IS IT TRUE that our City Council “MOLES” tell us that City Council President elect Missy Mosby shall appoint 1st Ward Republican Dan McGinn as the next Council Finance Chairman? …she is also expected to appoint Connie Robinson as Public Works Chairperson and Dan Adams the ASC Chairman? …we can’t wait to see who Ms. Mosby appoints to Boards and Commissions?
IS IT TRUE  that George Lumley is trying to fix what is broken in Evansville with his “Let’s Fix That” initiative campaign? …that he wants to promote thriving neighborhoods by using existing resources efficiently and effective?  …that he is currently focused on preserving revenues from the tax collection (tax sale) process to provide code enforcement services?
IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville claims to have run out of money for simple code enforcement task such as cutting weeds and remediating trashed properties some months back?  …that in some areas the uncut growth actually blocks sidewalks?
IS IT TRUE that revenues from fines for these conditions that should remediate these conditions even exceed General Fund expenditures for them? …the revenues that should be used to fund enforcement remediation are actually funding other General Fund priorities?
IS IT TRUE that George Lumley recently informed the current Evansville City Council and newly elected City Council members that this is unacceptable?  …that George Lumley just provided  the CCO a picture of one of many instances that simple code enforcement issues are going unfunded?

IS IT TRUE we suggest that you look at the attached picture of a near downtown sidewalk that is blocked by “Polk Berry” weeds that grew all summer? …yesterday we noticed  there is now a muddy path around this obstruction?

IS IT TRUE you should watch for the video of George Lumley’s visit to be posted on our video section later today and the followup series “lets Fix That” features.

IS IT TRUE that our City Council “MOLES” tell us that Council President Missy Mosby elect shall appoint fiscal liberal 1st Ward Republican Dan McGinn as the next Council Finance Chairman? …she is also expected to appoint Connie Robinson as Public Works Chairperson and Dan Adams the ASC Chairman? …we can’t wait to see who Ms. Mosby appoints to Boards and Commissions?

IS IT TRUE todays “READERS POLL” question is: “Do you feel that Missy Mosby will do an outstanding job as the next President of the Evansville City Council”?


  1. Editor, I would like to add that I turned the pictured complaint in to the Mayor’s hotline when the vegetation was still green. I used the smartphone app that lets you track the progress. This is a handy app that uses GPS location and a person does not have to try to find a house number that often is not posted. I sent a picture with the complaint. This is not an isolated case. It is also not an isolated case where the city says they are out of money can not remediate the problem. Here is what the guy living nearby has to say about blocked sidewalks

  2. Anytime I see a tree or bush laying across a sidewalk I”m on I immediately go on heist alert and take the safety off. I’ll not willingly be fodder for a band of young toughs preying on the frail.

    Nothing looks worse than weeds growing out of cement in a residential area. Instances such as that depicted in the picture will be cited before the council when the next money grab comes up. Once your sidewalks are rendered unfit for hopscotch, it’s time to do something. Like fix them.

    • Bandana, We must be watching some of the same Westerns. They are even better as I get older because I don’t remember that I have already seen them more than once.

      • They had one on in the waiting area when I was getting new tires a couple of weeks ago. Another guy was watching it too and when one of the actors slugged his black-hatted foe I mentioned that the first time I saw that, probably 50+ yrs. ago, it looked real to me. It was the phoniest looking punch I’d ever seen, I don’t think there was any contact at all.

    • My horrible Republican neighbor actually cut back some bushes and branches that were overhanging the sidewalk on our whole block and raked up leaves that were blocking sewer grates. The nerve of that man! I am so grateful that we have a city mostly full of lazy Democrats who have the right attitude about this sort of thing: it’s not MY job! I am glad to see that Bandana realizes that fixing his own sidewalk is just the start of a slippery slope toward personal responsibility.

      J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
      Maximum co-coordinator
      Organizing for Idiocy
      Evansville Cell

      • Worry about your own sidewalk, ‘Lil Codpiece. I expect you to keep the snow off it this winter too, lest you bust your ass and try to get another settlement coming in.

        • Shovel my sidewalk?–hah, hah, Bandana, what a great kidder you are! You, I, and nearly all the other progressives in Evansville believe that exhibits personal responsibility and respect for our neighbors, so of course we don’t do that.

          J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
          Maximum co-coordinator
          Organizing for Idiocy
          Evansville Cell

      • Whew! J-Codd, dead center!
        The problem w/ B-Dana is he’s angry.
        At everybody. Even over sidewalks…

        • You’re a sick troll, Becker. It’s a shame freaks like you get get to follow me around, but I guess that’s a benefit of the internet for a lonely aberration like you. It must be rough on you. Fool.

          I won’t bother to ask what ‘J-Codd’, which seems to be your new pet name for ‘Lil Codpiece, did to make you squeal ‘whew, dead center’, I think I already know. Ho ho ho.

  3. Thank you George. I like your style. You bring intelligence, and energy to spotlight problems that should not exist in the first place, and to the “snegal” ways of local government which have been going on for years and are on the increase.

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