IS IT TRUE we have been told by reliable sources that popular Vanderburgh County Sheriff  Eric Williams shall not be a candidate for the position of Mayor of Evansville?  …if  Sheriff Williams would had decided to run for Mayor of Evansville his chances to be elected to this position would have been very good?
IS IT TRUE this week has the potential to be a watershed week of goodness right here in Evansville, IN?…this is the week that the loan of $200,000 that was made to Earthcare Energy LLC without vetting and without the courtesy of notification to the Evansville City Council by Mayor Winnecke will mature and become due in full?…it is our understanding that the balance due is roughly $186,000 and that Earthcare has dutifully made the interest only payments on time every month?…we can then anticipate that a check for $186,000 will be tendered on time and that the City of Evansville will have some cash on hand?…our suggestion is that this money be placed alongside the $100,000 commitment made by the government of Vanderburgh County to re-establish and re-start the free dental clinic to serve the poor of this community as it once did?…when faced with a decision between serving the needs of dogs and serving the needs of people we are eager to see our local elected officials choose people?
IS IT TRUE the next $800,000 that should be collected back for the people of Evansville is the $800,000 advanced to Centre City Properties of Carmel by the Weinzapfel Administration to refurbish the now rotting McCurdy Hotel?…it seems the list of deals gone sour with entities that fail to perform but never fail to make political contributions to their benefactors is endless?
IS IT TRUE the reigning in of GONGO (government organized, non-government organizations) schemes where local government uses public-private partnerships and non-profits to pursue political agendas seems to be coming under fire all across America?…Evansville of course has had its share of such things from the sneaky deal that former Mayor Weinzapfel made to pay Tom Barnett through GAGE to the tasteless firing of Marilee Fowler by the CVB?…the next rat’s nest that needs to be cleaned out is the plethora of pseudo-government entities or GONGOS that have been functioning as political action organizations in some part for years?
IS IT TRUE that little Union County High School with less than 700 students down in Morganfield just won their 7th overall Kentucky State Championship in wrestling?…Union County is the only school other than Mater Dei to win the prestigious Mater Dei Christmas Wrestling tournament?…this proves that small public schools with great coaching and hard working kids can prevail against the giant schools that recruit athletes like Trinity and St. Xavier with brains, grit, and hard work?…the same can happen for small to medium cities if they do the right things and do them well?
IS IT TRUE that events in Ukraine reached a boiling point last weekend after years of oppression and irresponsible governance that was characterized by an imperial leader who governed in a capricious and random manner?…a revolution with less blood than the French Revolution but some blood none-the-less has resulted in the overthrow of a brutal leader and the formation of a coalition government that we hope does well as the alternative is an old fashioned blood in the streets revolution?…the CCO pointed out that the United States and Ukraine shared one common event in recent history and that is a credit downgrade?…perhaps the people of Ukraine will draw some inspiration from the following passage from the Declaration of Independence signed July 4, 1776 to free the original 13 colonies from the oppressive capricious rule of the English King?…we republish the first couple of paragraphs to remind our readers where this nation came from?
“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.â€
IS IT TRUE it is not a bad idea to review our own performance with respect to these ideals from time to time as well?
Doesn’t Eric Williams live in the county? Don’t you have to live in the city limits to be mayor?
You don’t to be on the city council. See Al Lindsey.
Sheriff Williams has a house in the city also.
Winnecke has worked very hard at helping Eric Williams secure a very lucrative job upon leaving the Sheriff’s Office. In exchange Williams has agreed not to run for Mayor.
Why would he need Winnecke to help him get a job a Vectren when Ellsworth is President of Vectren-South?
Is this speculation/gossip/random thoughts of your mind or do you have any material proof?
Eric Williams……..
What can we say……
While as a “elected” representative “county government official” as mandated by state statute…….
he aligns against the very government that he was elected to. Was he trying to save the sheriff department, as the active department in the new “outlaw style” merged government? Would not had matter! Look at what Indy metro did with their law enforcement. Just have to get the right people in the right place and “presto”, changed government without voters input.
