IS IT TRUE? January 13, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? January 13, 2011

IS IT TRUE that while Valentine’s Day is approaching and love may be in the air but that the days of smoke being in the air may be ending this year in Vanderburgh County and the State of Indiana?…that speculative candidate for the Republican nomination for Mayor of Evansville Lloyd Winnecke was on TV news yesterday talking up a comprehensive smoking ban in Vanderburgh County?…that Vanderburgh County Commissioners Winnecke and Marsha Abell are on record as strong supporters of a comprehensive smoking ban in Vanderburgh County?…that this reversal of a smoke free workplace law is a reversal of the previous reversed smokefree workplace law by recently defeated Commissioner and another speculative candidate for Mayor Troy Tornatta?…that this new comprehensive resolution is on a fast track to being introduced and adopted in time to become law by mid-summer?…that this is the right thing for Vanderburgh County now, it was in 2009, and it was in 1988 when other places started protecting their workers by enacting smokefree workplace legislation?….that the only thing left to be seen is whether this will be Republican led progressiveness or if County Commissioner Stephen Melcher will join the other two commissioners in this courageous move so that it will be bi-partisan and unanimous.

IS IT TRUE that providing a comprehensive smokefree workplace law is also the right thing for the City of Evansville AND the State of Indiana to do?…that the State of Indiana has once again seen this issue raised and that longtime smokefree workplace advocate Democratic Representative Charlie Brown of Gary, IN is still the champion?…that as in previous efforts the objections are all centered around the almighty tax dollar as opposed to public health?…that the loudest howling is coming from the casino lobby?…that the casinos are using fear tactics on the State of Indiana stating that the losses of tax money because of enacting smokefree workplace laws in casinos could approach $200 M per year?…that there are offsetting financial benefits like lower health insurance premiums, less lost work time, being seen as a more desirable place to live, and being seen more positively by site selectors that need to be balanced against tax revenue losses from just casinos?…that there are studies both ways on the affects of a smokefree workplace rule when it comes to casino revenue?…that when it comes to the overall prosperity of a region that comprehensive smokefree workplace laws always lead to increased economic prosperity and a better style of life?

IS IT TRUE that in the case of Evansville’s Casino Aztar that the competition for smoking casinos is pretty far to drive?….that if Aztar becomes a smokefree workplace that the closest competitive casino is 3 hours to the west in St. Louis?…that the closest smoke filled casino heading south is 6 hours away in Tunica, Mississippi?…that heading north the first place to light up and gamble will be an 8 hour trip each way to Detroit?….that heading east the first smoke filled casino will be Atlantic City that is a 14 hour drive?….that the real competition for Indiana casinos when and if smokefree workplace laws are adopted will the couch, the remote, and the TV set in the would-be gamblers own home?….that it is good to see the perseverance that Representative Brown has shown and that if and when Indiana ever musters the progressive courage to enact smokefree workplace laws that Representative Charlie Brown will forever be known as the father of smokefree Indiana?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville City Council will to paraphrase a recent quote attributed to Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel about general progress ”be dragged kicking and screaming” into the smokefree workplace debate?…that last year the vote was tied for the first time ever?…that ties are deemed to support the status quo?…that the four members of the City Council who support a smokefree workplace are still on board?…that only one vote is needed for the City of Evansville to now follow the example of Vanderburgh County and level the economic playing field with comprehensive smokefree workplace resolution?….it seems as though our fair city is finally having the honest debates regarding smoking in the workplace after more than 20 years of avoidance and dithering?…that we are pleased to see this dialog taking place and hope to see the real issue of public health take center stage as opposed to how many tax dollars may be lost next month if a comprehensive smokefree workplace resolution is adopted?

IS IT TRUE that good things come to those who wait?…that those good things come later and after those who did not wait have already benefitted from making early decisions and taking decisive actions?…that downtown Evansville readers are reminding us that the policy of wait is still in practice on the downtown sidewalks?…that the Abominable Snowman is still ruling over the snow and ice covered downtown sidewalks?…that Yukon Cornelius has jumped on his sleigh and left town after prospecting for wealth and coming up with “NOTHIN”?…that he has brushed his teeth and gargled several times since the last time he sniffed and licked that ice pick?…that seeing local officials and candidates taking on big problems instead of sweeping them under the rug is encouraging?


