IS IT TRUE JUNE 10, 2016


IS IT TRUE that we are shocked to see a house that is in both the State and National Historic Register is slated for demolition?…that the house is in a condition that makes it comparatively easy to rehab? …
we wonder why the historic preservationists are not speaking out on this?

IS IT TRUE that the Indiana Republican State Convention delegates have their work cut out for them when they meet Saturday?… they have a platform to approve and two statewide candidates to choose?…we expect that Elkhart County Prosecutor Curtis Hill will emerge as the candidate for Attorney General, as he has the endorsement of a number of County Prosecutors, including our own Nick Hermann?  …that Mr. Hermann is not known for taking any political risks? …the  State School Superintendent slot is being sought by Dawn Wooten and Jennifer McCormick? …the winner of that race will face the incumbent, Glenda Ritz, this fall?

IS IT TRUE we highly recommend that you turn on your television set to local news Channel 44 and watch AMANDA DECKER  reporting the days events?  …AMANDA DECKER is becoming one of the top news journalists in the area?  …Channel 44 is quickly becoming a leading news outlet for the TRI-CITIES?  …we would like to congratulate Channel 44 news General Manager Jeff Fisher for putting together an outstanding news team?

IS IT TRUE that our extremely conservative bloggers Bill Hazelip sent this interesting e-mail?  …Bill alleges that: “the media and Democrats raged over candidate Romney’s $800 shirt, but they are silent when Hillary Clinton appears in front of a crowd talking about income inequality wearing a jacket/smock costing $12,500″?  …Bill also alleges that the difference the two is Romney is a rich man that he earned it and Hillary left the Whitehouse  allegedly broke”?  …we would like for Bill to send us his source that provided him with the above information?

IS IT TRUE Joe Wallace sent us this interesting piece for you’re reading pleasure?   …as you know the City of Evansville was just selected as a site for the 2016 “Promise Zone” site?   … attached is a public notice for a position in the 2016 Promise Zone Outreach & Engagement Specialist for AmeriCorps program in Texas? …member duties are : The VISTA will work with a coalition of community stakeholders to advance the goals in areas of community voice and community engagement. 1) Assist with leading efforts to coordinate community projects at a grass roots level that are developed to engage there eastside residents, such as job fairs, community clean ups, etc. 2) Work closely with the public relations consultant, community engagement specialist, VISTAs and partners to strengthen the community voice and recruit community volunteer/leaders to engage the community. 3) Define and implement specific community engagement strategies and goals for the Promise Zone to build the community voice at the grass roots level. 4) Assist with implementation of the community engagement plan and program that will be sustainable and operated by the community. 5) Attend and recruit Eastside community members ad residents to attend neighborhood association meetings, community events, resources events, and other community driven activities?  …the legal notice also stated that the Program benefits  are:  Living Allowance, Choice of Education Award or End of Service Stipend,  Education award upon successful completion of service, Health Coverage, Childcare assistance if eligible,  VIA Bus Pass, Training, Relocation Allowance?

IS IT TRUE can anyone help us figure out what in the “heck” are the rules or criteria that direct the activities of the “Promise Zone” Outreach & Engagement Specialist for AmeriCorps?  …it looks Washington has just created another wasteful “Pie In The Sky” Federal program?

IS IT TRUE we wonder if anyone provide us with the answers to who will own the new downtown Hotel and the I U Medical School buildings once they are built?

FOOTNOTES: Our next “IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Monday.

Todays “READERS POLL” question is: If the election was held today for President of the United States who would you vote for?

Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.

If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us City-County

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  1. Where have you been? Haven’t you heard Ken Haney will own and operate the new downtown 5 Star hotel? Why just right now utility infrastructure crews are tearing up downtown city streets to install new gas mains to connect to pressure let-down pumps which will create an infinite supply of electrical power for the hotel, the IU Med Center, Main Street, Mayor McClintock’s condo, and ex-Mayor Jon’s office at Ivanhoe Tech. They’re called perpetual motion machines. And that will relate to the name of the new 5 Star hotel; the Perpetual Inn Debt and Rooftop BS Bar (staffed by the Groper and Messy wearing their corporate yellow uniforms).

    • I’d always wondered when someone was going to patent a perpetual motion machine. It just seemed such an obvious thing to want the rights to. Thanks Mr. Haney. Can’t blame The Yellows for wanting to jump in for 5 million of our money.

      The nearest thing I ever saw to a real perpetual motion machine was once down in New Orleans…

    • The yellow blazers won’t work for the atmosphere. Missy could get a yellow version of her old Hooter’s Girl’s server outfit and Groper would love to wear some yellow speedos with the FC Tucker logo.

  2. To try to prop up the flailing Trump fundraising and “new donor” campaign problems, some of the “news outlets” like Drudge and Breitbart (actually read by some dumbasses for “their news”), are playing the “we’re gonna repeal Obamacare!” card, or the “Romney is way ahead of Obama!” card…with the fake card labeled “new drone emails were “classified” and sent by Clinton!”

    Gotta feed the bony dogs some red meat, you know? Pressanykey…he will eat ANYTHING he’s given these days. ANYTHING as long as it helps a Planned Parenthood supporting, casino-owner who now is accepting much needed donor money from Donors who ship jobs overseas. (exploited, exploited, exploited)

    Well…here’s the Wall Street Journal (a real, conservative news source thank you very much) from the front page this morning:
    “The 2011 and 2012 emails sent to Clinton and forwarded to other State Department staff were sent via the “low side’’ a government computer system for unclassified matters—as part of an arrangement that gave the State Department more of a voice in whether a Central Intelligence Agency drone strike went ahead. The vaguely worded email messages didn’t mention the “CIA,” didn’t mention “drones” or any details about the militant targets.”

