IS IT TRUE February 11, 2015


IS IT TRUE it seems as though one of the legacy of neglect attractions in Evansville is the Mesker Amphitheatre?…it was published two years ago that Dave Rector had made a statement that Mesker could be repaired for the paltry sum of $100,000 and that has some readers up in arms about why it hasn’t been done?…one must remember that this is the same Dave Rector who pointed to a small puddle of water on the floor of Roberts Stadium as a good justification for razing it to the ground?…that being the case there is no reason to think that his claim that Mesker could be repaired for $100,000 has any merit to it whatsoever?…while Mesker would be a welcome venue in the summer and could well be a better attraction than the Ford Center the cost to bring it up to current standards would most likely surpass $10 Million?…that is a paltry sum when compared to the $127 Million that was spent on Ford Center and we are sure the bang fore the buck would be better?…as much as we would like to see Mesker restored to its former glory, a city that can’t pay to change the oil in police cars has no business embarking on a $10 Million project of any kind?

IS IT TRUE the private contributors who have taken on the task of raising enough money to give the Owen Block building a new life have come up with a name for themselves?…they are hereby anointed as “The Blockheads” and proudly wear their blockhead shirts around town?…this is a group that we should all be proud of and emulate when it comes to restoration projects of historical significance?…we hope the McCurdy and the Jackson House can find the same level of love somewhere?

IS IT TRUE celebrity comedic newscaster Jon Stewart is leaving the Daily Show?…the Daily Show made a visit to Evansville back at the turn of the century when City Controller Russ Lloyd Junior was Mayor of Evansville?…the segment on the show where Evansville was given the name of “crap in the streets capital of America” was hilarious to say the least?…it all coincided with the now infamous Cher concert where Mayor Lloyd skipped a City Council meeting where the Combined Sewer Discharge problem was to be discussed to attend the Cher concert only to be pummeled by some of the Democrats on council for putting Cher ahead of the City of Evansville’s business?…it seems as though the contentious relationship between the City Council and the Mayor of Evansville has been around for a long time now?…when they fight the sewage flows in the streets and when they play nice the sewage flows in the streets?…it seems as though the only real constant is the willingness of Mayors and Councils to kick the can down the road when it comes to repairing Evansville’s sewers?

IS IT TRUE GAGE President Debbie Dewey is headed for a new job at Indiana American Water next month?…she will serve as the Vice President of Operations at the utility that provides water and wastewater services across the state?…in a parting statement she expressed the fact that she missed working in a big company while working for the small non-profit in Evansville?…the CCO wishes her well in her new position?

IS IT TRUE that NBC has placed their former uber-anchorman Brian Williams, on a 6 month hiatus from a job he has done very well for over 20 years over telling a lie about being in the line of fire in Iraq?…this is the same darn lie told by Hillary Clinton about a flight into Bosnia when her husband was President of the United States?…Ms. Clinton is now the front runner to become the next President of the United States and Brian Williams is about to lose his job as a TelePrompTer reading anchorman?…in a country obsessed with inequality this is the ultimate hypocrisy?…if we are so worried about a lie told by a news reader that is equivalent to a lie told by an aspiring President with a willingness to put her in charge of the nuclear codes but unwilling to sanction an embellished war story, we are one conflicted hypocritical nation?

IS IT TRUE that the last bit of information to advise our readers about today is that Joe Wallace, who is one of the editors of the CCO and was the founder of GAGE has been named as a nominee for the prestigious Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award for 2015 for his work in the Coachella Valley Innovation Hub and the establishment of the Palm Springs Accelerator Campus?

Please take time and vote in todays “Readers Poll”
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  1. We hold those newscasters that tell the stories “without” political leanings to a very high standards.
    Politicians at that level are just whores/gigolos to their lobbyist/donors that got them there.
    Political leaning mouth piece newscasters/reporters barely above this.

  2. Hypocritical nation.

    Everyone is in this boat.

    Posters personally bashing one another will hiding behind their religion values.
    Posters bashing one political party while letting their own slide.
    Posters bashing one sector of free handouts, while they grab theirs.

    Editor is having some fun today talking about the shallow NBC news anchor, and highlights Jon Stewart from the Daily Show in the same IIT….the best line of the week talking about puffery Brian Williams is this one:

    “Finally, someone is being held to account for misleading America about the Iraq War!!”

