IS IT TRUE that today is the deadline for filing your state and federal tax returns and always serves as a reminder to the slightly less that 50% of Americans who actually pay income taxes that life in this republic is not free if you work for a living?…despite the large number of taxes collected by our government it almost never seems to be enough to make ends meet?…while the federal deficit has fallen in the last couple of years from the record highs of the post housing bubble economy it is still unacceptably high for a budget that includes nearly no infrastructure improvements or stimulative activities?…the reality right now is that excluding all infrastructure spending which sometimes is justified based on the asset value and tax base it stimulates the United States of America is not able to pay its day to day living expenses without borrowing?…we hope and encourage our elected officials to bring day to day spending into line with revenue and to be prudent in choosing infrastructure projects that are price justified by increasing the revenue stream?…if you haven’t paid the government already then try to do so today and if you can’t file for an extension to do so?
IS IT TRUE speaking of government borrowing one of our more actuarial moles tells us that by the time the underwriting and selling fees are included in the headline numbers associated with the IU Medical School and the downtown convention hotel that the City of Evansville will have to borrow $80 Million to grease the skids with the incentives promised to make these two projects happen?…as we have been advised and as we have advised our readers this $80 Million is just about the absolute maximum that the City of Evansville can borrow without have the underwriters laugh in our face before saying “you must be kidding”?…this combination of buildings had better do for downtown Evansville what the Ford Center, the Centre, the Civic Center, the Library, the Victory, Vectren, the Casino, and ONB have not done which is to stimulate real un-subsidized outside investment?…Mayor Winnecke and his supporters are crossing their fingers and holding a rabbit’s foot that this latest $138 Million will do what the previous $600 Million or so did not?…they have to hope for luck because after this from a general obligation bond perspective the City of Evansville will be challenged to borrow money to buy a dog to walk in an existing park?
IS IT TRUE it has also been pointed out to the CCO that if Mayor Winnecke and the hotel at any price supporters had gotten their way and subsidized HCW with $37.5 Million as the indignantly acted entitled to do, somewhere other than downtown Evansville would be in a state of euphoria about the IU Medical School choosing their site?…but for a handful of people, City Council members, and the City County Observer the hotel deal crafted by the fun and games crowd would have banished the IU Medical School to the suburbs?…the next time some of the dancing downtown darlings see any of us who held Mayor Winnecke’s feet to the fire on the hotel giveaways should sincerely thank us for helping them get everything they wanted?
IS IT TRUE yet another City Council meeting has passed without a resolution to rescind the loan approval they approved under duress for Earthcare Energy LLC?…given the situation with the bond limit the City Council needs to come to grips with the possibility that the Earthcare approval may jeopardize the bond underwriting for the med school and the hotel?…if they let another meeting pass without at least having someone try to rescind this blatant mistake the CCO shall assume that all nine members of the council are believers in Earthcare along with Mayor Winnecke and Debbie Dewey?…that makes the Church of Earthcare a congregation of eleven?…our City Council did vote 8 – 0 last night to take money away from our dilapidated cemeteries?…Councilwoman Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley was not in attendance and can’t be blamed for that one?…she is also in our opinion the force behind rescinding the Earthcare deal?…even if the support is not there the CCO encourages someone to bring the Earthcare rescinding opportunity to a vote so the people of Evansville can smoke out exactly who on the City Council are to be held accountable for their ineptness?
This would have been a good day for news on Jr’s Audit Rebuttal. What’s happening with that?
Not posted as of this minute.
Now that the IUMS smoke has cleared, at least for now, it is definitely time for the City Council to stop the Haney mob from reaching further into our ever-shrinking cookie jar.
My grandmother always said that “No news is good news”. I’m thinking that is not the case when it comes to the impending audit rebuttal. I’m really interested to see what is going on with all of that.
EKB, From yesterdays conversations,my take on the run,or soar from “the dirge” as, presented lately. Dilemma…?
You know, back in my day, nobody took a “gap year.” The guys couldn’t, because of the draft.
