IS IT TRUE seven (7) Vanderburgh County Judges will hear the residency ordinance oral arguments on April 23, 2015 involving the Winnecke Administration and City Council?….the Honorable Judge Margaret Lloyd recused herself due to her brother Russ being an active employee for the Winnecke Administration in the position of City Controller?….that the Honorable Senior Judge Carl Heldt will take her place? …. that the Honorable Judge Leslie Shively, who ran unopposed for a Superior Court position in 2014, was previously appointed to the position effective March 31, 2013 is doing an outstanding job? …it has been brought to our attention that Judge Shively has donated substantial funds to Lloyd Winnecke’s campaign both as a judge and a private citizen? …that documents show that Judge Shively before taking office in what is to be a nonpartisan position as judge, donated to Winnecke personally and through his law practice? …since becoming a judge, Shively has donated to Winnecke personally and through his Committee to Elect Judge Shively? …we respectfully question if Judge Shively should also recuse himself from hearing oral arguments in the residency case, as he is overt supporter of the Winnecke Administration? …we want the people of Evansville to have not only receive an actual fair and impartial process on this issue, but also the appearance of one?….the standard for judges is to act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence of independence, integrity and impartiality, and to avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety? …there are no other judges who have donated personally to Winnecke. …we hope the Honorable Judge Leslie Shively will give thought to the issue of this potential conflict of interest given his track record of striving for, and apparently achieving, judicial excellence since taking the bench?

IS IT TRUE there is now no law prohibiting local governments from adopting wage based regulations at the local level? …if the City of Evansville adopt a new prevailing wage ordinance similar to the States new law we could save between 20% to 25% on the Hotel and Medical projects?

IS IT TRUE we checked the Indiana Secretary of State web site and notice the Winnecke administration apparently didn’t file a UCC (Uniformed Commercial Code) document with the State? … this means that any assets inside of Earthcare, Inc. was NOT used to secure the $200,000 loan to the city?

IS IT TRUE Fourth Ward City Councilwoman Constance Robinson had what she referred to as a work emergency and failed to participate in the question and answer session with her opponent David Ballard on Tri-State Voices?….although it appears the 20 year incumbent is taking her opponent seriously, we question the seriousness of Mr. Ballard as an opponent?…. Mr. Ballard has stated and distributed information that he is a probation officer with the Juvenile Court, but this is not the case?….Mr. Ballard is a contract employee that works 10-15 hours a week doing intake for the actual probation officers?…his job entails filling out a questionnaire with new probationers for the real probation officers to use in overseeing the juvenile? …Mr. Ballard stated if elected he would work full-time as a City Councilperson, and we now understand why?….the $19,000 that the position pays would be a dramatic increase in pay for the young man?….people running for office are tasked with making decisions as to how tax payer dollars are spent and honesty is an essential quality?…we question the honesty of Mr. Ballard’s resume?…we also question what appears to a be a moving stance of Mr. Ballard on ShotSpotter?…in his interview with Tri-State Voices, he spoke in favor of the measure, however in his interview with the Courier & Press he changed his tune?…perhaps Mr. Ballard, who has been away from Evansville since he was 18 and just returned in late 2013, is having his positions told to him by someone who actually knows the Fourth Ward?

IS IT TRUE that our property taxes have been raised for 2014 (payable in 2015)?….one should take a look at their property tax bill that they received last week to confirm?….for those who have their taxes escrowed and do not receive a bill, a visit to the Vanderburgh County Assessor’s website ( will provide the information?….the tax rate for 2013 (payable 2014) was 3.2938?….the tax rate for 2014 (payable 2015) was 3.3955?…. City Controller Russ Lloyd stated during the budget hearings in August of 2014 that the tax rate would not be higher but property values would increase thereby creating a higher assessment?…for many people this have proven to be untrue?…..the opposite has happened?….property values have been largely the same, so the tax was increased?….for some the property value went up and the tax rate?….we are curious to know the amount lost to the City and County based on property tax caps?….during the consolidation fight, the number floating around was that the majority of residents in the County had not hit their cap?….we would like to know what the percentage is now?

