IS IT TRUE we wonder why the Mayor’s Chief of Staff told City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr to stop attending City Council meetings?  …could it be they he is worried about members of City Council asking Mr. Lloyd  pointed questions about the Mayor’s overspending habits?  …it’s time for the President of City Council to demand that Mr. Lloyd attend the next City Council meeting to answer pointed questions about the proposed 2016 City budget?

IS IT TRUE  some members of the local Democratic party are talking about filing a “MISSING PERSON” report on Party Chairmen Rob Faulkner?  …rumor has it that Mr. Faulkner hasn’t set foot in Democratic headquarters for over 2 years?  …the “Missing Person” squad could begin their search for Mr. Faulkner by going to the Hornet Nest Bar and Restaurant in Earl, In after 3:00 PM?

IS IT TRUE Mayoral Candidate Gail Riecken should realize that it’s time for her to demand that Chairman Rob Faulkner, City Council persons Missy Mosby and Jonathan Weaver, and City Clerk Laura Brown-Windhorst to publicly declare that they unconditional support her to be elected as the next Mayor of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE At-large City Council member Jonathan Weaver took to the air ways yesterday and declared that he sees no problem with the proposed 2016 City Budget?  …Mr. Weaver declares that the proposed 2016 City Budget is just fine and dandy the way the Mayor has submitted it to City Council?  …it’s obvious that  either Mr. Weaver doesn’t know how to read a budget or his blind loyalty to the Mayor has totally tainted his objectivity?  ,,,we find Mr. Weavers statement extremely disturbing and  now question his ability to serve another term of City Council?

IS IT TRUE we find it entertaining that 2nd Ward City Council member Missy Mosby strongly disagreed with a statement made by an average citizen that part-time Council members shouldn’t receive a $20,000 city paid Health Care benefit package?  …Mosby feels “she deserves this expensive perk paid by the taxpayers because City Council position is a full-time job“? …we wonder how many of Missy Mosby’s 2nd Ward constitutes employers provided them with a $20,000 Health Care benefits package for working part-time? …all we can say about Ms Mosby comment is “are you kidding us”?

IS IT TRUE we hear that most City Council members are looking for ways to balance the 2016 budget? …they could start by cutting the $180,000 expenditure that our 9 part-time City Council members receive in City paid Health Care benefits?

IS IT TRUE here are some suggestions on ways that City Council can make much needed cuts to the proposed 2016 City Budget?  …Council could decide not to give our the city employees a raise this coming year? …they could reduce the 2016  City Budget by $8 million dollars?  …they could stop approving the funding of every “Pie In The Sky” request the Mayor bring to them? …require the Mayor and every member on City Council that voted for the $5 million dollar funding of the Earthcare project to refund the defaulted $200,000 loan back to the City General fund? …they could bring the functions of the Mayor’s legal counsel back in-house and quickly save thousands of taxpayer dollars?  …they could cut back the money the City donates each year to local not-for-profit entities? …they could layout any non-essential City employees for an indifferent period of  time?  … they could put a freeze on hiring any new employees?  …they could cut the Homestead Tax Credit back to 4% instead of 8%?  … they could defer or cut back on future purchase requests for Capital equipment for all City Departments?

IS IT TRUE we urge you to watch the way that a couple of our part-time City Council members “tweet” each other and friends during Council meetings?  …its time that Council President Dr. Dan Adams require that  members of City Council turn off their cell phone so they can give full attention on what being said on the Council floor?

IS IT TRUE we hear that a member of City Council wants to dock 6th Ward City Council member Al Lindsey pay for not attending 3 budget hearings?  …we feel anytime members of City Council make stupid mistakes their pay should be docked?  …if City Council adhere to this policy the taxpayers would save thousands of dollars each month?




  1. Aaaah. The Hornet’s Nest. The breaded tenderloin is my favorite.

    The CCO is making a point about City Council candidate endorsements. Maybe the CCO could publish a list of each of the City Council members and what their latest endorsement for Mayor is?

    • Don

      Good point. We shall take your suggestion and ask that question to all City Council candidates.

      Thanks for reading the CCO and your excellent suggestion.


  2. Everyone on city council should be there with the amount they are being paid for part time work I know I would like to make that kind of money being part time

    • Thomas

      Don’t forget that they also receive a salary of $20,000 plus for serving as a part time City Council person.

      Thanks for reading the CCO and please pass it on to your friends.


  3. That clip of Weaver that was on the ‘news’ last night was very telling. He must have been acting, nobody is that transparently lame.

    Sometimes watching our council in action (in inaction?) you’d almost think you stumbled into the Lonely Bar. Everybody fiddling with their phones punctuated by an occasional inappropriate outburst.

  4. Is it true the Mayor showed Mosby and Weaver, on paper, how it was easy to balance the Budget by just predicting more income. They quickly realized the mayor had a good plan and added a few more expenditures for their districts. There is just no cure for stupidity.

