IS IT TRUE by a vote of 9–0 your Evansville City Council passed the resolution to mandate that all landlords in the City of Evansville register their properties with the City?…the $50 TAX on Tuesday became a $10 TAX by Wednesday morning, and eventually went away after the CCO called it out as a TAX INCREASE to ZERO right before the vote?…the only costs associated with this mandatory registration is now whatever the FINE will be set at for non-compliance?…that is still not etched in stone or at least not available at the time of this morning’s writing?…many of the details have not been revealed yet as in the words of Councilwoman Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley “It was edited heavily this afternoon and then minimally at the meeting. I have to make the few changes and send it out in the am. I will send you a copy when it goes to the clerk.â€?…there you have the thing that is most disturbing about whatever happened to have been passed?…it was still being written just before and even after the 9 – 0 vote?…your Evansville City Council was channeling California Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi last night when they voted for a resolution they could not have possibly read because it was not even finished at the time of the vote?…such a vote under an artificial deadline in a state of panic is neither leadership nor a good way to do business?
IS IT TRUE that the passing of the Landlord Registration Resolution is truly a testament to the persuasiveness of Evansville Police Chief Billy Bolin for getting a great majority of the Homeowner’s Associations to support the resolution?…that was made easier by the crime increases in certain areas and the spread of blight?…homeowners for the most part just want the experience of quiet and safe enjoyment of their homes and most tenants want the same things?…if conditions in Evansville were wonderful such a resolution would have never even been considered?…we do see the City Council as “meaning well†and even doing the “will of the majority†in this case?…in doing so many perfectly fine landlords are being treated as slumlords?…anytime a government makes something mandatory for a few we all lose a little of our freedom?…this could have been thought through starting 3 months ago or even for the next year but it wasn’t?…the crisis of the week (state moratorium) was used to pull a Pelosi last night in Evansville?…as soon as the CCO has the resolution we shall post it for all to see what it is that our City Council has passed?…we hope they will read it too?
IS IT TRUE down at the McCurdy Hotel there is a bit of news that everyone including the CCO got wrong last week?…the Kunkel Group does not intend to turn the McCurdy into an old folks home as was widely reported last week?…Mr. Adam Kunkel has let us know that the plan is still to convert the McCurdy into luxury apartments similar to what they put in at 329 Main Street, the former Hilliard Lyons Building?… The McCurdy will have contemporary finishes like granite counters, stainless steel appliances, and custom tile showers?…we thank Mr. Kunkel for reaching out to let us know this and wish him well on securing sufficient financing to complete this project as quickly as possible?
IS IT TRUE in a little over 12 hours the SEQUESTER that was designed by the President and Congress for political grandstanding will come crashing in on them?…due to the inability and even the apparent disinterest in reaching a logical set of planned spending cuts the drama filled end of the world comes at midnight tonight?…every modern convenience seems to have been targeted for disaster by President Obama due to cutting 2.4% for the federal budget via the MANDATE?…if the President and the Congress cannot figure out how to do half of what nearly every American family has already figured out this year (cutting 4% of the family budget) the all need to be FIRED?
The City of Evansville’s financials are published on page 1C of today’s Evansville Courier&Press.
Read it and weep.
The city also must cough up $8. million THIS YEAR, the first year of the bond payments, for debt service on the Ford Center bonds.
No Jonathan, you can not spend your way out of a recession/depression. You can, however, bankrupt a city.
So it was the CCO that got this all worked out? It must have been all of the meetings and dicussions the CCO was involved with that got this through. Yeah, right.
The landlords, the city, the Police, and the neighborhoods worked TOGETHER to get this done. Nobody from this site or any of it’s constant complainers were involved in the process and none of you stepped up at the public meetings and said a word.
The wording and amnedments that were requested by the Council members were discussed by the Council and agreed upon before the vote. They knew exactly what the ordinance said when they voted on it.
This site used to be a good discussion board. It is becoming a ” I hate the government” board. Example: Two EPD officers rescue a man from a burning building and a regular poster on here uses the article to bash the Sheriff’s office on an unrelated event. When your regular posters are the rejects from other sites, the quality of the discussion suffers.
