IS IT TRUE that just a couple of weeks ago Vanderburgh County Republican Chairman Wayne Parke wrote in a comment in the City County Observer that his endorsements for the three Vanderburgh County Commissioner seats are Marsha Abell, Joe Kiefer, and Democrat Steve Melcher?…all of these are already sitting commissioners and will be running as incumbents should they choose to do so?…it is probably safe to say that Wayne’s premature endorsement of Commissioner Melcher is about to bite him square on the backside now that Melcher has announced his candidacy for the House District 78 seat recently vacated by Suzanne Crouch and filled in a Republican caucus by Holli Sullivan?…Chairman Parke wisely endorsed none of the candidates who were seeking to finish out Representative Crouch’s term?…now Wayne is likely to have to deal with another election where he has endorsed the Democrat candidate who is running against a Republican candidate who he chose not to endorse?…between the implicit endorsement of Kathryn Martin and the explicit endorsement of Commissioner Melcher we are wondering if Mr. Parke may soon change parties and challenge Rob Faulkner for the Chairmanship of the Vanderburgh County Democrat Party?
IS IT TRUE on average, US workers with on-the-job individual health insurance coverage contribute $999 a year in pre-tax dollars and have a deductible of $1,135, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation?… on ObamaCare exchanges, all but the lowest earners will pay more (even after subsidies), pay with after-tax dollars, face deductibles of $3,000 to $5,000 for silver and bronze plans and lose access to many doctors and hospitals they’re covered for now?.. about 60 million Americans now get employer-provided insurance via small-group plans?… law firms and other high-end businesses are unlikely to drop coverage, but companies with lots of salespeople, receptionists and other lower-paid workers will say they can’t afford Washington’s “one size fits all†requirement which have been reported to $1.79 an hour to the cost of a 40-hour worker?… the penalty for not complying with the mandate would add only 98 cents an hour for a 40-hour worker?…in truth, the law discourages employers from insuring their workers, making it far easier and cheaper to send them to the exchanges to fend for themselves?…management consultants at McKinsey & Co. warned in 2011 that nearly a third of employers surveyed already were considering dropping coverage, with the figure rising among those familiar with the law’s requirements?…a conservative estimate is that 25 million people, out of the 60 million in small group plans, get dropped in 2014?…that is roughly 400% more than were dropped in 2013 that caused the massive brouhaha that humiliated the Department of Health and Human Services and got the President of the United States the distinction of telling the lie of the year?
IS IT TRUE the Democrats who wrote the Affordable Care Act in 2009 gave the Internal Revenue Service power to collect Obamacare penalties?… many Americans are quite familiar with how coercive the IRS can be?…fearing public opposition to IRS threats, the law’s authors forbade the IRS from bringing criminal charges or seizing houses and property from those who don’t buy government-defined “minimum essential coverage?”…about the only thing the IRS can do to collect fines imposed on people who fail to buy the new ObamaCare approved policies is to withhold any refund that one may have coming to them?…of course they can call and send letters but when it comes to these fines the IRS is a toothless dragon when it comes to doling out any real pain?…anyone who adjusts their withholding through the year so that they have no refund coming their way can sidestep the penalties until the law is changed to give the IRS the same collection authority that it has with taxes?…there is no more than a fat chance that will find any support in congress?…thinking people possess the means to ignore the penalties associated with ObamaCare if they just take the initiative to do so?
Wayne is a closet democrat as I have said for a very long time! How is he going to spin this fiasco more than likely he might be able to produce another bogus poll!
I’d rather call him a RINO since that’s really what most of the Republicans in Evansville are including the mayor, but to be fair they really have little choice in the matter if they want to be elected.
As far as ideology in our community both parties are the same, yeah the respected parties have different platforms or talking points but once elected they all seem to perform the same with the same results with a few exceptions.
Like I said the other day, Wayne is just a salesman selling his wares, nothing more nothing less, not the best or the worst, kinda’ mediocre really.
For the right price, I can give him a poll that says anything he wants it to say, at least as far as politics goes.
He already bought one of those polls, remember 60% of Evansville think our mayor is doing a great job, or was that 60% of the 300 polled? either way he already has one. 😉
rk812: Be stand-up person. Use your real name instead of hiding behind an assumed name.
