Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE? February 15, 2012

IS IT TRUE? February 15, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? February 15, 2012

IS IT TRUE that the 2013 Federal Budget as proposed by President Obama was published on Monday and that it calls for roughly a $1 Trillion deficit?…that this will have to be borrowed to pay for the day to day operating expenses of the federal government?…that there was only a miniscule amount allocated to stimulus projects so the shortfall cannot be blamed on non-recurring investments?…that in the last 3 years the debt of the United States has doubled as a percentage of GDP to 80%?…that the nation of Greece which has experienced riots in the streets and placed on an austerity plan by their creditors has a debt of 160% of GDP?…that if the good old USA doubles again we will be in the same dire financial straits as Greece?…that there is no way to close this gap without cutting spending as growing the GDP by a third in four years is just not going to happen?

IS IT TRUE that even the three fundamental planks of the social safety network that are made up by Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are spending more money than they are collecting?…that the decision to GIVE the American people the illusion of incremental gains by cutting the FICA collections from paychecks is the big culprit in jeopardizing Social Security?…that this is a system that needs to be dynamic enough to be solvent long term on a day to day basis?…that it was quite irresponsible to loot the Social Security revenue stream for the shallow purpose of GIVING working people and extra $20 per week or so?…that this made about as much fiscal sense as buying candy today with next month’s food budget?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer is pleased to once again be in a leadership position on exposing the reality that the weekly gathering of Democrat members of the Evansville City Council have about a 99.999% probability to violate the Open Door Laws?…that this was done by our previous council in a very in our face manner and there were no consequences for these actions?…that it appears as though the one act play that is now being compared to “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” that played out on January 23rd may have a long term positive outcome?…that if a colossal public embarrassment and the exposure of the Evansville City Council as a governing body is what it took to get “old Boy Ways” ended then it is worth it?…that the months of January and February of 2012 may just be the beginning of the end for Evansville’s oligarchy of politics?


  1. It is past time for acting Democratic Chairman Robert Faulkner to take Ms. Mosby and Mr. Weaver to the woodshed for their continued childish behavior that is bringing even more disrespect and disunity (and that is hard to do) to the Vanderburgh County Democratic party.

    • Are these posters now stalking politicians? Can they go no where to have a drink? Can they not have friends in politics? Give these folks a break

      • Mr. Nosman,

        Your point was well taken with the owner of the CCO. We do not wish to be in the business of rumor mills. We have retracted the statements and we appreciate your comment. We would also like to thank Mr. Shaun Short for coming to the defense of the council members in which our statements were directed towards. Mr. Short ran a very honorable campaign in the 6th Ward this past fall and he continues to show that he is a man of integrity. We have much respect for Mr. Short and we are looking forward to the bright future of this up and coming community leader.

        CCO Publisher, Tim Eckels

  2. This is Shaun Short. I was at Lamasco both Monday and Tuesday nights, the 13th and 14th. Monday I went to City Council until 7:45 (I did not stay until the end as there were no seats and I was standing). The owner of Lamasco was able to get a comedian to make a last minute stop at her bar so I went there at approximately 8:30 to see the comedian perform. I was there until about 11:30 that night. During that time I saw only ONE councilman there and he drank water in a plastic cup while he waited on his to-go order. How do I know it was water? Because I was sitting two feet away from where he was standing and he had to stop talking to me to place his order. Once his order was ready he stayed for just a few minutes to finish his conversation and left. He was there a total of about 25 minutes. I was at Lamasco again on Tuesday night for a fundraiser, which I was a part of. I was there from 8:15 until 9:45 when the event was over. I saw ZERO council members there during this time. Will mole #5 please elaborate on his observation so we can decide if it’s true?

    I’m not posting this statement to protect anyone or anything of the sort. In fact, I ran for office against this councilman’s party and was defeated by a 20%+. I just want to know when I get on CCO and there is anonymous information given by a mole that I as a reader can have faith that it has been given for the purpose of moving Evansville in a forward positive direction and not for the purpose of spreading false rumors or starting trouble.

    • When I posted my response on here earlier the beginning entry had a claim by Mole #5 that he saw council members at Lamasco. That beginning entry seems to be removed.

      Is it true that I should join forces with David Copperfield now that I found I have the power to make women, huge plates of food and “is it true” entries disappear like magic? I guess I should have signed off with “ta-da”

  3. Mr. Faulkner, please step up and demonstrate true leadership as the acting Chairman of the, up to now, dysfunctional county Democrat party.

    • Mr Faulkner’s only duty is to call a meeting within 10 days of recieving Mark’s resignation and hold the election to replace him. God help the winner who will get to pick up the mess left by the previous administration.

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