    • ….in 500-1000 years, they’re gonna be talking about the Iraq War, not because it was a relatively small conflict compared to WW1 and WW2, but because the President of the United States started a war mistakenly. (That statement is not saying he made the mistake on purpose, it is saying Bush was the #1 decider and in charge and led the US into war as a mistake.) Starting a war by mistake as part of your legacy lives in infamy.

      • Wow, you need to think about putting your “Crystal Ball” on eBay, it will probably bring thousands, if not millions as everyone wants to know the future,–suggest you put it in a safe deposit vault, or some Nut might try to steal it and post as you on the CCO,– and–no one would know the difference.
        Personally– I’ll be Dead in 500-1000yrs so I don’t worry about things that are that,– “far out””.

        • He didn’t, but at the time with all the flag waiving and patriotism going in it would have been political suicide to say no. Bush could’ve started dropping nukes on Russia and China and the ignorant masses would’ve blindly supported it. Also keep in mind he presented lies to Congress and the public.

          • Or maybe they had the foresight to see the trouble on the horizon as well as the belief of WMD’s and capitalized on the opportunity to set up infastructure to fight the evil that that is threatening world peace today.

            Of course we HAD that infastructure etc until our illustrious POTUS pissed it away.

          • Ghost, I see you you tiptoed and didn’t say he lied to Congress and the public. It’s amazing how those educated people were so easily influenced by flag waving. To think, a supporter of the war (Billery) is now the leading liberal candidate for the Presidents job.

          • @1cb: Reality check time. I think you will find it is the Tealiban, not POTUS, who is responsible for sequestration. You really need to understand that you are misusing the word “infrastructure” as it applies to public endeavors. Infrastructure is the means of delivering power, water, and materials within a country. You are referring to “arms and munitions” which are used to destroy both infrastructure and humans. I believe we are still by far the greatest military power in the world, despite the actions of the far right loons who forced sequestration. They did that indiscriminately because they knew they could depend on narrow-minded, bigoted dolts to blame the President.

          • Hillary voted for the war with Iraq, basically a political move that shows a lack of courage on her part. She is a follower, just what we need as president. I believed Colin Powell when he said there were WMD’s in Iraq, now we know he was really a liberal. If Hillary had of stood up against the war she would be the shoo in for president. I always like to listen to local liberals cut on John Hostettler, who actually voted against the war. To think that we had a top quality, highly intelligent congressman that was replaced by Brad Ellsworth is absolutely sickening. Pelosi had Ellsworth in her lap from hello. Any conservative politician with a faith based value system needs to be reminded to stay away from the league of women voters, they are not your friend.

          • Actually LKB, I was referring to runways, barracks etc,,,,you know all the things it takes to have a strategically located base of operations.

            I don’t mean to insult here but,,,,,,, GET a GLOBE.

        • Man Cowboy, there just ain’t no gettin’ around, the guy in charge, the decider, President Bush, led the United States (including the Congress) into the Iraq War on a mistake. That is history now and will always be said about the Iraq War.

          • Yes and then our current Commander in Chief pulled out and left the place wide open for ISIS. Now he wants to go back whereas if he had left a presence there to begin with, we wouldn’t have that problem now. We are still in Germany, Japan, and Korea but he had to leave Iraq unprotected. All those lives lost for naught.

          • Dagny, I don’t think history will think that part is important, only that Bush started the war in Iraq.

          • Shem – he didn’t start the war unilaterally. Everyone had the same intelligence and all the intelligence pointed to WMDs.

          • History has a very selective memory. It forgot our founding fathers (in modern history books) because they held slaves. It’s obviously wrong to hold slaves but history is not always as we would want it to be…it is what it is.

          • I-E, straw man again from you. YOU brought up the idea of creating a theocracy. I didn’t say that. LKB didn’t say that. Enough of that.

            The Tea Party crazies quite commonly use their religious beliefs and use bible quotes to justify their political and legal positions. Their reference of the Bible as a source of law higher than the US Constitution is common. THAT is the point. When ANYONE does it, like the way all kinds of religious zealots do to justify their positions, it is wrong and dangerous. You can’t do that. ISIS does that.