I’m thinking that I am going to take a “gap decade” or two, and figure out what I want to be when I grow up.
I spent some time in New Mexico and just loved it. Beautiful country. Differing climates. Great hiking, arts, food. People seemed a bit more enlightened too (..I guess I mean compared to AZ).
I especially like the Taos area, but it is the most expensive part of the state.
We can not or will not balance the books of our city but we can borrow 80 million like we know how to pay it back! Sounds like a con to me!!!!!!
The powers of our city have been lying and conning us for the past 25 years
I’d think it’s more like 100 years of lying and conning – and counting. The Information Age just makes us more aware of it.
Maybe all of this spending is meth related. Evansville just got called out in a national publication for being the meth capital of America.
It is a disgusting problem. We’ve taken a lot of steps to lock down the an-ammonia and keep as little as possible around.
The best way to get the financial oversight you want to see…is to VOTE the people in to office who will make it a priority. Voter apathy reaps its own rewards.
The truth of the matter is that the public does not know, and CAN NOT know what the City of Evansville can afford.
The financial reporting for this city is an abominable mess and has been so going back to the former administration.
We await word from the Indiana State Board of Accounts of whether the patient is going to survive, or whether serious surgery will be needed.
In such an environment, how can anyone of a serious nature put together any believable figures for the host of projects currently on the table that will require multiple millions of taxpayer dollars to bring to fruition?
The whole surreal scene reminds me of a child before Christmas with a long list of presents they would like to receive. Hope springs eternal, but the providers are governed by reality.
Geez…Check this out press. WT..Hooeie”s the deal with that?
That ‘loan’ to Earthcare isn’t going to rescind itself. Nobody’s moving, neither Mayor Friend nor Butterfly McGinn. If Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley is going to do anything Monday would be a good time. The fetor attached to this scam is strong and not dissipating. The status quo is obviously just fine with Earthcare and apparently with our city council too. It really makes you wonder just what Haney and his consiglieri have on the rubes they took off. Looks like it’s enough to keep them quiet.
‘…the CCO shall assume that all nine members of the council are believers in Earthcare along with Mayor Winnecke and Debbie Dewey?…that makes the Church of Earthcare a congregation of eleven?’ ~~ CCO
We can’t afford the Church of Earthcare. The money the congregation tossed in Haney’s brass plate wasn’t theirs to give away. Winnecke isn’t talking and Dewey ‘laid her eyes on it’ and pronounced it sound technology. She seems to be the Haney Mob’s biggest cheerleader…er, choir leader. I do not understand giving them a pass on the $180,000 let alone leaving the $4,800,000 on the table and vulnerable.
I believe our Church of Earthcare members would quake at the thought of those con artists showing up in Evansville again, ready to tell another tale. Possibly a true one this time relating just how easy it was and who got what.
Are you saying it’s situations like this that really burns your ass Vis?
Well at least it shows what can happen when you get “high.”
Regulator: Look at this in jest, This would be mad..
Mad, weee dooon’t neeeed… no stinkin mad.
The utility pole had it coming but the squirrel was nuts. Criminally insane.
I believe your last 2 sentences are dead-on accurate. That’s why they will not pursue any action against them. They don’t want those Earthcare scammers to call them out on their ignorance and greed.
The astounding financial irresponsibility of this administration to continue with multi million dollar projects attests to the fact they have no interest upholding their responsibilities. How any organization of any sort can believe they can make any sound financial decisions without knowing their budget and then continue making those decisions is in my mind criminal.
Case in point: The O’Bama administration.
The President’s name doesn’t have an apostrophe, Ellen. It’s “Obama.”
How do you like the latest news from the OMB, about the premiums for ACA being lower than projected? Not much, I’m betting. Just keep hoping for your friends an neighbors won’t have access to healthcare!
Should read : “…friends and neighbors to not have access to healthcare!”
I hate that we can not edit our comments. I misspell words all the time!
Wish we could make that happen for you too.
