IS IT TRUE? August 4, 2011 Special Evening Edition


Nepenthe Plant

IS IT TRUE? August 4, 2011 Special Evening Edition

IS IT TRUE that in Big Sur, California there is a restaurant overlooking the Pacific Ocean that is called Nepenthe?…that this restaurant with its World Renowned Ambrosia Burger takes its name from medicine of the ancient Greeks that is a natural anti-depressant?…that Nepenthe makes one forget the sorrows of life?…that what the people of the City of Evansville need after the last several years is a heaping portion of this mythical medicine so they can forget the aggressive malfeasance that has been wreaked upon them in the name of progress?…that after a period of forgetting and forgiving it will be time to move forward in creating a place that anyone from anywhere will recognize as a worthy place to live and work?

IS IT TRUE that we wonder just how many calls are being fielded at the employers of the members of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission over the rotten fruits of their labor and judgment?…that we suspect that all of them are getting an earful from the public?…that they can end the pain and aggravation at any time that they wish to by resigning from the ERC?…that all 5 of these members of the ERC are political appointees of the Weinzapfel Administration and/or its surrogate the Evansville City Council?…that come November we will know who the new Mayor and the new makeup of the City Council?…that any and all appointees of the Weinzapfel Administration would be well served to distance themselves from the throne as Councilman and Finance Committee Chairman John Friend seems to be doing?…that the resume’ padding that is normally associated with appointed service may not carry the same patronage benefits as it has in days long gone?

IS IT TRUE that Councilman Friend has taken Mayor Weinzapfel to the mat and pinned him flat regarding the allocation of $160,000 to audit the IT activities of the City of Evansville?…that the Mayor wants this to be a line item in the budget?…that our recommendation is that Councilman Friend should reject the line item way of introducing this money and insist on this being attached as part of the IT budget?…that if it is a standalone line item that Mayor Weinzapfel may just pull the old line item veto trick and SNEGAL Councilman Friend out of his requested audit?

IS IT TRUE that a board member of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission also serves on the Evansville Historical Preservation Commission?…that both board members are appointed by the Mayor? …can’t the Mayor find at one other qualified person to replace ERC the member on one of these boards?

IS IT TRUE that it is rumored that people living in the Evansville Historical District are about ready to publically take on a businessman and real-estate developer concerning a dumpster issue? …many downtown residents are extremely unhappy with the Evansville Historical Preservation officer for not taking care of this issue in a timely manner? …the downtown residents are going to tell individuals running for public office their concerns about the lack of due diligence on his part?


  1. I don’t understand why Missy Mosby and Jon Weaver haven’t seen the writing on the wall, no matter who wins, King John will be gone

      • I hope your right blanger! Why did the Evansville City Council give away a lot of there powers to the Evansville Redevelopment Commission? Plausible Deniability Maybe? If I am fortunate enough to be elected I can assure you that I will try to change that. Why did I say try? I will move to change it but I will need support to right the wrongs.

        Where do you want me to deliver that yard sign to this fall?

        • Please, Lon, as a candidate for public office hoping to write legislation, it’s “you’re” not “your,” and “their” not “there.” Okay? I mean just for starters!

    • Truth is, I’m still waiting to learn who else is on Team Weaver. I remember him announcing the formation of Team Weaver right after the primary, but he only excluded the mayoral candidate from Team Weaver, and failed to tell us who is in fact on Team Weaver. Maybe he’ll release a position paper on the membership qualifications of the mysterious Team Weaver.

      • There never was any such Team Weaver, it was simply a case of him speaking off the cuff and making a joking referrence that if people didnt wanna be on a Team Davis that they could always be on a Team Weaver. This is an old silly bs thing that got way more attention than it should have.

        • You know Tom, when offered Kool Aid I always pass on the offer, it would seem to have a numbing effect on peoples minds…

  2. Will the song ” Dream Weaver” by Gary Wright be the theme song for Team Weaver ???

  3. There never was a Team Weaver. It was an attempt to lighten a tense situaton after the election. This has been repeated ad nauseum and is really not worth commenting about at this point.

      • Actually there was a hiccup with the CCO’s server when L was trying to post it and it gave me an error message. I didnt intend to post the same thing repeatedly. I know that we would never want to see a situation of redunancy, where people post the same things over and over again, keep saying the same comments every time here on the glorious CCO

        • That’s okay, Mr. Spin Weaver. Besides, redundancy in government would be even worse. Like electing an arrogant twit whom the electorate soundly rejected last year.

    • You can’t be serious. Weaver came right out and said he wasn’t going to support Davis and wasn’t going to be on his team. There was no joke intended.



      This article needs some proof reading.

      • While that is true on his statement. There is no team weaver or mosby or anyone. Look at how things are shaping up its a free for all, every man (woman) for himself.

        • Now, the truth has been spoken. No spin in that comment from Tucker. Just the simple truth. The current campaigns for mayor and council truly are a free for all, dog eat dog and cat scratch cat, and the electorate should take it for what it is. Regardless of party, elect the individuals who have the experience, attitude, aptitude, and personal ethics to serve this community the best.

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