore comment President George H W Bush for sending the incoming president a letter of encouragement from his hospital room?…finally and mostly we thank and congratulate Democrat nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton for seeing the big picture, putting personal feelings aside and standing up for the United States of America by attending the inauguration?

FOOTNOTE: Todays “READERS POLL” question is: Are you looking forward to Donald Trump becoming the next President of the United Srares?


  1. Yes I agree the 60ish congressman should be stripped of their titles and shouldn’t receive any government pension,but should need to go get a job and receive no state or federal assistance

  2. I am actually excited about today. I don’t think I was until I saw the outrageous opposition against Trump. It is not a “finger in their eye”reaction, but that this opposition caused me to evaluate and defend my support much deeper. I firmly believe and hope that my values will fare better (shout out to my grammar checker Bandana) under Trump. So far, I have been encouraged even though I don’t agree with all of his appointments.

    I am very disappointed but not shocked with the response of some elected officials.

  3. IS IT TRUE that this is right-wing propaganda, considering that for eight years the GOP members of Congress have obstructed everything they could under President Obama?

    IS IT TRUE that anybody from the right-wing lecturing about how we should treat the new President is the epitome of hypocrisy?

    IS IT TRUE that never in our history had a president’s legitimacy been questioned even before he was been sworn in as President Obama had to endure. His citizenship became a settled issue when, a person from Maryland brought the issue before the Supreme Court, and the court held that there was no merit to the case. But the ridiculous allegation that he was from Kenya continued. The forgery that was presented as proof of his Kenyan citizenship stated his place of birth being a town that was not even a part of Kenya in 1961.

    IS IT TRUE that whatever happened under President Obama’s watch was always criticized immediately. Mitch McConnell and company decided before the oath was given that they were going to be against whatever President Obama was for. It did not matter what has happened from the killing of Osama bin Laden to the improved economy, no credit was given. To the not loyal opposition, they spun everything. If he talked about climate change they say there isn’t any. If we need infrastructure we can’t afford it. If a hurricane hits forget getting help.

    IS IT TRUE that a simple online search showed DOZENS of GOP members of Congress boycotted one or both of the inaugurations of President Obama?

    IS IT TRUE that the editors will not have the courage to allow this dissenting comment?

    • I was just a critical of those who called for shooting Obama or thought he wouldn’t make it through his inauguration.
      Question 1A: Are you willing to denounce any threat on Trump’s live and safety?

      Is Trump’s legitimacy being questioned the same as Obama’s was? Is it a question of citizenship?

      Was everything Obama did as a candidate questioned in the media as it has been with Trump? Was Obama misrepresented in polls as Trump has been?

      Did these DOZENS of republicans verbally boycott Obama and protest against him?
      Since it’s a simple search I am sure you could post a link for us skeptics.

      But please respond to 1A in the least.

  4. “fit pitching babies” is an apt description of the Democrat children calling themselves members of congress. Their access and privileges at the inauguration should have been given to relatives of victims of murder by illegal aliens. They have good reason to cheer Trump’s election.