        • LKB “I think you will find it is the Tealiban” Tealiban? For you to refer to Americans practicing their rights of free speech under the constitution in a way that groups them with the mankinds greatest enemy is just ugliness. We can disagree, but do we have to be this ugly in it? I like you, but I don’t like when you stoop to that level.

          • Name calling is Laura’s trademark. I get the idea she really thinks she’s clever too.

          • I’m referring to the fools who grandstand in Washington, DC as the the Tealiban, not the everyday TP people. The problem is the elected sellouts who whore themselves out to the interests of the 1%, and run around proclaiming all sorts of ignorance to get the votes of the tricornered tin foil hat people.

          • I don’t care how you group them LKB. You are referring to your fellow citizens as if they were related to humanity’s greatest enemies because of ideological differences. It is just ugly to compare them to people who burn POWs to death in cages. You’re better than that.

          • I-E, that is a good and correct distinction. Still, it is also accurate that there are great dangers in advocating religious beliefs over the civil and Constitutional law. Within LKB’s words are that accurate distinction. Such behavior leads to wielding power and decision making based on a holy book, and not the Const.

          • No, Shem, within those words is an ugliness. While there are great dangers in a theocracy, I am unaware of any tea party person who advocates setting up a Sharia law style Christian theocracy.

          • I-E, you are wrong, and you know that. You are trying to have it both ways, and you are not being even close to disingenuous. The Tea Party crazies quite commonly use their religious beliefs and use bible quotes to justify their political and legal positions. Their reference of the Bible as a source of law higher than the US Constitution is common. Thin Indiana Enoch. Too thin.

          • ….I-E, more of the “we’re all equal, except some of us are more equal than others” from you. You’re a smart, insightful guy, but you’re wanting to have it both ways on this is demeaning to your integrity.

          • Shem, there is a great difference between expressing one’s religious convictions and cutting one’s head off over religious convictions. I am not on thin ice. Can you actually make any real comparison to the tea party and the taliban? You will hear tea party people calling for a return to our guiding Christian principles, but have you heard any tea party person call for creating a theocracy?

            No matter how you justify it, it’s just ugly for one to equate the tea party to the taliban thinking one is being cute. In the end we all stand united against the dangers of a theocracy.

          • I-E, straw man again from you. YOU brought up the idea of creating a theocracy. I didn’t say that. LKB didn’t say that. Enough of that.

            The Tea Party crazies quite commonly use their religious beliefs and use bible quotes to justify their political and legal positions. Their reference of the Bible as a source of law higher than the US Constitution is common. THAT is the point. When ANYONE does it, like the way all kinds of religious zealots do to justify their positions, it is wrong and dangerous. You can’t do that. ISIS does that.

          • Shem, “The Tea Party crazies quite commonly use their religious beliefs and use bible quotes to justify their political and legal positions. Their reference of the Bible as a source of law higher than the US Constitution is common.”

            So what? The founding fathers also referenced scripture in their debates and spoke religious convictions into the formation of our Constitution. There is even a blue law that exist in the Constitution.

            However, that does not compare to what ISIS or the taliban does. The comparison does not fit is just ugly rhetoric from liberal ideologues who are so lacking in a point that they must demonize others.

            But if you do not find ‘tealiban” offensive to your sensibilities, than that rest on you. I’ll still like you. 🙂

          • @IE: Maybe you should think about the offensive characterizations of us lefties done by some on the right. I did not suggest that the far right should be silenced. I am deeply offended that they believe themselves to be patriots and those on the left to be un-American.
            This is still a wonderful country, in which citizens are free to say all sorts of things that offend other citizens. If you don’t want to be offended I suggest you quit reading my posts. I will continue exercising my First Amendment rights for as long as I am able to do so, and you will be offended by my beliefs for as long as you continue to read them.

          • No, I’ll keep reading. And anytime I see a fellow American compared to the worst enemies of humanity I will speak up, and I promise not to pick sides on that ugliness.

    • “Finally, someone is being held to account for misleading America about the Iraq War!!”

      Except he was not misleading America about the Iraq War, he was misleading Americans about his personal involvement in the Iraq War. Huge distinction there.

      It was an excellent example of an attempt to deflect the reader’s focus away from the real issue, Brian Williams’ lies, and it probably works for the loyal viewers of Jon Stewart’s show.

