“IS IT TRUE” AUGUST 24, 2020

We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way.
City-County Observer Comment Policy. Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will be tolerated and will be removed from our site.
We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.
IS IT TRUE that a movement in the United States is forming that is mystified at some of the things that are stated as a modern-day reality that literally turns the long-accepted views known as common sense on its head?… Robert Curry has authored a book called Reclaiming Common Sense that dispels most of what is being touted as enlightened thought these days by people who fancy themselves as being superior to common people?…in this book, many examples are cited from people seeking powerful positions that seem to want to imprison the American mind into an apocalyptic version of reality?…both sides of the political spectrum these days fight common sense like a cat fights a bath and the nation is not better off for it?
IS IT TRUE that for the first 200 or so years, the American Republic embraced and was governed according to the study know as common-sense reality that came from a university education until sometime in the latter part of the 1900s?… Common Sense was a pamphlet published by Thomas Payne in 1776 that was one of the most influential publications that formed the mind of the founders of the United States of America?… Thomas Payne, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, the Scottish philosopher Thomas Reid and even Socrates himself would be aghast at some of the idiocies being passed off as knowledge on college campuses and political campaigns today?…if the people of the United States do not find a way to reclaim common sense, our republic may just go the way of the dodo bird to extinction?
IS IT TRUE that the responses by our state governments to the coronavirus crisis have been a continual challenge to those who actually think before acting?… Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York is one of the people in power who claims to be enlightened on how to manage COVID19?…this is the guy who decided to put infected people into rest homes and literally caused over 6,000 deaths?…many partisan minded people who consider themselves competent buy into his delusional claims of superiority in spite of his decision that created death from the possibility of a cure?…this defies common sense?
IS IT TRUE on the other side, there are many people who don’t seem to accept that wearing a mask will blunt the transmission of infection?…masking in a pandemic and keeping a safe distance from potential carriers is purely common sense, but plenty of people who think of themselves as having common sense do not believe this?…this is a serious disconnect with reality?
IS IT TRUE there are hundreds of other modern-day beliefs that defy common sense like having more than twenty races of humanity, official forms along with something like 16 genders?…things like this make this nation look willing to dispense with thousands of years of knowledge to appease the politically correct crowd that is, for the most part, the diametrical opposite of common sense?
IS IT TRUE Abraham Lincoln is credited with a story that drew upon common sense about a dog?… Lincoln asked a delusional academic how many legs a dog would have if you called tail legs and legs a tail?…after 5 minutes of trying to calculate and rationalize an answer the academic answered one?… President Lincoln calmly stated no, the dog would have four legs just like before because a tail is not a leg and an educated person should have the good sense to know that?…there are many things that crazy being bantered about right now and we would appreciate more examples in today’s comments?
IS IT TRUE in a situation where incomes and properties are not going up for the bulk of the taxpayers, the City or County will not see their tax revenues increase over the same period of time?…the result is a need to raise taxes collected by the increases in operating expenses just to keep doing the same things?… the City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County are both caught between a rock and a hard place due to the phenomena of rising prices in a stagnant economy?
IS IT TRUE in most situations where one is not getting any raises the correct action would be to cut back on consumption?
IS IT TRUE we find it interesting that many people are defining the way we are conducting our daily activities as a“new normal”?  …there’s nothing about normal about the ways we are forced to live because of the deadly COVID-19  virus?  …maybe we should start saying that we are now living a “new abnormal” lifestyle?
IS IT TRUE the City of Evansville still owes more than 3 1/2 million dollars on unpaid medical bills?  …we wonder where the City Controller will get the money to pay the past unpaid City employees medical bills?
IS IT TRUE with the combination of the Ford Center ($127 Million), the Doubletree Hotel ($21 Million), and the Indiana University Medical School ($57 Million), the trustees of the fair City of Evansville have borrowed over $205 Million that consume interest payments of over $10 Million per year? …all of this spending excludes bike paths, ball fields, penguin exhibits all of which adds nearly another $50 Million to the party tab?…the future may well have been mortgaged to the fun and games obsession of the present?
IS IT TRUE back in 2017, $600,000 was earmarked for the “penguin” exhibit to pay consultants to draw up preliminary plans for this exhibit?  … three years later we are told by reliable sources that the “penguin” exhibit will cost the taxpayers around $8 to $10 million dollars when completed? …thank goodness the Mayor has had several fundraising events to help defray the costs of building this exhibit?
IS IT TRUE when the government funds the building of an expensive capital project they seemly forget to provide the additional capital to ensure that this will have enough money in escrow to do long term maintenance of the project?
IS IT TRUE the City-County Observer is pleased to see that the former headquarters of the Old National Bank at 420 Main Street is going to be salvaged into a modern office building with luxury condos on the upper floors?…it is ironic that the iconic building that cost $5 Million to build over 50 years ago had been sitting on the market for $5 Million with no takers for nearly 15 years? …the new investment of $30 Million should be sufficient to bring all of the building up to a near state of the art with respect to energy efficiency, high bandwidth communication, and true downtown living?.
IS IT TRUE we would like to thank Noah Stubbs, Director of Communication for Mayor Winnecke for sending us news articles in a timely manner?
IS IT TRUE when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny!  When the Government fears the people we have Liberty?
IS IT TRUE our “READERS POLLS” are non-scientific but trendy?

Today’s “Readers Poll” question is: Are you planning to vote by mail?


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  1. Great IIT today. The un-funded health care costs have to be addressed and the easiest way to fix the issue is to remove the city paid insurance from employees, raise the compensation the amount of the benefit and have those folks head to the exchange to purchase plans. There is absolutely no doubt when health care costs go back to being an expense for the user, not only will that said end user be more prudent with those trips to see a doctor, but they may also improve lifestyle, etc. and begin leading a more healthy existence. If more people have to also use the exchange (O-care) the program may actually get better (less expensive). Also it would be nice to know who all is covered by the insurance program. Are council members who aren’t “full-time” members of the city work force also eligible for insurance?

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