    Log on to Drudge, Breitbart and WND to read how Obamacare is being repealed if you like. They print “news” for their readers like that. Oh…Obama might have been born in Kenya after all.
    Have a good day folks….outta here….busy, busy…picking up a bunch of new equipment.

  3. “IS IT TRUE can anyone help us figure out what in the “heck” are the rules or criteria that direct the activities of the “Promise Zone” Outreach & Engagement Specialist for AmeriCorps? …it looks Washington has just created another wasteful “Pie In The Sky” Federal program?” (CCO)

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Community organizing by the Democrat party, paid for by the taxpayers. Poverty is like anything else, the more you pay for it, the more you can have.

    • You do understand that the Republican Congress controls the spending, don’t you?

    • Here is a good article about the LA Promise Zone and its goals. It also shows the boundaries of the Promise Zone. Go see for your self if you dare. This is not where the movie stars like to hang out.

      Here is an excerpt that paints an accurate picture. “The zone’s population of nearly 200,000 is one of the most vulnerable in the city, with 45.6 percent living below the poverty line and 12 percent unemployed, according to LATTC, which lead the Promise Zone effort. More than half of the residents over age 25 don’t have a high school education.”

  4. “IS IT TRUE that we are shocked to see a house that is in both the State and National Historic Register is slated for demolition?…that the house is in a condition that makes it comparatively easy to rehab? …”

    I’ve remodeled/rehabbed several houses, and there can be a LOT of issues going on with this house which are not readily apparent from a picture like they’ve posted. Major foundation issues, major damage to the interior, electrical and plumbing systems which need serious updates or total replacement, etc.

    If you don’t love the house and want to save it and live in it no matter the cost (which I’ve done before), it just becomes a rather harsh math problem. Projected sales price of the house – (total cost material cost of repairs + total labor cost of repairs) = ? If that question mark is a giant negative number, it will be darn hard to find anybody willing to roll the dice on the house.

    Anyway, even a really darling house isn’t appealing if it’s stuck smack in the middle of a crappy neighborhood, and as a rule of thumb the 600 block of pretty much anywhere in Evansville is going to be a crappy… neighborhood.

    • The environmental issues on these homes is what will kill you. It doubles the price. I live in this neighborhood did a bathroom last year. Not one contractor wanted to touch the gut work. The ones that bid on it were adding thousands to the bill. I ended up doing the gut and then they came in and finished. They are beautiful homes built to Anderson and Vetch quality. Mine is a 110 years old and still dead level on the third floor. Like you said though it is a labor of love not responsible spending. My councilwoman is worried the neighborhood will be gentrified if we allow people who can afford these homes to live here. Go figure why we can not clean up this hood.

      • You’re right about the cost of maintaining those homes. I always believed that the diversity in the downtown area made it more desirable. The mix of races and nationalities, financial situations,educational levels, and faiths make it a good place to rear a truly open-minded family. The total gentrification of an area negates that. Maintaining a good cultural mix is difficult if only upper-middle class people are moving into an area. Connie’s concern for the less affluent families being forced into slums and/or public housing is a very real problem that deserves consideration.

        • As opposed to that racist term “total gentrification” I take it you find “total ghettoification” better? Connie is just interested in keeping her power base/political base entrenched in her ward rather than see “her people” assimilated into the community. Connie is the problem, not the solution.

          • Your dislike for Connie clouds your understanding of what I stated very clearly. Everyone benefits by being exposed to diverse groups of people. It is downright stupid of you to twist my thoughts into liking the idea of “ghettoification.” It is sad that you are so trapped in your own bigotry. You can’t wrap your head around the idea of people of different backgrounds and heritages benefitting from living in close proximity to each other. Enjoy life in Posey County, Dutch. Stay ignorant of how people who aren’t like you can enrich your life.

          • Sorry to break it to you LKB. I live in Evansville in a diverse neighborhood. Multi-ethnicity, multi-religious (we even have some Mormons and some first generation citizens!). It’s a nice neighborhood. Starter outers, empty nesters, young kids, and retirees. Homes all date from the 50’s and 60’s. All in the affordable $110,000 – $140,000 range. No drug houses. And everyone has a job and a good education. And none that I know of is interested in being a baby-daddy, stickin’ it to the man, or seeing how much EBT, WIC, or other tax-payer funded support they can get.

          • @Fake PCD: In other words, you knew what you said wasn’t true. Btw, many of the homes in the neighborhoods where the sidewalk programs are done are not owner-occupied and are ineligible for free sidewalks.

    • 622 E. Chandler Ave. Damn, these people have new sidewalks in that area. No doubt paid for by the City with no cost to the homeowners. I wish I had new sidewalks. Wait a minute, I wish I had sidewalks (and I live in the City). Any time the neighbors have asked the City about sidewalks we’re told that it’s our responsibility. Something or other about a Barret Law. The City let the developer/contractor build the homes in our neighborhood without sidewalks and if we want them now we have to pay for them.

  5. PoseyCountyDutchma I paid for my own sidewalk. I have never got a dime from the city. Most of my neighbors have not either. But I do understand your diverse neighborhood comment. That sounds like where my kids were smart enough to buy. I do not live in a diverse neighborhood. I live in a poor neighborhood under the guise of affordability. This is profitable for some groups. Unfortunately not the home owners.

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