IS IT TRUE? December 31, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? December 31, 2011

IS IT TRUE that on first examination that the Johnson Controls deal that is adding $51.3 Million to the debt of the City of Evansville but has been advertised to be FREE since it is paying for itself with so called “savings” does not appear to be doing that at all?…that much of the “savings” is actually projected to be increased water and sewer bills to the people of Evansville because our old meters are alleged to be measuring incorrectly to the low side meaning that we have all be using more water than we are being charged for?…that just over $30 Million of the $51 Million that will be borrowed and spent will be for new and better meters that will enable the City of Evansville to measure our water use at higher levels than it has been so we pay more for water?…that maybe this is legitimate and maybe it is not?…that the City of Evansville should publish the test results that were used to determine that the meters that we have now are under reporting water use and let the people of Evansville make this decision?…that if we have indeed used more than we have been paying for that it should be reflected in higher rates?…that maybe a downward rate adjustment is in order if we have been paying for the wrong volume of water?…that we encourage the Winnecke Administration to investigate this thoroughly before going ahead with this contract which is by no means fully understood by the people that signed it and has a checkered performance record in other localities?

IS IT TRUE that the CCO staff and members of the “MOLE NATION” would like to announce that the “CCO AWARDS LUNCHEON” to be held at the Casino Aztar Walnut room on this coming Tuesday at noon has been totally sold out? …we are sorry that we couldn’t accept any additional reservations from interested citizens to attend this worthy event?…that next year we will expand this event to accommodate even a larger crowd?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer will be coming out with a list of the 10 things to get right in 2012 during the next few days?…that we are fully aware that things like consolidation, the state elections, the national elections, the transition to the Winnecke Administration, jobs, etc. are all worthy of being included?…that we would like to hear from our readers on what other items are worthy of being on the top 10 to get right in 2012 as we form our final list?…that we encourage you all to submit your entries to the comment line on this IS IT TRUE for the things that you think Evansville most needs to get right in 2012?

IS IT TRUE that there are four people that have thrown their hat into the ring to be selected to fill the vacancies on the Vanderburgh County Council?…that three of them are familiar as they are three Republican candidates for Evansville City Council during 2011?… that Alan Leibundguth, Michelle, Mercer, and Pete Swaim will be joined by newcomer Aaron Kendall in seeking to fill the openings?…that we wish them all wisdom and good luck in their quest to serve the public?

IS IT TRUE that the CCO wishes each and every one of our readers a Happy and Healthy New Year as we all continue to try to make Evansville a better place to live?…that in a short 24 hours the reign of Jonathan Weinzapfel will be over and that this publication shall never publish that name again?


  1. It would seem with the savings in labor from these new meters, the cost per user may stay the same….together now………..hahaha. His pain will rein for generations.

    • One would think that would be true but in the press conference the Mayor made a point to state that no jobs would be eliminated.

  2. Will you use the term, “The Unmentionable One” in place of the departing mayor’s name when a reference is unavoidable?

    Maybe, “The Spoiler” or “The Grinch who stole the future of Evansville”?

    Now if we can get rid of Tom Barnett and John Kish.

    • It is our understanding that Tom Barnett did not apply to stay as Director of DMD and that Mayor Elect Winnecke has hired a gentleman named Phillip Hooper to take over that position.

      • “Warrick County native Philip Hooper has been serving as senior project manager for the Indianapolis Department of Metropolitan Development. He will start work as the Evansville DMD director on Jan. 17.” (C&P today)

  3. this reminds me of the current Vectren rate case, pay me up front and I guarntee that you will save money. Let Johnson put the equipment in and then pay themselves out of our savings

  4. The water meters are read by employees of EWSU. The large meters 4″ an up have been tested by an outside firm for the last five years. small meters are tested on customer requests. If you think your meter is not working properly they will test it an provide you with the results.There should not be any “OLD” meters in the system. American water had a contract to replace 10% of meters a year. for the last 15 years.

    • Thanks GG. Do you know if the meter readers are solely dedicated to just reading meters, and how many readers are employed?


      • There are eight I believe, that do this job solely. At one time there were eighteen. This is one group of city employees they have been successful at eliminating. Of that eight some will be needed for rereads a to change out bad ones. failure rate usually 1 to 2 percent a month.

  5. The malfeasance of the Whiny-Zapple administration will adversely affect the taxpayers of Evansville for years to come. It is far more likely that we will be cussing our has-been mayor for a long, long time.

    And I promise you that for many years to come Democrats running for political office in Vanderburgh County will start their campaign speeches with “I promise you that I am no Whine-zappel!”

  6. Lloyd Winnecke: ” Ladies and gentlemen, the prior administration has left us with a project, signed six weeks before leaving office, by which the City will save $ 82 Million over 20 years by correctly charging the citizens for the water they actually use, which has previously been undercharged. Your water bills will go up, collectively, by $ 82 Million over the next 20 years just through getting the usage right. This doesn’t count any rate increases which may be needed for things like Combined Sewer Overflows. To collect this additional $ 82 Million from you, we’re going to need to spend over $ 79 Million in lease payments for equipment needed to properly measure your usage. If it turns out that some of the $ 82 Million can’t be measured and isn’t really real, then our savings will be less than the lease payments, and we may have to increase our rate to make up the difference. Finally, since the savings to justify this project go out 20 years, the meters bought in 2012 will be out-of-tolerance and woefully out of date/obsolete by the time the lease payments are finished in 2031. Thank you again for electing me as your Mayor . . . and I . . . really . . . look forward . . . to this ‘project'”.

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