I was elected GOP Chairman by a 10 to 1 margin. Ask the former Democrat officeholders if I am a closet Democrat.
It is a name a screen name that I have the right to use and will do so until I decide otherwise!
Mr Parke
You claim people have no credibility when they have a screen name like eviltaxpayer or rk812 , you say be a stand up person ,,I speak for myself I only have the one screen name ….. Within the last week I have seen you posting under at least two names ,,,how many more screen names do you have ?
I support no political party ,I support the candidate who will serve the taxpayers
Eviletaxpayer says;”…within the last week I have seen you posting under at least two names..”
You are wrong. What do you think the screen names were?
There are a lot of other people in this world who think like I do.
You usually post as Wayne
Now you are posting as Wayne Parke
From where I see it that is two different screen names
And as far as I know you may have other names on here too
Mr Parke
I just realized I spell my screen name with two e’s sometimes with 3′ e in it
My bad
I guess in reality it makes us both LIARS and myself a man made idiot at times.
Wayne Parke says:
Editor: You have grossly taken my comments and endorsements out of context . Your comments are disappointing to me and hurts your creditability.
I fully endorse Marsha Abell to be re-elected County Commissioner. She has done a good job as our Commissioner.
I fully endorse Holli Sullivan to be elected as the State Representative for House District 78. The Republican Party held a caucus on January 4,2014 and on the 1st ballot selected Holli Sullivan to fill the seat vacated by Suzanne Crouch by an overwhelming majority. We need more bright highly educated females serving in our State House like State Representative Holli Sullivan.
Melcher is a polite man, but Holli Sullivan is by far the best choice to represent the citizens in HD 78. I am confident the voters will make the best choice and State Representative Sullivan will be elected.
Wayne Parke
Nah, Wayne’s no democrat by a long, long shot.
However he does get confused easily and is a super proestablistment, opportunistic, jump on the bandwagon kind of guy.
Don’t you get it? His “endorsement” of Abel, Kiefer, and Melcher are the payback/reward/attaboy for their part in supporting the shiny object called the downtown hotel and the $14M contribution to the re-elect Winnecke campaign, errr I mean the ONB naming rights contract.
Does the “shiny object” have any financing yet?
See article in today’s C&P about campaign contributions to Winnecke For Mayor–in 2013 (with Election still two years out). Yes, C&P somehow still prints that bird cage liner every day !
You’re right, Gengis. The content of that article is pretty alarming. I hope the CCO staff gets on it!
I wish they would release a PDF of it as well. I basically have his previous list memorized and need a new list.
Speaking of the C&P, those architectural renderings for Haynie’s Corner were flat out of the charts. It’s about time we get some good architecture in downtown. I just hope it doesn’t get scaled down to an inferior design like the museum.
I don’t think we will see anything really happen on Haynie’s Corner. I expect it is going to be another “plan” that doesn’t get carried out.
I agree on the PDF. The whole thing is indicative of some real dirt. I hope Evansville wakes up before the parasites suck all of its blood.
That reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode where the people were attacked by parasites and kept in a coma like state via a poison. While in this state the people would dream as though they were awake and going about their business.
I think if the bulk of Evansville people have not yet awaken, they never will.
P.S. COO, get a better commenting app.
You need to re-read the article. It is a “contest of ideas” and is NOT a request for proposals. So much for that bubble!
“Twilight Zone” and Evansville make a good analogy. We better whisper, so we don’t interrupt anyone’s slumber.
Good idea on the commenting app. I know people who don’t come to this site because it is hard to follow.
elkaybee: What is alarming to you?
The free-flowing donations at this time in the election cycle.
Brains Benton: I endorsed Abell. The other two are not running this year.
I never said it was a formal endorsement. Plus I put the word endorsement in quotes, being sarcastic.
You did say right here in the comments sections that they were all fine commissioners and how proud you were of their decision on the hotel and naming rights contract.
Either you read hastily or you need to attend reading comprehension classes with Enoch.
I don’t know what difference it makes about Wayne’s politics, in the end. I’m not sure Wayne’s existence even matters. I do know that when a party chairman accepts the responsibility of the office, he/she owes support and allegiance to ALL of that party’s chosen candidates, even the “losers.”
What is wrong with the local GOP that they keep a turncoat in office? It seems like Vanderburgh County is abandoning even the appearance of any political integrity, in favor of the ole-boys-and-girls network of corruption.