There is a difference between keeping people posted on what the goverment is actually doing and using “moles” to sepcualte on what the government is doing. That speculation and mis-information feeds the anti-government hype on here. If this is going to be a speculation and bash everything the goverment is doing site, that is fine. Just call it what it is.
Well said Inquiring Mind.
More like the CCO got everyone “worked up” because of their dissemination of misinformation.
The bottom line is, when people see a problem and look to government for solutions, always without exception, as the Editor said, a little freedom is lost.
We have created a society of fines and regulations. Where such conditions exist, people will not choose to invest their capital. They will balk at creating productive businesses and reinvesting in them, creating jobs, or even, sadly, settling down and starting a stable family unit independent of government subsidies.
This is a basic economic principle that has been proven in example after historical example, yet in their own blind self interests, some choose to ignore it. They do so at their own peril and at the peril of future generations.
Yawn…… isn’t there anything else you could be doing today Mr. Linzy? Anything???? Dont you have a guitar or amp or pic to sell?
you are so out of touch
I know. I won’t dispute that. That’s why we have been in one of the worst recessions in our history, because my ideas are completely out of touch.
Out of touch in the age of Obama’s expansion of the nanny state is a badge of honor. It is also an indicator of the the spirit that America was founded on as opposed to the one we are floundering on. I assume you are a willing komrad of the new USSA.
You and others keep talking about investing. Guess what. The neighborhood is full of people who have invested in it. They are invested in it financially and emotionally. Someone who only sees the property as a way to make money does not have the same emotional investment as the person who has lives there for decades. Why in the world should someone from another state or country be the main concern for you?
If all you are worried about is the investment money, it does not suprise me that you did not come to either meeting and make your comments in front of the neighbors who supported this. You gave a reason for missing last night, but the floor was opened on Monday night for comment and you were nowhere to be seen or heard. But since you do not own property here, I guess it should not be that suprising.
My sentiments exactly!
The point you make is somewhat valid. Not entirely, but somewhat. Let me explain… You are correct in that a person who has lived somewhere for 10, 20, or 50 years is going to be more emotionally attached and perhaps even a bit more community minded than a capital investor from outside of town in much the same way a freedom fighter is more invested than a mercenary in whatever battle they’re fighting. However, a mercenary values his life no less than the freedom fighter. In other words, an outside investor has just as much interest in seeing his property doesn’t fall in on itself. The profit motive should see to that.
Here is the big variable in this equation you keep forgetting, and at your own future peril and the peril of your property value and neighborhood you claim to support – there aren’t enough people in this town who can afford to purchase the housing inventory! NEWS FLASH buddy…NO YOUNG FAMILIES ARE CHOOSING TO MOVE TO EVANSVILLE, IN!
As the Editor has repeatedly explained, there are 10,000 unoccupied homes on the Evansville market. The recession has taken jobs away from this region, not added them. Where do you suppose these magic, affluent families are going to come from to purchase a home in this City and treat it as you treat yours? The reality is, it’s just not possible without outside investment and tenant arrangements to ensure homes don’t simply fall to the ground entirely.
My guess is you don’t give a damn about anything beyond your own property line in reality except how it affects your property values. You have a similar motive as any other investor, but yours is disguised as community, rather than personal pride, because you have a selfish motivation to drive out the undesirables you see in your neighborhood. You join in your little groups like townsfolk with pitchforks so you can persecute others and drive out anyone not like you.
In this quest, you will only succeed in driving out the capital investor whose money is propping up that home and preventing it from becoming yet another of the 10,000+ unoccupied homes in this City. My guess is, to you, that’s fine so long as the City spends money it doesn’t have to tear it down and those “undesirables” are gone from your community.
I know nothing of mercenaries or freedom fighters. Why am I not supprised that you do. If I ever need someone hunted down or a revolution started, I will give you a call.
As for the real world here in Evansville, the people wanted it. They worked together with those who had a stake in it,and got it passed. 9-0.
Inquiring minds want to know how things are going in the Civic Center today inquiring mind.