    • OK, that is kind of funny. But then most were for the war before they were against it. Even the nobel liberal voters here were more concerned about gay marriage and abortion than the Iraq war.

      • So true IN – they honestly see those on the right as a greater danger to mankind than Islamic murderers.

        • They are both very similar dangers. Both are religious extremists. Cut from the same cloth, one worships Christ the other muhammed. They’re both dangerous zealots and need to be eradicated.

          • Putting words in my mouth again. Their ability to make policies based on a story book need to be neutered. I do not condone killing anyone solely for religious beliefs.

          • Ghost did indeed say that. No one has to put vile words in his mouth. Seems they’ve taken up permanent residence there.

          • Ghost, eradicate was your word. If you don’t like it, then maybe you should weigh your words first.

            We make our laws in accordance with the Constitution, and that Constitution allows for religious expression not the eradication of it through legislative segregation against it. The constitution is not an amoral atheistic document. You are free under the constitution to believe the Bible is just a story book, fairy tale as atheist like to say, but you are not free to write laws for all to follow based solely on what you believe.

            Your hatred of religion is renowned on this forum. Maybe if you were a little more congenial towards those who believe you wouldn’t have to swallow your words.

        • So, Dagny, how do you square adhering both to Christianity and Ayn Rand’s philosophy? I’m sure you know that the goddess of greed and hate died on Social Security, although she despised people who accepted even that government assistance. When she faced death, she overcame her hatred of those people enough to join them. She never got over hating all religion though. It is not possible to follow both Rand and Christ, so I’d appreciate knowing how you managed to accept two diametrically opposed philosophies.

          • “Thinking men cannot be ruled” Ayn Rand.

            I might add that thinking people cannot be tricked into believing the lies of a politician either.

          • There has to be a term for that logical fallacy, when because on ascribes to part of another person’s ideology he is said to ascribe to every ideology of the person?

  4. Does anyone really believe “News Readers” –are “Journalists”? —-Ha,ha,Ha,Ha, Ridiculous!
    The Term was Highjacked and mutilated by the Modern Media’s self aggrandizing propaganda, trying to suggest, the Validity, Truthfulness, and– MOTIVATIONS,– concerning the Media’s “work ethic” are admirable and unquestionable,–after all– they are– “Journalists”.
    $ure they are….

    • ….you’re right of course. The idea that a news reader is a journalist is ridiculous. The job is the same for Channel 14 news anchors as it is for the anchor desk at NBC.

      Williams got involved in telling “puffery lies” embellishing tales of his past exploits. The “American Sniper”…Chris Kyle…is an American hero in my opinion essentially giving his life for his country. But even sniper Chris Kyle wasn’t immune…he bragged he punched out Jesse Ventura in a bar fight saying Ventura was running his mouth off about the Iraq War. Never happened. Jesse Ventura wasn’t ever there. Made up.

    • I believe the correct term is “Talking Head”. We have several of them employed on the local TV “news/entertainment” shows.

  5. Sign up Williams over at Fox news. Lying is just how they do business.

  6. I predict Williams will settle his contract for .25 cents on the dollar and never be heard from again.
    Karma at work !

  7. I am one of those readers who is going to doggedly hold on to hope for Mesker Amphitheatre, because of all the great memories I have of the place. I do “get it” that the city budget is not going to stretch to $10 million to salvage it, but the idea that has been brought up here before of selling the Centre might be a way to free up money for a real, fun entertainment venue.
    Another possibility would be for some “open air heads” to start raising “seed money” and appealing to every source available for grants to commit to polishing up our “old jewel.” Surely the Nut Club and Franklin St. merchants would be behind such a project. The bars on Franklin are sure to profit from shows being held there again. I believe it’s too late for the McCurdy, but it isn’t too late for Mesker. We have a golden opportunity for Evansville to set a good example for public-private partnerships all over the US. Maybe we can quit being miserable long enough to DO something that makes sense for our city.

    • Exactly! If the Blockheads are to be emulated then the Airheads should do it! Why should the Airheads have to wait for the nevergonnahappen generosity of the city? Someone said on here yesterday that the Mesker group was free to fundraise all they want. But they’re not really. Unless they have the ability to enter legal contracts and spend that money on the Mesker property any money they could raise would be for nothing. The only person who could grant that ability to any group is the mayor. A public group should just demand equal treatment.