Rand study released 3/31/14 indicates only 1/3 of those that had signed up were uninsured; this closely follows a McKinsey survey that showed 27% were uninsured. McKinsey found that only 53% of those identified as previously unisured had paid the first months premium.
Still no offical numbers on thr demographic breakdown to see how much subsidy the government will have to pay to the insurance companies for this gem. B
Between the demographics of the insured, the various waivers and sign up exceptions granted for political reasons and unpaid sign ups, I would hate to see what is considered a failure. Not to mention the resignation of the head of HHS.
The hard right, dead enders, dimwits, haters, racists,tea bagggers, homophobes, warmongers,christianwhackjobs, birchers, moral minority, McCarthyites, theocrats, and plutocrats will continue to blame Obama for EVERYTHING and give him credit for NOTHING.
Get ready for another round of feces slinging at the Burwell/Obama hearings. Maybe not from the Senate floor but on every Hatewing radio show, blog, website, Fox, and RW media outlet you can imagine.
That is actually true. Many of these Tea Party whits hate it when Obama even agrees with them. Then their tune changes to “Well, we’ve changed our minds about it now. It’s the other thing.”
The agenda is hate Obama. Nothing else. It’s why the GOP is dumping the Tea Party Idiots. They gave the country Obama. There is nothing but losing with the Tea Party.
The Tea Party is a national joke. And their leader is an obese, four-time married drug addict radio man who in spite of four wives has never had a family.
Tea Party fools can’t get over resenting Obama winning – twice. And that he will be President until 2017. They sit in their bunker watching their Red Dawn VHS tapes over, and over, and over. And high times culture is reading war on Christmas books by a disgraced former Alaska governor who quit halfway through her term to become a reality TV star. The Democrats love the Tea Party alright. The Tea Party people are fools.
Thanks BB. That was fun.
I noticed that Ellen seems to toss out some off-topic “zinger” – in her mind – just about every day. I’m all for her displaying her nastiness, but I thought she should probably at least learn to spell the President of the United State’s name.
Agreed but off topic and we need not diverge from the matter at hand.
According to http://www.vanderburghgov.org/index.aspx?page=18 the following people work in the City Controllers office;
Baker, Marybelle
Collins, Jenny
Ellerbrook, Kathy
Masden, Tammy
Nalley, Linda
Pride, Charlie
Ray, Debbie
Sanders, Phyllis
Spalding, Debra
and three positions listed as vacant.
In my opinion every one of those servants are at the minimum culpable with the deplorable state of cities budget… erm I mean lack of one that has any real accuracy.
This list is very, very dated.
Kathy Ellerbrook was a great lady who retired in 2010 or 2011. She really could reconcile the bank and books.
Jenny Collins got “promoted” to CFO of Utilities.
Charlie Pride is actually a SBOA guy. Tammy Masden is still there. Phyllis Sanders is the super friendly receptionist in Controller’s Office.
The blame needs to be placed solely on those in the office who have accounting degrees. You can’t hold a bookkeeper (i.e., Accounts Payable) or a receptionist responsible !
Then blame another failure of Evansville of not even with the capability to update a webpage. Regardless, the controllers office are culpable.
Brains: You are wrong! You said that those who disagree will give obama credit for nothing. I give him credit for nothing because that is exactly what he has accomplished.
By what standard(s)??
Pulling funds from the cemeteries is DESPICABLE. There is no excuse, no “over budget” no “record sales”.
Until today, I believed previous generations who did this. Now, the current admin at the civic center and the superintendent are now partly to blame for the mess we are in. This is unacceptable.
You know, when you drive through a little or mid size town, no matter the state, and see the well kept cemeteries it is almost remarkable. It shouldn’t be but it is. Almost like finding somebody who actually does their job. Rare enough that it bears some sort of mildly approbative remark. Used to be the norm and completely expected and unremarkable, no longer the case.
Truer words have never been spoken rails. I watched the budget hearings last year on tv and I couldnt grasp why Cooke was throwing such a childish fit over you helping him. Now he says nothing about this? Looks like we found out why winnecke kept him on board. I hope I’m not the only one who finds all of this to be our the line.