“The mob is man voluntarily descending to the nature of the beast. Its fit hour of activity is night. Its actions are insane like its whole constitution. It persecutes a principle; it would whip a right; it would tar and feather justice, by inflicting fire and outrage upon the houses and persons of those who have these. It resembles the prank of boys, who run with fire-engines to put out the ruddy aurora streaming to the stars.†– Ralph Waldo Emerson
Hey Don. Things are good. It was a little chilly on the walk in from the back 40 this morning, but I am good now.
By the way, where are all those jobs that were supposed to spring up after RTW was passed? Maybe they’ll buy up all those homes on their minimum wage RTW salaries.
RTW is not a magic bullet. You can’t move from current conditions to prosperity overnight, like a carefully cultivated garden, jobs can grow if given the right soil, but standing there tapping your toe in February wondering why a seed isn’t growing is just plain insanity.
As a libertarian, I am of two minds of the principle of right to work, yet even measures I disagree with – socialist measures, statist measures – take time to rot the system, so will any productive measure take time to take root and grow.
RTW really works. Ask the people who were working part time getting 32-39 hours a week, sometimes more! Now they can get no more than 29 hours a week! Really helps! RTW IS BAD! All because the rich want to get richer! :[
Brad, I’ve seen the light. Thank you thank you! We need to make this the Brad Linzy day. Now will you please move like you threatened to do yesterday! Oops! I forgot, you said you were not going to buy a house in Evansville. I’ve heard your native state of Kentucky’s city government is in shambles! They need YOU and your mighty Google there to help them from themselves! Please, please we will sacrifice your knowledge here in Evansville, for you to help your fellow man in Kentucky. You must answer your call.
Haha… If and when I do move, I’ll still drop by just to piss some of you off. I live to watch statists writhe. It’s interesting to me in a scientific way. Of course, your kind has infested the whole of the country, so there is really no shortage of entertainment, but I feel we have formulated a special bond here that would keep me coming back. 😉
We can only wait with bated breath.
It’s good to hear Kunkel is doing something with the McCurdy. Private capital investment is definitely a bit of good news, no matter what they’re building. Are they seeking 100% private financing or will there be some subsidies? Also, did Mr. Kunkel indicate what kind of price point they’ll be shooting for for each apartment?
I was not aware of this issue coming up at the city council meeting, so I was not in attendance. Only saw what was on the news last night. Can someone please explain to me what the city’s reasoning is for this ordinance? I heard something about making neighborhoods safer, but don’t understand how it will do that.
Bart, it’s a forced registration of rental property owners into a separate database than what is already available at the Assessor and Treasurer’s offices and they will pay for its upkeep and then some with, what I HEAR, will be a $100/day noncompliance fine and an annual renewal of the license.
I got that much from the news story, but my question is why? What is their reasoning for forcing this? They mentioned something about safer neighborhoods, but I don’t understand how this will make it safer. Sounds like a way for the government to keep tabs, and later to make it some kind of fee so the city can make more money.
They think the current databases are insufficient and there are times when police or whoever can’t get a hold of property owners to get hem to do something about problem tenants or unsafe conditions. I think these are the core arguments, but they have been talking also about the goal of ridding the City of “slumlords”.
I’d much rather have a $10 or $50 dollar fee than a $100 per day fine. If you rent property and cannot afford 10 bucks, get out of the business.
The city council are sell outs. Another example of the government sticking their noise in everybody elses business.
IS it true that the DMD is corrupt and firs people for reason other than they don’t like them and the color of their skin is wrong??? IS it true that the new head of the DMD is a slacker and doesnt keep his scheduled appointments, but takes millions of smoke breaks wit his assistants????
YES to all the above. This is not over DMD
Hey. I’ve got an idea. Why don’t you get a listing of all of his entry/exit passes from the civic center to see how often he reports to work. It’s been done in the not so recent past.
Good idea, truthsquad. Sauce for the goose and all that.
If the information is there—-, but maybe he lets one of his group go first and use his/her pass to open the door and he just piggybacks through? Hmmmm. No record then.
Truthsuqad: He alternates with his personal assistant,,,,,,,,dont EVEN get me started on that one!
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