IS IT TRUE ? December 28, 2016


IS IT TRUE…….. Evansville was not spared in Monday night’s mall disturbances that took place across the nation?  IS IT TRUE…At about 8:20pm Monday night Eastland Mall security contacted the Evansville Police Department  about a fight that broke out in the food court of the mall and reported that some 50 to 100 individuals were involved. IS IT TRUE…Officers from the City and County Police Departments responded to the call. IS IT TRUE  individuals involved were herded towards the bus terminal in back of the mall where some were placed on buses.  IS IT TRUE…reports were taken and some case numbers were assigned.  Also some of the perpetrators were released to the custody of their parents.

IS IT TRUE…that flash mobs in malls by a group of bored school kids on vacation, that causes the need for a police response the size of last nights response, should be the impetus for some serious discussion in the community, however, there seems at this point in time to be a local media blackout about this incident. IS IT TRUE….that blackout can not be allowed to continue.


  1. Speaking of local media “blackouts”, just learned the driver of the SUV that killed the young girl from Chandler is an illegal alien. Why hasn’t this been reported before now?

  2. It was a bad couple days. In another instance, an 18 year old was taped up and shot in his apartment. 2016′ has been a year of discontentment. Let’s make 2017 better.

    • Our business has been thriving for the last 4-5 years. Sales growth and team size increases. We expect 2017 to be just as strong, it’s gonna be a good year too. 2018…not so sure.

  3. This latest nationwide mall disturbance rash is purported to have been hatched on Snapchat. This sort of thing can not be dealt with by turning your head the other way and saying that they are just bored teens. What we have here are “networks” that can be used for good or ill. In this case it was ill. Snapchat has a long list of things you can not do on their website, perhaps incitement to commit illegal activity needs to be added to their, and other, websites.

    It would be interesting to see just who the Snapchat instigators of Monday night’s nationwide mall disturbances are, and to see if they acted on their own, or if they acted at the direction of others. It should be easy to track the activity on Snapchat’s website for that evening in order to see who started mayhem.

  4. Indiana State Board of Accounts

    City of Evansville

    Section II – Financial Statement Findings

    The City had designed adequate policies or procedures to ensure that bank reconciliations were accurate and complete; however, the City did not properly implement those controls. Three employees in the Controller’s office prepared the City bank reconcilements. The City’s policy is for the City Controller to review the bank reconciliations each month to verify their accuracy. Documentation of the reviews were not presented for audit. There was no evidence of segregation of duties, such as an oversight, review, or approval process.

  5. Barack Hussein Obama and John Kerry showing their true pro-Hamas colors on the way out:

    Kerry and Rice added that it was up to the Palestinian leadership to prevent “suicide bombings and attacks,” since Palestinian violence only serves to “damage the Palestinian cause.”

    Towards the end of the meeting, the U.S. officials requested that the Palestinian representatives ensure that the contents of the meeting were not leaked to the press, especially during the sensitive transition period between the two administrations, according to the transcripts.

  6. Dear Editors

    If you check with law enforcement, they have been suggesting that folks NOT publicize these “flash mob” incidents. Law enforcement agencies in multiple States have recommended against large coverage of these mall “riots” because they not only alarm people, they encourage similar or copy-cat requests.

    On the “flash mob” incident in Marion County in Indiana, one of the items mentioned was that the “flash mob” coverage on social media made the situation worse because people reported incorrect information regarding the incident.

    In other States the fighting and violence has been reported as shots fired, explosion and bombs, even terrorist activity, and the people in the malls virtually caused a stampede for the exits due to inaccurate information.

    It is not a “media blackout” by making an informed decision based on advice from law enforcement to report responsibly. Are you wanting sensationalism over safety? Why a rush to put these events out? I would rather law enforcement, who are responsible for resolution, decide when and where these events be widely publicized.

  7. agree CCO the msm should report when animals run wild and public safety is in doubt…………..there is not a law enforcement angency in the country that would not want this not to be made public…………what law enforcement will say no more liberal MSM fake news like hands up don’t shoot ……………..Law And Order……….2017 and beyond……….God Bless Mr. trump…………

    • You are beyond clueless. I’ve watched every major network covering local, state, and federal law enforcement officers trying to keep these types of events from happening. More coverage just makes more copy cats.

      You’re an idiot for not being able to see it

      • classless yet one more deranged lying libtard……………don’t report the crime and the animals will stop destroying civilization………..nope………Law And Order 2017 and beyond…………

  8. Here the deal also it has been reported that every police officer and deputy sheriff that was available went to Eastland Mall to stop the fight (riot). Next time the criminals west go to west side and do a heck if a crime wave. Robbing Shooting people.

    • OK, so what is your point?

      If you cannot figure out the difference in the deployment of law enforcement resources and news media stories, you should refrain from commenting.

      Even the main service online that posts updates (EvansvilleWatch) holds off reporting stuff like this to help avoid false reporting, stupid reporting, exaggerations, and inciting a public panic. The ONLY post that Evansville watch placed online was:

      Hearing reports of a large fight inside Eastland Mall.
      **All available units are responding**

      Now, after they posted that SINGLE comment the follow crap was posted “100 people at least!” at least, which is oversimplified by probably at least 70.

      Less than six minutes after the start of the incident it was posted that “Officers stating they have the crowd under control” The call came in at 8:48 PM, and law enforcement radioed that all was being cleared by 9:27 PM, which is UNDER 30 minutes.

      Call me cynical, a “riot” worth news media is longer than 5 minutes, and suggesting some nefarious news blackout is ridiculous.

      Again, the request to minimize reporting was FROM law enforcement to minimize similar or “copy cat” incidents. If you are that interested in joining us in emergency services, sign up and stand to post

    • Im voting for Trump


      You already did pilgrim. But get a load of this.

      I would have had to be drunk to vote for Trump also.

      But west side crime do heck wave people shooting will STOp in a Trump admin.

      Believe me 100% and I’ll even throw in a Ruskie….

      • You appear to have already been imbibing, Reg. Your post isn’t as coherent as usual. The last two lines give me cause to go….huh?

        • You are very observant disaffected. And right on both counts. Company had just left and everyone was jolly. Including me.

          I was making fun of Im voting for Trump’s second sentence and hinting at his imbibing but didn’t do a very good job of it.

          Point well taken though and determined to do better in the future. Later….

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