IS IT TRUE we can’t wait to get our hands on the 2014 audit for the City of Evansville?  …we expect this audit be one heck of an interesting read?   … we can’t wait to see how Controller Russ Lloyd Jr is going to spin this audit in his favor?

IS IT TRUE a few of our readers are alleging  that a couple of CEO’s at their local not-for-profit organizations are making  well over one  (1) million dollars a year salary? …we are presently doing a web search to see if these allegations are correct? …it’s our strong opinion that no CEO of any local not-for profit should be paid over one million yearly salary?

IS IT TRUE many of our readers are telling us that a candidate for District 77 State Representative stepped over the line at Monday night City Council meeting? …our readers are upset that Ryan Hatfield violated City Council rules by a giving a campaign position speech during City Council meeting? …that Dr. Dan Adams and Connie Robinson were right to call Mr. Hatfield to task for giving a political campaign speech at Monday  night City Council meeting? …we hope that Council President Mosby will allow everyone running for District 77 State Representative seat to speak about the recently amended “Gays Rights” ordinance recently passed by Council?

IS IT TRUE Jenny Collins came before City Council to have them approve an ordinance change concerning  fees?  … she didn’t need Councils approval to charge the fees since they have already been approved by the IURC?  …we predict that the Water and Sewer Board will quietly slide the fee adjustment request under the radar?  … we predict that Ms. Collins will find a way to charge us the “turn on and shut off” fees even without Council’s approval?

IS IT TRUE that in the 2011 budget of the City Controller for the City of Evansville was $85,926?  …when Jenny Collins moved to the Water and Sewer Department she was paid $83,000 year without a car provided?  …her current salary with the Water and Sewer Department is $89,833.24?

IS IT TRUE we notice that City Council persons Jonathan Weaver and Missy Mosby are displaying large cups advertising TUCKER REALITY during City Council meetings?  …we understand  there isn’t a city ordinance addressing the advertising of a business during city council meetings?  …we believe that Weaver and Mosby advertising their place of business during a City Council  meeting is not only unacceptable but is a classless and self serving act?

IS IT TRUE we hear that a democratic member of City Council is quietly telling people that they are supporting Governor Pence re-election effort?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that many rank and file Democrats are upset with Missy Mosby and Jonathon Weaver for picking Republican Dan McGinn to head the City Council Finance Committee?  …they are also extremely upset that they selected an extreme right wing conservative Republican to be the Democratic controlled legal counsel?


FOOTNOTE: Our next “IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Monday?

If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us City-County

Todays “Readers Poll” question is: Do you believe that City officials intentionally lied to us about not having a $6 million dollar deficit in 2014?

Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed



  1. I will never jump to the defense of Missy Mosby, but I think the campaign crap that Hatfield tried at the City Council meeting was not planned and caught everyone by surprise. Not only that, he did it during the Committee discussion of the gay rights ordinance, and the Chair (Dr Adams) quickly shut him down.

    I would ponder that his screw-up should not warrant giving an equal time allowance to all candidates, but that there should be some admonition ahead of public speaking to warn people that no politics are allowed.

    Hope that makes sense

  2. In regards to displaying advertisements in the City Council chambers, this clearly demonstrates the lack of common sense and revere for the City of Evansville’s Common Council. Not surprised that Mosby and Weaver lack the common sense. Quite frankly their lack of respect should chase would-be clients away from Tucker especially from Mosby and Weaver,

  3. Well isn’t it obvious that these two clowns (Weasel and Nosby) have in all aspects used the City Council for their personally gain. Hell it wasn’t just a couple of years ago Nosby was serving tables at her Cousin’s (BJ Watts) failed Main Gate Bar being sued by the Evansville Country Club (membership standards must have been eased) for nonpayment of her bar bill. The Weasel had to liquidate his 401K to purchase the 1999 BMW convertible and now is driving around in his Benz but let us not forget that Nosby now has two cars her Hummer and Yellow Chevy. Lap Dancing the mayor must be profitable???

    • BigPappa

      Between the hosin we receive from Vectren and the coming Water Dept Owensboro is lookin good by the minute. Geary must have received some insider info??

    • It works out to $29.4 million a year for 25 years, and that does not include the interest on what ever borrowing plan they come up with, which no doubt will be bond issues that will extend the debt far beyond the 25 year mandated completion date.

      When the federal government mandates these compliance projects they should make the funds for these bond issues available to municipalities at a very low interest rate, taking into consideration the reality of just how long of a period of time a city would need to do a project like this one, and how long it would take to pay for such a project without bankrupting the city. It can not be completed AND PAID FOR in a 25 year period if the cost for this project, $729. million, is accurate.

  4. When the audited reports hits the news stands the public should be paying attention to the fact that after years in office Russ Lloyd, Jr still can not reconcile the City’s books to the bank accounts. There was not one month in this audit period were his books agreed with the City’s bank accounts after consideration of reconciling items. BTW out of 12 months the General Fund was overdrafted 10 of the 12 months. Should we expect the same in the accounting world of Jenny Collins, controller of the water dept???