He would likely have a better chance at a city position then a county position. I hope all those “good county residents” (both sides of the city limits) remember what he had tried, and vote against him should one day he would run for a county position!
Any taxes or fees collected by either city or county governments “should” be paid out thru their respected
councils. Appointed organizations should only suggest expenditures, but have the councils approve them.
Lets see. Legislative, executive, judicial.
Nope, Gongo is not a branch of government!
The list of legal expenses paid by the taxpayers include representing a heap of appointed commitees that we could proably do without. From the redevlopement commission on down, cronie payback at its worst. If we need it we should vote on who’s serving our interest.
is it true that Winneke of the 100% popularity may possibly have 1 or more challengers in the Republican primary for mayor? One very well known Republican and a challenger from the Tea Party faction.
I certainly hope so. He’s TOAST!
That could make for a very interesting 2015 in these parts! If the coming revitalization of downtown is the still “just around the corner” by then, Winnecke is going to have a hard time showing his face in the election office to even file to run again. We may see a race without an incumbent, and those are always more fun.
I do not know Eric Williams, but is it REALLY true that he would have had a chance in the Mayor’s race ? After the City/County merger debacle, it would seem no chance ??
Hey Mole! whatever happened to the cemetery superstar Chris Cooke? The dude who showed us all his crazy. Did that all get swept under the rug? Did he get fired like he should?
He did the Monster Mash, it was a Graveyard Smash
He is still on the job. Winnecke didn’t do a damn thing because the city had no social media policy. Why would they? It is still 1955 in the minds of local government. There is no social media.
Boooo! LOL
Social Media? —–Didn’t they call that “Finger painting” back in grade school? 🙂
Crash: “Back in the day—>Slaughter ball—>gym class–>social media–>the ball.”
Crash: As far as future elections there. According to my most reliable well informed,more positive Friends and Relations, or business organizations we might bother listen too there,the outcome of the next round of elections is “kinda predictable.”
If one was even close to the “event horizon” of the “black hole” called “consolidation” that said political career is determined to be sucked into “that calamity,of immeasurable aspect fields”,as well.
The “speculation” is now due to the “increased molecular densities” the loud sucking,and crunching noise,unlike in normal space,probably,can be likely be heard from a couple of light years distance from the “mass at the center” of the said, “black hole” of “impending calamity”.(estimated, to be the size of a small however very heavy “dot”, in a gnats rear.”) 😉
Meah,who knows? but right now mankind as is known, hasn’t “created a machine”,that might survive that passage,thereof.
I’ll leave that one to Stephen W. Hawking,the guy that isn’t qualified by listed requirements,to act or even apply as a Evansville city DMD community development planner,by the written job definition that was posted a while back…..or many others,as well.So.
Maybe,as beforementioned they should create opening a job for a “Director of “stagflation”. I’m thinking that could easily be filled though the abundances available in the present employment/elected base units,through “mechanically applied progression”,or. some other such “appointment methodology” .
Bonum maerore,quid deinde LaRue?
Good grief,what’s next LaRue?
I think Chris Christie was a virtual politician living on the event horizon of D and R politics. He shone brightly in the Nothern sky of American polictics Then one day a lesbian cable TV anchor pointed her journalistic telescope towards the black hole of the Christie administration and
she cried Egad Sir!! I see you shutting down the the bridge between the universe, well at least the universe between NJ and NY. And the people of NJ said to Christie your time on the main sequence of politics is over!
Alas poor Christie the tidal forces of hubris, corruption and greed pulled him apart at the waistline
and the poltical remants of the Christie administration still smolder as the ashes of spent nuclear fuel.
Brains, Maybe the TV anchor used the half broke down Keplar project “refocused” on one of earths surface “goldilocks zones”…..
The way that thing is works you could probably see a mouse fart from 18 light years out.
If the mouse fart caused a host variation observed during a solar orbital brightness,or oscillation of the solar(Star)like body of mass, as observed……
Ex/so planet (Kepler-9d) “Jupiter sized planets” may cause “stellar sized super flares” during passage timing events.
