IS IT TRUE February 12, 2013

The Mole #??
The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE the Evansville City Council took a most unusual step last night in holding a vote of confidence with respect to the services of David Garrett whom they hired last year for $20,000 do financial analysis of completed transactions for compliance and competence?…Mr. Garrett won this confidence vote by a margin of 7 – 2 in a meeting that at times resembled a scene from Animal House?…the two dissenting votes were cast by Council members Jonathan Weaver and Missy Mosby who often find themselves joined at the hip in casting twin votes on a variety of resolutions?…at one time Councilwoman Mosby annoyed City Council President Connie Robinson with her facial gestures to the point that Robinson admonished Mosby with a command of “DON’T YOU ROLL YOUR EYES AT ME”?…Councilman Dr. Dan Adams was quoted as asking “what is it about Mr. Garrett’s reports that has these people terrified of the outcome being made public”?…this is a good question and when the name of the anonymous caller who started this witch hunt is exposed if it ever is those answers may just come forward?…with this in mind the City County Observer is offering a $500 informant fee for information that exposes the identity of the anonymous caller in a way that is 100% certified as accurate?

IS IT TRUE the United Kingdom has a perfect up or down vote to deal with an incompetent member of Parliament?…they hold a vote of NO CONFIDENCE is also called a motion of no confidence, a censure motion, a no confidence motion, or a confidence motion?… according to Westminster parliamentary procedure, governments often respond to a vote of no confidence by calling for a confidence motion?… Parliament passes or rejects the vote?…typically, when a vote of no confidence passes parliament, the government official MUST EITHER RESIGN OR SEEK A PARLIAMENTARY DISSOLUTION OR GENERAL ELECTION?…many people mistakenly associate a vote of no confidence with the term impeachment?…the two words mean different things?…impeachment implies that a crime has been committed by a government official?…a vote of no confidence doesn’t imply that the person under vote has committed a crime, however if the vote of no confidence passes it most always rids the system of an incompetent or ineffective member of a governing body?…it seems as though it is time for some proper votes of NO CONFIDENCE to be held in Evansville, Indiana as our local government has proven itself in need of some serious eradication of people who were elected by the people who are clearly not doing the job they were elected to do?

IS IT TRUE that City Council Attorney Scott Danks took on the task to call the State Board of Accounts and investigate exactly what the status of the anonymous call was in the eyes of the state?…there is no hot burning investigation going on and there probably will never be?…the opinion of the state is that David Garrett does not need a CPA license to do the tasks described in his contract with the Evansville City Council?…it is also illegal for a pending investigation to be made public as has been done in this case?…if Mr. Garrett suffers any damages financial or otherwise as a result of this attack on his character that damages may just be sought from any and all participants in this unnecessary witch hunt that seems to be designed to SUPPRESS PUBLIC INFORMATION?…last night’s council meeting in many ways was a continuation of the GONG SHOW scenarios of late but this is what happens prior to constructive purging?…as strange as this may sound to some people good may come from exposing and purging elements that thrive on political cronyism and blind personal ambition?…”LET THE PURGE BEGIN” should be the theme until the poisons are eliminated?


  1. I agree with the CCO, there will be a large clearing of elected officials in the 2015 city election. That is if the public remembers to keep these events in the foreground come election time.

    • A term in common usage nowadays is: low information voters. It is this type of voter who is killing the country, and it is this type of voter our founding fathers warned us about.

      A healthy 4th estate doing the investigating and reporting required of them is vital to honest government. Unfortunately we do not have that going for us in this city at this time, but attempts are being made in some quarters.

      There will be no improvement in local government without a corresponding improvement in the reporting and you can take that to the bank.


      • Low information voters and bad journalism may be partially to blame, but even the informed voters, including many of those frequently commenting on this site, will vote for someone who shouldn’t be within ten miles of a political office purely out of good ol’ boy politics. They’ll talk a good game, but when push comes to shove, they will fall in with their gang every time, more concerned with their cynical business networking than improving government.

        Others who have been paying attention will often end up supporting someone who has shown no application of consistent principle their entire tenure in office because they happen to get a few things right in the lead up to an election.

        Informed voters are fine, but they won’t turn it around. Only informed voters with principles can do it…but I’m convinced the general public is too uneducated, self-centered and irresponsible for a republican form of democracy. That is why dictatorship has been the historical norm and republicanism the exception.

  2. Weaver and Mosby must go a no confidence is just not enough for these two Clowns!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Who? being sane and in their “right mind” had any confidence in either of them? Yes I know they got voted in, but so did Mr Winnecke in a primarily Democratic voting town.


  3. Why in the world hasn’t Jenny Collins been fired yet? They wouldn’t need the services of Mr. Garrett if she didn’t leave the Controller’s Office a mess. Weinzapfel should be ashamed of himself when he failed to hire a competent CPA in that position. Instead, he took care of her after his term was up and now she’s destroying the financial records of the utilities.

    • Her term in office expired when the term of office of Weinzapfel did. But then she was moved over to Water and Sewer. I belileve there was even a new position created for her! We have Winnecke to blame for that.

      Lloyd, can you take the hint?

  4. The true clowns are the State Board people. They are taking forever to do a simple arena audit! Someone needs to tell her to quit talking so much and get back to work.

  5. I can so see Mosby rolling her eyes. And good for Connie lashing back! Guess nothing is going to be held back now that Robinson is not running for re-election.

  6. The City Council as it is now composed is worse than worthless. If they did nothing the citizens of Evansville would be better off.

  7. CCO, why the pass for Friend for not discussing his “mistake” in promoting Garrett as a CPA? Not a peep by him during the “vote of confidence confessionals” by all the other council members.

    Don’t you think since this whole flap orbits around his statements during the sessions when the contract was approved, he should have apologized for his misleading characterization of Garrett as a CPA? Oh, sorry, it was only that lost “was” word that caused it. Nevermind.

    Ask yourself the question in my first sentence above, project your website out 5-10 years, and hello, you are C7P. Slippery slope when you start giving people a pass because you agree with their position.

    • We have not given him a pass. This is not over. The most relevant issue at hand has been the competence of David Garrett, the work he has done, and the out of the blue attack on Mr. Garrett. Friend’s mistake in the big picture pales and is being dealt with that way. It will show up someday soon in an is it true in the proper context. Thus far it seems like Friend probably assumed that Garrett still had a CPA.

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