IS IT TRUE? February 2, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? February 2, 2012

IS IT TRUE that something that has not yet been pointed out is the fact that not even one of the six members of the Evansville City Council who gathered together after the January 13, 2012 meeting of the City Council?…that not a one of the six City Council members has come forward to say the words that would turn this into a legal social gathering?…that the words we have not heard from even one of the gatherers are “NO ONE MENTIONED ANY CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS AT THE MAINGATE”?…that we have heard things like “I paid for my own drink”, “I left early and will never do this again”, and “I am not talking” but not a one of them including Mr. Lindsey has said the magic words of “NO ONE MENTIONED ANY CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS AT THE MAINGATE”?

IS IT TRUE that Mr. Lindsey has indeed come to his own defense in stating that “IT WAS NOT ALCOHOL IN MY CUP”, but clearly NOT ONE MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL HAS DEFENDED THE ALLEGATION THAT THEY WERE IN A BAR TALKING BUSINESS THAT WOULD MAKE THEM IN VIOLATION OF OPEN DOOR LAWS?…that the City County Observer solicits and invites statements from each and every one of the members of the City Council members who gathered together for a meeting after the meeting to submit their statement of this gathering an hundreds of other off site gatherings about just what the topics of conversation are and how on earth they can possibly spend 3 hours chit chatting without someone bringing up Evansville City Council business?…that until we see this in writing from the gatherers our skeptical nature leads us to conclude that “THEY DID IT THIS TIME AND HAVE BEEN DOING IT AS A MATTER OF HABIT FOR THE LAST EIGHT YEARS”?…that all six of you gatherers and a host of past gatherers have an opportunity to come forward and defend yourselves?…that to avail yourselves of that opportunity is as much as an admission of guilt?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #11 who has a nearly flawless track record for sharing accurate information tells us that it was Councilwoman Missy Mosby who made the complaint about Councilman Al Lindsey drinking alcohol to of all people Mayor Winnecke?…that Mole #11 also tells us that it was an incorrect assumption of some words that were whispered that set of the emotional response that has exposed this whole dust up?…that the Evansville City Council is not a place for the temper mental and the presumptive?…that the personality and demeanor required to think through complex situations for the betterment of the City of Evansville is a cognitive and deliberative person who will vote from the brain instead of the heart?…that another trait needed is a commitment to living a transparent life?…that it seems based on the whole MaingateGATE situation that the citizens of Evansville are in for 4 more years of kindergarten antics from our elected officials?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #11 also confirmed what we already knew and that is that the Monday night gatherings of Democrat City Council members at the Maingate Bar has been standard operating procedure for some time now?…that we are sure that much of the chatter is nothing more than middle school gossip but also are of the opinion that it is virtually impossible for such a group to gather so often and not even mention things like the smoking ordinance, the McCurdy, the Hotel non-project, Centennial Park, the dilapidated park system, Roberts Stadium, and the list goes on?…that no one is likely to have the discipline to adhere to a behavior standard that does not violate Open Door Laws and therefore we stand by our assertion that these meeting of a MAJORITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL in drinking establishment MUST STOP NOW?…that for the sake of the reputation of the governing body of this city please you democrats restrain yourselves from gathering in groups that constitute a majority?…we are looking like the deep south of 40 years ago again and it is not positive? JUST STOP IT!!!


  1. “IS IT TRUE that Mole #11 who has a nearly flawless track record for sharing accurate information tells us that it was Councilwoman Missy Mosby who made the complaint about Councilman Al Lindsey drinking alcohol to of all people Mayor Winnecke?…that Mole #11 also tells us that it was an incorrect assumption of some words that were whispered that set of the emotional response that has exposed this whole dust up?…”


    I would have bet a years pay that this was the case, Ms Mosby has a problem with people who just plain don’t like her, whether it’s a failure to understand or just a plain lack of belief that she isn’t loved by all and it’s turning into a character flaw in her personality that really doesn’t fit well with public service. If anyone thinks that Lindsey and Mosby will bury the hatchet and work together towards a common goal of helping Evansville I simply don’t see it, it’s like asking Batman and The Joker to work together to rid Gotham City of the Penguin…somewhere in that mix Batman is going to get burned.


  2. The gang of cronies are hard at work at the Main street Bar to make sure the City chugs along as they directed!!

  3. Isn’t the alleged tattling by Mosby about the alleged drinking by Lindsey while they were both allegedly at the illegal meeting a little like a drug dealer calling the cops to report that someone stole their stash?

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