    • Sort of like former mayor Weinzapfel predicted/projected more than enough revenue than would be needed to meet the bond payments on the Ford Arena, when in fact the city had to scrape funds from several sources to make the very first payment. They had to transfer funds from the riverboat fund to the downtown TIF because the TIF came up short.

  5. Here’s a question… My Family is covered under the City of Evansville Health Plan because I work for the City of Evansville…. If my spouse takes a job which offers health insurance, the spouse MUST take that insurance, no matter the cost and/or coverage…. and MUST come off of the City of Evansville insurance.

    But what I read here – the part-time employees are covered under the City of Evansville Health plan? AND do any of their full time jobs offer insurance???


    • Sad it is. It is absolutely crazy to believe that Mosby works FULL TIME as a council member. She would be making $9.61 per hour. Seems unlikely at that rate of pay she could take two Disney World vacations in one year. Go to New Orleans and the other get aways she has experienced. Pitiful

  6. Mr. Faulkner would go down in history as the best Democrat County Chairman if he booted Councilman Weaver out of the local party.

    • Now you see why Weaver drives around in a 1999 BMW 300. If hw had any sense, like his sidekick Mosby, he would have two cars. Mosby now has the Hummer and now her shinny new Mustang (yellow of course) The girl has come along ways. Remember that she was suited by Evansville Country Club for non payment of her bar bills. Oh, maybe Weaver is wising up. Uhh, he says, ” need to do the Mayor’s bidding and a new BMW will be in my future” Uhhhh

  7. I watch some city council meetings through the online stream. It does remind me very much of the old sitcom Cheers with Cliff Claven and Norm anchoring the bar with their opinions, Woody, Ted Dansen, Coach, Dianne, Rhea Pearlman, Frazier Crane and Lillith adding to the mix. Please help me put names of council members on the Cheers crew.

    • Joe: It would be easier to match them to the characters in Snow White, minus SW of course.

      Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Bashful, Sneezy, the Queen, and the Prince.

  8. Faulkner, Mosby, Weaver. and Windhorst should get together and form a third local party. A “For Sale” sign could be their logo and the name of the party should be the “Gimme” party.

  9. “Ask Me no questions,–I’ll tell you no lies.”—–Old Evansville Politico Wisdom.

  10. What a selective memory you have regarding the Council members response to receiving a health care package. Doc Adams was the first to respond, saying it was hardly a part-time position, followed by Missy and Conor, yet in your blatant bias, you only singled out Missy.

    I am far more concerned that Congress exempted itself from the ACA. That is truly telling.

  11. Isn’t it true that a $20,000 health insurance plan should be subject to Obamacare’s “Cadillac Plan” tax?

  12. I remember when a lot of government business was handled at Park Place Tavern, when Betty Knight-Smith owned it.

    • How can you “remember” what never happened? You’re confusing memory with supposition. My mother’s record and reputation cannot be tainted by your cheap words.

  13. Where does the “$20,000 City Health care package” number come from? I’ve been on City of Evansville insurance for 16 years, and haven’t used $20,000 worth of health care the entire time.

    • It was published in the CP in their coverage of the 2015 budget hearings. It was just shy of $20k per employee. The last time I saw a number was in 2012 and it was just over $16,000 making the increase about 25% since that time. We have Covered CA our here which is the state’s response to the ACA mandates. I have yet to see a price tag on a policy of $20,000 per employee. We pay the first $9,000 of employee premiums and only the employees with spouses and children on the plan exceed our $9,000 benefit. The highest on is just over $10,000. Take that info any way you like but it seems like either the Evansville area is a very high area for healthcare costs due to a sick population or that the negotiators for the City of Evansville are dumber than a box of rocks. There has to be a better way.

      • Still doesn’t makes sense. The city is ‘self-insured’, is it not? They pay Key Benefits (or whoever) to manage the insurance paperwork, then pay from the city coffers after deductibles are met. Do they mean that the average cost per employee is $20,000? Surely the city is not paying the management entity $20,000 per employee?

  14. “publicly declare that they unconditional support her” What kind of Authoritarian government are you promoting? Has Fidel Castro taken Joe Wallace’s job as writer for IIT? What are the consequences if they don’t pledge their allegiance to Gail Riecken aka General Zod? Beheadings?

    • We are not proposing an authoritarian government, Mr. Davis. We will install a totalitarian government. You and every other subject will swear an oath of loyalty to Mayor Riecken and to the Democratic Party. You will obey unquestioningly–or else.

      J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
      Maximum co-coordinator
      Organizing for Idiocy
      Evansville Cell

  15. Has the Demo HQ in the Walker Building been repaired after the winter water leaks when their water pipes froze? Rumor had it that some geniuses in the HQ opened a window to smoke indoors and left it open over a weekend in freezing weather.

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