Home Uncategorized Councilwoman Missy Mosby Filed Complaint Against Al Lindsey: The Document


  1. Yellow journalism. Your bias and hatred for certain elected officials is obvious!

    • Not true-Our fair CCO Editor took up for Miss Mosby just a few weeks ago-we were all slamming her (I’m ashamed, it’s just too easy) and was even censoring remarks that were truly uncalled for. She’s a human being, and in retrospect, I would say a very troubled one. No normal person would behave the way she does at her age. She is alone, middle aged, and frightened. She strikes out viciously at anyone who disagrees with her. I sort of feel badly for her when it finally registers just what she’s done…I don’t think she’s big enough to withstand the repurcussions…
      That being said, I don’t feel bad enough for her not to avoid her like the plague. Don’t knock on my door, Missy.

      • Nope….I don’t think it’s Jarvis not the same writing style, more someone new like maybe Ms Lockyear? Watch how the sentences are formed, more coherent thought (more substance – less attacks) which Jarvis never had in any of his posts, also the paragraphs are more fluid carrying the same theme or thought process showing some education or writing skills, Jarvis was all over the place.

        Either way definitely emotional and a member of the Mosby clan/fan club whoever it is.


        • I have a pang of conscience, and you insult me? Good Lord,no! I am not a fan, definitely not family (though I must say, her parents are nice people!) But Alex Jarvis? (I just threw up in my mouth typing the name)
          I do feel bad for her, she has not got the fortitude to withstand the contempt that her actions will bring about-she deserves it-true, but weak people are capable of imploding. She qualifies as a morally weak person-I just think we should take no more notice of her. (My original post was edited considerably by someone-and I thank him for it, he neutralized the acid in my words)

          I think we’re bigger people, I try hard to be, (and often fail) We know all too well what she is-I wouldn’t want to be her, or Alex either. Miserable people.

          • Sorry, once again I am not the bogeyman behind the tree. I am amazed that so many of you spend so much time theorizing that I am behind many of the posts. Boots, I happen to be quite happy, my friends like me, my dog likes me. I sleep peacefully at night. I don’t think many of you can say the same what with the amount of time you devote to the Tri-Lats, Council on Foriegn Relations or whatever other conspiracy theory it is that comforts you. My money would be on the guy on the grassy knoll.

  2. Gee, what a shock. Took her four days to sober up before she made the call. Or, she knew he didn’t drink so she waited four days so there was no way for anyone to confirm. If she was as concerned as she lets on, she would have called that night so that the citizens of Evansville wouldn’t be in danger of being killed because a fire fighter was unable to protect them. She is such the concerned citizen. My guess would be it took her four days to get with the rest of the Mosby plan and cook up the story so it fit just so….

  3. Missy just got owned by Doc Adams.

    Keep sticking up for smoking bar owner like the good republican, er I mean phony democrat you are Missy.

  4. “I have submitted dozens, maybe hundreds, of comments to local and national news organizations before under my same screen name”

    Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrreee you have.

  5. The report says “Victim: Missy Mosby.”

    I find that the funniest thing of all.

    Victim? Hahahahahah.

  6. They are a bunch of drunks. It’s an embrassement to EVV.

    1 in obesity

    1 in meth labs

    1 in a drunken city council

  7. EFD should have redacted Miller’s phone # before public release of this document.


  8. think the party, after the meeting was served to many Penny Jonh err Curt John skull busters. get loose lipped and want to start a fight

  9. Al Lindsey is a honest hard working man,who cares about Evansville.He earned is position by working hard on the fire department and city council.Missy Mosbey one the other hand got her spot on the council because of being a Mosbey.Why dont you look around and see what the Mosbeys have done for your town!!!Doesnt look like much!!!And I can also bet they benifited from anything they did!!!How many fires do you think Missy would fight.Or give CPR,to try to save someones life, maybe your loved one.Al Lindsey Would!!!!!!!

    • Al was drinking. He is hard working. He is neither smart nor honest about this issue. Smart people do not do dumb things.

      He needs to tell the truth and ask for forgiveness. Otherwise he is on the street. That is not good for anybody.

  10. I think before you find fault in someone else’s closet you should clean out your own, as in a brother in law???????????

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