      • “The only person who could grant that ability to any group is the mayor. A public group should just demand equal treatment.”

        This seems an opportune moment to ask they Mayor’s blessing for such a project. We have a chance to see if a project outside downtown registers with him at all.

        • Is Franklin street going to be in the flood plain when we plug all the surface water inflow to the sewage system? Mesker is high and dry now. Rails wanted a canal for the city. Maybe a canal near Franklin, if that area has a surface water/sewage problem and put mesker on an island. Boating, drinking and music while getting rid of Blight, CSO, and out of state arrest on the ohio.

      • Baloney. If they raise money and present it to City, it would be spent at Mesker or held in trust until enough was raised to make the necessary changes. However, it’s dumb to do it that way. The City could do nothing but invest it at a very low interest rate until there was enough to work with. A private group could earn considerably more in interest if they invested on their own. There’s no one trying. They abandoned the cause at the $12 million price tag. There’s a big difference with the Owen Block effort trying to raise $200k. The City is contributing about what it would cost to tear it down- $100k. That is doable for the public. Now a real Mayor would offer $3 million in matching funds to someone like the Nut Club if they would take on Mesker. $1 million a year for every million raised by the WSNC, capped at 3 years. This would redo the stage. It would be a long term project, but Mesker could be up and running in 60 months. The ADA issues are about $2 million and momentum would grow as the money was raised. This would lead to people contributing more and more as it seemed more likely to happen.

        • I’m not quite sure what you read into the comment that made you say “Baloney”, but whatever it was, it wasn’t in the comment. It was merely being pointed out that without Hizzoner’s blessing such a project would be folly. NOBODY suggested handing over a nickel to the city. I am in total agreement with your comments about how this project could and SHOULD be carried out. Matching fund challenges are a great way to approach such a project.

        • The old Owen block building is big ole ugly eyesore, its years of neglected upkeep have left it a nasty toxic rat nest . Its a health hazard and a liability, tear it down and get real about usage and urban renewal. The people who want to save the dumpy old pile of bricks really should use the money they’ve raised to demolish the building and put the property back in to the revenue stream as something useful and worth while to the entire historical districts sectioned valuations.

          And most of all something that promotes section well being. That’s really easy our group has heard of some working solutions, those already shown as a positive improvement in certain communities around today that actually promote well being above localized crony capitalism. The people who shirked on the upkeep and tax revenue realization should foot some responsible bearing cost wise into the removal of the blighted old scourge from your communities visual presentation as well.

        • Am I the only one who thinks the owners of commercial properties like the Owens Block should pay for the Demolition of their properties? Looks like the city actually buys bankrupt properties from solvent owners and then assumes the cost of demolition. Does everyone think that it’s the cities responsibility to assume the liability created by private entities? Action should be taken on such properties long before owners abandon them to a tax sale. This property was purchased at the tax sale. The buyer of the owen block at the tax sale should be paying the demo fee to have it taken off their hands. The city should not have stepped in and put the tax payers on the hook for the Owen Block demo.

          • Nope, we were moderated on the subject, earlier. Good grief, the usage for the properties in that section would flourish further if someone sporting a little common sense would take charge.
            No way the publics dime should pay the way out for the idiot cronies that jumped in on that disgusting old toxic and dangerous to the public money pit. That’s certainly not the public revenue availabilities issue, its the “shirkers” that bought into the damned scheme in the first place.
            Tear that pile of junk down. You do that, we’ll show the sectioned historical district balances what can be done with an positive affect per the entire community, with that short valuation rat nest for now.

          • The problem with many of these older big buildings is that they often have asbestos building materials in them that can become a danger to the neighbors if these buildings are demolished before properly removing the asbestos from them first. Demo cost are huge when asbestos is involved. When any older building is demolished one should automatically assume that there is asbestos in the building somewhere. That’s basically how the State of Indiana looks at demolishing buildings. This and leaking underground fuel tanks are the major costs for getting rid of these brownfield buildings and properties.

    • elkay,

      I believe you could build a new outdoor concert venue on Franklin Street that would cost less than having to rehab the messy Mesker. Tear the old venue down, plant one on Franklin Street (maybe take out a few blighted buildings there in the process), and then the bars will REALLY see some action.
      I think new offstreet parking could be added on Franklin, and that would be much better than parking at Mesker, which was always a pain . . .

