IS IT TRUE? February 10, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? February 10, 2011

IS IT TRUE that one ranking source tells us that IDEM, the Indiana Department of Environmental Management has imposed a condition on the Highway 41 & Lloyd interchange?… that this condition requires that if any additional impervious surface area were to be added to the interchange, then the design would have to incorporate separating the storm drainage from the combined sewer it flows to now?…that the closest discharge point is somewhere on Pigeon Creek?… that this is a lot of storm sewer to build for one extra square foot of concrete?…that this alleged requirement may just be the tipping point that will keep the intersection from ever becoming a FULL CLOVERLEAF, as it needs to be?…that the mirror image half-a-job proposal made by INDOT basically does nothing but move two stoplights?…that a FULL CLOVERLEAF could be and should be installed by using everything that already is in place and by adding the two new circular ramps on the INDOT drawing?…that doing this job right would require some sewer separation work?…that this work has to be done anyway due to the EPA summary judgment against the City of Evansville?…that it may just be time for INDOT to choose to go for the FULL CLOVERLEAF with the City of Evansville participating in part of the funding for separating the sewers?…that makes much more sense than doing road work that adds no value that will eventually be ripped out to comply with the EPA ruling?

IS IT TRUE that the Vanderburgh County Republican party is talking with the following individuals to carry their political banner in the upcoming City of Evansville elections? ….that Shaun Short is running for the 6th Ward City Council seat?…..that nobody is being interviewed to run against extremely popular City Councilwoman, Connie Robinson of the 4th Ward?….that Herb Hatt and Greg Stilwell are looking at the 3rd Ward City Council race?…..that Bill Kramer, Lon Walters and Jim Braker are looking at running for City Council in the 2nd Ward?…. Dr. Neil Troost and Paul Abramson are looking at running in the AT Large race?….that Dan McGinn the 1st Ward City Councilmen shall run un-opposed?….that Brent Grafton shall take on present City Councilman John Friend in the General election for the 5th Ward seat if and only if Councilman Friend can survive a rumored primary challenge? ….that one should not discount the political genius of the Vanderburgh County Republican party Chairman Wayne Parke because he shall insure that the Demo’s will have to fight hard if they wish to keep control of city hall?

IS IT TRUE that the ruckus over SMG being shut out by the Advisory Committee in favor of VenuWorks has taken a turn in another direction?…that there is still not agreement among legal minds on whether or not the open door laws apply to the Advisory Committee’s recommendation?…that John Kish says it is legal but that other legal professionals say it is not?…that the key to the real answer lies in how the committee was formed and in who appointed the members?…that the question to the State of Indiana can be posed a couple of ways and that the answer to the question depends very much on how the questions are posed?…that there is some private investigation going on with respect to any influential political contributions or favors that have been made on either side to City of Evansville elected officials?…that this plot will get thicker before it is completely resolved?…that City Councilman Curt John has now taken up the mantle for SMG?…that more members of the City Council support SMG too?…that if elected officials were making this decision instead of appointed ones that we may just have a veto-proof majority of the City Council overruling Mayor Weinzapfel this time around?…that all good things must come to an end and that popularity is a fleeting and sinking commodity?

IS IT TRUE that officials of VenuWorks are meeting with our local elected City and County officials during the next 3 days?….that the reason for this move should be considered a public relations move on their behalf? ….it looks like they need to have double scheduled meetings with the Dean of the Evansville City Council, Curt John?….we are pleased that Councilman Curt John has publically declared that he has never received any free tickets to Stadium events and hasn’t accepted any political campaign money from SMG and or its executives?….we are hoping that Mayor Weinzapfel will come forward and follow Curt John’s example and announce that he hasn’t received any free tickets, Comp Sky Boxes for select events held at Stadium, expense paid trips covered by SMG, or received any political campaign money from SMG, VenuWorks, or either of their executives?


  1. I hope INDOT pulls the plug completely on this cloverleaf project. There are more worthy things to finance in this state than that waste of money project.

    • Okay, Mr. Railover, you got any suggestions how to make that specific interchange more safe? I mean other than hop on an imaginary choo choo train?

      • How could we make Evansville’s traffic systems safer? Simple! Add a lot more traffic lights! Not just a few, but thousands all at once! Hasn’t that been the general trend in Evansville, over time? Stop at a large busy intersection, such as the Lloyd and Burkhardt, and just count the signal light unis visible there! How would you like to pay the electric bill for that many units, in a single intersection? Sometime, drive straight on a road — almost any road in Evansville, without turning off that road, and see how many stoplights actually stop you if you are driving the speed limit or slightly under it, on the same road. It would immensely if the lights were timmed to FLOW the traffic, NOT STOP the traffic! But timing seems to be DIFFERENT for every light, so you cannot help getting stopped — repeatedly! Stop signs would probably clear those intersecctions even faster than those V-E-R-Y L-O-N-G stoplights! But, clearly somebody is making lots of money placing stoplights in Evansville, or you would not see the continuous rise in sheer numbers! Ask any truck driver why Evansville is still known as STOPLIGHT CITY! I personally know a few of them! Any time there has been a traffic flow problem in Evansville, the preferred solution seems to be, to add stoplights. Then to correct the numerous problems caused by those added stoplights, the solution is generally to add even more stoplights! It is like putting patches upon patches, upon patches!

  2. Is it True?

    Is it true that Curt John is a good attorney who has learned to parse his words carefully?

    Is it true when Mr. John says he “receives no free tickets to stadium events”, he is not necessarily saying he never “received” free tickets to stadium events?

    Is it true that city council members have received free season tickets to UE basketball and have received free tickets to concerts for years?

    Is it true that council members, including Mr. John, would be hard pressed to produce any paid receipts for tickets to events at Roberts Stadium for the last 20 years?

    Is it true these free tickets are worth more than a few bottles of Opus One?

  3. Given the problems with gift cards, Christmas parties, New Kids on the Block tickets in the past…

    Mr. John might just be stating a voluntary disclosure of fact. But is it possible he is tipping thick investigative journalists off to another salacious scandal?

    • Websters defines salacious as “arousing or appealing to sexual desire or imagination!” OH MY!!!

      Eville Taxpayer, do tell us more about the sexually arousing details of the Christmas party and New Kids scandals. No, wait … please leave out the details of that latter one. Bad visuals!

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