IS IT TRUE we were taken aback by yesterdays CCO Blogger Pressanykey post concerning the proposed funding sources the IU Medical School-Evansville?  …Pressanykey post caught our attention and specks for itself?  …below is his post in yesterdays CCO for your review?

Jan 1, 2016 at 11:14 am

“Out with the old and in with the new” is certainly what is taking place where the original financial figures for the IU Medical School component of the Regional Cities, Southwestern Indiana grant is concerned. Below are the figures used by Wathen and his team in their proposal:

The IU School of Medicine project is being financed with funding from the following sources:

City of Evansville (tax increment financing) $47,000,000.

City of Evansville (green infrastructure) $3,000,000.

Indiana General Assembly (IU and USI) $25,200,000.

University of Evansville $6,000,000.

Total: $81,200,000.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

In today’s Evansville Courier&Press, January 1, 2016, front page above the fold, reporter Susan Orr states the figures quite differently for the IU Med School:

$112,100,000. Public funding

$62,500,000. Private funding

$9,000,000. Regional Cities Grant funds

$183,600,000. Total

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

That $9. million in Regional Cities seed money is going to take a lot of extra watering to bring the IU Med Center campus into bloom, and as one can see, most of that “water” comes from the public in the form of tax dollars.

Here is the original Southwestern Indiana RDA development plan application used to secure the grant money:

Every local taxpayer needs to look at this document and understand just what this will cost you, your children, and their children.

EDITORS FOOTNOTE: Please refer to page 63 of this report.



  1. Man those people have no shame. We also took in some of your local mainstream news yesterday and are wondering how much of your local taxation funding was spent on all those rubber stamps. Sad situation there it will be interesting to observe which of cronies score the highest pocket load all the while your city infrastructure continues to puke CSO and all its nasty toxicities into the environment there and downstream as well.
    The Federal EPA should fine the hell outta the slobs until some real measurable progress is made with that.

  2. Urban Living Research Center (page 67 of the grant proposal)

    Some might call it “student housing”, is also a component of the regional cities grant.

    “The project would be pursued in partnership with an agreed-upon real estate development company. Further, in consideration of the unique research orientation of the housing development, efforts would be pursued to incorporate attractive design and aesthetic features.”

  3. When something positive comes your way, such as $43. million, why don’t you use it in a responsible way to do some good for the majority of citizens. Using it as some sort of springboard to load hundreds of millions of dollars of more DEBT on to taxpayer’s backs has to be the absolute worst use of those funds!

  4. I’m going to make another attempt to post a comment. I have been encountering an error situation on CCO.

    It appears to me that there is some explaining due in order on the part of the Mayor and City Council. I doubt we will be getting an explanation of the disparity in information, though. It looks like the poorly-informed voters of Evansville may be experiencing some quick karma.

    My advice for those who can is to leave town ASAP, even if you can only move across the closest county line. Things are going to get sticky here. If Winnecke runs for Lt. Governor, and I hear that it is highly likely, he will be able to hide behind an excuse of being off campaigning. If he and Pence are elected, which is also likely, we will fall into the hands of Russ Lloyd, who was not successful as mayor or controller. The future here looks grim.

  5. run while you still can, they haven’t even had the first council meeting and things are going downhill and taxes are going up, up , up. Your grandkids will be paying for the last election. I can’t believe that 62% of you were so naïve or just plain bought off. I feel sorry for Connie who will be butting her head against the wall for 4 years unless she gets on board.

  6. So they raised the price by over 125% and nobody gives a damn? There truly is no hope for this town.

  7. This is very depressing. The shit never stops. I feel we are so stuck in this little hell hole all covered in tinsel and sparkles that we cannot leave. And yet where ever we would go there would be problems, hopefully just not as obnoxious as those here. And leaving here would cost us so much that it is not a practical consideration, just a dream. “Fiddle-dee-dee. I’ll think about that tomorrah.” And tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow until the dementia kicks in.

  8. LKB , I got the Hell out of Snegalville in 2015, and I will be leaving the State in 2016. The State and Local Republicans are pillaging for all they are worth.
    I have concluded that the Dumb Clucks of Southern Indiana Just don’t give a damn, and their poor participation in the election process serves notice that they really deserve the “Plucking” their getting, I have absolutely no sympathy for them.

  9. Running from a fight is NOT the answer. Exposing and correcting the problem is. Speak truth to power.

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