    ZERO DAY!!!!!! (PRAISE GOD!!!!!!)
    1/19/2017 | By Laz A. Mataz

    Posted on 1/19/2017, 11:04:33 AM by Lazamataz

    It is 0 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 57 seconds until the stuttering fruity enemy-agent Muslim-excusing prancing pusillanimous embarrassing perpetually-aggrieved lawless defiling vote-faking unctuous careless warmongering hypocritical sniveling whining overreaching disreputable sulking treacherous squandering odious disgusting backstabbing election-corrupting robbery-inclined formulaic plundering indolent callous violence-agitating motherless-punk puerile intruding sickening wicked sullen wretched venal psychopathic grifting peculiar furious (and fast) gratuitously-opining lame-duck faithless charlatan spying-for-enemies shallow fake irrational mumbling imbecile dejected slothful acrimonious demanding trivial putz juvenile delinquent odiferous malicious reptilian detestable conniving Marxism-loving bastard peevish America-surrendering sly villainous undignified shameful touchy unwelcome exhausting abominable indecisive moronical stomach-turning depressed meddling corrupt predatory impoverishing personal-history-concealing dangerous resentful apathetic egotistical absurd unaccomplished poisonous black-supremacist arsehole repressive putrescent vindictive fallacious contemptible simpering megalomaniacal subversive spoiling sputtering vicious disruptive perjurious taxing predictable nauseating awful combative blasphemous injurious horrid inane silly ridiculous impotent race-baiting pussified evidence-faking crazed inconsequential unconcerned trash-talking cynical arrogant vacuous sanctimonious foul exploitive mercurial mocking Christophobic easily-fooled nefarious appalling atrocious uncaring disobliging vile Republican-enabled colluding wimpy internecine prevaricating raging hoplophobia-consumed deceptive irresponsible aimless choleric belligerent disorderly repellent childish insolent Israel-hating felonious disloyal illegitimate jejune panic-encouraging contentious creepy effete deleterious sophism-embracing cheating sinful self-important slimy chaos-creating lying afflicted covert insurrectionist robotic repulsive terrible pugnacious confused secretive vomitous pitiful worthless calculating Machiavellian brazenly-hypocritical ill-mannered Shadow-Government-creating insecure conspiring imperious ineffectual antagonistic globalist unscrupulous preening Republic-despoiling maniacal obstructive disdainful Godless reprehensible opportunistic trifling poseur loutish abnormal economy-sacking venomous disgraceful insincere degenerate disingenuous grabbastic ruinous prideful petty fake-news-promulgating underhanded furtive dishonest obnoxious horrifying menacing swindling catastrophic double-crossing bellicose pretentious fraudulent heinous ideological high-handed autocratic pouting twisted spiteful blundering reality-inverting perverse foolish Imperialist bragging obstructing shyster transsexual-favoring unintelligible sacrilegious insidious monstrous vengeful tricky overconfident idiotic oily pathetic sucker self-aggrandizing covetous ghastly artificial falsely-accusing-of-racism querulous rueful haughty condescending cryptocracy-creating malign sinister boasting glib snake-like revolting self-centered bankrupting unrepentant small-minded defensive slithering gullible goldbricker immoral constantly-golfing demagogic falsehood-spewing complaining anti-Semitic plagiarizing truculent surreptitious unoriginal despicable Che-idolizing deliberate ghoulish betraying demonic cocky nihilistic deflecting unbalanced riot-fomenting destructive Islamic ruthless despotic tragedy-celebrating unhelpful depraved malevolent deranged homicidal miscreant pompous Caucasian-hating mean nasty malefactor scheming presumptuous accusatory tradition-breaking unstable loathsome catty homosexual dark-and-moody Allah-worshiping insurgent unsavory unpleasant naive failing uncooperative self-seeking annexing ignominious turbulent criminal-coddling imitating fetid baneful patronizing oligarchist assassination-encouraging surly disastrous baleful conspiracy-creating troublemaking disagreeable misleading smug rude specious ominous sneaky anti-American scourge erratic chaotic derisive immodest freakish hostile dainty sissified malfeasant thin-skinned pointless simpleminded toxic amoral oppressive Internet-killing grotesque diabolical tragic sociopathic incomprehensible unpredictable perilous hateful guilty disrespectful renegade racist Mohammad-loving traitorous evil supercilious crooked devious angry cloddish incompetent treasonous Supreme-Court-destroying manipulating threatening collaborating egocentric middle-finger-waving heartless breacher-of-trust screwy braggadocios socialist perfidious slandering propaganda-spreading slippery outlandish petulant conceited poltroon deviant violence-provoking execrable Constitution-ignoring malignant provocational falsifying ignoble queer narcissist noxious scornful Saboteur-In-Chief illegal duplicitous effluent-like hideous malefic dreadful Satanic communist gay crack-smoking pernicious Kenyan crypto-Muslim mendacious dictator usurping scamming Choom-smoking so-called-President “Stompy-Foot” Obama, who is now a confirmed supporter of Islamic terrorists, is SPURNED, REPUDIATED, FORSAKEN, RENOUNCED, JOBLESS, REMOVED, REJECTED, UNEMPLOYED, DISCARDED, DESPISED, SHUNNED, EJECTED, UNWANTED, REBUFFED, EVICTED, REMOVED, SCORNED, and leaves office.

    • Night before last Obama as one of his last acts as Commander in Chief, had two B-2 bombers fly from Missouri for 34 hours to kill around 100 of his ISIS comrades in Libya.

      I can hear the survivors now, “With friends like that, who needs enemies.”

      I doubt ISIS considers Obama much of a bro but are smart enough to realize people like yourself are their greatest asset and recruitment tool.

      Keep up the good work Russia Today junkie.

      ISIS is depending on people like you….

  6. It does warm my heart that the media, especially, Chuck Todd, that got it so wrong gets to report on Trump’s inauguration.

  7. Trumps line that black, brown or white, we all bleed the red blood of patriotism was just perfect. A great day for real Americans.

  8. Good picture, Press. To think that so many wanted that pair of thieves back in the White House is incomprehensible.

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