IS IT TRUE that Dave Rector made two site inspections at facilities managed by VenuWorks for the purpose of assessing the state of the maintenance being done there?…that VenuWorks manages 30 venues according to their website 10 of which are classified as arenas?…that we are curious to learn about who chose what facilities to visit?…we are curious about just who paid for the trips?…that we are curious about whether or not SMG or the 3rd candidate were also visited in other cities to put their best feet forward with hand picked facilities?…that judging the maintenance at Roberts Stadium that has a maintenance budget controlled by the City of Evansville and has been slated for the wrecking ball by senior elected officials is not a fair comparison up against new or currently valued facilities?…that we surely hope that the comparison of the maintenance performance of the three firms that responded to the RFP were done on a fair and equitable basis?
IS IT TRUE that the following is an email exchange of a water fountain problem at Roberts Stadium?…that Todd Denk of SMG responded to a complaint from a member of the Roberts Stadium Foundation about the non working water fountain by making Dave Rector, the man that Mayor Weinzapfel put in charge of the stadium maintenance aware of the situation by email?…that after a series of emails and a quote for $2,500 from Industrial Contractors that a decision was made by Mr. Rector to “ignore it for now unless someone feels strongly about it”?…that a member of the Roberts Stadium Foundation who complained must not matter much?…that Mr. Rector made a decision to IGNORE THE BROKEN WATER FOUNTAIN? ….that the email exchange is published below?
First Email
From: tdenk@smgevansville.com
To: drector@evcba.org
Subject: Maintenance Items – Roberts Stadium Foundation 12/6/10
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2010 08:53:57 -0600
At last night’s Roberts Stadium Foundation Meeting, they brought up a couple of items they would like to have taken care of. I said I would pass them along.
1. Water Fountain at Gate 1 has no pressure during games.
2. Lighting in VIP cases is not working. Said last year they had maintenance look at it and it got fixed. Not sure if it was a breaker issue or what.
Todd Denk, SMG Evansville
2nd Email
From: Dave Rector [mailto:drector@evcba.org]
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 11:53 AM
To: Luigs, Steve
Cc: Wzinn10@aol.com
Please have a plumber check out the drinking fountains on the concourse at Roberts Stadium and give me an idea on cost of repair
3rd Email
From: Luigs, Steve
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 8:50 AM
To: Dave Rector
Subject: RE:
Good morning Dave, an approximate cost to repair (4) drinking fountains $2500.00. The cost includes (1) bad compressor the condition of the other compressors is unknown.
Thank you,
Steve Luigs, Industrial Contractors
4th Email
From: drector@evcba.org
To: jcollins@evansvillegov.org
CC: tdenk@smgevansville.com
Subject: FW:
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2010 09:38:51 -0600
Todd had received a complaint about the water fountains at Roberts from a Foundation member. Below is the cost to repair. We were able to get some pressure in them and they are better, but not much. Unless someone feels strongly about this I plan to ignore for now.