I agree and stand behind you on this Jordan. Chris was easy pickings because if he questioned this he would have been shown the door in a second with his facebook post being cited as the reason . Our cemeteries are losing because of his selfish actions. I don’t understand why Friend went along with this. Perhaps he isn’t mayor material after all.
A lot of people have a lot of explaining to do on this. I hope you stick with it and I hope the cco stays on this too.
– Davey
cdad says:
April 15, 2014 at 12:54 pm
Rand study released 3/31/14 indicates only 1/3 of those that had signed up were uninsured; this closely follows a McKinsey survey that showed 27% were uninsured. McKinsey found that only 53% of those identified as previously unisured had paid the first months premium.
Still no offical numbers on thr demographic breakdown to see how much subsidy the government will have to pay to the insurance companies for this gem. B
Between the demographics of the insured, the various waivers and sign up exceptions granted for political reasons and unpaid sign ups, I would hate to see what is considered a failure. Not to mention the resignation of the head of HHS.
The Rand study was complete and total garbage.
It was a survey of the insured and the insurance companies it don’t take information from the insurance commissioners.
The only people surveyed were the head of household. If you signed up for coverage for your wife and kids they were not counted in the survey.
The McKinsey number is old old news and was also a survey not a compilation.
The best numbers are coming from the insurance commissioners. It’s their database and they have have ALL the information from their states, not a survey. Their numbers are in deep conflict with both surveys.
eg KY and NY’s previously unisured numbers were about 70-75%
OOOOps slighly sexist remark there. Should read coverage for your “spouse” and kids.
Yes yes we know. Anything that does not support your rah rah doesn’t count.
Rand is well-known for skewing figures. It’s about as valid as Wayne’s figures on how popular the Mayor is.
I’ll take the OMB’s figures over theirs, any day. The fact that ACA isn’t going to cost as much as it originally projected is good news for everyone who doesn’t hate POTUS and all of their less fortunate fellow men.
You’re right about Burwell facing a nasty mess at the behest of the miserable righties, BB. It’s good she only needs 51 votes.
I understand why you might not want to take my word for it.
Here is a quote from ehealth Insurance’s CEO.
“First, don’t believe polemicists who argue that 70% or more of buying policies at HealthCare.gov had insurance already, as Republicans claim, in an interpretation of a McKinsey & Co. study that Politifact ruled “false.†Even at eHealth, which has almost no subsidy-eligible customers so far, 51% of clients this year were previously uninsured, up from 34% in late 2013, Lauer said.
With 83% of the people using HealthCare.gov and the state exchanges eligible for subsidies, it’s highly unlikely that they’re going to skew more heavily toward the being previously-insured than eHealth’s crowd.”
BTW besides the 7.0-7.M who signed up ON the exchanges there is about an equal number 7-8M who signed up OFF EXCHANGE because their preferred carrier didn’t participate in the exchanges or they didn’t qualify for a subsidy.
98-99% of those will pay their premiums.
The insurance companies won’t care whether their customers came off exchange or ON They will all go into the same pool. One never knows but I would say that so called “death spiral” is dead, sorry no skyrocketing premium.
Of course you WILL NOT here a peep out of those numbers or facts from the RW propoganda machine.
Oh and one more thing. Insurance companies are ALREADY indentifying customers with diabetes to treat them up front/preventative care which is one he!! of lot less than ER treatement. That free market thingy.
Just exactly like the liberal nation has been saying for the last 4-5 years.
The subsidy at the ER is 100% and the cost is at least 10 times more than the preventative care cost.
Very informative. Now I know why the unions were complaining about the affects of obamacare.
It is true Barry has been proven to be a pathological liar so anyone still defending the community organizer clown is with out a doubt covered in the greasepaint of fraud themselves……….
Why the heck was the EarthCare loan rescinded?? I expect nothing from Mosby and Weaver, but Al Lindsey should have the good common sense to call for this repeal.
sorry….. meant “NOT rescended??”
Whos going to replace the Mule at UE when he takes the Tennessee job?
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