  8. The CCO editors correctly noted the estimated cost to reopen Mesker Amphitheater went from $100,000 as reported in the C&P on May 17, 2012, to new 2 phase plans with new buildings, stages and luxury boxes north of $20,000,000 as also reported in the C&P an July 31, 2014 . It is very difficult to understand how the “cost” to reopen Mesker Amphitheater increased 200 times in one year. What is the real cost to reopen Mesker up to code, but WITHOUT all the luxury boxes, bells, whistles and wish lists Give us the real estimate to reopen to basic code, and not estimates for a gold plated cadillac with all possible options that is simply not necessary and not justified.

  9. Concerning the Mesker Amphitheater, what the public deserves is a full accounting of the distributions made from the trust set up for the amphitheater by the Mesker family in order to determine if those distributions conformed to the directions in the trust document.

    There was no reason for local government to abandon the facility as they did, except that events held there would compete with the other publicly owned downtown facilities, i.e. the Ford Center, The Centre, and the Victory Theater. The abandonment took place during the Weinzapfel administration.

  10. W the lesser got up in front of the WHOLE GD WORLD at a SOTU address and said UNEQUIVOCALY that Iraq had WMD. PERIOD END OF SENTENCE. He did equivocate, he didn’t vacillate, he didn’t hesitate. He DIDN”T say a “our best intelligence leads us to conclude etc.” He said they had WMD, PERIOD

    Darth Varder Cheney had a story PLANTED IN THE NEW TIMES just so he could go on the Sunday news shows and say see look even the NY TIMES agrees.

    You can’t tell more evil vicious lies PERIOD END OF SENTENCE

    Over 100,000 Iraqi civilians died in our invasion and over 4000 Americans not counting the thousands who were blinded, and mutilated for life.

  11. Just to stir the pot a bit
    I remember GWB telling a story about how his dad had said “Hussain put a hit out on me … get that son of a bitch.” And the reason we KNEW about Saddam’s WMD’S was because we supplied them to him to use against the Iranians.
    Pot stirred. …

  12. Joe Wallace
    Feb 11, 2015 at 2:51 pm

    We swears you are right. We swears on the precious. Civic Center can look much like Mordor from a distance.


    Last I heard Gail was one her way down from Indy to throw the Hotel ring into the Bee slough.


  13. Smiling faces?
    A load of short valuation gutless worms. Both sides of the isle . Gutless worms. No wonder in the demise of the GPS spot. Not one of them knows the balance. Not one. Its all straight machined bull squat with not a chaser offered. Piss on that old junk downtown, live, people, and move forward , with what’s left of you………

  14. This crap will pay your “SEWER”, and water bill? Think again, never gonna happen, and the stink goes on. Wake the hell up! Its your money, hell get something for it! The rest of the Ohio River’s clean water balance might even appreciate that as well.

    [ əˈprēSHēˌāt ]
    recognize the full worth of:
    “she feels that he does not appreciate her”
    synonyms: value · treasure · admire · respect · hold in high regard · More
    understand (a situation) fully; recognize the full implications of:
    “they failed to appreciate the pressure he was under”
    synonyms: recognize · acknowledge · realize · know · be aware of · More

  15. 1countryboy
    Feb 11, 2015 at 10:51 am

    Poor speed reading skills, I stand corrected,,,My Apologies.

    It takes adult/man to admit he was wrong and apologize.


    And since 1country stood up and did the right thing I will also try to be gracious and say
    that I understand and agree in part to the outrage of ISIS/Islamic barbaric(to put it mildly) war crimes.

    However, I just get sick of the lies, and warmongering, the holier than thou flag waving, Muslim smearing etc
    Not that I any sort of Muslim fan, quite the contrary.

    What to do about it though? I don’t think it is necessary or helpful to smear the whole Muslim world with ISIS’s brutality. In fact we’re going to need the Muslim world’s cooperation in wiping out radical Islam.

    There is no need to lie and or exaggerate or demonize(calling them savages, etc) they’re doing a fine job of that themselves.

    We can’t ignore them but we can’t let them drag us into unending war either.

    I look forward to the thoughtful, sincere replies.

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