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IS IT TRUE? December 17, 2010


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? December 17, 2010

IS IT TRUE that Spencer County, Indiana got great news from an economic development perspective yesterday?…that after years of negotiating it has finally been approved to proceed with the coal to pipeline quality gas production plant?….that this project will create roughly 1,000 construction jobs for three years, 200 permanent jobs, and 300 mining jobs?….that plants like this are green and will preserve the long term value of the coal under the ground in greater Evansville?….that this source of pipeline quality gas at the projected prices will save this region money on gas and provide jobs and wealth for the next 30 years?….that there has been some legal maneuvering done to try to blunt the efforts to get this project started?….that each and every one of us would recognize the name of one of the companies that has spent much time and money opposing this worthy project?

IS IT TRUE that an Indiana based start-up company in the green energy business recently signed its first contract to deliver its transformational energy technology?…that this company has some deep ties to Evansville?….that this company could have been based in Evansville if adequate venture capital had been available during its development phase?…..that it still could if there were sufficient investment funds made available in Evansville for emerging and proven businesses?…..that we happen to know about this fish that got away?….that for every fish that gets away, there are hundreds that never even sniff at an empty hook?…that a fisherman that does not bait his hook will starve to death?

IS IT TRUE that it has now been 1,315 days since the announcement was made on May 14, 2007 that the McCurdy Hotel was to be refurbished into luxury apartments?…that it has now been 1,170 days since the Evansville Redevelopment Commission at the request of Mayor Weinzapfel approved the spending of $603,000 to purchase the parking lot.

IS IT TRUE that there are now 695 days remaining in the two years that the EPA had given the City of Evansville to present an acceptable solution to the Combined Sewer Overflow problem?…..that this plan is an expensive and complex endeavor that needs immediate attention to avoid the embarrassment and expense of another round of fines?

IS IT TRUE that exactly 15 days from now Marsha Abell will assume her newly elected role as a Vanderburgh County Commissioner?….that both Commissioners Abell and Winnecke have said that early in their term they will introduce and support a comprehensive smoking ban in Vanderburgh County?… that this move would not even be necessary except for the fact that 2 years ago a resolution to do the same thing was reversed marking one of the only such reversals by a county with over 100,000 residents in the history of the United States?….that going back to the future of 2009 is a positive mood for public health, quality of life, and economic development for Vanderburgh County?…..that the City of Evansville will have yet another opportunity to do the same?


  1. Just when we thought we made an independent decision… and stand on our own two feet on an issue.

    This paper wants to push us to do the same damn thing as every other community with “over 100,000 residents”. Just because.

    “Positive mood”?

    The louder chord that will be struck, will reverberate, “MISPLACED PRIORITIES”!

    Then again, I guess in twisted positive, if we need REASONS/ISSUES to help churn our politicians – this beats issues of multi million dollar facility boondoggles.

  2. Marsha Abell and Lloyd Winnecke should reconsider their announcement of considering re-appointing Mike Duckworth as County Hwy. Dept. Sup.. Duckworth did not have the background to run the Hwy. Dept. last time and still doesn’t.

    If they go forward with this appointment, will Duckworth resign from the EVSC School Board? He knows he cannot legally hold both positions at the same time. In the past, former Mayor Lloyd insisted Duckworth resign from the school board before he could accept a city appointment. He complied.

    Abell and Winnecke will lose a lot of the credibility they gained by opposing the Baseball Complex at Wesselmans Park and their concern regarding the use of COIT funds, if they appoint Duckworth, again.

    Stop and reconsider. The Hwy. Dept. seems to be running quite smoothly and efficiently. We have seen no requests for expensive, seldom used equipment, or for renovations to the buildings in the past couple years. The video’s of the County Council and County Commissioner’s meeting, being played on WNIN-9, do a lot to inform the public of what city and county department heads are doing and how our tax dollars are being spent.

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