IS IT TRUE? December 16, 2011
IS IT TRUE that it was reported today by USA Today that roughly half of all Americans have slipped into poverty during the recent recession?…that unemployment was not the biggest contributor to this alarming statistic?…that rising costs of energy and food were the culprits blamed for the financial decline that has left America with half or our people in poverty?
IS IT TRUE that Mole #11 tells us that a local semi-celebrity who is known for ignoring citations has reformed himself and shown up on time and well groomed for a court date?…that all is well?…that the Winnecke Administration is moving forward with the daily announcement of appointees today with the expected news that Mr. Steven Schaefer, former Vice President at the Chamber of Commerce of SW Indiana will become his Chief of Staff?…that the CCO congratulates Mr. Schaefer, Mayor Elect Winnecke, and the Transition Team for another excellent appointment?
IS IT TRUE that another dilapidated old apartment building is going to be refurbished by Mike Martin?…that this time it will be The Euclid that is on the receiving end of Mr. Martin’s refurbishment magic?…that The Euclid is a three story building on 3rd Street across from Welborn that contains 6 unique living units?…that it has really been a mess for many years and last had residents in it in the late 1990’s and then it was mainly a flophouse and drug dealing hangout?…that The Euclid was available in the early 2000’s for only $2,500?…that Mr. Martin is planning to spend $800,000 on the project and that the City of Evansville has committed to kick in an additional $100,000 making each unit slated for a $150,000 investment?…that this kind of investment will require each unit to rent for about $1,500 to cash flow?…that this is a tough assignment but that if anyone can pull this off successfully that Mike Martin is the man for the job?…that we wonder if this could have been or would have been done anyway without the $100,000 of taxpayer dollars thrown in to sweeten the deal?
IS IT TRUE that while we are speaking of the activity of refurbishment that the article by Joe Wallace that made a case for turning the McCurdy Hotel back into a hotel has gathered some responses?…that this has been seen as an idea with a vision behind it and that many movers and shakers have expressed support for it?…that one developer called Mr. Wallace and asked many questions and is clearly interested in such a project?…that another contact came from an investor with a love for historic buildings?…that maybe they will be introduced to each other soon and maybe, just maybe something positive will come from this vision?
The fact that over 97 million Americans (48%) now are living below the official poverty level can be attributed directly to the longterm and ongoing redistribution of wealth from the middle and working class to the top 2% of fat cats living on the pinnacle of the economic ladder. Another decade of this crap and the United States will be a model for post-industrial empires declining into 3rd World nation status.
So what you seem to be saying is that if we keep doing things the way we are that in 10 years the whole country will be like Evansville. Word has it that something like 75% of the school children from the city limits are eligible for free lunch and reduced price books. That would mean that Evansville is among the leaders in this alarming statistic of people living in poverty.
In the 2009-2010 school year there were 29,842 students enrolled in Evansville Schools (just Evansville, not EVSC). 13,198 were on free/reduced lunch plans. Not quite 75% but close to 50%.
I may seem to be saying something that supports your premise, but in fact the wealth that has been extracted from the working people and middle class people of Evansville, Indiana, certainly did not stay here in Evansville at the top of the economic ladder. It also did not trickle back down to the middle and working class people of Evansville. And what I’m saying actually is that if the trend continues on a nationwide scale, there will be no place in the country that Evansvillians can move without landing in the same depressed economic condition as what they suffer here at home.
That is exactly what I was trying to say but you said it better. In the third world the ones who find a way to get the money do not usually live near the people that they feed on either.
… and thank you for tying in the sad condition regarding the free lunch program. That is something that I hadn’t thought of since our kids are adults now. I need to be more aware of key indicators of just how bad it’s gotten in just the past few years.
The United States has gotten to the point where a family income of less than $45,000 a year is considered to be in a state of poverty. This state of affairs is due to two forces. The first is the meanest enemy of the middle class: inflation. Gasoline prices are abot 1/2 higher than they were only one or two years ago. The other force is the fault of the Messiah, who is doing everything he can to redefine the terms “poor” and “working class” so as to divide this country into as many perceived have-nots as possible beholden to Him, and the remainder subjected to outrageous levels of taxation to punish them for succeeding in life. This scheme is destined for the ash-heap of history, as the middle class knows who they are, and it’s not among his flunkies and followers.
Of course, and usual, your post is based on your hatred of the current President and your warped grasp of reality. But rather than engage is a futile effort to make sense with an argument, just tell me where you got your misinformed ideas about what level of income constitutes poverty:
I am also sad to hear of the passing of Christopher Hitchens: He was the only intellectually honest and legitimately brilliant liberal in the news business. Screwballs like Jimmy Carter drove Hitchens absolutely nuts, and for good reasons, as Jimmy was incapable of deciding whether to scratch his watch or wind his butt.
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