Get this @Brains they use–>Transit Timing Variations(TTV)
The popular technique used to locate “Jupiter sized objects” such as Kepler-9d in close orbit to stellar masses(stars)….plum across the other side of the galaxy…… 🙂
Is it true a cop just asked to step down because of social media? Must be some kinda policy.
EPD could have a policy while the other city employees do not.
That is true. But you don’t get fired for drinking and driving, crashing your squad car, leaving the scene of a crime, and leaving a loaded weapon on the passenger seat.
Go figure that one out!!
I hear that past Vanderburgh County Commissioner Cheryl Musgrave is thinking about running against the Mayor in Republican primary.
Six of one half a dozen of the other politicians for life!!
Marty F.,
I hope your sources are wrong. Cheryl is an alpha chick, she will clobber LW in the Primary and absolutely destroy John Friend in the main election.
Cheryl is not very likeable, but you have to admit: she gets things done !
You’re making an assumption that Friend will be the Dem candidate. He certainly doesn’t have anything “in the bag” and I suspect there may be a more viable contender or two in the mix by then. Then again, it may be a “no contest” event. It’s just too far out to make any good predictions yet.
The Dems already have their candidate L.W. Why would they need to run anyone against him?
Right-O Big Poppa.
Musgrave would mop the floor in a debate with either one of those lightweights. It would not even be merciful. Now will the voters of Evansville have the good sense to see it? That is the question.
She’s never done me wrong, I don’t care about likeability, can she sweep out the trash? Getting that done is the main goal.
Sorry, forgot the caveat: if Downtown EVV gets the IU Medical Center, LW will be untouchable, even for a hyper-agressive C. Musgrave/ and Demo candidate.
Don’t underestimate the MANY that were annexed w/o proper representation as well as those the city tried to annex & failed. We see LW as a puppet for Jon-Boy so he’s outta here. Put those on top of sewers over Roberts, the joke center & you have a job opening waiting to be filled.
But she does not always win elections.
Marty, do you think it’s too soon to ask Cheryl to join me and Pete at the Cork and Cleaver for a little chat?
Hey Wayne if Winnecke is at 80% and growing Musgrave would be no problem as challenger!!!
If the present mayor is 80%, Musgrave will twist off the needle on the popularity meter.
“our suggestion is that this money be placed alongside the $100,000 commitment made by the government of Vanderburgh County to re-establish and re-start the free dental clinic to serve the poor of this community as it once did?…”
I shout a huge “Bravo” to CCO for this question and the thinking behind it! This is something I hope we can ALL get on board with.
Great suggested use of that incoming EarthCare check. Put it towards re-establishing a local dental clinic to serve those who can’t afford needed dental care. I’m pretty confident that check is in the mail (could be false optimism fueled by three biggish mugs of coffee w/Kahlua).
Once the check clears I’ll retract 40% of what I think about EarthCare. When it’s applied towards the dental clinic my estimation of city government will rise by…40%. The boost in the city administration’s Bandana Rating will be contingent on Haney not parachuting back in with a brace of gold painted shovels to tell Winnecke he’s got a helluva hotel deal to pitch.
Scotland will be voting soon on whether they will exit the United Kingdom and be independent. This should provide a good model for how a long-standing, modern, Western nation can dissolve it’s political situation peacefully without bloodshed.
If Scotland gains independence, the United Kingdom will be no more. The United States should take note.
Peacefully? You need to check out a history book! The Scots and the English have been at war off and on for centuries for independence or over land grabs.
Mr. Lindsey must not have seen the movie Bravehart.
Brad is advocating for breaking up the US again.
Yes I am. I might even write a huffpo article about it. Scottish independence could be an interesting case study.
“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.â€
Is It True that no more perfect words from imperfect men have ever been penned to paper than our Declaration of Independence. This could not have happened without Divine Providence.
What are the chances of actually recovering the balance of the earthcare loan? Also the chances they won’t spend more than $200k in legal fees trying? Is there any way other than the next election to hold Winnecke responsible for that kind of negligence?
VERY glad to see the cco advocating for the earthcare money to go to bringing back the dental clinic. If there’s anyone trying to build this thing back needing some help let me know.
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