  1. Is it true that passing a comprehensive smoking ban for all of Vanderburgh County is being sold as literally a matter of life and death? It is true that the proposed smoking ban to be considered by the Vanderburgh County Commissioners would apply ONLY to areas outside the present city limits, even though they could make it to include all of Vanderburgh County should they choose to do so? Is it true that this leaves open the possibility that there would be two sets of rules regarding smoking, one inside and one outside the city limits? Is it true that taking this action makes it appear that they consider themselves as representatives of rural residents first and city residents, well, not so much?

    Is it true that, 53 weeks ago, this same body unanimously rejected the concept of “threshold rejection” in the vote for consolidation, claiming that they are elected by and represent ALL Vanderburgh County residents equally, both inside and outside the city? Is it true that, therefore, they claimed that they cannot allow any differentiation between these groups in the consolidation voting process? Is it true that this leaves the group most likely to be negativey affected by consolidation with “minimized” representation as they are outnumbered 2 to 1 by city residents?

    Is it true that if this body so boldly proclaims that it represents everyone in the county equally when it comes to consolidation yet fails to protect the health and welfare of those inside the city when it comes to smoking, that this body obviously suffers from an identity crisis and is, at best, acting in a hypocritical manner?

    Is it true that in order to clear up this obviously hypocritical stance, the County Commissioners either needs to enact a smoking ordinance that applies to the entire county, city included, or enact threshold rejection in the consolidation voting process?

  2. No… The loudest howling is clearly from the “progressives” – in bringing up the issue.

    (Reminiscent of those that always think they can devise a better way to tell us what time to set our clocks to.)

    Once you’re “dragged kicking and screaming”, and you lose your liberties or are saddled with debt for expensive goodies with marginal benefits. Complaining about the tyrannical, heavy hand of the government is not simply being a “naysayer”. It simply is the reality, that leadership is putting us in a box that we don’t fit into, of holding an opinion that was ignored.

    Opinions that often times are representative of a school of thought that is squelched from the debate, by the media, on purpose. ( and above.)

    It’s no wonder kids grow up thinking you’re either a part of the “progressive movement”, or you can properly be labeled a “regressive”.

    Is it true that now that we have a progressive, Obamacare… That local legislation to force all sorts of “lifestyle” choices, will become the norm.

  3. Is it true that since Hacienda’s bar has went smoke free that is is almost deserted? Where are all of the non smokers that state they would frequent a business if it weren’t for the smoking? This is the future for all bars should a non smoking ordinance go into effect.

    • Dave, the business took a severe nosedive in the Bar part of their establishment and they have now opened the “patio” for smoking again,–by “popular demand”. The rest of the place is still Smoke Free.

      • Dave, did you really believe the “smoke free” rabble? Get a clue. The same folks who pontificate against smoking are the same people who pontificate against bars and nightclubs in general. And they could care less if an establishment that serves alcohol goes out of business regardless of the economic impact that would have.

  4. I support the ban. Maybe I can get my beer refill quicker if all those smokers aren’t in the place.

  5. Is it true that some members of the city council have a conflict of interest on the smoking issue? Is it true that at least two council members have a financial interest in restaurants or bars? Is it true that these conflicts of interest should be reason for some city council members to abstain from voting on this issue?

    • By that logic, Obama couldn’t have signed Obamacare – due to conflict of interest – because he was insured.

      The City Council – known to like a concert or two – couldn’t have voted for a shiny new aluminum-sided stadium.

      And council members with any children slightly interested in baseball, wouldn’t be eligible for the CVB votes.

      Any mayor with a valid drivers license, would have to abstain from voting in a police chief!

      • Is it true that Johnny Kinkaid has a conflict of interest when campaigning for stricter anti-tobacco regulations since he makes a living “counciling” violators of those regulations, and the stricter and more regulations he can get enacted means the more tickets will be written and the more violators will seek counciling?

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