IS IT TRUE August 23, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE August 23, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the 2012 City of Evansville budget hearings starting off with a thud yesterday?…that back when the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau was intent on spending $18 Million to put 8 little league ballfields where Roberts Stadium that there was a generous budget of $2 Million to pay for the demolition?…that when it was discovered that Corpus Christy, TX demolished a similar building for $1 Million the City of Evansville and the CVB had a bit of egg on their face for budgeting the $2 Million?…that when the City of Evansville was finally coming to grips with the demolition of the Executive Inn that the little hotel is rumored to have cost about $800,000 to demolish?…that the Civic Center propaganda machine was even churning out a trial balloon that someone may actually tear Roberts down for free just to get the recyclable materials?…that the ZERO COST trial balloon was a bunch of BULL?

IS IT TRUE that the Weinzapfel Administration is now on record as proposing a budget of $200,000 for the next administration to do whatever they want to with Roberts Stadium?…that the proposal of $200,000 to demolish it or to fix it up and use it is sort of a great big middle finger aimed straight at Evansville’s next Mayor and an insult to the people of the city?…that $200,000 is not enough to keep the water pumps running for more than 7 months, is only about 20% of the real demolition costs, and not even enough to repair a roof that is leaking from 3 years of neglected maintenance?…that Mayor Weinzapfel did not get his way with Roberts and that this $200,000 allocation for the next Mayor to clean his mess is nothing more than a tantrum being thrown for all to see?…that na-na-na-naaa-naaaa Rick and Lloyd is the sound coming from the third floor of the Civic Center right now?

IS IT TRUE that the budget proposal is to cut nothing and to raise the people’s taxes by approximately $10 Million?…that the tantrum continues?…that the sound is na-na-na-naa-naaaa Governor Daniels?…that the property tax caps that were passed cost me $4 Million so I will sock it to the people of my City of Evansville for $10 Million to make up for it?

IS IT TRUE that in the City Council meeting after the budget hearing that the Evansville City Council over the objections of Indiana State Senator Jim Tomes passed a resolution asking for the State of Indiana to make the meth making over the counter drugs containing pseudo-ephedrine require a prescription?…that the City Council furthermore asked for the ability to be stricter than the state if the state could not muster the votes to restrict the sale of this component of the scourge of meth?…that the Evansville City Council passed this by a 9 – 0 unanimous vote?…that the City County Observer salutes all nine of the members of the Evansville City Council for this largely symbolic resolution?

IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville was treated to another house fire tonight not three hours after the City Council adjourned?…that we do not know yet if this fire was meth related but it sure did look familiar?…that we think that Senator Tomes should be treated to the privilege of touring one of these burned out meth houses or even spending the weekend living next door to one?…that Councilman John Friend reported that in his field research that local pharmacists expressed the opinion that 90% of the pseudo based products that they sell are destined for a meth lab?…that if it were 9% instead of 90% that we may just be siding with Senator Tomes?…that at 90% this choice is easy?…that Councilwoman Wendy Bredhold said it all when she said that “drastic times call for drastic measures”?…that we could not agree more with our City Council’s unanimous position on this terrible problem?


  1. With no apparent Moral Center,
    King Weinzapfel is truly a “little man”.
    I don’t believe I have ever encountered a “smaller” one than this guy.

  2. If it’s true that the 2012 budget as submitted yesterday will raise city taxes by $10 million, then how much more will taxes have to be raised to fulfill Rick Davis’s pledge to the firefighters (to do whatever is necessary, include raising taxes) if he is fortunate enough to be elected mayor?

    • I’m curious what is it that Mr Davis has promised the firefighters? could you give me a little insight? the few firefighters I know that are supporting Davis told me their sole reason was the promise to remove Keith Jarboe…which shouldn’t cost anything…or is it not closing stations? I thought that was already settled with the current administration and should be budgeted to keep them open, pay increase to have parity with the police? that a contractual agreement yet to be negotiated. The only statement I’m aware of that Davis made was a generic statement about public safety (police & fire), it wasn’t directed at a specific group.

      Enlighten me please….it may influence my vote.

      • You already know the answer you seek because you named it yourself just now, and it’s on film. So ask your firemen friends to rerun the video they shot and you can review for yourself Rick’s exact words used to promise and raise taxes.

        • I really don’t know the answer, the only item I mentioned that would cost more is pay parity with the police, I’m reasonably sure that no mayor can grant that unless it’s approved by the city council and voted on by the union membership as part of a city contract with the firefighters. I have friends who are retired from both departments (police & fire) who’s opinion I do trust, of these friends they are mixed about 50-50 between Davis and Winnecke mostly because of their party affiliations over the years.

          Neither group can give me a compelling reason to vote for either candidate, I see pluses and minuses in each candidate and it makes me wish for a spot on the ballot that said None Of The Above! The last thing I want is another King Johnny and I’m afraid that Mr Winnecke is a mere Trojan horse for the same group of people, which throws me towards the Davis camp with the opinion of “can he really do any worse job then our current mayor?”

          It’s a perplexing paradox for us common voters who don’t have a inside track to the candidates, only talking points and sound bites to judge intent or an agenda.


        • How is it that someone who calls themself teapartyfriend is so in the look and supportive of Democrats?

    • dear teapartyfriend,

      It’s rather obvious that you have something against firefighters.

      If you would ask…..A majority of Evansville firefighters will tell you….It’s not about the pay….It’s about being treated fairly and with respect.

      We put our lives on the line for the citizens of Evansville on a daily basis.

      Give us a Mayor and a chief that has a backbone and we will give you a department that is second to none.

      • I have a great deal of respect for Evansville firefighters. What I don’t like is firefighters being gamed by a politician and his little gang of upstart troublemakers, and that’s what’s been happening now for over two years.

  3. When you have a Fire Chief that revels in the fact that he’s been/is called “the most hated man on the Fire Dept”,–long before he became chief,— what’s WRONG with this picture.
    Inspite of Keith Jarboe, We still can depend on a dedicated group of men and women even in these low morale times. 128 days to go.

    • If even half of what I’ve heard told about the fire chief is true, then I agree the rank and file are long due a change of guard at the top. What I would love to see is 100% professional leadership all the way up the ladder, and I’m not sure you will get that if we elect yet another mayor who is indebted to the politicians within the firefighters organization.

      • teapartyfriend,

        I also agree 100%!

        Let’s start with someone that is willing to listen to the people who know something about the EFD.

        Rick Davis has given an ear….

  4. I have to say that I am profoundly disappointed with any pharmacist who knowingly sells 90% of his Sudafed inventory to the meth trade. They sell hundreds of items in their store, and they can’t take this one item off the shelf voluntarily ? They can rationalize about ” punishing the honest people” by doing so (same rationalization as the Indiana Senate goofball who showed up at City Council meeting last night), but come on–let’s get real and weigh cost v. benefit. This is a no brainer in the extreme, as is the toothless resolution which will be going to Indianapolis.

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