IS IT TRUE Courier & Press Editor Tim Ethridge used his Sunday column once again to criticize City Council member for asking questions about deficit spending and whether the Administration had a spending plan?….Ethridge actually applauded the fact the City may not be filling open positions and lamented the fact that personnel is the biggest expense?…he wrote in rebuking City Councilwoman Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley for questioning whether the City was in a defacto hiring freeze, “It’s not a pleasant choice, but if someone seeking a permit has to wait another three minutes because you’re leaving a position dark to save money, that is not a terrible trade-off.?”….we wonder if Mr. Ethridge bothered to ask any questions himself before lauding the lack of hiring?….we wonder if Mr. Etheridge is aware the Building Commission is three positions short currently?…the silly, little department that responds to complaints about dangerous structures, trash and weeds and also tracks the thousands of empty commercial and residential structures is lacking an Assistant Director, a Projects Manager and Community Liaison position?… Mr. Ethridge may recall the position created for Rose Young that was supposed to help businesses cut through the red tape of getting approval for investment and development?….could it be that the position was never necessary?….do businesses wanting to invest in their property suffer without this position that has been empty for nearly six months?…does an Assistant Director have no job duties?….are there no projects to manage?



  1. To achieve those savings, those projects must be one heck of a labor intense, non-material project.

    Will we see a big jump in business for these “labor ready” businesses that charge the business needing the
    help “x” amount, who in return only pay the help only half or two thirds, and pocketing the rest?

    Will we see a drop in architects fees/profits for these projects beings it is based on a percentage of the total cost of project?

    Will we see a jump in construction companies percentage of profit with this issue?

    Will we likely see many more out of town auto plates plying our local roadways?

    Will we see the construction unions wake up and jerk every red cent out of the republican

    Questions, questions, questions!

    • The unions won’t have a red cent to jerk out of the conservative coffers. The conservatives have effectively reduced the amount the unions can donate to democrats coffers, so it’s a wash. The reduced amount union workers receive can now go toward helping the 5 million new Obama immigrants find employment in the construction industry. The fact that Obama got elected a 2nd time with great support from unions tells me the unions will never wake up because there won’t be anything to wake up to. Unions are going the way of the pony express and the horse watering trough that used to be over by the Willard library. The train has left the station.

  2. Farmland out this way has hit the 96% of it’s 2% cap.
    Homes around the 60% of it’s 1% cap.

    Wondering what the percentage is for those who are suppose to be in that 3% bracket?

    Wonder what total amount in property tax being billed this year, compared to last year?

    One must remember that Old National bank achieved a million dollar freebee
    which in return must be pass on to everyone else to pay. (still thinking that this was
    a deal worked out with local government so it appeared that ONB was giving money towards
    the hotel deal)

  3. Cities are prohibited from passing local wage ordinances under the new law. The lowest bidder will prevail.
    Of course there was no property put up for the Earthcare loan. There wasn’t anything to leverage. The bond bank is specifically for high risk loans. The issue with the 200k is the Winnecke Administration did it with only Dewey’s vetting skills and hid it for months.

    • Random, Vectren people vetted it and don’t forget some council persons were pushing for it.

  4. No Off-Topic forum found, plunging ahead !

    Topic: City Council at-large candidates, Democratic Primary
    Source: Evansville newspaper Monday, 4/20

    Second straight day, good article on this race. Subject: Sidewalks

    Highest Ranking–goes to Alex Burton (2 quotes):

    “Does it make sense for the city to take care of a certain area or qualifying to a certain income level”; ” Are they the only ones who should qualify for this program” (program is a cost-sharing program where the City repairs the sidewalks, and the homeowners pay up to half of the money back over 10 years).

    “We want to become this great place that everybody wants to be, but until we take care of the streets and the sidewalks and the sewers and the basic things, we can’t progress at a level that–we won’t have a strong foundation. We can’t apply the icing if we haven’t even baked the cake first, and to me that cake hasn’t been baked”.

