“IS IT TRUE” APRIL 25, 2024

We hope that today IS IT TRUE provokes honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address rationally and responsibly.
City-County Observer Comment Policy:  Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will be tolerated and will be removed from our site.
We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated. The use of offensive language and/or insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.

IS IT TRUE that it’s time for our elected officials to start managing River City like a business instead of spending our hard-earned tax dollars like a trust fund set up for only fun and games projects?

 IS IT TRUE that HOWEY DAILY WIRE recently published the following comment that we found extremely interesting?  …the comment posted was that $500M in regional grants awarded as Holcomb hits back at GOP critics: Regional groups covering all 92 counties will share $500 million in state development grants although none will get close to the planned maximum of 75 million dollars.?  …that Gov. Eric Holcomb responded sharply to criticism from some Republican gubernatorial candidates that his administration is imposing a “TOP DOWN” approach” to capital development efforts around the state?
IS IT TRUE that we are told that the working-class people of Evansville want to see more of their tax dollars spent on repairing and repaving City streets, sprucing up our city parks, and improving the blighted areas of Evansville instead of on multi-million dollar downtown projects?
IS IT TRUE that we are told that our elected city officials are planning to borrow 9.6 million dollars to help subsidize the building of an underground parking garage at the Downtown 420 Main Street location?  …that we are told that many Evansville taxpayers feel that the underground parking garage should be the financial responsibility of the developer and not the taxpayers?
IS IT TRUE that the City-County Observer is pleased to sponsor an extremely popular weekly “PODCAST” hosted by Johnny Kincaid? …that Mr. Kincaid recently had the popular Lt. Governor, Susan Crouch as his guest?  …that we consider this “PODCAST” interview of Lt. Governor Crouch to be the best one ever produced by Mr. Kincaid?  …that Lt. Governor Crouch was masterful in explaining why she has made “Addictions and Mental Health” crisis the cornerstone of her campaign for Governor of the great State of Indiana?  …that we have posted the link to the”PODCAST” interview with Lt. Governor Susan Crouch below?

IS IT TRUE that Mayor Terry recently announced that the State Board Of Accounts is currently conducting a financial audit/review of the books of the outgoing Winnecke administration?  …that any financial “Question Costs” findings that the State Board Auditing team discovers will not be Mayor Terry’s responsibility to address but it will be up to the former Mayor and his City Controller to address?

IS IT TRUE that several of our financially astute readers would like to know if any concerts and/or sporting events received any rental discount and/or total forgiveness of event rental fees at the FORD CENTER during the last several years?

IS IT TRUE that when financially responsible elected officials discover a large unexpected debt they would immediately cut their budgets and stop spending on capital projects that can be put off for another day?

IS IT TRUE that we are told that it is estimated that the Evansville Water and Sewer Department’s current debt load for the massive Sewer and Water capital projects is almost $800 million and increasing every day?  …that we are also told that the current outstanding debt for the City of Evansville is around $350 million and increasing daily?

IS IT TRUE that it looks like the days of a few local political power brokers controlling the outcome of elections like the “PATRONS OF ARGENTINA” did in the 1950s could be coming to a glorious end?

IS IT TRUE that we have been told that State Senator Mark Messmer a Republican candidate for the US House of Representatives is co-sponsoring bills in the State Senate that will provide some in-state tuition assistance and driver permits to illegal immigrants?  …if the above statement is correct we wonder why Mr. Messmer considers himself a conservative?

IS IT TRUE  that Vanderburgh County Clerk Carla Hayden plans to step down from the position in August? … that Hayden has served the taxpayers well during her time in office? …that the Republicans will hold a caucus to select a successor to serve the remaining five months of Hayden’s term?  …that the November voter turnout is expected to be massive? …that interim clerk will oversee the vote count in the General Election?  …that one of the names being talked about in Republican circles to replace Ms. HaYDEN is none other than the former County Clerk Marsha Abell?

IS IT TRUE we have been told that our newly appointed Chief Of Police, Phil Smith is doing a credible job?

IS IT TRUE that Carol Coudret, Environmental Health Specialist for the Vanderburgh County Health Department is doing a credible job in keeping our readers informed concerning the important happening at the Health Department?

IS IT TRUE that Kalah Hirsch, Records Specialist, and Asst. IDACS Coordinator for the Evansville Police Department is doing a credible job in providing us with the daily EPD Activity Report on time.

IS IT TRUE when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny and when the
the government fears the people we have Liberty!
Our publisher is at home and doing better after he had a freak accident on January 29, 2024. He’s now receiving Rehab therapy 5 days a week.  It looks like he will have to continue to rely on his family, and friends to publish the City-County Observer for a while.  We would also like to thank the many CCO readers for their prayers of healing for Ron.
 Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled OBITUARIES, BIRTHDAYS, posted in our daily online paper.
Oh, you now can subscribe to the CCO daily online or pick up our monthly printed papers at convenient locations in Evansville at no cost.
If you would like to advertise in the CCO please get in touch with us City-County Observer@live.com.



  1. Mr. Messmer has indeed co-sponsored the bills referenced, but on his campaign ads he yells “Deport them!”. One wonders how he balances one thing with the opposite statement. The co-sponsoring is provable, the other is not.


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