IS IT TRUE: February 13, 2012 (Evansville is 99.9% Smokefree)


IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville tonight passed by a 7 – 2 vote an ordinance to adopt the comprehensive smoking ban that was adopted by the Vanderburgh County Commissioners on behalf of the people of Vanderburgh County 3 years ago?…that the only two votes against this resolution were cast by Missy Mosby and Jonathan Weaver?…that the City County Observer is proud of the City Council members who voted in favor of this resolution that is 25 years late but is finally here none the less?

IS IT TRUE that we first of all would like to recognize and thank Martha Caine and her army of volunteers who have worked tirelessly to make Evansville a more attractive and healthier place to strengthen the smoking laws of the City of Evansville?…that we also thank and acknowledge the efforts of City Councilmen Dan Adams and Dan McGinn who have been on the right side of this issue from day one?…that we furthermore wish to thank and acknowledge the unwavering efforts of former City Councilwoman from the 3rd Ward Wendy Bredhold and her worth successor Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley for not letting politics or power get in the way of doing the right thing for public health?

IS IT TRUE that you can’t always get everything that is desired and the forces for public health are to be congratulated for getting Evansville to a point where there is NO LAND BASED SMOKING and only the gambling floors of Casino Aztar allow public indoor smoking?…that Evansville just became the FIRST INDIANA CITY TO GO THIS FAR and that this will pay off?…that whatever one believes in KHARMA seems to be real and today the City of Evansville has made a deposit into the GOOD KHARMA bank?

IS IT TRUE that we also thank Mayor Winnecke for his many years of advocating for a smoking ban?…that today it finally happened and that Evansville, Indiana will be a better place for it?


  1. Yesssss! Evansville is now part of the 21st Century. We WILL move this city forward. Even if we have to drag Missy, Johnathan, and the rest of the “Mainstream Democrats” with us.

  2. The notion that all of the bars in Evansville will close after the smoking ban goes into effect is bogus. Anyone who is patronizing a bar who wants to smoke a cigarette can step outside, just like they do at work.

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