    Best of the worst–Dan Adams:

    “Sidewalks–you’d love to be able to take care of sidewalks, but we don’t have $ 10 million to spend just on sidewalks”; We’ve got to make sure the police and firemen are adequately trained and got equipment. But I think we do a pretty good job”. Comment by foxy: ” a pretty good job” at sidewalks–really ???

    Second to worst: Conor O’Daniel:

    The reason funding sidewalk repair and replacement is a challenge, O’Daniel said, is that it isn’t “sexy”. The issue just doesn’t resonate for many policymakers and community leaders, said O’Daniel, a 44 year old attorney.

    Worst of the worst: Jonathan Weaver:

    Weaver, a 40-year old realtor, disputed the notion that cost-sharing excludes the poor. He called the program ” the best option I’ve heard to this point”. Comment from foxy: If the cost of a linear foot of sidewalk is the same for a rich person and a poor person, and each is going to pay 1/2 back over 10 years, who will bear the hardship ?

    • Never mind Weaver’s ignorance, he has both parties determined to save his job regardless of his ineffectiveness. Anybody that entrenched with the cronie system HAS to go. Parks instructing “loyal” repugs to vote for Weaver should be a sign. Realtors make the worst representatives in my opinion, almost always a conflict of interest.

    • I heard Burton speak. Oh, to be 26 again. It was so simple. If we just elect him, City Council and the Mayor’s office will work out a shared agenda that places needs over wants. I left thinking he was bright but not ready for prime time. What does he think everyone else who got elected wanted? What’s the answer when the Mayor’s office doesn’t agree with your agenda, which you believe places needs over wants? He has nothing but platitudes to put forward and no real solutions. The reality is that Republicans tend to think the economy is grown by investing in business. Party platform Democrats believe the economy is grown by investing in people. The rift in the Democratic party is about ideology. Some of our Democrats agree with the Republicans and the others are more traditional. As much as people like to put faces on disputes, it’s never been about people. It’s been a war of ideas for the last 5 years. With dwindling resources, the arguing over where to put the money will only increase. It’s not indicative of government that doesn’t work. It’s indicative of the debate over exactly what a want or need entails. Government has always been ugly. Someone or some group is going to have to win this war though, so the community can move forward. I would like to see the focus be on investment in our people.

      • I agree, a 26 year old is by definition naive and has evolving positions on matters. I do believe we need younger people to counterbalance old fossils like Adams (75 years old). Also, we need to get Weaver out–he can’t even figure out that poor people will struggle more paying 1/2 of their sidewalk repairs over 10 years vs. rich people ! One naive 26 year old man, thusly elected, solves both problems (age and anti-beaver).

  5. I’m not sure Rose Young has improved the process for businesses to cut through the red tape of getting approval for investment and development. I heard (2nd or 3rd hand, so might not be true) that the guy that opened the fast food Mexican restaurant on 1st Ave planned on opening 2 or 3 more around the city. After all the B.S. he had to go through on his first location, he decided not to open any more in Evansville.

  6. There is no collateral for the $200,000 Earthcare Energy loan because hopes, dreams, bluster, bullcrap, and cronyism are not qualified as collateral.

    The claim by the city attorney that Earthcare still owes the city $200,000 may be technically true. The problem is that there is no way to recover anything with a company that is dissolved and a guarantor whose obligations are eliminated by a bankruptcy judge.

    Of course it will show on their credit report for the next four years (7 years after last payment). I am sure this really concerns them. NOT

    • I don’t think there was ever a personal guarantee. The Bond Bank is set up for high risk loans. The loan was to the LLC, which is now gone. I don’t think Haney had an real obligation to list it in his personal bankruptcy but every contingency would be listed just to be safe. The bankruptcy will show up for 10 years. The rest of principals have no penalty.