Our parties are full of turncoats. Remember the Dems that kicked Davis to the curb?
Yes, and they did it in favor of this person. We get what we deserve because we let things like that go on. At least the Dems got a new County chair, for what that’s worth.
elkaybee: You are wrong. Give examples.
What the hell are you referring to Wayne?
Examples of WHAT?? Dems turned on Davis. Faulkner is now county chairman. Facts, right?
elkaybee : “…Examples of What”
“…What is wrong with the local GOP that they keep a turncoat in office?”
What turncoat has the local GOP kept in office? Examples????????????
I’m going to take a guess here, Wayne. It is reprehensible for a party chairperson to endorse a candidate of the opposing party. Period, dot, end. I believe that is what YOU did with Melcher’s occupancy of a seat on the County Commission, isn’t it? It sounds like you were “leaning” in the case of Kathryn Martin until you got caught. That’s just my opinion, but that’s how it looks to me.
elkaybee: Melcher is not running for county commissioner. I endorsed Abell who is running for county commissiner.
Out of order, but here’s your answer, Wayne. YOU, Wayne Parke, endorser of Democrats, are a turncoat. I guess the local GOP will put up with you so they can have their “organized labor” supporter, though.
I’m not sure Sarah Palin, Allen West, Michelle Bachman and Richard Mourdock are Republicans. Same goes for Rush Limbaugh. What they are: election losers and an obese drug addict with four marriages and no children (and a microphone). They are Tea Party Extremists and Anarchists for sure, no different than the Occupy Wall Street thugs. The County has a few of these people too, and they are very loud, but they don’t win elections. They lose them…and Democrats win. “Let’s choose to lose!” is not a campaign slogan. Supporting business, winning elections and creating marketplace jobs is the hallmark of a Republican. You against that? Then you must be proud Tea Party radical. Business-minded citizen voters have no interest in these kinds of anarchists. That ship has sailed.
He,hehe,agree,analogy, the ship sailed,yep,and its still steadfastly off course,while the sinking process overcomes and affects its arrival time to destination heading to port.
Overabundance of “bilgewater” weight along the keel,hard to trim, and rudder,dang rough,on the steerage class while trying to keep breathing fresh air,and their feet dry. [… _ _ _ …]
Problems of hull design in both the opposing fleets seem to have on the political seaways today.
I guess a centrist like my self will find a better mode of travel for the passage analogy,flyings good,if you also have a effective C/G point per balanced useful load. Less “baggage” helps with the aspect,as well.
Put the meth down sir. You are babbling out of control on a subject that was not even covered in todays IIT. I know you have to get your daily liberal propaganda points out there, but at least put them where they have some connection to the articles discussed.
Your expecting a liberal to be coherent in talking points?
Editor, the problem with your theory that the IRS can easily be beaten on the No-Hopeycare penalties by reducing withholding overlooks the fact that they can and certainly will employ the whole toolbox of IRS harassment techniques to other parts of the return and schedules. Given the complete lawlessness of No-Hopey’s administration, it would not be surprising at all if they ignore the limitations on collection entirely.
I really urge people not to risk it, especially if they are self-employed, a small- or medium-sized business owner, or can be identified as a Republican through donations or primary voting records.
(OFA operatives: some of you may be confused by the reference to “other parts of the return and schedules.” Please understand that many citizens do not file 1040EZ to get their EIC payment. They submit a considerably longer and more complex set of forms that actually results in them paying taxes.)
Chairman Parke is a hypocrite.
I like soundcloud. Nothing like hearing it right from the horse’s…mouth.
Or the other end,
http://www.Bing.com French Parliment
Or the other end,
http://www.Bing.com French Parliment
Parke said he had no idea if a member of his party had made the comment “I haven’t heard any complaints from the dead” with regards to our cemeteries, yet he makes a special call to Brenda about a freaking fb post?
The council member did show a lot more enthusiasm the second time around so I dropped my questioning of Parke on it, but this does look bad on Wayne.
Brad Linzy: I am not sure you know the definition of hypocrite–“a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings”. I am not aware of anything I have said that fits this definition.
Editor: You have grossly taken my comments and endorsements out of context . Your comments are disappointing to me and hurts your creditability.
