“IS IT TRUE” AUGUST 14, 2018


We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?

IS IT TRUE at last nights City Council meeting 8 out of 9 members voted to relocate the LST next to Tropicana-Evansville? …that 2nd Ward City Councilwoman Missy Mosby requested that Council hold off voting for the relocation of the LST until she receives more information because she has some unanswered questions about this multi-million dollar project?  …we commended Ms. Mosby for displaying good common business sense in opposing voting for this issue at last nights City Council meeting?

IS IT TRUE that City Councilwoman Missy Mosby would like to know who will pay for the $3 million dollar bill to dismantle the boat dock located at Marina Pointe once the LST moves down the river?

IS IT TRUE that City Councilwoman Missy Mosby would like to know why all of the LST Board Of Directors members live out of the area?  …could this be considered a “Taxation Without Representation” issue?

IS IT TRUE that there is a fly in the ointment that just popped up with the Houston based company that is on track to acquire Vectren?…CenterPoint Energy just recorded a quarterly loss of $75 Million?…Vectren is a consistently profitable utility that seemly enjoys a favorable treatment from the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC)?  … perhaps CenterPoint Energy needs to put some of the gilded management team at Vectren in charge of teaching them how to become a more profitable electrical provider in the State of Texas?

IS IT TRUE Texas is, of course, a state where their deregulation is the rule of law so there are no protected legislated monopolies?… some of our readers wonder if Vectren is being acquired to de-emphasize competition in the energy marketplace?

IS IT TRUE CenterPoint Energy $75M loss may not be much in the big picture but there is one thing that the Vectren people do not have experience with and that is operating a utility in a de-regulated state so they probably won’t be heading for Texas any time soon?…we are told that the cost of electricity in Texas is on the order of half of what it is in the greater Evansville area?

IS IT TRUE after spending two years in Evansville, The Small College Basketball Hall Of Fame has found new a new home?  ..yesterday it was announced that the 2018 Small College Basketball of Fame Induction Ceremony and Hall of Fame Classic will move to St. Joseph, Missouri, in conjunction with Missouri Western State and the St. Joseph Convention and Visitors Bureau?  …that the Ford Center and the Evansville Sports Corporation jointly sponsored the Small College Basketball Hall Of Fame for the last two years?  …this situation is not only embarrassing to the Vanderburgh/Evansville Vistors and Convention Bureau but also to the Evansville Sports Corporation?  …we wonder how many thousands of dollars of taxpayers money was spent on this failed venture?

Todays“Readers Poll” question is: Should City Council have known who are paying the $3 million dollar costs to dismantle the dock at Marina Pointe before approving the move of the LST to the Tropicana area?

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  1. Surely the City was smart enough to buy the LST as part of the $3 million package so the LST can’t float away to a new home.

  2. This article just nails it. How and why the liberal medial provides exorbitant coverage of 20 idiotic supremacists at their “national rally” to somehow be “MAGA dudes” to justify the planned violence by Antifa mobs and to promote the non-existent narrative of hate by all non-liberal whites for all people of color. So sad these politics of race.

    The Best Friend Nazis and White Supremacists Have Is the Liberal Media

    “Did you hear about the second Unite the Right white supremacist rally in D.C.? You must have heard about it because it was all over the news. In fact, it was so well covered by the media that there were more reporters at the event than white supremacists.

    Can’t stress enough how underwhelming the #UniteTheRight2 #unitetheright group is. Twenty MAGA dudes walking inside of 100s of cops, 100s of media, and 1000s of counter demonstrators down F street pic.twitter.com/BQZBpn9oME

    — Scott Heins (@scottheins) August 12, 2018

    Notice that according to this guy, who does photos for the Washington Post, there were more reporters than participants at this wildly hyped white supremacist rally. It is also worth noting that he rather casually conflates white supremacists with Trump supporters as if there is no difference between them. Let’s break that down because it’s very significant….

    That goes right back to the comment about “Twenty MAGA dudes.” You see, their goal is to take events like this sparsely attended white supremacist rally and tie it to every Trump supporter, every Republican, and every white American. The goal is to falsely paint America as this racist hellscape where black Americans are in terrible danger all the time. That does three things that liberals in the mainstream media consider good:

    It gets black Americans to go to the polls to “fight back” against the racism.

    It gives them a handy excuse to ignore every conservative argument. “They’re racist. Who cares what they say?”

    It paints decent people who happen to be on the other side politically as evil bigots who shouldn’t be talked to, bargained with, or even treated as human beings…

    Obviously, these disgusting tactics are horrible for America. They create racial tension that otherwise wouldn’t exist. They pit ordinary Americans against each other based on the color of their skin. They make it considerably harder for both sides to have any goodwill toward each other. They even encourage racism by turning racist dirtbags with no influence into media stars.


    • Joe,
      You know….you display how insecure you are about being, and how much you fear being labeled, a white supremacist every time you post this atifa crap.

  3. Applause for Missy Mosby. She is the only one with any question about the LST fiasco. Once again, the city is trying to ram another unneeded project up our butts. 2.8 million dollar waste. Again, the city can’t afford it so we borrow and move riverboat funds to the port authority fund. Mayor show us the money and facts of 10,000 visitors. BS, and the ship was not even made here. What about 3 million to get rid of the old dock. Where is that money hidden? Thought the riverboat monies were to be used for, I don’t know, city vehicles like fire trucks and police cars. Yet, now we want to spend it on moving a boat. Of course, silence, what about city medical insurance debt. Never hear about that when we want new toys down town, but cry the blues at budget time. Like the Small College Hall of Fame leaving, so can the boat sail away! Especially a possibility when you factor in the non representation on the LST Board. Don’t see how that happened to start with. I mention the HOF leaving, seems it was not viable to keep it here. Gee, who could have seen that coming?

    • Mayor Winnecke is as full of crap as a Christmas Turkey. There have not been 10,000 visitors in years. The number is 8,000. That is just political exaggeration. The real reach of a dumb arse is the projection that it will double because it moves. That is just stupid. It ranks up there with Weinzapfel claiming to have created 350 job by moving 150 jobs from Roberts Stadium to downtown when the Ford Center was built. This is that same foolish Winnecke who claimed that the Doubletree Hotel would hire 800 people. The real count of FTE’s at the Doubletree is less than 100. Politicians don’t know Schitt from Shinola when it comes to money or attendance estimates.

      • They know……………they just don’t care………………etown is all in on paybacks besides it is the liberal way spend other peoples money while enriching themselves…………

      • 1000 of those were veterans who showed up for the free breakfast provided by Browning funeral home. Most old veterans are like most old people offer free food and you’ll have standing room only.

        • I get it you love Putin and Russia Newspeak.
          But can you stop trashing US Veterans?
          They give the highest measure possible for love of our Country.

          • My guess Newspeak loves it when General Bonespure makes his disrespectful comments about Sen. McCain

          • Need to watch Russia, 10 year old boys in Russia spent their summers training with Spetsnaz troops. Learning soldier skills, allowed to play with old AK’s. Our young boys are being taught in school by gl’s about the joys of same sex, sex. There’s so many problems in today’s military that the old veterans wouldn’t believe it. I was at Ft Campbell a couple of weeks ago and saw 2 young men, a lt. and a Sgt doing open air PDA. The Army is now taking convicted felons, all weight standards are out the door, about half the troops looked like an unmade bed.

  4. Exactly. Veteran, but I am not looking for handout from the rusting relic. Not made in Evansville. I would support a P-47, but that LST, go to Peoria, IL!!!

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