IS IT TRUE? April 18, 2011
IS IT TRUE that we are pleased to see that some other publishing businesses in Evansville are finally getting on board to demand some substance from our slate of candidates for Mayor of Evansville?…that the City County Observer has been asking “WHERE’S THE BEEF†and even posted a picture of 4 parrots that can reportedly mimic the words “CREATING JOBS†in unison but are really just interested in a cracker or a piece of fruit for themselves?…that we would like to congratulate and commend Mizell Stewart III for his editorial titled “Move beyond talking points†that was published yesterday?…that the talking points that were chosen by Mizell (closed door meetings, public disclosure, jobs, and parks) are among the ones that the CCO has been calling out the Weinzapfel Administration over for a couple of years now?
IS IT TRUE that it is time for Evansville to have a real election with candidates that are both qualified and humble with a desire for public service that exceeds their desire for applause?…that begs for some substance to back up the parroted platitudes?…that we are waiting guys?…that once again we ask but are not alone in asking from this day forward in asking“WHERE’S THE BEEFâ€?
IS IT TRUE that the GUNS AND HOSES event held at Roberts Stadium on Saturday night was proof that our firefighters and law enforcement professionals are much more than one dimensional people?…that these public servants boxed each other in front of a crowd of 6,700 to raise money for children?…that there were 15 bouts of 3 rounds each and that this year the POLICE took back the championship belt from the defending champion FIREFIGHTERS?…that Sheriff Eric Williams and Chief Brad Hill were sitting ringside supporting their guys enthusiastically?…that police and firefighters from all around the Evansville region and all three states in the area were represented in and out of the ring?…that is the government officials need an example of how to run a regional event that they need look no further than the promoters and managers of GUNS AND HOSES?
IS IT TRUE that Mayoral candidate Troy Tornatta is most remembered for his reinstatement of smoking in the county restaurants?…that Mr. Tornatta had the opportunity to have lobbied his fellow political allies in the Evansville City Council to have a fair and consistent smokefree workplace laws in 2007?…that he had a golden opportunity at that time to have been the leader of smokefree workplace laws and chose not to?…that siding with business owners over worker safety has never been a part of the Democratic party’s ideals?…that the City County Observer would welcome a cognizant position paper of substance from candidate Tornatta on the subject of smokefree workplace laws with respect to public health and would publish it in its entirety without edit or bias?
IS IT TRUE that at-large candidate for the one of the three Democratic nominations for City Council Jonathan Weaver has expressed that he believes that a public referendum is the right way to decide on smokefree workplace laws?…that we would welcome a cognizant position paper from candidate Weaver regarding the referendum process for such things in the State of Indiana and just how his suggestion could become a reality?…that we would publish his position paper in its entirety without edit or bias?
Question for Jonathan Weaver: While I’m sure your photo-op, “libertarian” statements were well received by the gathering of teabaggers on the Civic Center doorsteps this past Friday, please tell us how much a referendum costs, and who will pay for the one you suggest?
Oh well, I guess Weaver doesn’t read the CCO. Anyway, maybe someone else can answer: Which ordinances must we spend hundreds of thousands of dollars taking them to referendum, and which can we depend upon our elected commissioners and common council to enact after lawful public hearings? I mean, are we supposed to dissolve government, and go to mob rule? Or is Weaver just playing to the teabaggers until after the election?
I’m curious too. Why have a city council to make decisions and have hearings when we could have a pure democracy and do everything by referendum?
So, Steven, are you an advocate of a pure democracy at the local level? If yes, why are you running for the city council? Or if elected, will you work to abolish the city council, and replace it with a 100% referendum/town hall type government?
man soon2B you don’t miss a thing. good point
I think you missed my sarcasm. No, of course I wouldn’t eliminate the city council that’s my point. You should be elected because of your skills, background and leadership. I just think Jonathan ducked the question on the smoking ordinance by calling for a referendum. If every time the going gets tough you call for a referendum then what good are you? We can always do that anyway.
I’m on the record for a smoke free workplace, period. However, it doesn’t hurt that the polling I’ve seen and heard about shows that about 65-70% of Vanderburgh county resident want a smoking ordinance too.
i am proud to be what you cal us a TEABAGGER what do you stand for??? WE INVITED everyone BOTH PARTIES not just Weaver to COME AND SPEAK!! I am a Tea Party Pariot and a FREEDOM MAKER NOT A FREEDOM TAKER and very proud to be what YOU CALL A TEABAGGER
Thank You Very Much
I recall Tornatta’s involvement in the under the table passage of a “health law” that was described only by a number and not discussed. The public knew nothing about it and had no opportunity to voice their opinion prior to the approval.
I recall Tornatta’s lack of interest in, or ignorance of, the state/local property tax laws regarding 2nd residential properties. How long did his wife get away with taking homestead and mortgage exemptions she was not entitled to, while only paying 1% property taxes, instead of the 2% others paid? Did they reimburse the county for the underpayments?
Is this the type of self-entitlement mindset, Evansville wants in it’s Mayor?
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