    • I still maintain this was a local political payback scheme that went afoul because SBR was not political astute enough to play dumb. I think she has pretty well fallen in line with her party’s line. The 9-0 vote on the water meters was the first indicator of this. That said, I have to appreciate her bringing this scheme to light without her input this was a done deal with a 5 million dollar price tag versus 200 thousand. There’s no other politician in this city that can lay claim to saving the taxpayers 4.8 million dollars. Prime example of let no good deed go unpunished.

  7. So Judge Heldt is now on the panel because he is non partisan. He was appointed to the bench by Evan Bayh when Young went federal. I guess the liberal democrat Bayh appointed him because he was a republican or because he and his family had given many years of grassroot support to the democrat party. Mostly hit pieces today.

    • One has to appreciate the last sentence of the Judge Shively hit where the writer, who doubts the judge can be impartial and make his ruling according to law, says the judge has apparently achieved “judicial excellence” since taking the bench.

      How can anything this blog posts be taken seriously?

      • So Why are you still here then? Do you consider your self the Savior of the people who read the CCO and think that you are here to set the record straight? If so then it’s time to step down from your high horse and get back down on the ground. Who pays you to read the CCO and come in here and attack it’s credibility? I guess the CCO is getting to some people and they are attacking back. At least is seems that way to me. If you consider this site Just a Blog then why would you expect it to be fair or unbiased? Everyone has a bias in one form or another and no one is perfect. Almost all papers and organizations have a favorite candidate and give those people their support.

        • Well, it’s obvious you have a relationship with this blog other than just a reader, isn’t it? It shows your narrow vision when you think someone has to be paid to call a spade a spade. You must have had a bad experience trying to stand for what you believe, so now you simply cower in feigned umbrage over someone pointing out the lack of impartiality and intellectual integrity in a little blog.

          Your name isn’t Laura, is it?

  8. Lets start crushing the political aspirations of David Ballard, an intelligent man raised in the 4th ward, who after earning his degree from IU returned to the 4th ward and wants to serve. No wonder our youth is not returning to Evansville, and no one with half a brain wants to participate in local politics.

    • I live in the 4th ward and I’m going to vote for Mr. Ballard. Connie Robinson thinks she own the 4th ward and we need to show her otherwise. Everything that Connie has voted for in the past 12 years has had a negative impact on Evansville so let’s give the young guy a chance. Remember that stunt that Connie and Brooks pulled by loading the CC meeting and berating our police officers over that Madison deal. The 4th ward is a high crime area and we need to provide all the support we can muster for our crime fighters.

  9. Speaking of superfluous positions and departments, how does the city/county justify the cost of HRC? This is a department has a 300-400 thousand dollar annual budget/payroll with nothing to show for it. This city could be in total bankruptcy and the HRC would be the last department to feel the pinch. A large portion of the paid positions in this city/county could easily be assigned the status of paid political positions.

  10. Wow. Three council members don’t go on the TSV show. Two get ripped apart for not appearing while the third gets a pass. Not really a shock!

    • I agree Waitamin, your criticism is fair.

      Ms. Robinson is in the paper goods business. Emergency ? Did someone run out of TP ?

      • Not really a concern to me if the council members don’t go on a show that has a 100 viewers on a good week. What bothers me is how the CCO doesn’t have the same rules for all members of council. Can only imagine what the CCO would have said if Weaver, Mosby or McGinn would have decided not to answer the questions that were in the EC for the candidates. But it’s their ball so they can do what they want with it.

  11. Is it true the water dept has been working overtime every Saturday for a while changing out old meters for the new ones? Will there be a adjustment in the contract? Is it true they are changing the meters in the oldest part of town? Is it true they have not broken any services?
    Apologize for cross post. Off topic seems to be in transition.

    • @stone:

      With the almost-daily revelations that the City is broke . . . do you think any of the City Council members look back to their Johnson Controls wireless meters vote (9-0) and wistfully think: “you know, we REALLY could have done without those meters . . . . ” ? I was thrilled when Connie Robinson stated “I wish I hadn’t voted for it”, but that was in the context of homeowners having to pay for meter pit expenditures, etc.

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