I fully endorse Marsha Abell to be re-elected County Commissioner. She has done a good job as our Commissioner.
I fully endorse Holli Sullivan to be elected as the State Representative for House District 78. The Republican Party held a caucus on January 4,2014 and on the 1st ballot selected Holli Sullivan to fill the seat vacated by Suzanne Crouch by an overwhelming majority. We need more bright highly educated females serving in our State House like State Representative Holli Sullivan.
Melcher is a polite man, but Holli Sullivan is by far the best choice to represent the citizens in HD 78. I am confident the voters will make the best choice and State Representative Sullivan will be elected.
Wayne Parke
You should be the last person coming on here questioning anyone’s credibility, character, or anything else. Every time I ask you the big questions, you run and hide or come up with some response that veers away from the question.
To Rails&RobertsStadium: The last time I drove by, Roberts Stadium was not there. Get over it—Roberts Stadium was tore down.
And then you come on here and prove my point exactly.And you’re the chairman for the local GOP? No wonder the party only has one rep on the city council.
Rails&RobertsStadium: Proved what point?
Where have you been? There are more Republicans holding office in Vanderburgh County/City than there ever has been.
Work and success will be done and accomplished in 2015.
You just proved my point that you keep dodging the big questions, and then you turned around and dodged the city council issue.
Can you at least admit that the old central lot is a better lot for the med school than the old greyhound lot?
A very big mistake to tear down a moneymaking venue. To support and build a money loser like the John. Mister 10-1 do you really think this idea would have stood up to a vote by the people!
Still my name should be no concern to such a powerful leader such as you!
I’ll vote for a Conservative democrat over a Liberal Republican like Winnecke any day of the week & twice on Sunday!
Hi Wayne please explain your recent glowing remarks about Kathy Martin.
Please don’t worry about the creditability of the CCO because they are light years beyond you in that area.
Eric W: I do not recall making any glowing remarks about Kathryn Martin. What were they?
Over a period of time Kathryn Martin expressed interest in switching political parties–from a Democrat to a Republican. Some Republicans met with her to explore her interest. She is lives in a heavy Republican township and she only won by two votes.
It was thought to be a private meeting. After the meeting, Martin and/or her friends went to the media regarding the meeting. If Kathryn Martin had not expressed an interest to Republicans in switching parties, we would have never had a meeting with her.
It is our job to get people to join the Republican Party.
I consider it unprofessional when Martin and/or her friends went to the media over this matter under these circumstances. Was she just pretending/flirting with the idea? I do not know. But I believe the encounter has had a negative result with the voters of Knight Township.
If a good Republican candidate develops, I believe she will lose her current Trustee position
Wayne Parke
May I take this opportunity to announce that I, “a good Republican candidate,” have formed an exploratory committee to examine the viability of my running for Knight Township Trustee in 2014.
My platform will include merging Knight Township with bordering Ohio Township.
Kashi and Wayne who cares about your opinion.
To Eric W: This is another attempt by you to intentional mislead the voters. Sad.
Kashi_Girl is not Becky Kasha. I repeat: Kashi_Girl is not Becky Kasha
This is a clear example of why the CCO should not allow “Turkeys” like you to post up comments without using their real name. There is no accountability for those who do not tell the truth.
To Eric W: I ask you that to state “… any glowing remarks about Kathryn Martin. What were they?”
How come you have not done that?? Is it because there is not any???
Were you telling the truth when you said I did??
Hizzoner Winnecke and his toady Wayne are making the same mistakes Weinzapful made.
Self-aggrandizing polls basically telling himself how great he is. Focusing on shiny objects like the hotel instead of basic government services, pandering to the unions for kickbacks, and sneaky snegal tactics, and petty politics.
Just think Pence was venerable in 2012!!
If Weinzapful had focused on basic things like the sewers, sent the Ford Center to a referendum and dropped the petty stuff and sneagal he might be Governor right now! At least he would have had a shot at it, now his career is over.
So I guess if Hizzoner wants Wayne to tell him how great he is and he wants a harrrumph out of Wayne and all the other local repubs I say go for it!
Hizzoner spoke at halftime of the USI game last weekend to promote the GLVC Tournament. They had to wipe down the court after he left to get the slime he left off of it.
BigPappa: Who are you? Does hiding behind an assumed name let the worse in you come out?
Never you mind Wayne.
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