IS IT TRUE December 24, 2013

Santa Clause and his Reindeer
Santa Clause and his Reindeer

IS IT TRUE we open today’s column by wishing each and every one of our readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year?…we also wish our readership and the world at large a Happy Hannakah, Happy Kwanza, and a personal winter greeting of whatever each and every person celebrates a good wish for their own personal holiday?…we even offer the non-believers among us a hearty Heathen’s Greetings?…we prefer to be as politically incorrect as possible by calling each and every holiday by name and wishing all of our readers a great day on each of them?

IS IT TRUE we are watching with careful consideration the Republicans who are expressing a formal interest in the Indiana House of Representatives seat being vacated by Susanne Crouch to accept the State Auditor’s role in the Pence Administration?…there are some characteristics that the CCO would like to see in the next representative and among those traits are honesty, a life of not being adulterated by politics, and most importantly the ability to engage in cognizant thought processes that stand for something?…what we do not want to see is a person that is another tired old retread that has not earned an honest dollar from private enterprise in recent history?…we are sure there are several tired old political patronage types who will lobby for this appointment but we encourage the powers in charge of this decision to avoid lifetime politicians like the plague?…that actually goes for all political offices in 2014?

IS IT TRUE the Obama administration has now issued a formal, public document clarifying the following as its official positions:
1) That being subjected to the disruptive and costly effects of Obamacare constitutes suffering a “hardship.”
2) That an Obamacare-imposed hardship is sufficient grounds for claiming an exemption from Obamacare.
3) That individuals who suffer the hardship of losing their previous, “substandard” insurance, will be granted relief by being allowed to purchase replacement insurance that is “substandard.”
IS IT TRUE these implicit admissions are stunning, to say the least?…given that this is part of the administration’s larger effort to suppress the rising tide of negative Obamacare stories simply makes the admissions even more flabbergasting?…the administration has now reached the point where its defense of its signature, revolutionary health-reform law is basically: “We’re replacing your substandard coverage with our substandard coverage?”…that just yesterday it was decided to extend the time that people can sign up that has been the target that moved 3 times to Christmas Eve?

IS IT TRUE we above all wish safety and happiness for our readers on this wonderful day and will come back swinging tomorrow?…the CCO says Merry Christmas to all?


  1. We don’t want “lifetime” politicians,but we do want “lifetime” auto mechanics, doctors, dentists, lawyers, teachers, carpenters, plumbers, spouses, friends, careers, warranties, etc.

    Oh, you mean “lifetime” politicians YOU don’t want.

    • “Career” Politicians have brought single digit (9%) approval ratings of the Congress from the American People.

    • All of those professions for the most part enjoy approval ratings that are many multiples that of politicians including the President (41%) and Congress (9%). Perhaps we can make an exception for politicians with approval ratings above 60%. Do you know of any?

    • You are confusing “lifetime” with “competent”. If my mechanic screws up several times I can take my business elsewhere. If my elected politicians are incompetent I am still stuck with them until the next election cycle.


      • Then they will recieve a lifetime pension w/medical ins. included to compensate them for their 6 years “service”.

  2. Once I realized that ALL the plans from the ACA were POS & HMO I went to the only carrier in Indiana that offers a PPO plan, that was Humana. I then tried to buy their bronze catastrophic plan that was about $475 per month, read the fine print and found out it was for 30 year olds and below, ended up with their silver plan at about $700 per month.

    I wonder if they will let me change it now? This is some BS!

    • Bandana: Maybe he’s not packing gun,however in todays world he could face some other charges considering how the dude is said to make his rounds.
      In your area he might look into the Common Council getting funding for the elves and other specified helpers,to cobble him up a flak jacket,and swat helmet. Just in case, he has to follow the dog catcher into your cities 2nd ward.
      Might be? If he was allowed a cell phone,or other form of predetermined communication, The fella,could just call the EPD for back-up and save all the other fuss’n about.

      Happy Holidays Bandana!
      And,thank you everyone at the CCO for keeping it practical with the holiday cheer there,as supplied through your usual notable observations.
      UPS,FedEx,Amazon,and the Postal service ain’t got nothing logistics wise on that ole boy in the Picture.

      Ever wonder why Rudolf has a red nose?

      Its a wonder the FAA,or the NTSB has never pondered that,observation.

  3. I want thank the CCO for keeping us inform this year. You have given this community a true gift of Freedom of Speech. To bad the Courier and Press let us down.


  4. editor: Your comment “Perhaps we can make an exception for politicians with approval ratings above 60%. Do you know of any? One Answer is Lloyd Winnecke–over 60 %

  5. I would like to wish the CCO Staff and my Fellow readers a Merry Christmas!

  6. A 3rd party professional pollster conducted the poll.

    You guys obviously do not like it, but it is factual. You all need to adjust your thinking on how you evaluate our City. Mayor Winnecke is not perfect but he is working hard to make our City the best it can be. Most voters like what they see. Again Mayor Winnecke’s approval rating is over 60 %.

    Editor: Are you going to make an exception for Mayor Winnecke since his approval rating is above 60%? You now know at least one.

    • He just asked you for a link to the questions and raw data. Please produce it. I’m curious now.

    • Of course we will. Please forward that 3rd party unbiased poll to us and we will publish it. Of course we would appreciate the poll demographics, the size of the sample, and the name of the organization that paid for the poll to verify that it was both 3rd party and unbiased.

  7. Waiting for proof Mr. Wayne Parke Chairmen of the Vanderburgh County GOP.

    Are you sure it wasn’t the approval rating for Nick Hermann your talking about?

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