  5. ‘ … that City Council persons Jonathan Weaver and Missy Mosby are displaying large cups advertising TUCKER REALITY during City Council meetings?’

    Bought & paid for. Ike & Mike. Tweedledee & Tweedledum. Yellow & callow. Paid & bar maid. Tip & hare lip. Pups & cups. s & Tuckers.

    • Lap Dancin must pay well. Can you imagine Big Corporate American jetting into this City only to be greeted by these two idiots together with tippy-toes Winnecke the Pharral’s “Happy” dancin machine. Where are you Hollywood???

  6. Please let me know which non-profits are paying their CEO a million bucks. I want to apply for the job.

  7. Who ended up in Duckworth’s job when he left the water &sewer dept.? Inquiring minds want to know.

  8. I’m guessing that this “good news ” is meant to distract us from the audit results. All it did for me was speed up our search for a new place to call home.

    • Thank you, PAK!!!
      For those who wish to just hit the high points of this debacle, read page 50 of the audit report, and then go to page 11 of the Supplemental Compliance Report: Overdrawn Cash Balances.
      It’s time for apologies to flow from the Civic Center like sewage flows into the Ohio during a CSO event.

      • Those apologies, in the unlikely event those hubris-driven little satraps issue them, will have a value on par with the effluence that fouls the Ohio. Look for Howdy Doody to up the dog park again soon. A couple of days ago he went to Indianapolis to beg for all those millions he was promised a while back. Could be he’s already spent or pledged it and the legislature has looked at him and balked. So … to Indy he went to beg. To wit:

        ‘Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke led off the testimony for the Southwest region, saying there was tremendous momentum in the area because of the Regional Cities announcement’. ~~ CP

        ‘Our region has been beaming with pride ever since we were selected as one of the three regions to receive state funding, if the Southwest region doesn’t get the money, the proposed projects would still move forward, but at a much slower pace’, Winnecke said.

        Well thank God for that. Onward through the fog, wouldn’t want any of his pet projects (pun) delayed. That dog park will bring those green space and white turd seeking young professionals in droves, just ask him. The little guy is putting his prideful fog beam on high. That money should be used, whatever it is that is finally disbursed, to lessen Evansville resident’s liablilty for our bad government’s neglect of our sewers. (I’m sure it will be structured so it can’t be spent that way. It will be used to jam some more stuff into downtown and it’ll make dandy Christmas presents for wealthy donors and favored friends. Maybe move some more of D-Pat’s operations out to 41, nah they wouldn’t dare, at least until the feds clear).

        I’d say he’s been ‘beaming with pride’ since he became our accidental mayor. That’s more our problem than his since we get to pay for his prideful ineptitude.

        • The new pot of gold for Winnie and pals is called “the Promise Zone” and includes the southeast side for more federally-funded goodies. UNOE and its minions are busily planning projects for more neighborhoods.

        • Your bitterness is entirely understandable. The 62% of Evansville voters who repudiated not only our candidate, Gail Riecken, but also you, Elkaybee, and many of our other bitter-ender OFI cadres have probably put an end to your chances to regain your low-level patronage job. However, you must consider the larger picture. Our progressive forces have effectively seized control of the local Republican Party. We have a liberal, free-spending mayor in the person of Winnecke, who is entirely committed to our radical social agenda. A glorious inquisition against religious freedom is about to start! Torrents of cash are flowing into union coffers. Democratic insiders knock down entire city blocks with government money to benefit their businesses, with Winnecke taking the heat. These are great days for most of us, comrade. It is a pity that you have been bumped off the gravy train, but in every revolution, some eggs must be broken. In your case, burned and scrambled.

          J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
          Maximum co-coordinator
          Organizing for Idiocy
          Evansville Cell

  9. Anyone else worried about the $729,000,000 sewer bill with the City’s agreement yesterday with the EPA? That is almost 3/4 of a BILLION dollars! And the City wants to spend $13,000,000 on a bike path (which will be used by DWI scooters and shopping carts) on North Main Street. This is crazier than Trump’s hair and Hillary barking like a dog.

    • I agree 100%. The increased water rates will make Evansville less attractive to most manufacturers, unless the increases will only go to those of us who pay residential rates. Water rates will make it impossible for people on fixed incomes to continue living here within the next few years. People who don’t have an escape route are in deep, deep trouble!

  10. I just watched the City Council meeting and it was nuts. When Ryan Hatfield said what he would do if he got elected, it made him fit right in with the rest of the crazy going on. Whoever told him that was a good idea isn’t his friend.

    • It was probably Weasel and Nosby. Hatfield hangs out with them at the Bokeh Lounge two or three times a week, drinking.

      • I just heard hes all butt-hurt that CCO said anything about his screw-up and intends to stop advertising with you. I heard it from a regular at the Bokeh.

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